Billboard advertising (July 1910)

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JULY 2, itia Ttie Bill board as Beaxy E. niehl ind Lool* Kercbop fc«T» OM rf uJb*" rl0« «!eo in tb« E«t. TMr Tll- Sol, BMl U well twtro afd.. . to »ot*r a content wia "S^/SS!^ "^'^^^•W. Cbintecler exhibit M •tJU vUy^ ^n't crow lood fnoagh. WIU U mXwmj* <m tit f»ace, luriof them oTer. rr*i KnlKhton It certiloly ■ bo»y. mta. Tb« Wltdiiof W«Te» h«re cerulnly exerted a mj»- tic iDflttCDK orrr the Tlalton at tb*- laUad. •re. Hoe «lon« the BamttT kMI* the tOem baa uid irues ample erldaM* aC the po^Uiltr of tUa rMe- , Maatcrr Feocht aaya tkat Prep the Drop la good. _ Tie ballyboe la fwft of. T iM Wl . y Surf anaor. coatlnc* to attract tka cmPto aiul iBcldeotanr. f»ti tbe npacr. Butt Welobenc'a boalneaa baa baw la.aao^ it the Japanrae Oar ttiat he had to Ma aia Suteader. Fraok Ardlo. back, rraak k «• the taataat bartcndera oa tbe laland ROUOH lllbERS' DISASTER AT (SSnCV ISLAND DUE TOEM- ^IjOYPS CARELESMir^ MIHWlAFOUt FABK NOm. Ulnneapolla, Minn.. Jnae SK^-HaHcer S H. Kabo), of Foreat Park. toaOMM ttat tbe week of Jo]y 10, a moonlight earalTal will be held at Ftoreat Park, belns the only oeeaalon of Ita kind OTcr held la the Northweat. Oa Joae 2S the new BIreralde Park waa opened to the public, belos an aniuscineot re- aort located on tbe banka of tbe MlululppI Birer near mnklln aTeaoe. Tbe park con- talW railooa teatntta o( entertatament, each IBJi aMBlc laltwaT, ateamboat excnialona, baae- lada. teaala eooxta. etc, and aa the wa^ aatetf ir aituM la laigr pte- Oae of tka wank-MCMnta which haa oecaered at OearT lalaai la a*aa saaia taak plaea at tka iMaSBMefa* r^ ea iST Baw wy aad JeaM* aJL- oa Juae IS. Tka alxteca p«oaa ridtac h aS two can which aude tte trip at S a. ai.. wtn aemelr lajared Wbca tbe ear* left the Oaeka at oae of the hlitheat polata oa tbe ride, fhe acddeat la aald to hare been eaoaed by the caieleaaaeaa of the man drlTln* the car, and ttat thrtmith any dlaarrancement of the mecban' lam. Moat of tbe Injinrd were taken to tbe Coney Iiland Hoapltal, where It la aald oae or two are In a preeailooa coodltloo. A aqnad of city tnapectara, under the aoper- rlaJoo of Soperlotendent John Thatder. want ta the UUsd on Wedncaday to eaaalaa_tha ridM. After rtdlas oe«r the Bldm. Mr. Thatcher atatcd . --i--..^ 1 ar aar part a< the tbe eatae- WUITB OITT. r «I B. Leobaida made hia bat J eC Mrit. On 1 Wilt I a. aa orcaalsattaa aC at White City. r~" fkUnr. raaa n. the Her- ttla d^, cflagre- ~ ~ aa wen aa Mr. RIVK&ytXW. It la reported that work on tlie aeradcocoe at tbia raaort la rapidly belns poibed forward aad tt la expected that tbia Aerial Ufbtbooae wfll be eampleted by tbe ronrth <tf Jnly. Ae Moaleat MUna^ure^M^w ja ^th|^b^^hee attracttoo wa^m waattir tteaai^B ha t — _^— _—_ drawn aiaay (uwaia Wvaivfaw^ Atlaatic Beacb, where auay fbaa* idM fMaa the heat by Ptece ta tUt raat laak. Ma a Weh« aad I Bud are e ii ilait araale to the •Mript-Mhta located aboat tbe ~ FOUSr PABK. I Bomt. which baa been aerrlnc mnale to of tbla weat aide reeort. haa been .jfaated br the Cartoa M. Ollrleri Bind. Tbe ■teeplechaae la proTtns oae of the moat popular of the t>ark'a (eatnree, while the (lant aafety caaatar. the