Billboard advertising (Aug 1910)

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6 T H e B 111 b o a r d AUGUST 6, 1910, FROHMAN PLANS. Impresario of Two Continents Will Have Two Pro- ducing Seasons this Year—One-Half of bis. Attiactiom win be Given Kew Xork, July 28 (Special to The BlUband). •—Is scbedollDg bis forthcoming attnetloBX, Charles Fioiimu bu found tliit OK-Ing to tbe mtfnltiide of his plsiu It will be secessarT tot him to dinde bla theatrical year Into two itlatlac t prortnrlng a rs ao o a, He annoancr-^ that tb* tat wm b^ila earl7 In Aognst vlth the nrodngtloo of lore Among the Uona at the Garrick Theatre, and the aecood In Jaaoaiy. -^obably with a new play by PInero. . Za bis oclfflaAl aimofnicemeDt of plajs Mr. — MM tkst be had forty sttnetions rear. Of these nineteen wU be . — ,—. tat half season, -aa many as I kw Utkarto been able to craiaa Into as «- on a s aa nn Now. owlas to tte daflacUiB in tta nnka at the abvUcata mma. tbe isialia neae siaja wUdi be baa ckaaea ftr the flsst half a ea a on are: I«rTe ^ifrng tbe JJaaa^i-aiUcb- ' ""t --'"^~- n i l l l ni-hr Wn i aai -GMetl* aad-WlncbeU Smith, tbe form- ei*a nephew: Electricity, which WQllam Gil- lette wrote for Marie Doro; Ao^Qstna Thomas' anr play. The Jew; White Mailc by Graham Phmips and Walter Hackett: Smith, hy W. Bomaenet Mansham: The Brass Bottle, by T. Asstey: Our Miss Qlhba, by tbe aothoia at The Arcadians: Chalaa. by Kllsabetb Baker; The — . AdTentare of Sh«Ioek _ — Doyle; The TwdTe-PdonA ' X. Bt Bama: Chaatcciar, by It Ed- , Jtaa. Sia -OtfBavat A. NaC ia the lOaM. hy Maae M aad Alted Athls; After Me tbe ^ Henri Bcfoatefai: The Foollsb Ttrcln, by Etearl BatalUe; Tbe Sfanjal. by Heart Bataflle, OA a neir play for Bmie Borke. by Mme. De CMBBiet aad De Flen.- .b Ua aeleeUaa at pradaetlaaa for the eoadac aiaarai, Mr. Preiiauaa has been i iliiiailj cos- mopolitan, more ao cren than In other yeata. Leas thaa fifteen per cent, of hla forty aew gays are American, while forty per cent, are Kntliah , and orer thirty per cent, are Vtcndl. "Mor is the reason hard to And," said Mr. rtohaiaa. "It is merdy that the Americas an- na enongh In their ootpnt, are _ the sooda.* The masaxer has to aeeaie vlrfle American.playa, yet CHAS. mOHMAN^.WILL THRKir. <»F THE ^RUMHAN 'raliriltlMiMeEift.' New York. Joly 28 (Special to Tbe BUlboatd). —Charlea Prohaiaa baa Issned- a statement to the effect that tba aanaeneement made that tbe entire Basstaa ballet that aaade anch a acaaa- tios at tlie Graad Oaua IldaM. Paria, vm come to ■ " - - - Mr, brahman wlshea It — contracts with the three prladpal dancers of the Bnaalas ballet to appear here tinder his aiaaacement. The day Mr. F^ohman aalled ttom London, he signed contracts with Mile. Ivdle LapookhOTa. Uie classical dancer; Moos, ■bedor Lapookbova. the character dancer, the best In Rossi a, and Hons. Vellnlne, the classical ^dascer. Mlle.