Billboard advertising (Aug 1910)

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AUGUST 6, Wta Xtie Billboard • CHICAGO VARIETY New Acts Reviewed by Billboard Representative-Dis- cussions of Other Acts Appearing at the Leading VaudeviUe. Hou^ A—fltiiaijrj|B*' Mward* Co.. Tltlons in VIlMo AT*.. No. S. rail Bttgt. B—Molten and Carelll, Comedy Acrobat*. .. Matostte. No. «, lo One. n .iPirl Bmmj'i Peta, Doc Act. . AaUaod. No. B. Nl SlaM, IB One. n BiTl'—"- Nine llaMed ^KMogaten, Sebool ACL .. Pekin, No. B. Foil Stage. B—Hilda Hawtborn, Ventriloquist. Majeatlc. No. 4. In On*. F—CoTlBclon and Wllber. Protean Playlet. Majestic, No. B, Full Staxa. G—Sol Boms. Jew Comedian. . Le Grand. No. *, In One. ■. ■ H—BOSK COGBLA-N AND CO., OMMttt Playlet. ■ ." ' ' Majestic, No. 8, Foil Stace. I—Bernird and Weston. Bntertalners. Msjfstlc. No. 9. In One. J—Sebastian Merrill Co., "Gyroacopome dUns." Majestic, No. 3, Fall Stace. To rouDd out s smooth, all-atar bill chosen from tba acta playing Chicago last week. It be: aaaaa atCfMair to aak Cart Bmmy and hie hit to «iMf~lD «D«. Tbla la anything but bmoatlbU «Itta . tb* apparatna Bmoiy carries, snd slford* and excellent opportoolty of open- log and closing the abow In mil atage with Ideal ads for the occasion on both ends. A better style act to open the show than that o( Stanley and Edwards Compsny, with tbeir beioUful Tislons In marble, would be dllBcalt to flad anywbcn, tad tba BabastUa Merrill Co., who clot* with a remarkabia bomp-tbe-leap t»M tor*, la ap (nil of eonady and teaaatlona that It onstt Tba ■aran Bonbalra and n« Biz Jug- •Iter .Qiito tw tto. emwttd ttntk ipot. VMn'M ii.tmla nr bM<UM:boMn, OogUaa and Cb.. with tbt npatatloa, ability and entertaining Talne all booad In tb* name bon- <|oet with a rIbtMn of high art, make this •taDil out as the best drswing card lo the list. SlDcr Mike Bernard bu joined rorees with Wil- lie Weston, the chsracter sloger, a comblnatluo o( two of the best eotertstner* In tbe country Is In exUtence, and as on the Majestic bill, tbey would close the gap between Mlsa Coghlan's of- ferlng. Tbe Ace of Trumps, and the last act. The rlTa Annanla, wbo preceded tlte headllners •t Vb» lUlmat, wonld atrar ds fat an all-atar mu •Mf^UMni sal Buaa tk* vrivllagn oC ntn- binf part of tbo atage calM far coo tar kia Jewlab oapid y .. a apot whera ho wooM Meal in tbe aat^pS tt tbe andtenoe. StartloB fNol the opposlta and. tba bin wonld gradoally work Itself Into antboslaam rla Mnllen aad Corelll, Carl Emmy's Pets, Rarl- Isad's School Act, Miss Hawthorne and Coelng- ton and Wllber. This last named act, a coj- ililent little drsmstlc pisy of seien charac- trrs. acted by two people. Is one of the bent In the protean class, snd la ao artistically staged that Ita Talna aa a beadllnar ta not wholly TOld ot Uapertaae*. Hilda BawtbonM. - wbo it re- potad by many to ba th* best famala TantfU- aqnlat, amootba out tba laat wrinkle made by ■lack of good acta la eo*. after Carl Bmniy baa deaad bla efforts aaar tha foolll>tats. aad laaTee OBly tba fourth apot to All. naelland'a Nine Musical Tooogatata. a rarllable riot at tb<- PeklB last week, icciat tba meat Ilkaljr eandl- data, lad tarries with It ao mneb dlearalon ttat tha offering la almoat a necessity on a bot ildy MO. Tba American Music