Billboard advertising (Aug 1910)

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8 Xlie Billboard N. Y. VAUDEVILLE Comment on the Various Variety Acts, Composing tlK^ l^grams Last Week at the Vaudey^ /^^Theatres in the Metropolis , ■ ■■■■■■■■■ ■■—wic» -iDsnm sad CompanT Kon tte iMDon u headllnan this week. In Porter Smenoo BnnriWe Cbe Dnebeae. which Is ■ bit from lUrt to flnbb. owtos to tbe sood cut that RUToand* lUn Insnm. The iceaeiT »« great help to the act also. TaUeelta'* animal act. which conalata of aome leopards, 0B« Mma Terr thrining atnnts. Blxley anu ff*^ '9 tta same hit as seen whfle at Brlgb- f »^ dWr tney did not hare the anto with the P2!_ «5 ™* atandlng In front of the MOM. The act was a Mteam. Their bnrleaoae ffi2f«.JI2 Bounding «n a wire. rec«lT.d. Bya^ a White intndneM mw mr dercr dme- ban wOI open witb tb* Bebo itertlr. l^iMI miner presented a dramatle torn. jSwwrf iT- House of Cards, supported by a aeod of panr. Miss Fuller la an emoUondMMlkar ' and certainly shows her ability aa in silmi' this week. Sha reeelTed a grand raond of siu Onlsh. Taylor Holmaa la tdllmr' » bnnch of new bright stories and also SrSS 215? ^•••d_talUtlons. Harry H. BIcbarda. 222 rV£!?^ "T'"''' ^™ • »• Modsrvot •TO^5 SMd llM or material and scored yety M^Pg- MUSIC HAU^—OdWa ?2f CV** • ">* toterest In her !5 XtJ"' ■ ""gntw mt Oat oa W«dne«la, and Mday assatess.ttt moU boU awlmmlnK ■ad dlTlac eantast;«Ma to wmT tt ulJud nat many expert ai^ISm an ladoded^ thS S^SSil !? "t. *W<* nalta It strong and 2^r,.f!r"^&. The SeainiS Kqt and tbe niasptan, Koni their nsnal^eiiia- H^^Sf.'E** "^"lon t matter where thla team 2St^Bto.Sr2'r"°'i """.t' '"'» electrical iSZ ^ JS*.'*'- comedian, baa a wZ^mS&JSI*'^ option if M>ngs JTS^o Vt" o"p?n'ed"&*^iKV'dir-LrJ ranSSSy'i?.S'^''pt^'S^S.*ti.'?S; .^22"iS^il"^-?¥*-»" zona Verey, SSSfL!^ Knid, beaded tte bU as the liesdlln«. This act seond a .wwd^u cen-. It is rcTlewed In deSdr^MdSna In Snf.^M" '""•"on »'««»• M. oSSm ^ ""^ This act foottd Ite w» Into the affections of a Urge andtmoe. Ta^ J. Corbett wa. retail m S. MIL Jta fclU'l'?^""? ^'■'^ original diat, which JWja hU act np to tbe mlnale. CUff Gordon •BBwraeaa a aaw and more hnmoroas monoloeae iSSr 3!_5!'«?'!* eMemptcd, and It went biit. wSttSSS^JShUS ""PMy. In Oscar-. ■ (^'w. J' *«1 played and ■••» »»tw sad Caobart Bntbtn, ' iratr BBIOBXON.—adai Oblp aadjbi* lur. Mop this wnk. Ther •PMUta\Aiia iSSu* ^m^" '»«^d all donbt thst she in tLS* wntenders for Hist place "l'''^"l*„M»''"»'""'- S** certainly dem- onstra ea her abll ty In Old Edam. The CDckoo SyjL f ";«1><">»"'1<- for m.ny Rood Ungha. The !^J^kI "T" '^"""■"'"l applanse. and la withoat Imge anccess. Bernard and Harrison, off iEi? t*"«"». created no end of langhtei Su.^^ ''S5?°""w Coin "om SJr^KJfSriJ'SC" 'omerly with ^J*- wheia tbay made onlte a ■gyginJ** T*'^ popB&r. Tbe antics of ^ PVf^ •J»l5¥d "Mokeys on tlielr little suae la a Taodernie show In Itsdf. Ici snd Moore made their debat and mwnS dancing steps earned for the act tba bl»„ •wworal of all who saw it %w PriSrai 2m "SJ^ act Oiled with hannooy: Tbe bST Jv&.