-iw4ie-is-the-yoTmKcst Tif-sB-the -fan^ peria^, aaafw^harlnt^^ ^tt ^^^^^^^^alx- oSiHe cne^ *e is-a siaat tSTOtHe at Sa Baaatea Ooart, and ia the cmir daacer «( whom PaTlowa baa ahown the icaat Jcdaaar- Tbe ia- a H ARRIS PLANS Schedule of Opening Dates of the Various Harlii V Attractions, and Details of the Season's Ar* - nmfleifi^^ as Officially AiuKivmoed <: ; . Barria wtU present at tlie Mew Xark, hegunlac Moa^. K MpiB's aew play. Xha Tork, Joly 28 (Special to The BUIboard). -Bsie Fer^nsoa will open her seasoo at Bildce- port. Conn., on Monday, Ansnst 28, In a aew play, A Matter of Money, the snthotship of wblcb is not known to the producer. By airascement with Mcssia. Klaw and Xr- laagcr, Heary B. Barria will present at tlie Tilliiiljr Theatre. AncBst 22, OsoatiT B Bcdarts open at the - _ Monday, Aosast A, W Martha Mtrtsa'a piar. On the Ere. Miss Beieber win eo at l a aa la this play ontll aronad the holidays, whes she win be seen in New York In a new play by Ramsey Morris, entitled The VaicaboDda. Bose Stalil will begin ber tlnal aeaaon ia James Forbes' comedy succeM. Ttii Chonis Lady* at Iowa Clt7. Ia.. on Monday, Aogust a. -Miss Stahl wUt cootlnae la tba role vt Pa- «iela« Klein. own play. Vhsia tbe Trail SMdsa. at Boch- cstcc^nil. «• ■iptawtbtr U. Mr. Cdi asa ' a taor wffl estead ant tbe mMdla weat aad PadSe coast, retorains-to East by way of tbe Sonthem Statea. Hden Ware. win be laoncbed as a star In Aaaa Alice Chapln and Robert Peyton Car- ter'a play, Tbe Deserters, «t Bridgeport, Conn., en September 12. MUa Ware, after playinx a |nr wtjki oa tt^r oad.^ !^ r'nr'' ^ Wallace title role of tbe Bepoblic Aocnat 22. ■ Jair 23. aftar aa 10 will be featured In the Bnlt, when it opens at Kew York, on Monday, Mew Tork on Saturday. Ire aotomobUs toor of a far this play besaa "oSS'SiSSSi Til ri BAKER A CASTLE'S ATTRACTIONS New Tork. Jnly 28 (Special to The Bnibeard). — Tt» company enlaced tor la tba Blabop'a Carrie^ emhiacee a malorlty of Isst anaoa's QdaoB UstoQ wUl acaln be seen is tbe charaetar of "Ramsey." the drrmkard. To oae a alaas eipt«sslon, Mr. IJston has "come bark" Willi a Btrooxer "panch** than erer. Flra 7eaa.«co-he anSered^aaralUEtlaa'that affected his eyesight and until last snmmcr waa totally blind. Beeorerlnc bla slcht' he waa as l a etad by Baker A Castle far tha . T. M. A. OFFICIALS. ii— OoBlraated with '1 USb plays aad tr' ' ~ largeat fonlgB Pauline Chase ' Returns Jo U.S. New York. Jnly 28 (Special, to Tbe Btllbosid). —Miss Panllae Chase. It Is ststed. upon learn- ing that she was to reappear in America, asked (?liarles Frahman to fire ber an opportuiiity to come back to the Americas stajre as abe bad left It—a gfrl In plak pajamas. It waa such a Cllarmloc bit of sentiment that Mr. Prabman assented. He has had the leadinic role of our Mias Gttbs altered, so that tbe little actTe«s wbaarfDlU itaiai' bara a wtaole scent for her ta^tlj/tt, with A alik palama soor- Osaa^ a rr a rWB r to her press asent. on Hulilaa tte aeWB. ateetolly went to the s ai loa a feabcfdaabeis alone tbe Strand and iraTb atf a a laise wardrobe at pink allk paJaaaaa ct cvatr eenc el Trtla II i iTi^^^sfcada •'jg^ *> haTe^'to^Safin aaa hmiSt^ wiS^^S^JB^wS^ mss. **I expect to eo o r eit Kew Tork to them." she is said to bare writtoi Mr. Fnhman In explain- ing her extraracance. "f don't mean the men. hot tbe woowa. And why notT Pink pajamas are a lieap mora comfortable and Just ss pretty aa aigbtles. Bat yon can't hope to conrtaee the waaica of that naleas job hare a whole cooater- tM of atylea. Heaea the baadted. FIl wear, a difftreot pair erery alcbt. And ttcr era an new. rm not bringing tbe old ones." Tbe old ones that she referred to. Were thoae she bODRht In a Broadway abop four years ago, when &he was known merely as the alcoder. golden-haired girl third from the left, is Tbe Liberty