Billboard advertising (July 1910)

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JULY%1Ma 27 ■iMH* cook Uimt li mmtrlmoBlal proof, u Uia ■■Mat > tt\t QottB of tha pot and pin tr- rlrrs. alie la beilrxcd b7 ttie boudert and ta- Tirlablr CupM 1^ work In. naall7 Un. KtUr, kTuwIog il«iprrite, woil* to tb* city tot a Cttlacu cook. This csnn* th» boarden. ■ml wbra tb* cook antiM to !• aato « r«r htirricd abnls t»,tka tos •( tto- rtTrt — t «r. Md b* llkcwlw «dla ■la wt as sracaMIr •• ttSM aa oat-aad.oat dty girl ■M aecntt th* place, looAy da- miittnf Capxl aad bla darta. 8ha arrlvaa. tbe taHB7 tMaiuioIt«ra tb« tltnatioB; tba meat* Ibrlr pr«p<iaaU with icom and dcriilon, drlrea tbem awar- Bat oo tecood tboaabt ab« de- rMes IMp BUI Par«oiu la hex afllnitx, and axaln trouble li rampant. Tben, lo, ba came—* tnstnl actor. "Can Toa cookr' sara Un. Kel \T. ■ Suri'." aaji be. "Ott boay,'' aara Mra Kfily. He dltl, trouble brewloff oo erery band. To aavc tbe dajr. Mra. KtUr marries b«r new cook. TlIC n.vIX-BOOM BOYS (Cosiedr: rtleaeed Jul; 11: Irnftb, 1.000 teat).—Tbe Ball-Boon Bojs an aeea to eater tba boardlas bonae pre- Tlous to prrparloK to altead tbe maak ball at tke L'aloD Ctab. Doaacd la tbeir beat tbey lake a tul t» um f i—aC mmttmmt. Tto trnmaUf «C tanrtH anpw tictatt «( aaiBlai t aaiia the» aaeM aC l iiia M i to > tbw _ aat or a paiblle slaea fUli-l* aCaee tbe le- dMklable pair, and Iber fMB •eenlnc foil of sarprlart and a few biliiija IIW If tbtj were atnoe bj tbe fair eba iiuir ao. as tbe exclte- ■arnt ilrawa to a doae. tbex reiwlr to tbelr aiurlmcnta and dream of tbe ereatfnl nUbt. Tbe, maralaf aftar. .trtfj "jL^^J^JJ^^ ^ 'VUa Blctu* ~ a B» i» id CI PAT AXO ram «w ccaaady: S: lenstb —}^—A Cuca-comedy Ola wltk a kreo. ricb aatM Bodeni society, tieatlBS spKUdcally OB tha saMeet of alommlac THE RAD MAjrsL^&ST DEBO (Drama; Irue Jul7 2; leoctb, —).—Arlxooa Pete had been a bad man hla entire life, bat eeea tboosa bis life paid tbe fortatt hla last deed BY THE PAITB •P-'A CHILD (Drama; leased Jsaa 38; U taf k, Mfeet).—A aohl kaica Ua poet o( My ts .aa ta tba bcdalda of hk djiac wife. Ha la cant^sartlalcd aad aea- WMid ts death. Bta lUtIa clil plaada ac stnadr fkr-her Mhar that a vatdaa is aecat aally fiMlrt'.llHb ~ EDISON. THE JUDGMENT OF THE UIGHTT DKBP (Drama. n-Ictaed Jooe 24: leoctb. 1,000 feet).— la tbla aica la abown tbe world'a old atory of ■Ban's Dsbt for bis mate. AU tbe old. atoRBS ef paaaloa and lore, hate aod rxTcacr are swept akM to a ter rlfle climax. \,rae unu noitUB (Ocaaa; aaihe* af vietsiy • THE .MAN BEHntD TBB ODH (OfaM; »a- leiM July 2; lenctb —).—A ynoac eoaadaBtlal clerk In a basklnt boose baa cambled aad loat a larse aom of mooey beloogi^ to bla em- ploj-eis. He determines to fet back tba money nasi the winner thronsb tbe medlom of the ja tlera w ife. Tbe hoaband sospects sooiethlnc is mag. His s nsnld o aa ara ——*——^— be dtaeaaera the alaa tte K ito dok iSSl^ «( tha aoMr!^^ ■?■ *»>»• DOCTOB (Comedy: release My ^.liHIh, —).—MIsa JnlU May U a phystdaa. piatty. Bto epaaa aa aflea la f ,^«*<«"^«aaw. AUlto wsitiiius (an la love with b<r aad I Hktmt mSn la eider ■aiTltoaH'Mhca la eider atoVwkt (a their caaw love with b«r _ to icet next ta Jtau^ Ma aa was* ea laair bbbm St^J^ *■» tham do vtas ■sack after laagk. 1.^1. ™? BOBDBB (Draaa: release July 5: iJiEr-,r".!:"""^^»^ <*• beaotlfol daosbtar of fedro Vsldei. U awlUllaa. atneallas U tba 'I?.* • cowSoy. wbaa tbe father r. I" ^» follows tbe cowboy 'V "'•'>'*<1, and left for dead. Ike's cotnpanloos S^J..^''5" J""* ««»«bter. who seek ref J*e with the sheriff of the eooaly. — gltola lore with Amits, bat to —.aw met her when later ba M ' of her Mexican lorer. KAIiSJt. j>r'lL*'.""''»"S SAOBiriCE (Drama: released rl ••»««b. —).—A afory of a Toung man r?*J* ■«•«. « tetiderfoot. w 2?"* ?'■" ** • '"rm reeeptloo, IbaSSiSSf ^ wl'°f —T « •»*• iliir. Th!a atarta tbe •Bead of Ibem. abia ttw asa aecwad aC dato StCwE'i'.fi*" tto aec«iaat«rnld aad SaiM 2J*22!* ■asteiaer to bear tto ' '" sa t l MU eC data Jamplas. Tba dear rad tto elsUaaee committee ca^ nna tba ye«ac Baateraar. aad decides to lynch S?