^S^'i"*'"^'^* Tennto^bno aSl El Oatto helped to ronnd oat a parttailazfar wen talced bUI. Priacnia. the Qaabw^wSbT was also wen reeelTcd. w osncy. _HAMMERSTEIN'S TICTOBIA.—Bnaloeia U ■tni Teiy big, owing to the two main featnres aa tbe bOl. that of Mile. Polalre and Jack Jphnaon. Mile. Polalre was still a big favor- ite and received a grand round of applause wltn bar playlet, entitled Le Vlslteor. Jack John- aoo was well recelred. This Is bis last weea ■t tbe Victoria, and he baa proved to be a big SSSf^*S.* <1"'^K Bedlnl and Arthur. WitB' tkair satire on une. Polalre, kept the I'lB toats of Isoghter. A posing set wblch ' atnnning was glTcn by the Seldoma, Ifmraf aad Ttetoay are one of the " tba aommer patnoa — r-pr - Uir wttb -_ and Bid Baxter., aa. , , ,M,-;weBt-Te«y Mr. .■;?*55(,h:w.- THE WEEK'S BILL. BBIOHTON BEACH MUSIC HAIX..—B. A. Bolfe's soperb mnslcal ptodnctloo. Tbe Rolfo- nlsns, presented tinder the direction of Mr. Bolfe himself, heads the bill. Odlva, the Sa- aMan Hetmald. Manager Masaod has secnred ber for gpe more week. The two diving and 'cootests for woawa wlU be eon- Julius TBnoen. nosoloctst; Tb* AfW Oonair Fonr, stagiu and comedy acts; Bany aad-Hal- vord. COBMOlana ..and singers; Mails Denton, tbe Blaoda la Black, a singing comedienne; I/a Deat, tba BDgliih Jigggler. KEITH & P'ROCTOB'S FIFTH AVENUE.— A Night In a Monkey Music HsU. a troupe of trained simians, under the direction of SIgnor Roches; Angels Bolores. supported by a small coterie of players. In the satirical episode. Cu- pid at Home; Tbe Cadets de Gascosne will ren- der operatic aira from the works of big com- posers; Alf Grant and Miss Ethel Hoag in a wealth of wlttlclsmB; The Four Melody Mon- archa; Spencer Kelly, aaalsted by Marlon Wild- er, la a. potpoozri of melody and ailrtb; 8cr- naat Bnanaa, dlaboUat.' will maba. Ida-AaMr- leaa dabnt; Taa BOraa, tbe mad matldaa from ~~~ alia parnim la tUs ooontrj tor BSW'BBIOBXON THEAIBB^MIle. Daale, .ABidaaa' daaeer. la L'Aaionr de I/Artlat, la the baaflllaw • Uortoo snd Moore, late atars of The HartT Vhiil, have been retained for s second week. Hiss Lsura Bnrt snd Henry Stanford. In a comedy playlet, entitled Tbe Order of the Bath; Bedlrel and Artnnr, tbe burlesque jugglers; George Thatcher, tbe dean of minstrelsy: Max Witt's Giria from Melody Lane, a singing act; The Three Mascagnos, In an aerabatlc novelty, and The Four Koencra Bratbtn, M^wt >90p. nllam diabato. giar- eia.:'.^ '\i.VvJl: ' ■" - .'■1 . NEW YORK CHATTER Short, Crispy News Items Gathered Along Broadway Pertaining to VaudeviUians—Their Plans and for the Summer Season r: C On Monday, Angnst 1, at tba Ofttambia Tba-. Btre, New York, win be UnaAed Jttik lUaon-* new Rentz-Santley Company. In the mnslcal melange. The Rollicking Glrllea. This musical compsny promises to surpass snythtng In the Eastern Wheel. Jack Mason has gained r repu- tation In having staged Olrlles, now playing at the New Amsterdam Theatre; A Matinee Idol. DeWolf Hopper's play; Marie Cahtll's play, snd The Merry Whirl. All Broadway Is earnestly awaiting the opening of thla musical comedy, aa many surprises are looked for. The cast In- cludes' Clarence Wilbur. JinuBjr