Billboard advertising (July 1910)

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JULY 28, 10ia Xtie Blllbo 19 TbPM! exblblU were afterwird glrea to td- (Bllllc in>tlluUoii>—oos to tha Uuieum of K«t- unl Ul>t«y. New York Clt;; tbe other, to TUCt'n College. Staoald may ooe care to see tbe tvo fmctore* Id Jombo'a ikuU, thtj mij do lo br IwiklDg at tbe akeletoa In tbe mnaenm. junibo wia BO tDicntfleeotly adnrtlMd tbat blB very name waa cooacrlpted Into OW **AmeTl- CM liinguage" to denote blgoew, .It to aet te- tmiuontly ua«d now H • Of Titanic, now th«.;! iomlio. or why, ba* L — — Utt, Its very derlratloa'.to'.nkamnrtat tkU muA lt pretir weU eeUbUihidi tbe appelUtlon. janbe, wbetber ortcbiallr latendcd to. coorey M Idei of ImmcDilty or not, wu inbMqiuatly aavloyed to Indicate bigneaa. becaua ft wu bame by tbe tallcat animal cTcr knows. Jiimbo'a deetb occorred at Cbatbam, Canada, M September U, 188S: ' ONE OF THE OLD-TIME SHOWS. Jnly B. 1»10. ■sard to ■Tawlar. Colo, The BlUboard Pnb. Co.. . . Cincinnati. Oble: fltoUcmca—aMiac to jwur Iwt a lettw Itioai^^BHMto: BraOMts la tbe ChaMat^'BaatarTlMw and tbe good oia •Vey-Bnfir* dva~«( lMur aao, I tbiak I caa to- bcah Us meioonr aoai* «a fo ttalaga that traaa- aired many seaaoos betoro Meaaia. HardeUa Brotlieta donned kaea paata. and I eaa ftre tbe conplete lonte and raslar of tbe abow, trom ita lalUil performance to tbe etota of the abow In 1887. la tbe year 18TO, De Haan and Oatten etartcd a railroad abow oat of Obleago, wblcb bad two cars. Tbe roater of tbe abow waa Jim Boblnaoa, rider: Pete Ooaklln, clown; Cbariey Lowery, burdle; Dan Bice, Jai» Wabb and Bamnm wcr« la cbarge of canTaa; Obarlle Banter, Hra. Hunt- er, Nettle DeBonnalra and Hike Anatln Joined, and tbraogb aome mlmadctataadlas Hnntcr Mt the ibow Ta Ulaalatppl aad atartad tto Da Boa- aaln-'a Orcat Persian K i p ea l ll uu . eoaalattag of gwdir Boater. Nettla O* BMualu^ Lawto Da ■^**.J?^«?* ^aa* J i ya gP' w te d' tta i gaaada at '10. Tbe abow bad Caor ar Ota wt the ceaaon of '8S, aad waa one of tha beat' eqolpped wagon abowa on the road, and tbe iMle De Woanalre, tr a pe a e; 8. B. Call Xsow et kMt^p«_Ba«wba. .tnwHa; & OaUj Tlie ordinance prOTtdea that a clrena ebarglng an admlialon fee of ten eenta most pay a II- cenae of «S00 a day or 13.000 a waak: a ebcoa eharclng from tea to twesly-Ma 'MMa> •S.BOa a day, and a clrena cbarglaf WM ttn { are centa, IS.SOO a day. I twenty' COL. LA VELLE MAKES STATE- Cbtcago, Jnly 18 (Special to The BlUboard).