Belles. One dar as she was coming to a mid-week matinee she saw a gor- iceons pair of pink pajaman Jo a shop window. In a girlish whim she Inrested lialf'her weekly salary in them and bmriad to the theatre. One to ay la after them'. Her appearance log little leap between the the andlence. After the nlgbt was tbe feature of the piece. - Ur. Probmaa then took ber to ' die ocoted r epe at ed, so cef is fa in Peter la Easlaad and on the continent. Is her first appearance in America in -^jcaia. aare duiuig the single dsy she :'at' the:AcCacsi' rnsd rair. (or which she to sell photograpba -"lea. .Oar Mlaa Gibbs —tbe atory of a ebanalaa departmeat store girt jeaa Alwya aadklHr Maaaa. the pqpo- teat that hla catch Ilac. «T man," baeaae a by-word wb _ . played. Xsr tba arrt ten wecfea aC Ihc aaaasa Oa Carriage wfn not get farther away tnm tbe Bialto than PhUadelphla. two woeka of this time will be In New York City. This company played forty-two weeks last ■eaaoo and It Is the iotention of Baker A Caatle to make the comiig aeaaon a looger one. PANAMA AND BREWSTER^ MIL- UOliS iNREHEARSAUB. V Mew Taife. JaIr 2S (Spadal to Tbe BiUboard). —The AL RIek Protaetloa-Company atarts re- bearsala fbr th^ two attractloaa. Ia Panama and Brcwster'a MinioBS oa Aagnst 1- In Paosms. tbe mosleal show, opens August 22 at the Grand Opera Hooae. Toronto, C^an. Ulsa Sl^yl Bessmao has been re-cng^ged as tbe prima don-ia. the Klein Brothers will sppesr in the part fonaarly played hy the Boaetn Brothcra. Mr. wniMi-V ^~ pany aad MBta tlon. .. —_ 'j:^' - ' - Brewat«*8 lOBtH dVMB at lha Waahlsvtaa. D. a. Ammmt X. with Oacr Cto- ard. aa Moaty- AL Bm wOl m aaa ga tha eaa- psDT and Pred MHIer will act aa r ager. Bottom tow. left to right: Grand Pres. W. T. Butler, New yc.-.. . ias. J. Qulgley, Mem- Tnmlesiai, Maacle, lad. » F. ~- • Modem Modish New York. Jolj 28 (SpeclRl to Tbe BOlboard). —Unique unon^ druutlc wii tings i* Walter Browne's STeirwoaun, a modern morality plR7. soon to be prodnced by Hemr W. Sarage. Sa;- ffeated hj tbe famoas 15tb century moraJlty. ETcry m an, wblcb attracted snob great atten- tion a few season! a^o fa tbls coantry and In EnsUnd. tbls remarkable effort atrikes Into an eotixely oatrod field. It deaU wltto tbe dally life Of BfttywaMB* a cbnactcr drilgnfrt to tTpIfr the ns M ft'wMc; onjiy g kar tltteash taMBT- ad ~" ■ with her is tha Bonl tt Ike for a ir«w Yitk. Mir 28 (Special to'liit Wlisaid). —Thailn Vfeohaua atatca .that ..Mnla. Oara ia now oa ber way from Tama*. . Sa l tmiland . aad aa her aniral wBI at aaee begia tdteaiaala for her aew coaae^. Bte^ridty. under the dl- s a etlw i of tbe annor. WOllam Oinette. The ■w»"t of Mr. Gillette's'sewcstt comedr are laid !■ Haw Tork and are dtrlded between uptown aad AawBtoarn life. Miss Doro haa been abroad tea^anaOa aad dailac OSa ttaM haa^ salr played HAinr- ^w.^' SAVAGE nMwuiE- ••-' MENTS. V- New Tork. July 28 (SpecUI to The BUIboard). —BcBry W. Sayage anooosces that he baa en- gaged Leslie Keayoa. Prank Lacy and Colten Wfita fljr iBtportaat aoiaa ta The Uttla Daaio- acl aad Uoad Walsh, JMIettc IMka. Jeaaette Retun|ing Home ^^^^ New Tork. Jnly 28 (Special to The BUIboard). —Marie Cahlll returned from Europe on the Adriatic, accompanied by ber bnaband, Daniel V- Arthur. They have been trarellng In Eng- land. FYance, Germany and Austria, on a Ts- cstlou. While abroad they manajted