Billboard advertising (July 1910)

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28 X ti e B111 b o a r d ;4VtY 2, 1910, ' -nt::: "ttn» tSUtit tBdMrtaul* oppoalte lex tn making a nlcht at the ig. The boor of ezmnl has anlved, and ooe of tlie yoans women, in ft maadlln eondltliHi, Is recaperatliii: In an adjoining room, the remaininff amosement seekers find diversion In tooBlDx cdiblea oat of tbe window to a tramp below. Be Is inTlted to come np and eat bis 911, but tbe yoons adon wbo aet«l as the Invl- taUon committee did not bainln for tbe result wUeh followed. Enter. The Derelict: exit, the .'BeaelMee o( tte piaytet. Be teen «a tbe masks «C aaanr aU pwSSi «ad tKtato itare o( his hoUa mim Qm little aailM «te kad Me- eombed aarllar In tke'vmalaK t0 aaaeBatened rerelry. reliuM If!. 'Ik* e enrtii m aC tawOW, only to be dtNOivmC M tte dnichter oC n* Derdlct. Ur. Sheridan, whose aetlns Is alwajs ripe with authorltr. was the plTot of all .the _ of the sketcb, despite the loosesese with whldi this effort seems to have been knit together. He has a waj- of dolnff tliinfis and, altbooch on the ataze onljr aboat half tbe time It takes to •aaet the tatbetj of tte ikateb, *■" Is celt to tte cstant ttet tte Btan _ tks uMUcnee as ■ sUee of life, no mattw 'i the cheap nnrealltr of the Idea may ap- I to those wbo object to cTerTthlng. WnXJX HAI.B—PABU>B PASTIHES. ' '^ 'ilmirtnm Min'n Han. No. «. toll ktm. and In one; 14 infamtee. Seem eranlac. Jaw a. Winie Has an aaalatant, or, rather, a partner, tat tte ability of this peisonallty Is aoeb ttet not ontll Wmle takes tte stase In one, does tte andlence fnlly teallie which one te teallT la. Both do a lot of ianline and pick theu ' way tbroasb some pantomimic comedy, bot DOthlng atartltaiE U terealed antU WlUle, In one, p<iiis a few melodies from a ataxe xjlO' phone, which are really marreloosly well plsyed* He tears tte loor from tte ttestis «Uk this imuxMMM 'MXIITtasT AND CO., PBESBitmia ,( ~ :■. ■) -rf;. ;>pOIIFBOMiaED. ' ' HSlsstle Thestze. No. 10. Fnll stsge; 10 Blnntas. Seen UTonday matinee,. Jose 20. A playlet which, in klTlnK tbe last chapter of , tte diagnstinc life of an extremely eeceulxte ateraeter, allows Mr. Hawtrey anntter ctenes ; to prore te an oncompromialac ' —tterlty tn ehaneter treatment. Tta cast, nkldi amt dlflarentlatca Itaelf at any mament Cram tte Star, leada, on tbe progiSB, as (oDowa:: DkTid Dnraad. s tankar. Bitchla Ling F'lll*^**"*! hia wife VirglDia Milton Jate BldMOt. ter fenner husband WiUUm Hawtrey A Ullef .Psnl PllklnRton John RIdeoat zetnms, after an BtiM^ncc of ■oTcral years, and, in^iwy nis wife* married to another man. attempta blackmail, altboogh te teallies the wife bad aincereiy txlieTed him to haTO been killed In a railroad wreck. H« Slowly becomes Intoxicated snd Is persnaded to allow her ontll the next day to get the fnoupy. Maasiihile, tte pescs of this tramnll acene Is SBiendarad to » ml ttlaC. BMsen t t> - tnns, howerer, saA WDi Us wUi is aaswer- bw > Ptene esU ftsm ter seeeod bnitead. en- tps for the escond tlae and tte second demand. Vitn seeklni tte contents of the safe, he la met and shot down by tte real thief, wte bad concealed himself and heard ail. The wife allows tbe mordercr to go free bat, taking his revolver, tells her banker