— OOI. La ▼elle. who ontll recently baa been aaio- elated wltb tbe Toong BnSalo THld West Sbow, waa baay laat week In Chicago annring bta flrteada aad tbe abow people In general that If tbeta bad been blUIng wblcb ceateinad him In what waa apparently a daimt tndo aa the tepatatloa of Col. Cody tt -Wm 'MM( tenttosal on bta part. Col. La Telle bears a a tilb la a Ibaaoblanee ta tbe ooe and only original BaOaie Bin. He bar- bora tba tmpreaaloo that bnnmt and anaoance- meat* aiada br tha Toong BoOalo aggregation tbstand tbto palat and oaed It aa capital la a mlalcadlng auaaer. Ool. I« Telle aays that in bla eoatraet It Vaa dearly apaclfled that bli name waa to be promiaantlj featured In tba biniag. He atatea, bowerer, that la bla opinion thaae aitlclia at anacBMat wtia not Imd np ' " Ool. La T«lla to la te OoL Oadr and sriabes to ■a a iniam i i at that It la ao way waa bla ta-tike adfaataa* «t Ua memblaaea to that fbaaaa aan aad that tt tbU baa been done it ta ha kaowB that tbe leapsaalbUlty Aa to wka la wha.^ aad who la light la « cuutio ie aa y between CoL. La Tadla aad tba Tonne BnSala Show may oajr ha datemlaed by tboae who haar hath .aldea a( .flw atair. Oertaialy. bowaew. la Oi^vtMr. tha —-'^^ • RINQLINO ADV. CAR NO. 1. Tha roater of BtagUac Biothera' adrertlatng ear aomber ooe ta as tallaWs: Geo. W. Ooodbart. car manager; TSm Ooadhart. boaa hlBpeatar: Bd. WaAtw aad Oaae Staats. lltbog- taphara; B. MduOaj. M. J. Mary. P. 8. Tralaoa. - ■ 1^%^ "^^■ THE TWO MLLV SHOW BAND """/•fon. Lew WUUama and year bomhla aer- JLi°^?I?*^ """^ •» Carlisle. tbL .h^T'-.l'iS. !£ Ark. te tbe tall. The «^Li'^.J?* •» Smith. Kaaa. ilih^iff"?.?? opened at nttaborg. Kanaas. H<^« 52^r'K Tla»l3>n. Homer ro.J l-y^Sf.***^*"**" wagon abows oo the Slid.i!S*oT^'^"L"* "•»• or Hnater Oon- wlr.S.r'.SSfT*' ««»««tla» a« twea» baggage woRODa. eight cagea of aalmala. ttw^-* ■ the waaon at Plttsben.^KuiH.-^^L went by rail dBrlnattaMaJySTaa ™ W I friiff'Sr <S?^ BMdena Bme.). WlTie wSlS.': I«.CIeda. Obarlea Browa. oiiiie woeeler (now tbe eloWB uaaelw 'of " . Tom Ball Vnd oSk SSlaT^^'iSa (£ •OMT- I waa with James T.-Jobaasa «a thia jecailon. and at Scraaton. KaamuLthaa waTa t?o2S- eompany and 1 wrote a note y-M IlSf*™^"^ *?••"»" «n»«ag the aeasooa Oe«S aSSfi.^ SS*. ttjt waa no other than tbM JINJ^ o« Oreaelle. Iowa. • aiO HABBIS. HEAVY SHOW LICENSE. Sacramento^ OaL. 'idjri Idi—At tha aaatlaa or tlie Board of Olbr TtaatMS. bSd jSt? fr™.£K™r» *» P«*lMUTa IliSwi la to r^iL%r*i"' ■",?^««»s wiu SaTCa asked Hnl V *^ clrena Ucenae to ptovaat Ma tbreO' r OK diowa from pitthtav Ihelrtwta aasaaOw »'^" In Broderlck. aosw lao '^>>>g drcnaea hasa I aute (aba. Jaaa OaMwaK. ~81lm" "Babe" UCDeaald. I Carter. Wla. .MaUer. IM bart Whalaa. "Ja Kolfai ~ ' ' ^ 101 RANCH VKftFORMBRS TAINED. ENTER- Maaa., Jalj IB.