to see a number of plays and to acquire the American rights of some for ptoduetloo here. It Is at pieaest aaaoaaced that Miss CahOl will appear ia ■■ iaglilM nslcal eoawdy thia plarlw caatractsd with Wee- tvo new playa to tbls On the aame ateamer waa Dnatla Pamnm, who baa bees aotoas^Illng throoab Eorope for tereral moatlia. He la now at Backport, Me., where be baa a sammer home, and will remain there until be atarta oo tonr In Cameo Klrby. CHARLES FROM MAN'S PLANS FOR OTIS SKIN NER. New. Tork..jDl7 S8.(a»8dal ta Tbe BUIboaid). —Cbarlea nohaua aiw • aaaaaaced tha aeana's glana for Otis 5klaa>r, wha la aow la Italy with la family. In the. early part of September Mr. Skluoer will begin a four month's tout In bis ancccaaful play of a season- sgo. The Honor of tbe Psmlly. Just sfter Chrlstmaa Mr. Skinner will head a new company and come Into New York for the first time In the play cslled Sire, wMch is by Henry Laredsn and waa dtat acted at tha Caawdia Ilnaealaa. It waa la Mr. I^iadaa'a earlier piny. The DaeL that Mr. aklaBcr ap pt af rf fair >aan aga and pUyed eaoM aaaaair -fc tac yaaaa.. WA88ELL WITH QReIn WOOD. Savage Opera ^ New Tork. Joly 3S (Spadal ta The BUIb oa rd *. —Henry Wj Savage's a uniianat .that- be win produce-OUeeooo PaedBl'a loag-Iooked-far grand opera. The Olrl of tbe Golden West, and that be holds tbe exelnslTe rights to this work In English, baa created an unosusl stir. Brer slnce^Poccint declared his purpose to write a grand opera on tbe theme o( tbe famoas Belsaco drams. Mr. SsTaire haa bees negotiating for the rights, a matter that- has Jnst been de- fiBltety arrasged. with tbe Uenrs. Rteordl. Par- cinra pobllabera. and with tbe great ItaHaa compoaer bimarif. For many yeaia Mr. tbat . tha oaly ptapcr aat ' li (a ha«a It saac ta the vctaacalar. Bo bat di—aliili ll with hiB'rcpcrtotaro graad opera compaales. bis aplendid nrodoet of Wagaers Parsifal, aad with Pocctafa beasttfal Madame Batterfiy. that America has s bnge andlence for grand opera If It is glren is Bngllsb—now he porpoees carrying oa a campaign by offering thla newest and, it Is bellered. greatest of modem Itsllan graOd operas In oar owa toagoe. Preparations for this ereat are already aader way, and they are SB each a aeale aa to war- raat the predtetlea Oat a«na Mr. Saraae'a past ' tta -astttr at prednctloa. ■PSBJ—ia5j^.l>nln wni be ex- another; LEHAR OPERrTfA; New Terk. Jnly 28 (Fneclal to Tha 1 —^Hearr W. Sarage, wUl p rada ca tl.._ — Prau Lebai's aew apctetta. The P»loc»^< _ (Daa raacatei&lad). askiac It aaa at the wftp Impoctaat fratarea ■( Ma IM of aoraltie^ The tttea mea teapoasttta fbr Tbe Merry WWlow— Fraoa Leber, compoaer. and Victor and Leo Slein, llbrettlsr*—ire the snthon of this new Vienns hit. The operetta bis run 200 nights st tbe Johann Stranaa "nieatre. the home of itsht opera In tbe gsy Austrian cspltal snd has « Ilka record of popnisrily In many other conti- nental cities. Incidentally the hero of tbe atory Is a young American. BH.LIE BURKE IN ENGLAND. New Tork, Joly 28 (Spadal to Tbe Bnlboarrtl. —Mias Btnie Bnrke. it Is reported. Is soendlnr the summer with her relatlres oo a farm In Deronahlre. Bogland. Mias Bnrke haa sdrlsnl ssreral of ber fricoda that she apest tbe aam- IBcr bnating fox. Mlaa Barke's sacceaa b<< beea ao great that she bapaa before Oe aad at her vacatloa to has* arcwad a ■mAw •( bfM • cast I