Billboard advertising (July 1910)

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JULY 23,19ia Xlfte Billboard 16 Al^CP^ VIEWS Anecdotes and Brief Observations^ Serious and By -TOM NORTH. trick mt >U. am.kmt a gnat r M. SboTtrldge. formerly a well-known aod Srtbe ro.d for good, unlet. l»^jui«e« Jjj SmJ. After > *"'"<'5", le^J^J'iStai.V?* u,d openeU » cl««r »tor«. Ftom •lac tit h»» ballt up «b SSISSSSi^ iitiU ud hl» agfat - Mwi kr^r fg p^* DO .ttentloa to t*« rtow »•«■«■. m« won't even re»d a ilTamaUc p«^< Fred ToUrer tJi'Jika tk* •U right. VUku be atrack , W.S offered « job. «t <40 ? neit ceaMO. knt kjtrajjl UJgJM -~- tiiDki he kaa a •yk..O. S, nkc t Tke PllicaI wnily elvut- mk' m~ waj to Oi ht a rt ,. Wfkj. C tM aoaa ta- cIxcalatltM. I MM •^Se. ~M«rled Uf«''^Jha —(AtcklMO. Kanaaa. OMa). •! ' Kaaaaa. that night. ^ A chap aakcd ar U I knew that $3^59 BT .hale ol ■"■ ' Urn I kMW f I aioppad at ( nu *a» aore laaa boctt tnjNRd "Bed" DaMB at the L«««oin Tkeatie. Pttuborg. re- tarnltf -Red" la "aome papolar." bellere me. Ifk Wth colas np to Ua window and ba;lng a ticket, Init to bear blm mj "thank jou." He'a a regulmr liea»iip«r. ^ Jake Wllk ia back among tbe old (olka In Mloorapoli.. Woald Uke to hear him teU 'em attoot Ole VfislQia. Twaa hi. flrat dme UiraQSh. Be goe. ahead of Ttie Dollar Hark the comloc aeaion. lUgbtj tltxa^oj. George H. Hickman la ante the IdoUaed chUa of NuHTUle. He deierrei ill <b» good tUat* Itat are now coming hia way. Has worked bard and actUeved wcceaa. Here*a luck. ♦ Dsn FiabeU haa Inatalled a new trick switch- board In hia "IS mlsataa from anywhere" thea- tre, the PriDCeaa. la St. Loola. Am more than anxlooa to get back to SI. Looli *o aee Dan and hts pretty boaae. lt*a a clnch wtooer. Can't help from being, eanae Dan la the manager, t. t. rijaa aad O. J. Maloaey wen tcatored la< Itataa M- Panaaee. iMolafUI*. zoeeotly. «at tkaao.aaaHrt P. P. Furlong BOW ba. made the torrlC Tbcatrc, TiuhTlIle. the moat popolar In that city. Be- -. ftr goamar Maao^XklsfMiMg wm, tttSSk SflSSU?aiBif^'^'x-~i*?T*s' ' Xow come. Pabacfas'i Sew Orleana, with afler-t Victor SmtUey boofca *em. ccatly opened I kW^ a Ml < One of -tboae queer ooea In Kanaaa tbe dmy asked me which alrdome «he Gentry Shown were going to In. Beat^t? Only In Kanaa*. All of we'oni ahead of tented wrecatlona ttia nunmer (or. I mean thla wet aaaaoo) taaTo to ~_o«r capa to Frank Winch, of the Two BtUa' Great work, Frank. Cocgrotolatlona. «^5*!!f so'na to be aome fair, beUera me, at XaakTme, Scpu 18 to 24. Watch It. Bcala all bow that force anwnd Leaer-Brattoo eaer* Ukea to <be poolea. Barry Hopping la ■aw la adT«Bce of Down'e'a Dog and Pony Show. -5!?™'' .object Juat can't bels nam atatlag that there 1. only ONE dos and paoy ahrr. Whatt ^lOcr teotketar and Ed. ArUagtaa'got a SSTimSSiSSSS " tkair ag j ilShlea-wkaa real . "w.J'atnre acts. I gaeaa the OeatiT SbOwa ii,' 15^? ••••OB. look 'em o»er: Boae- "le 12*°P&Jim^aaa Lcaott. Part Brackart I uad< rear leaaa'-«a' Wa«-| It - ^nvv haa a iflre- XBBde. -• XuiUna. nar to' g»-lBto Mnadefand "oarted HartrvWyaarT Slpeaklng «r JIMM^ eallk M W 57, 'bat that la BoA 3tatte*a lHM>?aat kTa Mm 1 riKbt, hot It wUt-baTMIwrcd at Ko, 1 Chin S!^.