Hsll, which opens Sstur- day, August <l, will help mattera along mate- rially, altbonita the opening of Doutrlck's new honae, tbe Le Grand, most be sckoowledged as having glrrn the All-Cblcsgo Bill an actln Sol Bnma Ibis wrek. Tbe Star throwa open Ita doota tbe middle ot Angaat. tha Acadamy. Tr»- Mt and Boab TMnla.CMff, acts) •Mat LaM Dif. and tha otharSaMTwkM tta diimHibIi HiMhlly opportune. NEW ACT* IN CHICAQO. npMiR. Buab Temple. No. B. Full stage. Thirteen minutes. Seen erenlng, July 33. Csrrylng a apeelal aat of pollabad apparatus, which aokaactB tho Taint ot Hany'a old act ma- terlallr, ha onia a mnoiBniidtaffly better set of cootartwaa and tarlata, and fi now in tbe field tor tho heat time. Tbe apparatus, a large InTcrted U-abaped piece of nickel, has two swinging platforms, which allows the rloc aad trapese attacbmeirt in tbe center. Attired In a natty street costume, he enters sod makea bis strip lo s novel snd orlglosl man- ner while roTOlvlng st full speed, suspended by Ills heels on tbe t>ar. This woo him fsTor st the start, anil he had little trouble In main- taining the antbnalaam ot tha andlence through- ^oirt. JOBMBOK * IAVBBjCB. 'ni MURER AND THE 8WaB& - Le Grand. No. 3. lu out. Bltltaarvnriaates. Seen erenlng, -July 21. The Swede portrayed la one of tho most pe- culiar or all eccentrlca. With month al- ways agape, this cbsp presented an appearance which was one contlnoal laugh. ErerytJilug baa Ita dlaadTantagea. bowcTer. and tbe trouble with tbla la that It Is too long. When they arv about half through, the audleoce becomes uatM to It, aad although their offering vct% a riot per:so nal p atter Pertaining to Vaudeville Performers In and Around Chicago—Notes of Their Plans» Prospects and Professional Doings . PetrolTs Comedy.Clfeat. tMtntvd lost waaK at the Wilson Arentw Theatre, hss been aiM to >Iadame Colgrore. alt tbe animals now coming under the caption. Madam ColKrove'a I'ets. She Is aald.lo faaTC with tbla addlclon stiout twenty- four dogs. Including tbe seveo moslcal canloea a turkey-ln-tbe-straw terrier, and tbe boxing dogs. She also purchased tbe pig, pony and bome belonging to Petmff. msking one of the largest animal coUectlona In vaudeTllle. In fact, the aggregation has become so exteoslTe that tha Madam la .acrlonaly cooalderlng acru mnlatiaff a caw atar Taadtwit acts aad form- loff a rtad Mair. VitMtf irflL bo batfc t» the oU touatir- Dorothy Vaughn, the TaudeefBa favorite wbo broke Into Madam Sherry. Is creating one of thooe oTcr-nlftht riots, singing tbe Brat song ever published by the Ted Snyder Music Co.. enti- tled Make Me Lsugb. The song hss Isid on the shelf for rasny moons awaiting tbe right slnj^er to come along, which throngh ability baopens to be Dorothy. Frsnk Clark. Chicago msnager for tbe Soydpr offlres. re-arranged the lyrics of the number to Ht the occasion, snd the result Is that she Is almost stopping the show nightly. The Parnyard Booieo. formerly called Tbe Cbanteclalr. a sixty girl muslcsl fantasy pro- duction, will be the feature at tbe Amerleai. when It opens Saturday. August A. Tbe caat includes Mini Hajos. the Viennese sonbrelte stsr. who Is the peer of Fritsi Scbeff sccocd- NIW IMkilnie/THIAtll*. ^ . HajtMle-niotio. Ko, S. run atago. WW- laaa ailBataa. Btra maUaao. Jnly IB. BUIaff