Billboard advertising (Aug 1910)

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A<. GUST % WW. Ttie Billboard A WOM AN LI KE YOU Premiere of Taylor and Hunter Play Occurs in Hartford, Connecticut—Play. Full of Interesting Inddente Pkaised by^ ' iUrlhid. Coan., Jul/ 30.—A Woman JJlu Tm > w pl«r. t>r Emmoa Tarlar and Bobett Hoalrr. waa (iTeo lU flnt prcaentatloo oo aoy (lac <!■< Uantrr-Bndfocd Pla/era oo Hon- ta. at ranon'a Tlwatre. It prored lo b* a Saac. but Moewbat ooplruam problem plar. iNatlac or lore b«tireen tbe aexea wllbout tbe eaiTrniloualltj of martlaca, and waa talrly well recelTrd. Adrian Mariove, a •oclalllUc editor, wboa* mUt la aa iaaata af aa laaaae aarlnn. i* aa adraeal* aC aactol Ittafty.. Ha toaTarta bMb TMca. • wart aC kb aiatac^ «o fela vtawa. aU ilMW— that Mm- tote* Uai dcapentdy aM la wIdtaK t« aaerllea all far him. HIa pa>- 'riM icapoaia to km aad ba coca to ber rooa at ali^ wbtra abe awalia blm, only to find Uf daoifetcr. wko la a friaad of Hecter'a. and wbe aoapaet* DMblac. alae there. Tlw yoans dri aakaaartaciT rtada tba oMcr one a moral fr"-- ACter Ito daaghlar haa left, tha man MiNNBAMtMHrb HAVK WATER CAllNIVAL. Ulnaeapolla. MIno.. Julj 30.—Arraaccmeota hire he*a practically rompl^ied for ■ a water camlril lo be brid at tbe Camden Batba, Mln- scapo1i)>. FrJdeT, Augnitt 5. Tb*re will be ■ prosram ol aquatic aports aod conteeta. In- clodini; illrloi;, Ioqjc diataoce swlmmlof, aod a ifktfT battle and Tarloas prlxea will l>e awarded, nere anil alao be exbibltlonx of fancy awlm- ■tof Md dlrlac, and a profeMlooal lo^-roller lA^NMaatiate the art of "blrliac." MAX BLOOM SIGNS LONG CON- TRACT. Chkase, III., Juljr 30.—Max Bloom, who waa fcalat e* laat aeaaao with Tha Soaay Side of B i aa dwa y. haa algatd a three-year contract to optM Ite ttmlit acaaaa with Wlanlnft mm, tmt thercarier with the WaalMk atlrac ~ I air 3l .WlaalBBi'SaM'atBrt at ' • Amt win - '. at ■■jrlon. pttall tlaltini; at - - — PanFisheU Leaves Shuberts -'•.■pbT.cas» sues; maa- o of CM. the caniSnrlllt renewa bla advancea. bat, tha womaa*a moral aenae betoc awakenrd. abe repulaeo blm and la aared. A telefram the next morolng aoooaoclos tbe death ot bla wife, eoablea Marlowe to offer Heater bla lore wltb-bonor aod tbe curtain falla oa a picture racgeailre of their futorc bapploeaa. Heary Kolkrr, aa Adrian Marlowe, did moat cOBTlacIss work: Bebrcca Warren, aa Heater, waa tood. and Marlon Lome plaj^ed the daogbter cbannlocly. -Tbe aopport waa excellent tbrou(h- OQt, ana tbe atace aettlnsa adequate. Tlie play waa produced under tbe alage diree- tloo o{ Uoyd B. Carltoo and waa preaeated ta-'Cnr acta. na.'CMt waa as followa; CAR OF CHAHAOTEBS. irlowc, Kditor ot "Fl-atrmtty." .>.••.••«•••■•■......■...••...■ Heary KoUtar Qe&eral OovMBcy...........a..tafea Ctaifea Lucy Marlowe, Adtlan'a daaghter. .MarlaB Lama SYNOPSIS OF SCENES. Act I.—Ball of Mra. Oodfrey'a Country on tbe Hodaoo—Aftcraooe. Act II.