Coanora, Fraak- le Bailey, Pearl Reld, FMA Baiae l l and • num- ber of pretty girls. T. B. Eariy wlU manage tbe sbow, and Doc Adams will be general press representative. Those In the know, who have seen the Capa- bilities of Irene Dillon, who was formerly wttb tbe Shnberts, and who distinguished henelf as an exceptionally clever singing comedienne, de- clare tbat It will not be aiaB7 aooaa- baSaca this sweet bit of femlolnltr. wItb a moat Btepoa- sesslog dtsposltloa, will bafc bar nina ni dee- tries on tbe froBt of ona of tba big TandoTlIle hoosea. ' lOaa IMIloa'a pleaaing personsllty baa woo for. bat,tba aaeoorafaiasnt of tbe maaa who bata rlabU'. pesred bMaaa br stona. ira a tifa ^t tbat IMnt wOl be • wlmar OUT IN IBPOKANB 1-!MHO -V ? 9k* Mv maaaftr ■ was aaada la ftoM «( tb* «e th* tbattn, to mm eo DO Out Oni 1 1 w ily Tbca- Iber's CHICAGO A EROP LANE MEET. Cblcsgo, DI.. Aog. 1.—Forest Park baa under way s big seroplane meeting, to be held In a twen^-acre Held opposite tba park, from Aug. T to 14, IneloalT*. Tba park oScta a eaah prise of (2.800 to tb* Mm of tba awoplaaa flying twenty mllea. AvMHbar of addltlanal prlaes for Uw hlgbeat. fMtaat.-leaaas t and for tboso - paiMBim wUl jinMiMM. . It b tbat at leaat n «r.c'|tM'.''*M<«lM*a ^ «oata*t tor tbeaa priaa* *» g aw '*D6faa have aliendr baea nisde and taa mere ara pro- posed. Tba aatrlea are restricted to mscblnes weighing ov«r 100 poonds snd msnnfsctnred In Illinois. The meet will b« held under tbe ans- plccs of th<: A>-n> CInli of Illinois and with tbe sanction of thi- National Club. Manager Howkc. ot Korent Park, states tbat since thp warm weather baa act in the attend- ance of the park bsa been large. It Is ex- pected that when the aeroplane meet la held tbe park will have enonnona crowds aa-St .wlU'ba. held dorlaf the Knights Tenptara OonaaTa^ dorlaa the Knights IWMIOO Kaigbta ate ez] Oeeaa City. Md., Jaly 26.—Baitj Peppertbal. owner of a beach-froat eooceaslon. wss drowned here Fridsy wblla batbing la - tba ocean. Tbe drowBlag oeeanad at-aa Bdar .wbaa tbara wcra few paavl* .tk*^ WMb'" . Capt. Joba B.'Jta*a, «( tba Oeean Oltr Ilfe- aavlag ststloa. was tbe flrst one to reseta Fep- perthal. going oat with all bis clothing and bringing him ashore. Pepper thsl, bowaver, had been (uder water for fully ten minotes wben brought in. Pepperthsl. or "Pop," ss be wss popalsrly called, was manager of Island Park.'Deflance, O., season of 1900. Daring tbe paat winter be waa with the Maryland Amnaement Company, which toured the South. He was connected witb several carnival companies during bis brief life, having traveled thronab Canada and tbe Eastern part of the United States. At the time of bis death be bad a concessIOD at Ocean City, Md. He waa a member of Toledo Lodge Ko. 20, T. M. A.. Tbiedo being bl* boBM. TSe One of tba new acta le ba seen la TaudaviUe will be thst of the Jocker Brothers. These boys hsve one of tbe neatest acta aeen In aome time. While appearing at the Orsad Opera House, New York, a few weeks ago, they were received with tbunderoos applause and bad xu respond to many encores. The act'■consisted of music and singing. Tbe youngest of the team plays a violin in character make-up. snd Is without a doubt another Rloaldo. aa his ma- ntpulstlons are perfect, and the music selec- tions he renders are received with perfect sst- isfsctlon. Tbe act will certainly ba beard of In Tanderille, playing aome of tbe good time, Tbe Two Pages, Cisrs snd Eslella, late ot Tbe Bumpty Dumpty Co.. Beauty and the Beast.