Billboard advertising (Aug 1910)

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X tt e Billboard AUGUST fl^ lAft'* .Gottschalk Theatre, Aberdeen, South Dakota, De- • stroyed by Fire That Originates There and Spreads Oyer ^tire Block-~Insurance Retunis Abrrdeeo. S. D.. July 26.—On the alsht of July 20. ft dtsastfOD« Ore ortclnx^ Ootts- chalk Theatre and burned the entire block, with moat o( the eqaipment ud fnmlalilaca la Ie*a. than two tioorv, bringing a loas to the property awners exceeding (100,000. Cbas. Goctaclialk was the heaTiest anfferer from the fire, loslBS. on hla own estate 975,000. oa which he held less tban (13,000 losnrahce. The list of the principJc enterprises snfferlng loss Is as follows: Gottscbalk Theatre, bntld- iDC and effects; Gottsehalk ADdltorlam, Gotta- chalk Show Print, maehtnerr and •toek, and B. la. Walker, theatre olBee and dteolt tecords. Tk» tn ftarteO. It la thoasht, from the elcc- Me MlM Vires, and was dtaeoTcred by Ed. the stage carpenter, who petBOOSlly WHEELING PARK NOTES. at mu^tOMt oC tka Wbcellos Park, Is baring one of the beat naaaai in the history of the park. The split VMfc'nadeTille Is a (rest drawio; card, as mS as Ibe conr- teoos treatment shown by the maaaicement. The company Is composed of men capable of baodltDS parks, which Is shown by the snccees attained so far this season. Manager of at- tractloos. Jas. A. Frreman. U kItIok to the pohUc abont the best In Taoderllle.' The man- asnxat ezvccts to tamed in the alarm. The fire had gained good headn-ay when flret seen, and was borolDg nnder the stage abont the footlights. The Sre was coafined to the rear of the theatre {or halt an boar after disooverj-. and the occupants of the adjoining balldiQgs toolf adraotage ->f the time to .carry ont all movable articles. The tbeatre, which also Included the three, story opera botal,' «M.-« Mck Tcacar aumO — bnilt eight yeas 'aiji^' tM^mmg aaotbcr aaA Ore as this. n. L. Walker, manager of the theatre and also the Walker Clhcult. TCIiOTts that the books were &iled with good eogaicements tor the early fall and winter, whicfa wUl bow have to be cancelled becaose of the lack at a suitable place tor the staclax of tbe .pUya. and wkere bo waa Hacac la ■ _ soon came oot In good abape. . Agitation 'is already started among some of the prominent men of the cil^ which will prob- ably result In a nf'w opcra^noose for Aberdeen this summer. Tlie iieir stnieture will cost near tlOO.oeo, and .the' bDndlii("wlwa coioplete win be ow aC .'ttBllMat lV^a* ' CONTROL CIRCUIT Shuberts and John Cort Now Control Entire Cham- berh'n-Harrington Circuit Throu;^ Acquisitioi|; ojt Grand: Opera House at Burlington, Iowa Burlington, Iowa, \uz- 1-—John Cort. the western theatrical magnate, ban btMronie note owner of the Grand Opera House In this city. The Shuberts and Cort now own the entire Cbamberlln-HarriQcton Circuit in Iowa, IthnoU and HiSGOnrl. Ibe-figures are not given out. but it Is understood that the price Ik cocsldeml Te^ fair oap^ This (nrtlcally wind* up a Tery fair oar. This prartlcaUy wind* up tlw ChaBkodia Gkc^ wUt^ .m mmr >««• «aa «M aC MM iapwtat la:tta-.M«e . . K. J.. July 30.