- ''I tbe'regular FItcaUa'a «lntcr. Watch "Wm-gtd^r.'' vircuii out of Kankka City? iM, Wllllaraa i. 2 att'raetlnjr fct^ •• •» ■fcvracdDK mere atteatlao '»rTr ,'"', koe. this «raaon -than an-aeroplane, "» Tvmtrk. ahoiit the amlle he alwar* nonder why? Juat kind «• aak aboot the C^";nal haaiaeaa Ihe-Oeatry Bhowa are 4a*ag. H. B. GeDtry. one of the famooB Oentrj Brothera. ha. a alx-year-old daughter. Catherloe by name, that recently came forward, with an original Idea, called "A Ctrcn. Party." It la a pleaaato for me-to uae aame In thla column, and Ftaka guM Itfftm mrMamJuat CatkMrtne ick jniw ^Twi. mSSSuMr. Bm>g the ■tOI7. "It Is more fan than one can tell to hare a clrena party. Better arrange to hare It In the attenoon In the attic, or aomewkei* else where yon can be all by yonraelTca and tai daapar of dlaurblng aaybody. far yea ■it.'lii— his' at coafaaloa aad a good deal «C awg la taiw nal fas-'la.Iba patty. IN PUBLISHERS' ROW Notes of the ScN|0i jSiki^^^^ fo. BeoQnie IBts. Gooip AbolBl F^i^^ NEW-YORK MUSIC NOTES. Keller Mark and Frank Urtli are setting good reuilt. from their nonr Kuramer koo? hit. it I* being sans and,1 at all the principal re- K>rtH Throughout the coiiatr.r. The song la tl- llxl Down Where the .Sea Brwzes Blow. Cho- rus: Down. down, down where the sea breerea blow, _ How. Mmt. Itaa'plac* k tkaaaaaier to go, go. go; .Tm -4m^ ' caM- tar. Braney. your fcala SIG. SALVATORE ORUINNO, ■'Get together all the woolly, wooden and tin animala that yoo and your brothers and slaters and coualna own. and arrange them all around the room, labeled 'The Fierce Tiger of Bengal.' ■Royal Ostrich.' and ao on. If you do not owa a toy teot. you can eaaOy aaakc oae oat of old muaUn and a few stida aad ittlagB. Beg Bad borrow aB the co<arts Bad naleBl tkiaga y«a can dnd. and oaa them far the'parade. Some of you dreaa op aa clowaa aad stbcn prepare to act aa matdrlaoa. . "Charge pins for admlralon and InTlte the DOlghhor chlidlen In- After the parade haTC the akow. and charge to ererjthlng—two pins at tbe Ifnoaadr atand, two pins at the taff.v stands. t«a ai the peanut stand, five at the Wild West -* This meaua grt-at fun.*^ -•Mb>SAl^VATpRE ORUINNO. Artillery Band at «», Ma. Re la a be haa riaen tOf hta •■Orta Bad- |a>' •f-tata' ■ • Bis aaaoelatlon -wltb- this band haa been- x*ry plcaaant and he baa Vone miMb to IraploTo the eSorta of bis men with whom he I. Terr popular. The band la now enJoTing Its el|:hth 'at'ibls'parlr BBd i« goAd for miiny'niflra. The park management baa attempted to replace the tuind with other ancanlaatlona hot th<> peo- ple will not permit ttie "Juat aa good" brand to be aerv>>d and the Boyal Artillery Band haa become one of the flztnrea at the pa^k for summer amuaemenc, Tbe band haa alao achieved great saeeeas at 'Xoug** piiniOB-dolJar. pier at At- IdMIe CHr* te« <«*th BaTU* la tbt No aooner yoM alcfcci; I where the Back to Uy Old Home Town, the big duucb ballad saecesa of the Norwortb PobUsUng Co., haa apmng np Into popolarity in record time. Snch a aoog can only add fresh lanrcla to the already brilliant record of Ita well-known com- Msers. Nora Bayes and Jack Norwortb. Wil- liam Geller. who Is now with the firm. Is wme boatler. aa be has a score of acts tulng the Boags,' aad kaows how to teach then. Tbe (oIlM>IM.snBdB asa la tho charaa mt. lha: ' Ut.'7PMlialK.'... ■ BaA ta mr «M haaM' tain, li^in iMijIhiBg Is l e a l. With Its qnaint oM chareh aad shady. Jaae, ir yon only knew bow glad Pd feel Jiut to go there once again. . It la there a friend la a real trae MM Wbtia they'll irta yoo opJf jaa aia ' IIIb SMiM m I rdaba tta wgfl ■adTta nr «M Jostln Bln g a nd Fred 'W. entf«M!!^)Rna .AS ' Bager hare pat We're all here to « See yon oflp. we yoa Jingle bells. Jingle beUs, .llngle. ]lngle. ilngle. Merrily we roll aloor. toll along, roll We're all bete to. hip. hip, bip. boo-ray, Uarry Wllwo Is making a big hit Honey. I Will Long for Xou. which |8 «*• llshad by the los. aiacrln Maalc PnbUahliw CiT; ■ wocdB tr Arthar Loagbtaka: aasle fey Bd. wards. DlSkfeat qoarteltea sad staglaK acta are using tbe bis nlla alaow Cbonia: Honey, my besrt will pine for yoa. When the toll of dsy is throogh. Erery little itar blinking from afar. Will be .hloing ]n.t for you. My little honey, each breeae will aigh for y««; Blrdji be singing for you. taSb I will hiun an old lore taoa asagy mtralag night and noon. Oh, my honey, I will long for you. ♦ The Gothan-Attncks Mnale Cok haro sat oiar a new bit aatflMt WW Dam iMt. CMU Mack. J. bfiag iraaag aad ObmU %raaa. Chorus: Way down East. that', where I long to be. Way down East, there's some oae watting for I hare bonght that little band of gold: Soon I'll hop tbe Btst expresa. my lore to nn- fold. And when my hooey meets me by tbe cboo. cboo train. Ann lo arm wa'U ttiell ta FBtwn Lair. , - - - -- — Arm. Choras: Barry by tbe sai Barry Booehead Barry, we lOTe every bona te Us head: Barry Booebead Barry, aoUd Irsiy throoga aaa through. Say* nothing, knows Iwies aa aach. gist aa Ba *BaaSa*d iRmij wM hsad l^ n ' hO-' Billy L. Geller Is certainly one enterprialnj: yoang planlat. While .pending a racatloo a abort time ago In the moontalns near Cataktll. he wa. thinking what to do to while the boors away, as be was tired of fishlns. etc.. 9a be look his pen In hsad snd ssys. I am going to write a soog that wUl make a bit. So be sal down, and when through be made good, aa tbe song made Bill tbe same aa tlie Scllllts that be drinks made Milwaukee. "Famous." ♦ Tbe Musicians' Publlsbinir Co. Informa na that Mr. Fred Elliott, tenor wlol.t with Shannon*. Band, la tcatorlng their song. Too Ate the Queen in tlw Kingdom of My Heart, at Wood- alde Park. PbUadelpbla. for foor irscka. IMla- nlng July M, We feel perfectly Bsaaicd ot Mr. Elllott's aaccsaa. coaaldering Ua laagnWeeat Toicc, Bad the popalarity alnady attaiaad. br thla MIsa Bimay Abbott is certalbiy fe eeoailBg «•» ot the abtnlag Ugbta ia saodealllaL B<* act la going Mg. Slie baa one acng la her act, en- titled Cone Aloag Vy Maady. pnbllabed by lb* Kocworth Pab. Co>.. which withoat a dooM la one of tbe hlu of bar act. As It. Is her claa> ing namber. It alwaja caUa ftr sesBral caeBira, The Big Amerleaa gbar aa* Bnh tuneful aonga of tbe Jos. JMRli We're AU Here to See TM (ML for To-BMtmnr When I Thiaf aC'Ti HoMTi Haw I Loos for you. ♦ Blaa TlrglBla laocvnce. and her kida, are Using tliree of Ttaeo. Morse's ( . wlt>> wooderfm Micceas. They aia Wbaa a Cal- lege Boy Meeta a College Uiri. P bBib s JU*. and Gkiod-byc, Betty Brown. ♦ Stagtag Bird and Honey. I will Loag A* Xaa BTB being Bscd by The Barical BattB'fc jabo' are bow playing tbe somawr MMba tka coant^. snd are meetlBig with gr wltb tbcK two numbers.' ♦ Tbe Temple Quartette is featuring 1 Am longlns for To-Morrow When I Think of Xeater- day. and flnlahes srtlh' that aa« wailB BM. Walt. Me Tiu I'm Weary. Daailaw. wMtk la lie tat of their act. ♦ MI'S Lillian Slirer, the charming gal wltb tb« blgh class rolee. Is featsring the big mg bit. My i>ove WIB Wad tho■ Ww BB bll a h s d .b» Norwortb. She IB MBW: plBJlBg IbB BMWd Uaar with success. George J. Green, who was formerly c with tbe Masle Boose of Lsemrole. is now (oa- acetcd wli|i.J»a .Jos.. Baals Basle. Fob. O^. whcia ha wifn-he glad fs asa Ba onw Mnds at aay ttas. Joe lleSbane. st the tnpnadrsoww.CIth aa**t aad BIghth aseaae. Is alnalBg JlBady. aad a*r- - ^ i with tMB'BBaB as Ihr tabJ; l a ■B Mag gsBd crooMB' asra. .hbb scycs BcycallBg lha . Bd. LsrlTiere. at Keith A Proctor's 23d Sln-et Theatre. ]a maklns a Ms hit singing Jm. Mo^^l^< PaMlablsg 0>. hita. entitled Hooey. I WIU Long for Too, and Yoa for Me When Wlte'a Away. Bill McTiooBld. In the Blacksmith, ts'festnr- Inc J Am T-onpinc for To-morrow When 1 Think ot Yrstrrdar. ami alM that new aeasatinaal comedy »oog. We'r« .Ml Here to See' Ton Olf- ♦ Clara Senora Trto. The American .GfU In It- aly, with her Borelty act. ha* beear aalng I An . ,Wh»a 1 Thiak at ,Tfia-