-and also Tbe Pearl and the Pumpkin Co.. all of wblch are Klaw Sl Erianger Shows, will sppesr in vaudeville again this coming season In a brand new act, with sr'Cclal HCenery and ward-* robe. The act will coniilst of singing and pi- anologue. and tbey are now contemplating mablaa arranganents to appear ss COok and Baanr la a varaloa of how to diaeoeer tbe aooth PM*. > A aaw Ha* ot talk baa feaaa writtaa tor tbe aet. aad ao-doobt hni* tw* «l*i«r: girl* win ■aaka a big bit. owUr't* ttw OWWaM* aad abllMy. Tba.Naw Bnraat Theatre, located at 223 TVast did stmt, will be ready to open about tbe IStb of Anaoat. Thla will be one of tbe floaat moTlac pletar* booses on the West Side, sesting SSB people. Tbe deoorattcaa ara besu- llfol. aad tbe lira axils perfect. A balcony bss baea boilt. wblcb will add to the comfort ot tb* .patrooa. Morlog pictures will be shown only, bat s stsge bsa been bnilt, and' later on pernapa vaudeville may»be inatalied. Tbe above boose la owned by tbe Penn. Amnaement Co. Solly Brown wishes to snnonnee that he bss severM bis coaoectlona with tbe Boroogh Amnao- meat Co.. Xorrls Mnsic HsII. Coney Island, ow- ing to the new manager not to. his contract, as be was booked - np till September 19, but was told thst his services would oo longer be li demand, Tba aaw nwnager. Brown ssys. has never had. aar .dariiai* wttb tba theatrical bnslnesa baCoR, — — Is going to bring aalt.-' season's contract. Another graad array of tUtA tor at Headanon'a - - - - -ft MUr MM-at tb* i,an kUM t* agMar: BlTartoa, llorri* and j j» a l ag t _Hawali*ft..TW>», Begar Uatw*, Levin MarteU THo. Ai " ~ " - orronpe. Kantmaa 1 . Fox and tba MlllwiBlp t Doretto. Tbe Ohameroya. maa aad woman, ara maetlait' with good anecesa playing tbe Itarka thla aom- mer. The aet la one ot the best In their line ot work, which consists of serobatle testa and hand 1>alanclag, - Interspersed with good comedy. While at Hsppyland Psrk, South Beach, last week, the act was s big hit and responded to msny encores. Musical Buebo. "The fellow with the Plper- Ino.** after a very succeaaful season on the United Booking OIBces' time, and the Pantages Circuit, win be seen In an entire new aet this winter, consUtlng of singing, talking and In- strumental numbers oa different novelty in- struments, or perhaps witb a mnslcal comedy, Harry Fen Dalton, formerly ot the Bents- Santley Co. and The Fay Foster Burlesqns Co,. Is now doing a single set in tandSTlUe, having had a very snecesafnl seaaon playing the United and tbe Weatem time on the Pantages and also tbe Hodgkin Circuit. The act la away from all others and la more than making good. Marline and Carl ai« appearing at tbe Keith & Proctor Tbeatre, UStb afreet, where they are maklos oa* *t tb* Ma*at bit* la *«■* JIm la- tbat cl**« «*a*<7 'j*a« aootatl* CMta., which call esr.aanaraoa foaada of applaaaa aft*r they do tbe Mek, .