Billboard advertising (July 1910)

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Tlie Billboar<l JULY i, 1910L ffSTANDARD" means PERFECT IN MOVING PICTURE If ACHINES Is M othar "JUST M 600D"- •VTMBARD"—«ie "STUOAID" world em PERFECT In nan-nicker In In In In In meclMnlam InaUnpUolOr. OUR EXCEPTIONAL OFFEItr DnrlBC Uie next atxty Omjm, ire yrtn ship a nuchlne PBEPAIO to uy nnga where. ON APPHOTAT—Ton to set np tbe nuchlDe, USB IT FOR ONE WEKK. U It la i_ FB C!TX.Y SATISFACTOBX to XOO. mud does Dot Eire you BETTBB KE&T7I.TS tbSB AMI I UACHIME CO Uk muket—tnz It up ao4 ratars It to a CHABGES COLLECT—tf the m«>tit.w, glrm joa the (caolta we dalm for it. tend in jma cbeek at the end ot the week'e trUL CAN WE OFFER YOU ANYTHING FAIRER? Ercrrtliliir la left abstdotely to YOUB own XUIMiUENT, we SO NOT aak tod for a deooalt 1 OO NOT BIMO Jon IN ANY WAY. BHAPB OR MANNBR. We KNOW f~ " ^ -ttDFROTBitTOiOCI - - - il^ TAYLOR wea people, dt atiiua aa ar Jbbp* upon aad nda awa) •lac's -blereie. which she after for a horse, and anallr knocks at tbm bead of the baU<!T. AU these thlsss she 4oes almply heeiase she had been refused the pctrllcce of accepting an inritatlon to so for a motor ride. INSIDE THE EABTH (Trick-comedy; released Jnlr I; leojttii, 518 feet).—A coopte of EnsUsh- j men remch the nilddle of the earth accompanied I7 their ruldes. Here they And hn^e carerns " with stalactites h stalactites with slnstlr amah «P spoataaaooato. Bapkaats In- tarn ttitK craeaaea. aad othei XAX FOILS THB POLICE (CooedT: Mr 2: lencth. STl feet).—A comedy with the - laeihamtl ble Vax Undner. His performssee ken Is said to he Tety mack oat of the ordln- ■IT. BIDINO FEATS BY COSSACES (Edoeatlonil; Beleaxe July 2: length 338 feet).—A bmilant and thrfliip^ dl ggly of eQacstjianlam, dnrloc ^- . • GAuifom OGeotse KUne.) PRINCESS ANB PIGEON. OB. HOW THE POET SOLVES THE PEOBLEM OF THE HIGH COST OB* LirrNG (Colored Ctomedy-dra- ma: xdeaaed June 21: lencth. 490 feet).— ne aA)eet tells of the embarrasslnc predlca meat la which a yotra^ etndent and poet, L07 by aame. flnda himself because of poverty. HBBCULES AND THE BIG STICK (Ph»ii- taay; released Jnoe 21; length. 606 feet).—A nytholocical phantasy and an original and ex- ceptlooal coinedy subject In twelre acta. DOES NEP HEW GET THE nm OR, HOW UAUU GOT WBB (Comedy: leleaaed Joae S; ~~f fbetl^^hla story tdls tke aeeaoat arh aw a a( a practical phBaatkMybt. _ AT BVBRXH>E (Sccalc: wisiaad leattb, 4S6 tieet).^B this pietnre the 1 riMwa: .naac tta rtotea at MlMl Jane 28: length, 19B Ceet).