dlpa. the (rand canyon and other . deeteaa .tan ta Car a larc* abare of patroaace. -Mh MhtalOla theatre at Foreat Park. Wbveh la beaked hp Wat. Mocria, la bacomtac popolar with the patroaa e( thU park. SANS socm. Oraetor, with hIa band of alxty, remalna the oaaleal attraction at Sana Suiel. Tb^» mnatcal ortaalaatloo la proTlac an excellent drawlnt card aad U an enloTable featsra to t beea who ate rood mmle aad the ac w aia tla o a I hgr the coafortably arraaaed eaalaa. BISMABOK OARDCN. Gbleaco'a elite Ooeka to the Btaaaick Oarlaa thaae warm daya. aad. la laMcaaa namben. — thia reaort. BIcty'a BMt lijte atloB at peeeent BATUHA. ■BlaK waefc at Barlala .—... , ~T aalelata from amonc weal Baaldana, aa fonowa: Satorday. Ooy Woodward. TlollnUt; Baaday. Mta. Fr>nk Far- Bwi, dramatic aoprano; Monday, aeorge A. nawttcr, tenor: Tneaday, Mra. Sara ShennaQ Kazon. cootxilta; Wedaeeday, Maariee Amater- an. celllit: Thuraday, Bobert Bins, planlat; fnday, Kaletan Attl. harplat; Satorday, Mra. In B. Blsahaw, toprtso. L.DNA PABK. Tba open-air TaodeTllle Inaosuratad at Ibta aoathalda park la prorloc rery popolar. while the many other rldea and cooceaatona are taklac adraatase «c the warm weather ciowta aad oa- tha Joy aeehaia Ma Ikair HIQHLAND PARK TO OPEN. —.'•rtaoa, Taaa.. Jaoa 3S.—ronaal opealnr of BltUaad Fark far the ataaon. la to take piace itaaday, Jaae ST. na park la owned by the aathaaa Street BaOway and LIsht Company. tM h kader tha pctaeetl management of Jno. b WMaa. who will book all ahowa for the with tba laapoflal Opera PERFORMER'S NARROW ESCAPE. Baaton. Pa.. Jaae 26.—A bolt of Ugbtnlag, followed by are dcatroyed tbe Dotney Park Theatre at Domey'a. Leblgb coonty, caoaloc a loaa eatlmated at tS.OOO. The entire boUdIng waa homed to the groond In leaa ttian balf an hoar. Bealdea the loaa of the balldlog the acta which are playing there thli week, loat tha greater portion of ttieir peraooal effecta whJcb will amount to aereral hondred dollaxa more. One of the performera, Charlea Grant, barely aa ea pad with hIa life by jnmplng from a window. Ola trvnk. In which be had $130 In money, aa wall aa a lot of clothing, was dettroyed by tbe flaaiea. LEVISON OP ENS H IPPODROME. Toronto, Ont., Caa.. Jmie 2S.—Ira Leriaoo pot ta a big hippodrome abow at tbe Stadlom. Ban- lan'a Point, opening Jane 27. Tbe Stad l om bai a aeatlng capacity of 18,000. The atage la 88 feet wide. 40 feat deep, aad 89 fiat. high. Mr. Lerlaoo baa tbe mlilMW t t_WU O- Bd- iBont aa pabUeity manager, lS IRf S aieaa aa adrertlalag maaager. SAVANNAH GARDEN BURNED. Sarannah. Ga.. Jnne 2S.—Tbe Coxy Boof Oar- dea was totally deatiayed by Ore. eatalllag a Mta o( taaiOtSL It waa awMj aa* anetly Ma P. SaoMt^^MM gSa for PAR K MC TES. Warren R. Ftales, general director of tbe American Band of Prorldence, la Bot trarellng with tbe organlaatloa thla aammer bat may do ao later on. He la chief of rbc Btrcr- alde. B. I., Rre Departaieat and dlatiagnlahed hlaacU by betale waA. Jaaa 18. .dnriac the auBT plarea tkat aaaaeA aararal jawe coal yaidi nS :4MImImi .ttnkvaikt, tiok. «a tiiialw ak- Ah:aaa*. Hmrn that tag loaa eT : ■Mana««r MMtte, of Wonderland Park. Wichita. bB.. oa Jaaa 90, changed tha booking of Ua thaatia taaa aaakal cooMdy to Uonia raa — , „ e^ Coi^iur^«MAJM kaa flM^riaee.lIay Van Oaten and his CoaosfC Band opened at the Casloo. TbonderboM. Kmaa-u. Oa.. Joae U. for an ladeflnlta. «wt. ptaylag a aarte!