hnaband, wtio tban SxrlTcs, that she has jost killed a thief. Kr. Hawtrey's portrayal of BIdeoat is flrmly artistic, yet gentle enough to mellow the nacon- Tentlooality of It all. Mr. Bltchle Ung ia get- ting tetter erery y«sr, sad PUkhictg^ss the thief, which pravcs la to tte Idea that thteres shoald te tte «tele werte In a dramatic playlet, acted to lost tte tight notch of satlafaction. BABN DAMOB—WniOAI. SKSCOB. which Is Mt hot csnles SSIM pcetty girls, seranl rather pretty melodies, sad tte poaalbilitles of s thaossnd-iier.eent ImpnTemcnt. Zeke, a mte alwrlir. played by George Splok, aeema to te the cause of it all. but tlie eaoae of Jost what la the qnestlon. He botta into a coontry en- gagement party, bat Is made as welcome as tte flowers in May, and sssomlng the reins of tte Tillage chief, coDdnets the dances and sttaopts to sOocd all tks ma iia w t;.. Aftar an, temsratt' as attMptad .sMatka of a araaleal eemeOy plot Is s dspsrtu* tno tte saaa aatli ot dramatle icaaonlng. Partlcalarly ' li fUi trae of a pocket edition ot that class ' aC IteelilislSL tat when this fact eliminates tte poaalbUltles of plot criticism, indlvidnsllty q m es too mncb In erldence and tbe principals I aniter Oder tte strain. In. Tbe Bam Dsnee. ~ ,ttete weak polii^s^^oot^ " iS^ iS ^Hh. lim J a m tiia m 'Am'iiium Aim XAH . aWa; for this J to pisase ss weu as something r,WUb six people In tte oast and Isac-drawnmat minntea for Uien to ea- Wt^anond In a seml-drHmatle manner, tbe Story of tte After Han dwindled Into Inslg- nmcanee elowly, bat ao sorely that when tbe big curtain took Its Unal drop on the act, the story fell lost as hard. Tbe one main reason for the failore ot maintenance of interest is tbe orer amonnt of material, mostly along lines ot cheap comedy, which Is hmriedlr aaomed Into an already cramped cond wieatia a «g ^lat might te a drama ot teal Talo^ tat Mt a diaa- iet na ehanet^^-tte eUM^jt WIg J S i ni'll i ^ at Dinah. Tte otheis In tte cast startled In ao manner worthy ot maDttai, tat had oppor- tnnlty been presented In ansa real, instead of absurd Rltnatlons, each member woold dcnbtlesa prove Inlcri-irtlnic. tbf ahlllty In each case ap- _^^^ffEarlng, on the eurface, to be annggly oon- OAU>WEU< AND HENBT. SINGBBSi xiuik- ER8 AND DANOEBS. Bnah Temple 73ieatre. No. 4. Olio, In ooe; IS minntea. Seen evening, Jnne 33. Two colored gentlemen, who make a brave attempt, at least, to please, after tbe cliarac- terLsUc darky fsBbion. Theirs need several oonces of pepper, a dash of anap and a good ahaktac op taltaa tetu agaia mmtA aa a bit of TaOttr; whkk irinTSs sDa8M:te>|laan tte most crltleSL Tte songs, whteb sis aaaeonced as original, do Mt derate tte ralne ot tbe offer- ing, and after somming np the facta ttet neither are extraordinary good dancers or sing- ers, it seems only teaslhle ttet ttey shoald stick to ctaea-llre aa a feature. Caldwell is a bard worker, and Henry an eameat member ot tbe "try-to-pleaas;' clahk so tbey shoald ancoan- ter uttie dimeailr IB aaltlaB..tiaaiMB a-alMtr. per cent tetter Sm ftat IftWt'.dt t>a Baah^tryHmt. ' : ' \.■ ., „ " :" '■■ ■ ■ CHiCA QO^P^ ntllttf^fe.