—July 1 wm loag be d bj Oo ji et fBf e ia with tbe 101 Baaeb Wnd Wast.: who srets (ortaaata cnoogb v.'ud ^ SmS -a''aSSi&U boal- aasa aua of thIa etty. At tba doae of the afternoon performance at t^an, Ifaaa., tbe party entered bargea aad were driTca to tbe raUroad where a apodal oar cea- reycd tbam to Boetoo. Hers kafta - were again oatercd and tbe party proecadad 'ta Mr: Bobba* factory. After Inapecting aame. the pcrtonncrs and Inrlted gneeta were treated to a very olaborate epiead. .Before the gathering broke np. Fred Boms, tor tbe eempany, nude a few appropriate re- aurfce and Ifr. Bobbs feelingly tvspooded. Slnglag and dandag wan aezt la order aad later tbe eompeny retanad^Oa tha Jkav. BHaada where tbe erenlng largo a a d l e s ea. I* r - ■ by a also BILLPOSTBRSi^^lrWH IN;MieHi9AN. OwoasOb Mleh.. JMIr U.—aarawl maashsca at tta ciaw «( B^ toy fca thara* adwt Matat «T SSr ahtawaaacs*UTar at 'Owwao.^lK'^no largest catch was aiads by Bd. Wachtir. who laaidcd aa eatra flna black baaa. ...>. .. ^-v Deacoa DeUmore. tbe wcU-kaowa an a oa ac e r . baa tha Tealcs Theatre at Waldameer Park, Ma. Pa. Ur. Ddlmors wss the odMal aa- WARNINGtoSHOWMEN WE HEREBY SERVE NOTICE That our 1910 of Show .Equipn aati> bbb^ii bI newi^ to tout buriDess, andjiMBMditBBir. IPS FBBB-^BMDIORIX. WepdpfcbMtbMOMBon iOiaoddnr. OotaigmwtBtlowi ')■. Wbbbb dlin MmtBlorBOLTE 4WEYER IJOHTa UNITED STATES TENT & AWNING CO. cow. p. NEUMANN. Jr., Proa. JOHN C. MeCAFFERY, Troaa. 22-28 North Desplaines Street, WALTER F. DRIVER, Viea-Proa. EDWARD R. LITZmaER, Sao'y- CHICAGO, ILL. WA.NXEO FX>R Campbell BroSo' Annex Musical act, lady contortionist, bag piper, oriental and colored musicians. Any act suitable for side show wire or write Thos. W. Ryan, mgr. Route: July 20 Casselton, N: D.; 2t Ptiriiaii^lllnn;; 22B^ 500 RHESUS MONKEYS ALL SIZES. Monster Regal Python SaalBM^ . • - DdLrk-tailed Pythons, * • 'Pythons,- - - - Chacma Baboons, etdv fllca^ — ^mx LOTOS ^2tt $400 - $10 to $300 - ^18 19 f too YORK CITY MURRAY & COMPANY (INCORPORATEX» One repectoira 70x85, 10-ft. side wall. Top, 8 ounce drill. Side waU,6XoiiDii(B«diiQl: tiuvoiuhly roped; u^ed three weeks. Fdce. S220.00 PalMaiid;«litei,-$40L«Ot--^^^^^ -: 6i «4a Mertdlart Street. CHICAC.O. SEND AT ONCE for Our Big List off SECOND-HAND TENTS. .'•■'V.'."-: W. Ontario 8U CHICAGO. I THREE HOTEL CARS Blearing eapMhiM^ 11, 23 and 25 Kngie. ALSO EVERY SORT OF CARS FOR SHOW PURPOSES fflCIS LOCOIIOTIVE AND CAR WORKS, Riker BdUinc Oucago. GREAT PARKER SHOWS! CON T.^'KENllKDV, Gonoral Managop. ROUTE—Grand Forks, K. D., Ja|y 18th to 23rd; Minot, N. D., July 30th. On Aeeeunt of Enlarging th* •n routawlththo ORCAT PATTCRSON SHOWS, I want to hoar from all FREAKS Lone leoton and me nlur. Send pbotus wblcb vui b« retonwd If tcqanted. AdUm*. J. I.- gtgkMO^lb^i^^^ira.^con^ Gtoot Potteraon Sbon. WlnnlpeB. Hon.. natU Jolj S3: wiMW*, JOSEPH V. SHERRY Principal Pioducing Clown .1910 JOHN A. .SPi