—^Tbe Saiae—Evcalng. Act III—aeatai'a taailiaial—Xlght. Act nr. ■■■■ m i»»B I u)—no MARION CELEBRATES General Stage Director for Henry W. Savage to Signalize His One Thousandth Productioii With That ol August the Tenth New Tork. Aiv. ] (SpeeUl to Tbe Blllheaid). —Georte Marlon. Kentrml atase director for Henry W. Savage, will algDaliie tbe l.OOOtb production which baa been matle under bla di- rection when Tbe Wife Tamera. Mr. Sarage'a drat moalcal Tenture of tbe prt-»«'nt seaaoo. la (iTen Ita premiere on Monday night. Aogtut 10, at tbe Crlterloo Theatre. Atlantic City. Mr. MarlOQ. who beffan bla career aa a daacer thlrty-eisht yeara ago In San Franclaco. baa prodoced every type ot atage entertainment from a minstrel show to grand opera. Among Mr. Saragt's e.tceptlooal aucceaaea.- wblcb bare been produced lo recent yeara coder the dliectloo ot Mr. Marlon, are: Pucelni'a grand avera. Madaaae BotterHy; George Ade'a ccaaedy, Tte Oallese Widow; the Ludera-Plxley moalcal eoaate.-Tha Priaea at PUaaa: FMaa Lehar-a aenaaBgaal avnctta wtnw, Tk» Mliij Widow, aod Alelaader Blam'a drama, Madame X. In addition to bla triumph aa a atage director. ]fr. Karloa haa aehlcrad aiwrtia aa an actor. Ha la alaaL aathar aC •taji^a a atMc BaaaMr. m . alon of tbe opealag or The Wife TaoMt*'at At- lantic City, tbe member* ot thla cempaay wOl tender a diaaer to Mr. Marioa. Tha ercat la THF OABlM WOLP lAiKE, MUSKEOON, MliBN.- Mt ta tl|*t: B. U KlfCL r. L. Grand Opera For Mexico Moilco City. Jnly 30.—Grand 0|>era. under r>airi>nagc of tbe FVdcral Roremmeot and with artlsta of Intematlooal fame In tbe caata. la to bo a feature of Mexico's celebration of tbe cen- tPnnlal of ln«lep*'nd<'nce, Nrgotlatlooa were cloKcd tor tweot.T-four performancea, to begin September 8. Among tbe alagera are Ooaataa- lino Clementa. Nordlea. Saa Mateo. Aauita. F>>n>la. OUtaka. aargocol, Fanarta and Scottl. Ta laaafi the a at e r aa at lka.«BdKtaMw.the IMcral aatkoriUaa hava ~ al lliwr Tarit. a a f i » i Lillian Russell's New Comedy NVw York. Ang. 1 (Special to The BUlboard>. —J«>epb Brooks will present Lillian Buaaell tbia coaatnc aaaado. opening at Poweta* Tbcatie, — ». la a aaw eoaaedy hj la MaMh aC a •ccepta-i Car her Mtde. eatltM the 1 Aa wID appear in ta tte FacMe Ooaat. CVMNVILL^ INDl THK •raioTHRirr memimis. Near Yaak. AiiB..l |»; M t r '«a —On Aagoat Sk a' «h* ftaai ItMtar. The i<peB4llhrin teeanM Ha c«cage*f«t at tka Bad- son Theatre. Bdmnnd Breese. and the other nMaaher* of tbe apffand tm Ihc alar jakca Ita . ^ . fSSi a* lOrfP^ka (MMd la their or- MBW-WOOIM 'WfOWV. Ni w York. Ante. 1 —.V. 11. Wools his aiMed two ni'w allrncllons to his Ilsl f'>r the coming ^ason. Thcr arv The Pel of the Petticoats, a now farro by Anthonr Mars, author of Tbe Girl In the Tail, an.l Slumming, a musical re- view by Harry Von Tllaer, Madden and Hotf- man. FIRST I N DE CATUR. I>ecatnr, III., Jalj 3S.—lUaaftr OftlM. of the Bljoa Tbealre. han. dakaa tha Aitlactlon ot being the flrat ta abaar tha ai aa la i - • at hta tSaatta. JeSrIea g ght^plet awa aa?ffi aSdanMnM Replw te Undar Ai r iL The Maleatic Theatre i* doeed at p it a a at na- tU OaL Ba|tka*a aCnlra arc attalghtCBed at Lool8TiIliL_«Mi aa fnada aclfea _ " " _ at for sale. Haaager Bdw. Barawad atUl haa rbarce at Ita aSatra locally. Oak Snmmit Park is now enjoying excellent boalaeaa aa Manager Baymood la preaentlng here better bllla each week. The Grand Theatre here will shortly reopen witb attracltons of the Orpheum Clrcmit nadar the man«g.>ment of Martin Beck. The WelU Theatre wlU again ba WiV tk* K. A B. bookloirs aa heretofore. K. OF P. BUILDING THEATRE. West Liberty, la.. Joly SO.