--' Tte Great La France and Everett, who were socceasfol vrlth their Mechanical DoU act thronghont the East, are serrlog time in and around Chicago tor the Western Vaadevllle. La France has several acts, all of which are good enoogh tor anuUl-tlme fcatnrca, but haa In pmparatloo om vhWh, It plans do -wraproi* tte baM^d oSTa are at tte Blm Ulaad teoas this The Girls of Melody Lane, a qnartet «C jmag and pretty women wte teve been lO B ila i ^tte TaoderiUe UieatMa IV and down tte Ooast ttaie for-tte past year, wteia ssmat wad. . will gtra Obiease s i talents. I'.laat arnk In OUcago, i.aKlkdiS^* a Obcolt tS'flMat won their Another ateteh, wtilefa la thoncht to nasass vaadatflto latatsat. tt^ SUU Uud, la aoeb a lapotattai-dt _lall * abont a iflna*^ aas, Jos W<d^ ukajndoead tte act tetSk la dab* oratlBC Ilia pnmetlaa Into' a tBiMaagtb tflMr, in wbiok te win star next eessao. waiter DtMs, tte popolar city booker ot tte Western yaodeTlIle Managers* Assodatloa. wm take hla Tacation, commenclQK Monday, 27. He wUl Toyage to Michigan and Usb again, al- tboogh it Is daabtfol If Walter wOI enUrOly tamt and quit ■euftag aver aa waily-balanpsd bOToC TailMr< '' A t4ttle Bomanee, a eketeh written tiy AUan Dwan and Warren Kerrigan, will te tte vehicle whicb will convey Mlaa Martte Spier over the Orpbeom GtrenK. Her first appeamnes will be at tte Majestle at aa aadj date. qe« i» Bamn. SDVpdfltd ^BttBQT 4t Ing blmaelf laat vreek at tte Central Aoatln, and firing as tte resaon ttet tisl was not as Mc ss tte Ualestle, "Desp-StnS" MrTToe. tte bla^ faced eccentric dancer, win bis himself nnto hla own chicken farm for the sommer mootte, where he will gen- eral manage serersl broods of the best daaa of Minorcas. Tte Circle Theatre cloaes this Satnrday, the Kcnoetia next Monday, and the Princess. Wino- na, snd Falrbold Honse, at Falrbold. July 3. Ttieso warm niontbB do seem to Interfere, area where the best patrooage tsrots tba: IMBaga- ment. i BentoQ. Granby and West tev* started tn a two-months' racatlon tefors elalmratlng Olrena Day and starting over the Orfdifenm this tall. All are In Chicago, tat each expecta to vlalt tiio old folks bafoaw taking to the road axaln. Hiss Dooglaa, ot Douglas and Dooglaa, la lying In the hoaiatal at Laaauig, Mich., irttb a broken knee cap. Her partner la atlU milng eontraeta, howerer, anotber Miss Donglaa' part In tte aklt. Braham'a Fbotogrsplis leave tbe town aoon for forty weeks over tte Orphenm Circuit. Good lack, and we hate to see yon go. A pair of tte moet jovial of refined performers. Yardaman, with an entirely new act, will start ahortly for a complete tear ot tte Pantagea time, an accomplishment wbleh wtU take Vard. alwat thirty wseks. Edith Hanay .wM(<Ma>pellad ta oaaaal saaas oC her W. A. OifSt^S^MHStaJi atrsln ot overwork. IbsiVliiiflr dinBli'flak'amaa« leis. NEW YORK PARKS. PAUSkBlia PAU ■mle's woife^n tatb msrrelsas as war sa amusing. ConsMerlng ttet te baa only one leg. his acrobatic and balancing work and dancing Is exceptionally elerer. The Strolling Players scored tbe bit of tbe erenlDg. The violin selections as well ss the singing nambers were well rendered. Mr. A Mrs John Powers presented a conglom- eration of mirth and song. Laorle Ordway waa the teatnre act of tbe week. Her Soffragette number waa a acream, and her rendltioa ot Fm Dying to Act was most eothnslaatleally received. Tte Pcziy BIstaiB have an original act. tev- csal daadnc and alaglag, an ~ dtesd. Whfaa tt tas ftr tta ^ bars fMadatiea of a .thaatHeal It haa eaaogb aataclal to maka It Haneri to atBaet tk9. rinnrflalag lafl'Mi ' make dally ^ OeMB."Ba '•MtB:-'>Cr eagerly w aleb ed by Ito m ond s wte tbe park. AI. Moller'a Caronael la one of the largeat of Its kind In the Bast, but even Ita eoormoda ca- pacity fa unable to fill tbe demands of the crowds who have been Tialtlng tte park daring the hot apell. CecU Klraap, tte genial eaahler. Is having tbe time of her life handling oat the pastebosrds. Easiness at the- Auto Bace baa been excep- tionally good atnce Its opening. Biny War- Held, wte manages tte ride la buhbUnc over with glee, not to mention hla bolglng packets ailed with coin. Joe Daniels Is stUl setting tte pace. Tliia. popolar driver haa made many frisDds, and hb speed auiila bss been tte cause for osoy lepeats. Jm Is cartainly a speeder. Mrs. Warileld graces tte eaSh drawer, and ter winsome smile gets tte moosr- Osllagber and Cnimlngtem are etOl on tte 10b. The Frolic haa proven Itsdf to te s most tea- cinating ride. I. N. Andenon la tte operator, and Miss Catherine Bonan- baa cbarge ot tte I ac—-- I M IBS' —imIm— I a bss ohacge sC tte.Otacla Tte FroUc; his spieling, combined with Mlas Bonan's popnlstity, gets tte crowds. Frank .WlUela^-wte Swing, anaita •scene mokXntMai.-Jr.. at tte L X. U Baacb, loote tte ptetnre of bealtb and proaperlty. It amiles ladMsts. tte boslness telng done, Frank must have hla troahles eoiutlng tte caah. Arl- sona Bill, chief of the cowte^a, has a line of talk on bis ballyhoo which he ought to have copyrighted. Some class to that speech. The show Is playing to good business. Those with the outDt are But Hardy, Jack Hardy, CI Comp- ton. John Franc Eagle Jack. BUI Goodman. Bert Gudgeon, Jim Wright, BUI Harder. TOm Deer, H. A...A]laa.v Uub Qritf WUI* BMAe. Two MeoMfc. Haek ■ Oa^ft. .■giieea ketaea are with tte ekawy.-;- '-^, t. IBii aiasPs.' Weetiecatlen . coareMlou ia , WUUaa Oieea is bobm tsetnrer. crowd witb bba tna' tte start. With the show la Baixy Kent, Thos. A. Shorten, Joa. Castello. Green's aaslstaat Is sictalaly a wonder In taking cment Agaaa Stalncr la tte genial spirit who rules over tte eaah drawer. Prof. Ozarfs lUnalon, from Venue to Mara, la ooe ot tte moat popular attractions In the nark. AwriatlBg him are Mlas Tbslnsa sad Miss Scott. HU aaStaat ki ^-teaeiian . Mc muia Oaa- iels •AMrH.CJOWra DKAD. Saropsoo H. Joseph, the old clrena preaa agent, died at his home In Cincinnati, Jime 26. efter a farlet lllnesa. Tbe faneral will te held Tbais- day, lime so. Mr.. joEeph waa the dean of clreoa preaa agents, having I>een Identified with all tte fkmooa atews ot tike past half century. SIjOT IWIACHINES on baad and for aale, _ . SecODd-band weighing seues, card, peanu t and alecbic martilnM. Write for prices. UHlVLBSAl, 8PBCIALTY CO.. 1407 B. 7lh St., St. I-.ouU, Mo at arsaltr rcdneed prieea. seues. ea ' Stuyvesant Balloon COs NEW AND BEO0ND.HAND BALLOONS AND FABAOHXrrZS FOR BAL& IO»-m B. Main Street, BT, LOUIS, XO. WM. J. IRVnt Wire Mollis Bailey Show It eootfagj bar* seat tlcketa to addreu given In lettar «i alatt. Oti* otado, Tex., Jnly I-s: Benjamla. Tta., liv g4. Wanted-Ferrls Wheel and Menymo-Bound Wanted 0tc aor big Mr. Sept 8-S. Can oae acme stroag hlgb-elsss net and