—>Ibc-Beaaon at Bay- Park, BaroBa*. N. J., siiiai to bars Jnst ' and tblnss are gobn; (atwatd with Tile wan weatber of tbo paat tew weeks baa worked, wooden for Uda loort. aad Manag er Stewart-' «ad tbe cfl acaaalona lr ta are wcaiiac the smile that wHl aot fade. Bostness la better new .tban at aar time tbia season. Darkacoa aad-Dasni, the skating rlok and the daaee holla are doing a cafMdty bnslneas. Air- ship Olgbts ate being held at this place every dar. aad this Is attiactlas aomaala to the paifc. . ■ • - '•- The Grand Opera Hooae was _ anil n-as opent'd on J^onary 2. mt^-bsr- Emma Abb-ift Company In Fra OlmHIa. ^Xi of Ibe older 'Barliagtaniaaa bare SBM _' cUorisbfd psas n i l sn a aoneate psogmH «C the first attractlaa. priatad 4W allk. Tbe* ttefcrta ware aoU at $!• each. The original coat. a( the ■ae st r attat e seas tSS,Oin, bdt very nuuqr Tcir cxpcnsHe lapioireiBenta bare been made In the laterTeniog years and the bouse could not be replaced 'for SIOO.OOO to-day. Tbe original or- ganisation iadnded many of the leading men o/ ttie city, as for Instance; E. D. Rand, presd- dent: W. W. Nassau. .Tlce-presldent: W. W.. Baldwin, secretary; Chas. Starker. S. H. Joneii' anil C. P. Swnlri>s. buildlne rommltte*: Col. S. V. Shlpm-^n. of Chii-n-.\ .ircbltcct; N. B. Bush^ nell, of Chicago. bullJer. The original manager waa George A. Duncan, who waa followed by m. JL-WnkhaiB. aftac fetat caaa J«ka G. JUn- CHAS. KIMBALL, HIS DOG HIPPO, AND .3 BILLBOARD READERS. Performers Warned | Mr sm^Tl -: ampaaK baA- Ueeaaed Book in g I booking their . nmber of per- I who baia been stMg RcsaOr ■eeepoos ■aaaacs fraa Ir r enw i isib l a partiea. A local drenlt wbldi was laanAcd la the latter part of Jnne Is no more^ The president of the company, an old-time comedian, personal- ly booked a nnml>er of iierformers into a Clere. land park to work for bim. At the end of tbe week there was $26 In the treasory to pay $100 or over In s.nlarle«. The clrcnlt was being operated f>crely upon nerve and -without a license. One of the teams attached tbe presi- dent's personal baggsge and be blew tbe town. A certain New York dxa raaabig an ad laTttlnir . this dtcBlt and a icMertl li AT MINNKAPOUr PARKS. MlaneapoUs. Mian.. JdIt .10.—Tbe date for the Canoe Carnival at Lonefellow Gardens of Mlu. nehaha Falli^ his at last heen ofBdally set b^ tbe Late Harriet Canoe Club, and tbe erenc wUl be held oo Lake Harriet Aognst 12. Tbe dnb has named Its committee on aSaira. which Includes a press agent and two adrertlsliig ag- ents. Prizes for tbe t>est decorated canoe will .be a featore ot this event. "" £lks' Week at the big Twin City Wonderland Park. August 15-20. Is attracting considerable local Interest, and the whole grounds wlU be a mass of purple and white. There will be voting prices, booths in which aoavenlrs. flowers and novelties will be sold, special Elk shows. Indndldg tbe E3ks' Museum. Third Degree. Beaatr Show. ,aU of which will too. who waa again aacce<Mlt^d by K. ^1. Wi»h- burn, vrtio remained In charge unlU IHUl, when the faou!>< was leasi d to F. W. Chamtierlln and T. W. Barbydt. Jr. Almost Immediately npoo gjettlng control of the bouse. Frank Chamber* lain, a prince of maoagera.. and an excellent business man, l^gan looking about tor other worlda to conquer, and gradually be bollt np tbe Cbaaiberlain-HaltlaKMB dicalt. Na daaM It be had llred. the ctaM mM baf* baM stOI fbrtber enlarged. . The preaaat aaaMw. la ■■yiMl.l the a nbtatia la aadar Aa iHtinav w nsC: Hearl Fladier. ' " ' " WRIGHTS G IVE EXHIBITION. Dacatar. IIL. Jnly SS.