«a accoaat of tho fonoy war they have-ot d*il**dag their goods. Murray Pllesc wlU aapaar shortly In a aew act, cooatsUng of aaaaanoaal akaUng feats. One iniOB featot* cttiactloB la tb* act wtu be tbat of nuklag a Inp. tot life lato the air while OB skatea. Tba act wlU ba btUcd Tba Skatlag comet. Oeorge Hat*, wbo ba* been playing Tb* Bub- elor Club on Morria snd Psntages tla*^ triad ont s new act by Bnbert Osborne at IMMMli' L. I., on Jaly 2S. ' The act was well t ia u iMi snd will soon be *e*a In New York. Jobaay Dot«l >|in**rlna aa a Beoteb comedian, -* -- ^ with hla alajriag — rb Ib C bto iiiMdgt^-SwBt lwt'^m flarnr %baatl*/!3to.wadb m of ibdan lUignMtto.'iiMt. OoiMjr I*- tb*t WllUdmi aad appearlag at th* der tb* dlreetlOB m siwhuh presented by Panl TreMt**b4'.'*ad''*ia with good residts. Stirling and Chapoiaa. will aa tt fcg O I**gaiw *— t* ■■ ■■ " R*Tnr iMMBt la*' MIlOM*. sbow. H* wm Xlddgtat o olio. Xldaigtat OB'Bi«*dw*7, Unmr, Oteytoa and Draw ac* ^ vacstioa at Bnckeyo Ijake. C. witb siers. Bockeye will bo snother colony In a short time. Arthur Ssnft BBder tbe pen gil*t*tte Faust, neatte, Aognst inft, "The Ole Bnlt oti tba Tlolia.'!' peraoBdJdlN*tM« .«t JllftlH Mj^ lust, sriD ogMTil lb*. IViarA'tM^ ognst g. • ■ The Angers, in their novelty skstlag set. aia presenting a good line of dsndog while aa skatea, and receive a .good round ot appUON Bene Traope, to their ■ ■ ■ ware for tbe same. Marveloos La comedy acrobatic and sensational wtrs act, wan one of the big hits ot the bill at Nnntey'a Ca< sino last week. John Gllroy, wblla. la bathing last week.^gpt bis feet wet. aad ttta.ka-^aMlgbt M Hart's msnnscrlpt gMMM ui'kiMi.'.t* in a new line. .Mr. and Mrs. Brnnswlck, the rube act, have eloecd St Sleeplechsse Psrk. Coney Island, after a very - snecesafnl seaaon and a run at Dream- land alao. Falco, Adams and Faleo. comedy Inatmmen- tallsts. are going along nicely with their neat offering, and were well received at Sooth Beach. Pederaon Bros., wtao lataadad. to sail torBo- rape, have ehaand tbal»'plaa%.,*wlag.««C;b*l*f< booked on tb* lBiit(«-twi?nr'•vniw* 'df< weeka. Harry A. Hrnahaw and wife'go with The Soul Klas, opening August 20,..having algned coniracu witb tb* Mlttealh*! Brotbers for same, ■ /.'/jV- Miss Ruth ColoBSB will sppear. tb* iiomlai' winter, and coataamUt** glrlag b*r mpsleal •*• lectiona at oaa ar^tlMiviniibMBt b*tal* la >l*f Ids. Th* Omegs Trio, bavlBg played all of their time that tbey had booked have decided to lay oS for the aaiam*?, taklag a mneb-needed rest.; Luce and liliaa*'. wOl open on tba OlpbeMB time, Septaabcr 4, with their reflaed moMH act. Tbey are bow resting for s few weeks, HsBsoo sad Drew sre bsek again with a lot of new material abont tbe abow koslness, so get In line snd bear about tba blllpoatets, Oreat Leon, the premlir lllnalonlst, baa an set thst is plessing the pnUie, snd has a* trouble In booking same. Tbe Barrett Stalera, singers and danoera, an ine«ilag witb nmniM% aO tkt kaoMi tkM thcjr *** ■pgawilag.'at'i •■ page 4M