all kindt of cyclaa hnt a hl^do, aad STOldlng only tbe normal atyle ot riding, tbla trospe of three combine comedy with aaveral minor tricks, snd their sensational bamp-the loop climax. This latter feat, which it oSetod 00 ipeclsl apparatus suspended from tba fllea, I' no more or less that the dumping of two ■lien on a tandem off a forty-BT* dagrea In- cline, th> iichiai flight ot tbo wheal not laating ■nora than about two feet. Tha trick looka very illlBcult and at tbe opening pertonnanca was applauded ycry enthuslaatlcally. The remainder of tba act. which la paoto- mlaia thixinghoot, conalata of Ulcka by tba •inlni, Intanalngled with the appoarancea oC 'SJ'^ eomcdltat on freak mtchlnca, aomathlag attar tha atyla ot tho Ahtara tntnpa. Tba come- PAh- \ WMuaa, A PBonUit; muiiMkrta PUkTLBT. .1 "o. B. Full atage; ape- July SB ' ^''"**'> ■<>■■"■(*•■ B««h matlneo, A play of stTan rharaelrra nlaved by two r~'''*i„'!!?"' «t more than ordtn- S^.f"'*' .<X>t*l' ebanao arllaM. OS and SSeh'^J?."* '"!5J •"«" a dlBoetat FA'* *"fl **<li antnBco, mada tho and- !?,!;';• .i."""'* •* 1>«1»B tooled— tiint tbcre were mora than two poimla playing IJ*- At the cloaa of tha llttbaklt. liaitvf- Tbt — by Bdward atw tkMtrt at InMittla, lad., owatd br tb* l||iB Aauomrat Co., and managed tbrongbont tbe Brat half, thay exit with only tha nanal amount ot applanaa. After tho atcao- •Biy (gMlag oat of tba oldar lagt. and tbo faa> '—. ft tho rtBalalBB aaia^ which aio os- langh prodncan. CM aacttiair map aad dash, wbicb la now lacking, will onaeo Itaalt. mnrdoftr or btr " tbe BusmabB nr Boab Temple. No. 8. Pali alagai aettlng. Seen evening, Jnly S3. Batbortng uakaowlngly tbo mn basbaad, Hm. AadotaoQ proteMtbta ftom poUoOk a lltlibhsr whoaa daagMarJ|r had„m- Ined. aadSraim tranay when aba fb^r ttallaea wbo tha maa-la. Sba cllmas, boworor, which ahould btvo btta toBOthlna lomatkably atart- Ung to ho la bttptas-wttbTbt not of the akit, waa notblag aoM.or ItM ttaa a wtth-yoa-as': tain. Mlaa Ohapin and Madam Jabe. who handled tbe female cbaractera, both did .liiailc<< to their llnea. aa did Harry Sleight, the consumptive murderer In tbe akelch. the acting of all bring of BUBlclcnt tttenglb to put over any act which waa written properly, but the defective pen ot tba .i^BtMf^irat too much In avldaattk. . ' BOBBBU. * CO.. NOTBUCr- BUM> TBtOAL DAKO*. . .. Tampio nioatio. . IMi,-ti fan Btagot apeelal aattlns; IB minaltt.. IMM .«faalaB,'-Jaly as. The act as It should havo turn woald'bo ahoat aa follows:—Nellie Rusaell. a dteor. dancar, omna tbe act In a notto danea. marked by — - " intltuf Kcoery. At the cloi Baatall wealth ot bcautli of bar opealiw ton. from the roefiy aan. radlo* dtaco; BMNB «C aatljr ooalaB RMa aiaqr. Jtttit taff to tbt MMr Xotk criUct; SlalU Mayhaw. Sid- otSwtajwa aatoMM «mIbb bOI. i»t to be Tbo attfO «N» tC tba BaBb Smplo Theatre, which eooaUta o( Obillw Oaitaar. atage man- tstri Billy OlHWiHa. aitMaat. aad Harry Steele, had a aiailj time ot It at tba try-out laat Thmtdaj atraalng, when fourteen acta ahowad np, tadi with an extraordinary scenery aat or llat ot props, with one exeeptlco. that of the opening act, an offering ot electrical oSaeCa, tbe entire blU vras mn sa amooth aa tbaoiib It waa tha laat algbt ot a week'a bUI. Altaaa^tr Oair, wbo la The End