—Wrights' bl plane gave an exMbltloB at the Race Track. Decatur. In., July lS-17, under the-Dreamland Park mamgo. meat. Tbe tfbtbUJ^oa- .were floe ones prore*. alooally. bat'^Aaaadal - faUai^ aa the peoft* coogregatflyaSt^rjMitaMa of the paik (a.^aa* fhe^ exBiS^||^';.--.*V t. ' \ -X^-": Cl^fjwbs AT FORT-iim^^ Bt. - TWmie. Ont., July 30.—Port Stanley, the coney lalai^ of Canada, seven miles from this dly. Is DOW la fnU swing. A large number of oottccoaloaa are located along the boardwalk, w. DoTtoe baa several coocesalonB. The line now ateasMr. Forest City, runa dally trips to Oat*: HOW CAN HE 00 IT7 The Billboard ia'in receipt of tbe following notice: "Have registered on Jane 6, 1910 by the County Clerk ot Kings Co., S. Y., the ■Dnlted Amnsement Hesoru of America.' under wblcb name I am promoting the voluntary ner- ger of all tbe amiuement resorts In tbe Cnltad SUtes, Canada and Mexico (and will start said merger with tbe rMorta of Coney laland, N. T.) and give to «ll tbe people a wholesome, decent, educating and cheap enjoyment, recraatloa and entertainment.—Ilenry Bama." Early Echoes of New Season pcodaetiaa. Tbe 91^ DsasHiL-.aaA played to capacity boal- nis is-Ike aceiai seasoa ot Ibe boose nnder the manageneat at AL H. .Waods. new bouse manager Is B. Vicflor " ' was ahead of Tbe Quern ot Iba and other Woods shows. The Three Twios is booked Car Aaaaat 3, and The Girl in tbe Taxi. Aogaat-ll. The reg- ular seaaeo wiu opan ao AaaaaC-ML wttb Itc- _^ . t tig at tbe Mfk Is la Older, oaa 'at wUek wn-'baa naby Shaw. Tbcre will slso be Fratcraal Hlgbt. Babe Nlcbt. with prises for the beat e uatuin es: Bks* Night, when all meml^ers at tbe order In attendance at tbo Elks' State Conrentioo will attend lo a body: St. Paul Slight, with special features by tbe St. Paul Elks, and Mardl-Gras NIgbt as the wloil-no. The proceeds from this week go to.the bolMIng fund being raised for the ere-tlon of the Elks' lodge and club hAOSe to be bnilt upon a i>lat already purchased at Seventh street aad » >raa d aeenae. Sooth next to tbe D-nr 2Cews MbHw. aad It la hoped to : lay the f»nodatloa tbls fall. All of the park's features will rtto fall swing. SECRETARY RETIRES. Mlsaonri Valley, la.. Aug. 1.—Afte' eleven aoccessive vears a»* fiecretary of the Harrison Comity Agrlcaltural Socierv. W. H. Witlirow has retired. BU sneceaaor la A. B. Hoafarook. a€ this - ..-1 ^'r-;?-i-- HAMILTON 18 M ANAOCfl. A?bland. Ky.. July 23.—H. L. Hamlltao, formerly mana^t-r of several houses on tbe Son and Murray Circuit and later press representa- tive in advance of the (Danny) Boblnson Fa- mous Shewn. Is now manacpr of Clyffeslde Park, between Ashlaod aud Citletlsbarg, Ky. Clyfle- alde Is one of tbe most beautiful natural parka in tbe United States and cavers aooe twenty' five acres. It Is oa tbe line of the Ohio Taller Electric Railway and baa a diawlag popalalloa of 100.000 from tbe citlea of Aablaad and Cat- lettaborg. la Kamtaefer. Irgataa. O.. and Hnat- Ingtnn, Cereda aad Kcaora. In West Virginia. Free TaodeeUla '•aa laangorated two weeks ago and baa preeea a Mg drawing card. Three acts, innstratcd songs and awrtag p lc tai e s . make np an boar's pncnua wblcb Is glrca dslly St 4 snd 7:90 P. X. A big Caalaa. s utl — a sa tip 1. with a stage to handle tbe In the paifc. Parla.' Ter.. Jaly ML WaiWsit Faik closed tor the season oa lalp.». ILack «( sapport