—The K. of P. Lodge la eonstnictlag a new opera house bete. Tbe bollding Is entirely of brtck. trimmed witn Bedford atone, is well llehted aod heated, and haa a capacity ot 80O—aoo oa ground Soor and MO In balcoar. W( " " at the two llaca aC Iblrty-are > a player thronghoat bla long In one ot tbe moat trying poa ltl aaa that pertalni to the theatre. CARD OF TH ANKS. Bot^Sgalngi. Ark.. Joly 21.- ford Booking Ageaer: Mr. Jim GabrteT, manager Circle Tbeatre. and bntber and alater ptoteo- alonala and frlenda, I desire to cxpreaa my tbanka and Jieartleat appreciation tor ytnr do- natlona and aerrlcea tor tbe benefit iwrtormance tendered me oo Friday, July 15. at the Circle Tbeatre, St. Loola, Mo., when money waa rataed to aend me to Hot Sprlnfts, Ark. I aianra yoo that when I regain my health, which 1 am do- ing rapidly, I will pot myself at the aerrlcea of aw ■fiSoBK ar fHcad who ao kindly helped ml BeapectfnUy. CHAS. OTOOLB. •Tbe Irlah Jew."* J. S. OVERTON DEAD. St. Ixmla. Mo., Joly 30.—John S. Orertoa, aa old-time actor who played with Edwin Booth. Lawrence Barrett and other famons stara. died here laat nigbt at tbe age of GO ifars. For ser- Wal seasons be was lago to Booth's Othello, and allTed with Clara Morris. Maggie MlteheU and 5a tamooa Comstock In tbe old play, Haael KMa. Ha left .the atage twcnty-dte yraia agK tha " — la • ■XPeCT TO BEAT RECORD. na MM ■■Buuaifclcl (O.) Fair dated for Septtakcr XT, SS. ». la rapidly aaaomlng the aDaMinea a< a fair. The Thirteenth annaal tiSwmoatdaaa the fair of IBOO, which waa tbe hast Saaaaarfleld fair on reeord. A anecial exhibit from tbe department of aAeSnal iiliatira a( the Ohio State Cal- rmllr. wm ba a aa» «»atnte for the 'air. — ^- ptodacta. Utc atock. la a Denver Orpheum s Deaetr. CoL, Aagnst 1.—The jr-— Ita Mi*-ll a«aaa«. to-daT. The personnel of {kI wZiie k aa Mtows: a. C. Carwn. msnacer-. Bert BMar. - maa a r er: Uariey LatenMT. arst aaaisUat tteaanrer, Harry Rlchanlson: second aasUtaat feeasorer: C. E. Beardsley. chief osb- „■ \r. C. Blackwell. head doorkeeper: 3. O- Ba'Uey, atage manager; Dare Enos. chief elec- trician: W. H. Lee. stage d<»'>»*P*';.ji„-i„, Tbe Initial bUl U composed of the following acta: Tbe Bameae*. Blgh Ufe to Jail. Lyoaa and Tosco. Sydaty .a M»W» aa* Cafaay. M Merrltt. Boyntaa aad BarlH^ art »tt aad laa- tie Waltaa. OIVIIM AWD TrtBH WMIB. 'Bevtce ■lil^ Xaly SO.—La siren an d nTbsOllli «* M»e talk of Rerere ,Bea(k where they ate appearing dally a« ^""'.^''•St Crowded houses are payinc tribute to tbe clerar abow, and Manager Pattee. not content with bla great goccesa, la adding still man swimmers and dliers to a show ttiat now ca»- prises sexen of the prettiest girl water per- formers that erer greeted an audience. La Siren. In her water disrobing act. I» g»- Ing an act aecood to none In |>opul atlty. aaa . with her twelre dleea at eeery and ten perfocmaBCca daBy. ia record for endnraare. 8ha awect amlle. aad looba Thla la g e lag aooe. ai„ ■- ■. ■ . la kcr Haa Ht ap and take aatirp. Mr. Pattce la plaaalag a i l kit .tbaj*yfcj< ^t^*a iiiieTO new aiwdomb. . Tex.. JnlT *>.—R. G. Stewart. maaacer af tbe Spring like Park, has lust cotn- ^^Sl Mv.aMMae. wbM win antSM pc^ daaelas fiiBii. awa^ .aaaal-cwaartMa tm featscA. - •. • DEATH OF VetERAN MIMTflkL. Haw Tartu. Mr 3S.—Wtqiun WlUUma. hat*