ot tbe Worin RaoMd ao many American Mnalc Hall patrons at season, baa been engaged as the princlpsi comedian of the company t>elng formed for the LaSslle Opers Hoi|se by Its new manaicer. Har- ry Aakln. Ha baa accepted the role ot aa ac- centric Italian opera slager. Mlaa Trixia nl- ganxa. another mnalc hall farorilo. will bave tbe chief woman'a role, wbteb la tha title xole Itself, Tbt Sweetest Olrl In Parla.. Julian Eltlnge. with bla vaudevlUa nod ahow, will not appear at tba Cort Theatre aa an- nounced, the propoacd tear of tbat organisation having been called off. Tbe reason fur tbU action la not ahaolntely certain, but It la thought by many to cona from the tact tbat the TandrrlBo Bight ot BItlaco waa to cover almoat the aame tcnltory oa tho atw mnalcal abow. In which Kltlago wlU ba ftatorad by Al. Wooda thla fall, Tooaaer end Hcwiaa, who vmo ittatartd al tbt Aahlaad laat waOb, win play hot a «t« bmw datca thla aaaaoa. After a maatVa rttt tbtr will atart over the Intentate Uaae. tat wbUb tbtir hart algned up the coming year. Ibt att. which M called It Happened In I,onelyvtllo> baa beea.cbaaaed all^tly ataco Ita laat apBoaiaaeo In ChltaiB.ak: tbt.Baak .SaBvltk a better a»cs- Ing aat fWatfct B ai l BB btasi aabt ii l l . Bert Coltoa. wbo waa booked to play Boalh Bend last week, found the strike situation not very edltylnt. end wh.ii tbe manager btoaehco i.tbo BoOHt^ar Jilio. Btn toBMat he atta far tfoat. ny tbe way. this chap, wbo bills btmaelt aa "Society Entertainer." Is the proud posses- sor of a bouncing baby boy, which will hart aa awful time when he grows up listening to hla fatber compoaing aoogs. Anna Link aad tbe Snratt Boya, wbo were one of the featnrea over at Mills* Theatre. Sana Soacl. laat week, are this week the feature ot Joe Greln'a boose, at Foreat Park. Mlaa Link Is festuring most of Theodore Morse's songs, although she Is flgurlng on Introttuclng a new topical melody, which bids fair to set tbe mnsleal world agog when It la produced. Darta A Dooley. who opened In Cblcsgo last week at the Arch Theatre for Doyle, was one of tbe surprlsea of the week. Tbeir little comedy oddity, which la entitled looking for a Partner, la a modem vandevine vehicle, and togelhrr wttb. a eonpio ot moalcol Interpolatloiia.. tbeir offbHtB to aao__of the beat ever aeca oa iK smanar thaow wbtn they won't be long. H. A. Davit, who baa featured Grlxxly Bear, with tndi aneceao. thnogboot tbe past season, will Introdaet. tbortly. a nnmher which haa all ■the ear-marka ot one af thaao over^lBbt iMa. Ita tlUe, The SawUa* BHdtk aSSTwmtt tbe atyle ot lyrka aad moMr aat M It taMM tbat thla chap DavU wlU botat It kto pepa- larlty with a eaoderUlo Tiagtaatt. BUiy Splllard. wbo haa been laaaiilatl with the Ted Snyder Mnalc Co. In Obleatt far so long that he was almoat conaMaied a Bxtoro, surprised his msny friends leal w ' ' noundog that he had accepted a tiri position with the Jet ~ ' cem. Pllly Snillard will I under Billy Thompson. Testa Victoria, with her hnileeane and grv- teaqnirle of the moat diverting sort, la tbe big feature at the Malestir tbla ireek, together with the Old Soldier Fiddlers, a troupe of veteraaa of the Clrll War, coming from both armlea atut Clad In the bine and tbe grey of tha contend- ing forces. This offering will strike sn entirely new note In Tsudevllle. West, of Benton. Oranby and Wrat fame, baa accepted a part la Tbe Broken Idol Compan.,. which Billy Boehe Is pnttlas on the road. R»- braraala took place last week at tbe Bnsh T%m- '''!!