> of nicbily ti a tai t a. la MMtW^ leg bla band Into a grand uKhMM. aal ■■SlBK for a daace following each ceaeert. George (Slim) Davla nnd wUe, who arere laat aeaaon oa the Pay itreak at S4attie. are at Boeer Park. Uma. U. Mr. BarU la making tbe opening oa tbe rarloaa abowa and bla wife la looking after tha bozstill all-ya. Roc«nr Goshen Band FHk. Q Id Ita nrtaM mmm Hm XI. WW ~.w altractloaa acta are bdag booked. Johnny HogliM, flwiiKly cooneeted with tbe BIJOQ Theatre at Roaar l>afk. tJau. O.. ta now doing a character change act nrer tbe Son time. S. Otis Dot^ h M^ln ij^adjt ndnla- HYPNOTISM BaaUy learned by anyone In a few daya tliae. I«am to control other*. Send $2.00 for complete COOrae of Inatructlon*. J. SWABT, aty, Mo. W A If T X P.—Oa ae a a a l eaa ■Ml* IlTa moaay-fettaca on ground Of Rlge] Park. Tbe greatcat pars aoeceaa or the year at Newark, O. Candy Wheela, Money Vhcela. Palmlata, Specialties, Backs, GallctHa. AtMatloa. percentage or rental. Ap- ply T. l. ItoH, migel Park. Mawark. O, -%!?LEIIONIDE? If la yaa thsald tnr oar Lemomtte Powder. It la made fiaaa lemoaa red uc ed ta powdered fana. Simply add water, aweetea and it ia ready tednak. A ponad nukes 45 gaUoaa. Price. 92.25 lb. prepaid. Send a d^aw for a trial (gallon) parbage and oar catalogve^ postpaid. Yoa will be suaiisad aad deiighkbd! (CHAS. T. MORRisseroo.. B-2430 BARRiaON STUer. CmCMlOe ux. ALIVE Fltnt'a Baby Beats. 940 each; fUafa Olaat Por- cnptnaa. two (or *10: FUafa aecllmatad Prairie Dogs, t«* tm Pair laportad DtAlaa <nre). At OAKLEY PARK. CINCINNATI JULY S & 4 SUNDAY AND MONDAY COL CODY PERSONALLY RETIRES ARB'HB OOMUKIYBir, AMD WnJb MAKE HIS FAREWELL, HIsUfio aad Real, vMok is «■ Etfewls|leal Ite TriW imiM, CMlns mi Gostanm of Two Warlds COL WNLF. CODY THEMLYilW BUFFALO Bill PICTURES DRAWN FROM AMERICAN mSTORT^ . HE BATTLE OF SUMMIT SPRINGS An R"g-n>tiy Display of HiKtary Force aad Inifian Waifare, Baaed opon Biatoiio Fact aad Acted by a Typical Chat, Tnrlinling Soms of tba Origtoab FOOTBALL ON HORSEBACK A Grotoaque Cbmedy Eqonttian IVifuiiu anea by Indians and Oowboya. For tbe fint time presented in any arena A HOLiOAY AT "T-E' RANCH •JOE BAILEY" Tid Saddla Hina in tba World j TOGETHER WITH FEATS OF EQUESTRIAN DARING BY THE ROUGHRIDERS OF THE WORLOd ODmMninKinOnagMiietTyholaaBEBtwtitMOMdgiTiniiiininKlBlwwl^ iMiiiaBKa |H GRAND MILITARY ^TOURNAMEN'n TWICE DAILY. S MD • P.B. | AOpOSSHM (Indadiiig Seat), SOe. Come Rain or Shine | GHMraiaMli^'Oyear^ AH Seata pt atsatad fcwa SPECIAL NOnCE Tinsel Pennaiits, CaDes and Straw CluHrtsGler Hats Hailied. aSae Coaar talaad XIumI Fanoanta In aoUd aaaactad eolara: aU atoek "•'f: pdea. tbooaaad, laelndlng cases. Bed. white aad bina aewed u e n aa nl a. loa price t9,00_per hnndred. indodlng eanea; all stock daslgiis Tbe latest. Coaar Chantedar Hat. beat aeller on tbe market. gTJM) par groaa. Depoalt raqoliad oa ul ahlpment. Send for oar new, tree cmtalogoe; now ready; with all Cast. arlltng aoreltSee. XABEL A HHim i KU IM Park lair. BXW TOBX OXTT. BUXBBV niBBcncojBar YOV WBO AMD