-,Jo tto aaaa tlaa tto bad man bears of !?,-'Sl!!? .tortaafa peril. Tboufh woanded HI? rS'^ 't* "lloon brawl, he rldea to tbe Stl^.Sl sod with hii liit breath SiV "5 ••'da which place tbe Mama on hltn- and reetorea bU old pal to Ufa and free- rJ?g. CPM«« /B ERRAND (Dtaau; leleaaad THANHODSBB. i.-lZi^"','^''" StJNSHINB (Drama: re- Mu^i""" ?8: '•a»lb. 1.000 feet)—Planter i«M«atoo, of Kentncky bai two besntlfnl "•.ooe of whom Is known as Temprat 'm!^~i^ Sonahloe. becanae ot tbelr dif- JtU^^H'^S^ Suniblne It wooed by Bill yro^ tto eUlaaa postmaster, wboo she dors tw^wSS. Hi J"*!"*^ beatt to woo afti?*.g-'*g°-*!y_'* «g.ft«" Ja w^oaaa aa. aaaa irl'1.** wfia ta.SiSi5h dl SS&j!!' 8? Jeffrys to IntCTcept tbe lorers' letters. They •ncceed In msf Ins Jolla snd tbe Doctor tblok that tto other U nntroe. Tbe Doctor la a spirit a* pioae dcddee to marry Tempest. Soashlne rnsaito trae aad eoBOdce to no one tto sorrow •to toWfcJait aa Tempest snd tbe Doctor are w_to —tUd . tto aeieaiony Is Intermpted by i*2^ijS"E.'"S?S"Vki** Jfl«'—bsTln« left 5tJ? iwitjr ooea ara for- glTca aad tto lii m naaltad. THE IT^O or on OOUMTBTfDrama; le- !«•»« JoJy IjldWlh. 1.M0 faat).-#altar Ve^ la a New Tort maa. married ta a imnTmiii sin. At tbtt openlnc of tto play tbelr habgr duch- ter li chrlateped, and tto yoooc eeapla an fir- Ibc happily In their hooa la Balthnoie. Tbla la Is'isei. at tbe opeolne of tbe CItII War. At tbe first ramois ot hoatllltles, Mrs. North's brotbcr enlists la tto rsaks of the Coofederacy. when North refnaaa to follow hla example, and casts bU lot wltb tba Caloo Army, his wife bids him (oodbye forerer. She aaka him to choose Be aalntea Old ■-etween bto flajc sad her. Olory, snd (oes to wsr. Poor years later when to retoma he finds his oM home deserted, and altboosb he tries lo every way to dlacorer tbe wberesboots of his wife and child, be Is noinecessfnl. He moTes to s Northern home, snd there t>ecomes Com- mander of s O. A. B. poet. Mrs. North, wto toUered ttot her bostond- waa kUlad la tto war. cornea North with her bfathar aad her little nBadehlld to attend a renalaa at tto Cbaiadeiate TeteiaBa sad tto O. A. S. Wblla eat walkiac titth her sraadmotber, tto Uttle gtri la tecnd Is ptctad n bar Hortb qn bla way to attead tto Taaaloa. Tluoa|^ tto police tbe araodmother aad aade are notued of tto wbereaboots of tbe child, snd wton ttey come to elslm her st tto O. A. B. post, there ara nataal recoealtloos. and Mr. and Mrs. Mortb (C^tlnaed on pace 48) la—Orar aUeat Pstba n Aa ACslr ot HsartB'..••(••••a -A Kaot ta tto Plet tOmitn"' ~ ^leoa (Drama) Impaleoae&t (Continued oo pare 43.) ''MY 60D! ARE YOU CRAZY! Herewith, by permission, we print one of the most wonderful telegrams ever sent in the rushing history of the moving pictiu« business. It was received by Arthur Lucas, of the Sunny South Film Ck>., of Savannah, Ga., ARTHUR LUCAS, CadlllM H«M^ fiwir V«Mi^ "My God. are you eraiy? We lose six hundred dollars weekly revenue, probably more, by cancelling Imp films. Exhibitors rsf use positively toMoeipt aMirsubstitute. Can't you-get Imp films through soino l ib ui oa ? Qiilok action necessary to regain business." . I) Marion Lueas. Sunny South Film Co. That's the stuff!! I! I That shows how the exhibitors are fighting for Imp fifans. That pnWeBJliti* tttejr "m&a^t acc^t substitutes! That is eiioq^ to convince the hardest bonehead in the business that exhibitors want Imp films, demand Imp fihns, and are GOING TO GET Imp films if they have to rip t.h4>ir ft-gfth^ngpa bom. stem to gudgeon to accomplish it. Now, then, here are ' "TBF Mil iJHI IMI" Released Monday, jufy 4th. Length about 900 feet. Another I UK .mUsM. Mwu combination of marvelous stagecraft, supob acting and dear- ra^fteMaOila^M^ "THE G*LL OF THE CIBGUS" ^^^^^^^^^^ stoiy of thej^.dbeiflMW in Um. pvcr and tbea bcc^ to diagrdoog at your exdunge E£XHIBITOB8:~rIl^ in your neI^b(»lkt|iod^rlDcli is biqring wie^oi^^ That's the one you ou^t to patronize. We'll g|ve jrou the^ of that exchange the instant you ask us. '