Billboard advertising (July 1910)

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JULY a im Xne Billboard 29 MARK L. STONE AT THE JAP- ANE8E-BRITI8H EXPOSITION. FrlcDiU or tbl» svdI'I ■■>■) popular promoter ■rr rcdiilfota of uvwi that Uark L. Stone baa mrbi'<l the Japaneae-Brltlah Expoaltloa In Sliep- irils Uusb, London. Mr. Stone'a trip waa ipeot Boi't et'Dlalljr and be retiimed In (ood health at Qnceunlon-n. He conlemplatra comblDloK buil- 2h« with pleaauie trbUe abroad and It will ■fabablr b* a maath or moi* befoM ha graeea .SiMdinr .w itii'■M»', iii iiw .M .; ^.■ CAMfWELL BROS. IN WRECK. Inokaaei Wa«b., Jane 23.—Tbe Campbell Bna.* Bb<nr arrived at LewlatoD, Idaho, Sunday ■Icbt, Jon* 16 at II P. M., beinc twelve bouni late on account o( tbe first aectlon bctoc wrecked at GraoKe City Junction, Waab. Out or one hun- dred and flftr employes on this lectlon, oolj' four or are uere ■llirbtly bruised. One band wacon in tbe dllcb. (oar baeitace boraea killed, one aiiick <vi tuiuplelely demolished cuntalninc tbinr brad at horse*, all of which were more tir Iviu Injured, represented the total sum oC the wreck. Tbe accident bappeiwd early Sunday monias, June 10, while tbe train waa making gaot time, with prospect* of reacblns tbelr next alaad two hour* ahead of time. Suddenly tbara waa a collision between tbe chow train, eonsUtins of elfbteea cata, and a awltcfa cistne, banllns one car. The tableau wagons used In the parade were piled np In an IncoaeelTable manner, stand- ID( oo enda, wblle others wet* awltcbed acroaa the flats at Interrala. Tbe moat fortnaata tblng was that tbe trsin crew bad ]uat switched a car of elephants to the atcood section befoca lesTlng tha Jonctlon for tbe final mn e( aaranty-two JUVENAL'S VIEWS. fooda and a ■way aad dew M Test of the failures together and atarta to franw np a camtTsI of bis own, writes to rennlona^ claims to bare everything, so that yon bare to pnt real money up against bis wind. Tbe Bill- board publishes rentes Innocently of so-called camlrals that bare nothing but a Oyp Joint, sack of confetti and pet dog, and they are tbe Bnt to push up to another show and say do yoo recognise professlooala—protenalonal wbatT—. Tbete SM cogd eoMtastimalfas aad I bave sonia or them, nay ttr te help the saaaager and not knock, ae wben nay dnOsc wiftsa to Bin. dlDm aboKS' alwayp; doga taken. ft DAY AND NIGHT FAIR. Crown Point, Ind., Jane 2T.—The Lake Coun- ty Fair, to be held hen! August 23-26, will be a day and nigbt (air. Tbe eTeaiag show con- sists «t the special attzactlsaa la .fkaat af tbe gtaod itaaa. tk« -knd cMgwto aad Um dan- dnt partUM fslag to fan MMt. J. a. Ooadlac at MMdHasM. O.. feaa the swing ptiTUsfe and will ' with a ronletta. wh iM . lug »• A NEW THRILLER. Milwaukee, Wla., Jnne ST.—A new park and (air sensation Is making Its appsarance here this week. It Is known as Tbe Wloar, human streak, and la canalag a seasatlon in the Cream Olty. TbU act, which la new, is compoeed o( a man sUdlac down aa a little car on a cable, ■aktng a^taalght staadlur Maaee slide of " «iMa fNoi;* ICMNt taunt lata a tank • >Bat_wlto'i _ ,^ltalns a' diva ttfongb ka.iMkia'tiM' MISS DARLING RETURNS SOON. Miss Jcasle Darling, the famous roller sks- ter, retorns to America at tbe completion o( ber Knropean tour In Jnly. Silas Darling brings with her n new style ot skating, which she Intn- flnt in Fails. >^!Sy^!l( Holmes' Wild Went htt aI«o Joined, making sixteen paid a(tractIoil« nrrlc^I hy tin- rompsny. AONU AHUN. ,^ The aboee Is an exact likeness of Agnes Ahncat «C Ska Akscai. physical eultnrc, bead and hand balancing act. : ndned Mrs. Ahem la considered by managers and pieea aa the SMst pacfeet formed lady gymnast In the Wcat. Mrs. AhiMn hi not only aa artist on the stage, bat deslgna aad makea tbe elaborate •"•""lea which have won each a.teralatloa fee this act. „ ^ ... . Wanted-First-Glass Carnival Co. with not Mas than tea sood Shows aad a nee Attiaetiaa. Oood opptrtaaltr, UBBRAI, xmtlia. •te. "^»-.'