Arcadians Opens In New York tbratrtoal sesaoa. to-day at the Knickerbocker Tbeatre. with Tbe Aieadlans. the musical comedy that had a ma ot twenty-Ore weeks last seasoa. Oddly enODgb, Mr. Ftnbmao will see the piece for tbe first time Monday nlcbt. After a brief stay of four weeks. The Arcadlsns will yield tbe stage to Our Miss Gibbs, the mosir of which Is by the same sutbors. Though The Arcsdisos production baa been considerably en- larged for Its mld-itommer ran. there tiavc tx-^a bat two Changes In the cast. Mary Mackld. tbe Canadian girl In whom Mr. Frobman ilia- covered several weeks sgo a remarkable ao- prano. will lake the part of tbe golden-voiced Cbrysca. Tbe pert ws* orlglnslly tsken by MIsa^ABdryJjligle. ITsthcr Tfaae.wlll be played be'TifW-dM; • ; f*** •''■•'■^ English Players Reach America New York. Ang. 1 (Spedsl to The Bl Wu ia g ; —Cbsries FrohasB. oa Joly 27. received -BM Ix>odon BDOtber consignment of Eosllsh aetata and actresses, principally from tbe Gaiety Thea- tre. Tbe bill of lading Included man.v new names and also some names of old favorites, fif- teen In all. Best knovm among yesterday's ar- rivals were -Fred Wright. Jr.. 1«« wn In America with Edna May In Tbe School Otrl: Ernest Lanbcr^of iiello Peopto^ taaae; JaSJa ScmS* swgs^lSuSe Uni&. a Oale*r|^5ilja faTCtUk_w« JaUa JaM. alaa a Oafety Tbta- "mm k tba balk, they reaceacat Mr. Frob- ansTa aiaat Uapartant Importaaaaa for tba.asa- ■ of tbe people.- daai sre Intenileil fir the ot Our MIsa nibbs. ' GLOBE ARIZ. OPSfilNtt OP UUiCMTeR PARK. was opened to tbe pawlc for Iba soasoMT. Boa. day, Jnly 2t. TbIa Is s city psrk sad In nadar tbe msnsgement of T. 11. Hsrtmim. Tbe tea- tore of tbe oliening waa the concert siven by Hudson's Concert Bsnd, under the direction of Trof, R. Melvln, ami whicfa lias been eogsged for ttie entire neasoD. Tlie late opening occa- aloned through general reronstnictlon. TORONTO PARK NOTES. bHd at eaaris aad paalas ata i roBofe. On the Midway at Scarbaaa Batletfly Olria under tbe •r ThMtrieal CotbdMoiw r " In til* Arid Ragion. Tbe BHly Priedlaader Moaloal Comedy Com- pany doaed at tbe Qnlna Tbeatre. July 21, and jnmped to Tneaon, Aria,, for aa Indefinite ma. The Prank Rich Maaleal Comedy Company op<ncd at tbe Martin. OS July 21 to a packed bouM- with ao A-t abow. Mlas I>e LaCour aad Mr. Fielda are fiat becoming favorites, and the Kupportlng compiny )• meetlnn with kindly mrntion. The Glotse Tbeatre and the Martin Theatre, under management of Barneat Van Pelt and Ralph Martin, are doing good boalaas^ Tbe Quinn Tbeatre Is dark, and at Pre ami aad Tbeatre, skating and daorlag are belag ' Tbe New Iris Tbeatre. ■aaaBad by^ Keith will open abont Mlli " tores and randerUle. ; IN AUaURATisO^VAUDEVtLLK'SBA' SON. Oreensburg, N. C, July 80.—Since the In- auguration of vaudeville at Llndley Park, managed by Ed. O. Oldley, patronage hua »toad- tly Increased. The Casino Tbeatre. at .wbkh tba variety abowa ire •bosn^^.wfll^dlMMrtll^lMl one ihousand peraona. Acta'--'aia^--baabad'-Sir. the Ilodklna Circuit. I It Preaauaaa IRENE FENW1CK FOR BRASS BOT« TtE.-. ■ HMr Tart. Mp » CBprelsl ta The BllthaafdI. Itsas fbawlek. tbe Bagllsb aclre>«._^-- ^— aagagsd to ptev Bottle, MIsr - ban been a Wheo she acted Inaa rrlatUa. IV Iks leadtad part la The Bnaa mwMl la aa Aawrltaa iM v>« Hildsa* or faadaa •* anw tlafc ed la AWrtW MMtM taMmW