-.^"5* a[™^5f..i^ hogologtot. a eharaciek which ata bfa ability almoat aa w»II aa the coaatiT tbttUr.' Joe Onaby ta atlB playing stock la Altataa. Pi. . Mlao Jeoaetto Lso. who created qnlte a nov- elty dialarhaare In Chicago with her little prop aemplane. Is op In Nortbera Minnesota. Sew* paper clippings show that Mlsa Leo Wat BM ' as big a sensation In BembUI. BralaaiB. Bib. bine and Chlsbolau Bho ta> la Dolatb aad Ba* perVoT this wcob. Bnt aad laat half. Mabadeva Brabmaaiada It lb* MgaiNata owned by a new vandevlUo act la the fieni ot . a Hindoo lecturer. He la bailed aa coming from Madras. Inills. and dsala with tbe occultism and m,ratlclsm of tbe HIadoaa. Be waa fea- tured at tBe BUoa Dream laat week. Jolly Bulb Oaraold la rehearalag aome new musical nnmben, which when artaaged will bolld tbe framework ot a new act. Both la allll hoping to land an auto on tbat Examiner con- test. They have deaerted tb« Palace Hotel far tbe Dearborn avenue boatelry. Edward L. Bloom, general manager of th* William Morris. Inc.. staff. Is in the city ao- perlntendlng the opening ot the American Mn- alc Hall, and Is alao giving bla personsi stten- tlon to the Morris prodncttoo called Tbe Barn- yard Borneo. The Lavalla. the stsge serlallata. with their spectacular production on the silver arch and the self-revolvlox bars. Illuminated scenery and wa- ter effects, have arrived In Chicago, and await tbe opening of their novelty at on tbe Orpbenm. Chaa. Hitchcock, who la worklog under the directlaa of Edward Weyeraon. haa received bin booklnga for twenty weeks over tbe Southern In- terstste time, which tskes him from Cblcsgu .August 28. He la In Msnlstee this week. Tho WllUam Morris, Inc., will open sn elaborately decorated new theatre at Louis. September 3d. which will be known ss the American Mnalc Hall. In accordance with tha Morris cuatom of naming booses. Mr. J. C. Mattbewa, western represeotstWe for tbe Winiam Morrte. Inc.. haa porcbaaed ' a pvatty rsaMeace In r dB |W B>M . wMtb la ballt along naval llaea ot atdMNMNii aafBBB hoaa chrlatoacd T he Tamt. ■ . • * . •ANPORb DOOM PL^yim; Denver. Cel.. July sa—Boaao oT tbt pttplt engaged tor SantonI IVdge far tbt comlw tti. aae an Mlaa Adelle NIckeraoo. a very clever yooag lady, who will play tbe lesdlng feminine roles ancb aa Portia. Juliet. Lady Macbeth, etc. Mr. Lonia Lytton will be Mr. Dodge's leading man this sesson. Mr. Lytton baa been aaaocl- atrd with many of the best players, both Amer- ican snd English, snd Is a very promlatag young sctor. Mlu Tyler Kent bss also been re-engsged by Mr. Dodge becanae of her abl|. ... „ I ogah Others an Martoa Mono. Clara aoodale. I.«aa- ard Hnnt, Fred Wnfccaa. Chaa. Wellasnd for advance manager. Mr. Dodge wlB have Mr. H. A . Jeh aaaa. Their aeaaoa will open esriy la Alvatt. THEATRI 0E-. SbefBeld. Ala.. Jnly sa—Plie on Moaday de- stroyed aieyers' Onera Hoose ben. to<etl>er with adjoining biilldlnga. Tbe loaa on the op- era bouse Is (35.000. with no Inanrance. Tha origin of the Ore Is not known. There la aaovemcnt oa toot to naaodel a hoUdUig htl»