—-fl"'-*-» IT If .r W—T'^. ^TT "-|*^ '^-^ *** *** n—-a ■» Jones'Buffalo Ranch Wild West lODWATJ show. Desfjr Kesser, JoIb. WAMT atnac coner and alto to straacthea bead; food trap Wlnehendon, Mass.. July 2; Qardaer. Masa., 4: Greenfield. Mass., S. UT TM A Itf A T Altf 17 The Most Marvelous Musical nU 111 An AI bstnunent Ever Invented. Nothing like It In the world. Produces sweetest mnaic, whether It be the ]oyoas notes of a qnlck-step or tbe solemn strain of a church hymn: In fact, any class of mnalc csn be pisyed upon the Bnmanatone wltboai practice, as It Ifl almost a seU-playlog Instrmnent. Flayed with a piano or any other accompaniment, tbe effect la entrancing. Tbe beat seller aad money getter for fairs, camlvals, celebrstlons and demonatratlona. Send (or price list. HiniANATONE CO., 104.106 Nassao St, NewjYorkGfy. Great Cosmopolitan Show Number Two Waiits me more Sbow, few nore Musicians and Plantation Poopio CbMlar Oiir, wiMa. Baatat llaaoa City. Iowa, week June 2T: La<^oase. Wla.. atiaejL wiak jgy 31 fimge, Wla.. atreeta. week Jaiy Uj Iron Moon tain. Mich., atrsetn. week Jaiy g PARK PEOPLE AND CONCESSIONERS It yon are near, XDMP HEBE FOB TBE FOUBTH, and If yon like tbe looks of things, slay for tbe season. OVEB BUTY TBODSAND HEBE, and nothing doing on tha 4th except at tha park. WANTED—Ferris wheel, ocean ware, bnman roalette. candy wheel, high atrlker, pit ahowa, dew and pony show, small circus. MOTE—This Is a good place (Or shown to get a SOllOAT DATB. WANTED, BVBBTTHINO THAT GOES IN A pXbk. We hate coaater. baatsw SHtiy-go-nMnd, howling alleys, photo gallery, hot lunch, abootmg gaUn, eandatte . laanlaii TUa la one ot tha finest parks In tbe State of Michigan. Addreas, I., }. WHITE. Haaagcr OAKWOOD PARK. KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN. 1MNTEB! LOOK! WANnO! THE WEIDER AMUSEMENT COMPANY WAMTB one BMre Bensstlonal FVee Act, two more (Aows that do not eoniUet. WANT Beal Flaa- tatlon People ttat bare their own band. We w&l (omlsb 30xW tent, seats, stage, acenery, onr own piano aad swell pictorial (root. Show la routed tbrongb Michigan and Canada- who la ahead 0( tbe abowT Will B. la. NUFF 8KI>> NO MORE PDNKS FOR MB. Tha abow la making good, eo get with tbe U*e one. WANT two Oriental Dancing Otrla. PriTUege People, wby don't yoa gat with a live oaeT We are getting towaa where othcra cant*. One week la an job act la thia ad. ifa^^fhj ^mSSHlfiaS^JntS*^ ** '•■OBLUI WIBDmANNBIMSi* BIOAMmieAMSH( V nOUOH mDM AND INDMN Wail It ily lir«llld buy or leaae gmall dephant. Abo wadd BlM'tD Peopl»» Whif mtidi Colorad. Addiwi MpT wate. ZXBAZBX MUIA QAPITAI, OF TBMt WOBU). PlOOBBUIVa XOUNO AGBKOT P~rV*"g Bxehange booked their llrvt act Jn^ their sqnars deal method with both managers and VandsTllle It 340 days age. alaea which time th«r ban, thraasb sonars deal method with both managers and artuta, nude napiecedented Inroada la old established teirltory nntU they now bare their circnit my notleeebly established and aia enllating IS prered a big boost to boot It liberal propeaalTs plana, to bo BAMOiO either Bam new bonsea weekly. Tbe serrlce offered by tbe 3 B. lias The affalra of tbla exchange are condocled npon the most M. I.. Blrachberg. permits no stalls or smpf and la glad at all tinea to " poalttveneas o( the (atnre i - thoiOBghly demonstrated laat week when the etata piled with. Managers deainng good serrlee, win find It profitable to arUata wttt open Ume for Joly and Angnst. shoold write this exchange at ired a big boost to booc-olBce recelpta. The manager, ~ or artlsta. A3! UBEKTY FOR SIDE SHOW PUNCH AND JUDY MAGIC AND LECTURER Swdkai out^ in iOielmfaml.' KtSiS OOEBs eira BflllioiHd* GfadmiatL A. Alfreno Swartz Family Actamriedpd CluqiiB Hifl-wire Waikin If tfci NhM Consisting of three distinct acta, S ehUdrea and 1 adalt. Act wire aetj no limit to height. Act. <2)j "-^ -• the b aby elep hantj " great sncceaau Pur tanaa> etc.. ROLL TICKETS •THE BIG TICKET AT THE SMALL PRICE" Your own apeeuJ ticket, ainr printinft am wJoifc a e cnfmt rtar anmlMnd, « KU»nmteed.^PECIALrarCCSFOf[ THE BIG ROLLTICKCT: 6,oo&-«i.26 Mfloiy-um to j an t TJP 10.000—3.50 aStOOO—SJQ MOyOOO— MUDO PMiVl Atpment. Ouh witili the ante. OONmXN TIGKBISl B^OOO # .l> M STOCK TICKETS—SET CENTS. Got the aawiplw NATIONAL TICKET CO., Shamokln, Penn. At Parks, Faira aiMlAamaaMal Raaartg. ft a iy w l w i e The Greatest Tan Kakar aad Xsoay Xakar la ear Ijioghing Xlirer Shaw. Beat peepssinea ever sgesed the Amosament Manager. Large retnras on a aaaU Investment. Easily manared. Any one can be sac* ct-sf>ful. Rnunlng expenses hardly anything. Al- ways ready for bnalneas. No trouble to get the people In. Tbe roars of laughter from pleased patrons draw the crowds better than any ballyhoo. Onr la p tered alnoca are aiade ot a. highly pollsheil niefert isaipiiilUBB w uM , Thar can ant last aad wni iMt taralsh. Sasse app ear a ae e aa the glasa Blr- rots and answer saoM parpoea at far leee ccet. Be- ing light in weight and non-hieakahle, they_are the only really portable .mlrrora erer made. W« hOTO made the laughing minor a specialty, aad can tur- nlsh Ideas thst an snre to get the mon ey. Write '^n'^Trn'A^PB^flK'iglij^^