pay attrsctlozis. Privilege people shoald rvuH-tuh.T the Croat North -M niictif.Irr l-^lr, CIlAij. WillOIlT, Secy.. North iianciieBtir. Ind. Shiiwt ud CraMt^Mtt WANTED WANTED PRIVILEGE PEOPLE of all kinds. Shown, and Osnccaaloaa for Bis Cowgirls, nancy Shooters snd Bops al">r> 8 piece band for all summer. «> I M : 'i . Tra '"l,:-- r. T. P. AUNT DINAH'S HAND LAUNDRY Ncwnrr LAU«Niiia bali. oAmb. oi Factory now taxed to cap tfe '00.. the bit ot the season. SS^'Sva eamlval companlea now en note teve one. "Nnf Bed." Painted In colors. It makea as big showing aa clrena trout or big ballyhoo. A. B. Jack- eon, Cemden, N. J., wrllea: "Annt Dinah msklog big tilt; coold use more." Snccsas of one shipped to J. B. Langtord, treaaorer . Salt Lake * Loe Angclea B. B., brought two more ordets ftom 8Ut Lake. Fat Cobea, aor- eitr aaaa. aays: "Am carrying aao ss aide Ttefs what IkV ALL sad fstta, _,qB t tan STREETMEN and THEATRE MEN GET BUSY Orvnal Jeffries and Johnson Photograptei T. H. CARR, Morrison Hotel. CHICAGO. Fourth of July Celebration Committees IF DISAPPOINTED BY TOtTB ATTBACTION FOB THE FODBTH. WIBB DS. BTWU BBTrBB: WHX NOT BOOK DIRECT AND TAKB NO OBANOBST We stUI teve a nomter of Celebrated Attraetlona at Utierty for the iOourth. which indadas SBTBBAL FIBST-CLAB8 BALLOON MOTEL- TIBS. Onr terma are moat rcaaonahla considering qoallty. W M. NUAH AFIIttlllK '-"""'Mt fi»m» ip* iu— ».ti..oia niitB kti. qm* Bqasest l^niival in New Jeney This S^^ .'WM to toH'Vl'UMI. Attapicca of Firemen and Business Men's Aaaodatlon. Can plaos Other big ones tallow. Mo open weete. No dead ones, sttractloos. Wlrs or wtlta them st LONG BBANOB, N. X WANTED-QUICK Fiye Sober BiUposterSy Comedy Grcns Acts all klnda, mnsiclana for band, alto to do —I oalr wanted. Long asssonLtte best ot .TOT torn, two good downs; aober, nllabM wm stsnd bsif tares .to Join. atckamat Oaaadai Ik Wkltewoodt NIGRO & LOOS SHOWS FURNISH ALL ATTRACTIONS FOR Richmondp Mls^url» Gelebratloiia week July 4the kinds of FAT I sad P IA N IBJB ■BOWS and BIDDTO OBVIOBS. Oonceaahma (IA. Can plaea mMMHi far PlaaUtloq: alw WHin nAMIST, BAU.X FBOPLft aarSUSW KlOBd AMD LOOS, wask Jate W. Ptettabarfc Me. - wAnsD, roB aor K raro xoHB nrAB 1 (or band and orcheatra, also sOlo b-8at clarinet. Other moalelaai Oni place two good aong and dsnee eomedlsns and any good acta ttet can te oawd onder an 80-tt. round tt^ wItb two 40-ft. middle pieces; some, thing to teatnre; must te experienced troopers. Best ot feed. Show will play sommer resorts along coast of Oalf of Meileo, sll summer. Fins Sablof aod tethlng. Joe Bolilnier, James Leakey. Jack Wliltaer. Bert Jaoote, _aM Jim Jellenea. write. BOX B. POX, Maaanr. Bdlrllta 1-2: Caldwell, 4-64: Sommerrink Ktabaa. U-&Ut; Mstsiotds. IS-M-aO; Bay 0Ity7n-i — — Oattlac a SO-teot rids each ravohi- tionVltotUat like It. Strictly U s elaaa ot tu own. It la IS feet long) not a toy, tat a real live merry-go- toand. Can not tip over. Nothing <• break or wear oot Baa connter bil- ance sliding scst for csrrying riders ot different weights. Seata adjust tor aide riding tor misses and growD-uji*, Either or both rldera can propel « either can aUyp tbe other. Attract* more attentloa than all other devlet* la Ue parks. Write torteU tajjr matlon. OTT OIXOLX OWm Ow Ospt. Z, B VSas, m. ■>