—Sappcse a aaaHBtsaaa aboold aew a hidt etC dotk to the bade of your aUrt. aad yoa ynn the amy. Wosld It excite iwme comment on the stieetT Tea It woold. Thla happeaa la thia aohject. la fearfnlly exaggeiated. bat It la ka way thnngh. URBAN ECLIPSE. ((Horse Klflne.) A CULLS or THE SQUADRON (Drama: leaaed Jaae 22: leagth. G«S faetj ' ' mBtaiT tama <tf tte neat —' AM KZCDBSIOK INTO WALES (TraTelogDe; wlfaatd Jaae 22; leagth. dSO efet).—Toofhlng alx potDts of Interest Id leea tbaa tea minntes aad aeelnjc Jaat enwish of eaeb. ST. PAUL AND THX CBNTUBION (Drama; releaaed Jaae 2>; length. 980 tket).—A pow- erfol, asaAMll^aaa draaia in -dtfht acaaea. - ' 8KU0. GO WEST. YOUNG WOXAN. GO WBBT (Cooaedy: released Joly 4: length —^).—Mrs. Kelly nma a bnenllnr house In the weate.'n foottitna. harlng pilnelpany as here eUentele the cow-pmichers that work thetvaboota. Sbe rlth no end of trooble in secnring a TOS. BFITT—Six reels film. 3 aoBg aeta, tS.OO. H. P. m«c t il D eg. Olius, nong slides, bonilit and aold. THE CK.NTKAIj TKADING CO.. Water- town, Wla- FOR SAXE—81x reela, d.000 ft. of practically new film and fire or alx aeta aoog alldea—"Hy Wttema Oaae to the QpaateT^' a a d ag ft nl oth er f!?*J"«'-Jt„ ^JS^'SbI ■l*SJ«'«t (Dtaau; released Joae 28: leacth. T2D feet).—A qalet end I mp re ss lre atory «< e » u/ d y .M *e, Ipt ro tedag n o seaaa- tlwnal ^ fif aluie au aat ahowfaa beaatuai oot'^- doer aeeaea la tfee vietaltr at Sstie Dame. THE UVLIMlTEi) TRAIN. OB THE SEW ING MAOIiNE THAT TRAVKLED 1 Tc::]-iy: 200setsSOI6SLlDES$1.25 J. FRISH 138 EZast 14th street, N EL W VOflKCITV. FILM AND SONS SUOES FOR SALE OR RENT mtj faela, enpbB stock. le ta 9e eteaaat rnndltfiaj wU aanoa apoa laialal at ^Ses. with mwie, «MIO pv'Mt. nim aad 8<sic Slide* rented at ! the SouOl. «■!-!.» f - irtlcnlara. ■ P. 0. B«X iod. Vow (Maaw. Xa. MOVm PI6TIIRE MAGNIRES STEBEOmCONS. SUOES, ACCESSORIES. I iju/ 102s Main Stroot. KANSAS CITY, MO. EXH I BITORS RENTERS E XCHAN G ES Handy Daily Recqril Book ot ataaa icated and letmued. A M at the top of each blank eotaam. lUa book will aaTc yen the loaaea ai^ eatasgjementa too wiaet m^iwilll of Alms r^ted and retarned. tt la a ilBili. Bcaetleal~ The Church Printing Co.. 416> THE CHBONOPHONE TilLKINfi PICTIHES !■ Mew Yorik Stateiainl GAinidNT ca SXS REELS OF GOOD FILM par wade, tint ami iRflw, tit IS re^ SIS. S;^»^MLf"®* CiMUERS, 76 cw^ ^OOTBUIU I aad WOWT &BAK. SILVER SAVERS—RheoMBt for lue rn imirartlnc nirrnnt, piuuitnai, pilnSSS. IJftERTY FILH BEPiTING GO. AVBMUB. riTTSBUlO, rA. REELTICK[TS!i mm r- '- ST. l. m4NK HATCH FUM COMPANY HATCH BCJIEJ>lMda 10» Films F^or Rent 6 reds, shipped < t&OO; 12 wsh Gripped two i.tl4S0. EdisMt Bran Sprockets, $l.5a Tickets, 10,000, 90 cents^ Electric Glebes, 10 eenU eech. Cerbon*. 5^x61, S-8sia 93J5a per haBdred. Non-breidKable Wbite Coodeiuera, 75 cents. Melid SBde Canian, 75 emts.