Billboard advertising (Aug 1910)

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10 Xlie Billboard AUGUST 6k ALBANY, N. Y. Loftall Stock Company Close* Engaflo- nd ItoeaivM an .Ovaliwb .Tb» lut iiMk.oC airt lcrW'ji loorabor at Bmuaas Bleebkir Bin tfiati lUIr tUk, with. BMwstar's Uintoaa.' fke opabv uAt * liud- MOM loTlBS nip WH preMoted to ur. Lrtell, tto t pnti > at presenta ' - . - _ _ presentation belnp made by Com* Of Public Safety Edward B. Cantlne. ET«ry nlsht dDiins tht w«ek fuawtll ■p»if1nn were made by iIIBmhI awb— 0C lfc>.eWMMy. and on tiic ciodas tiM wliate mmt UMlwd as oration. ' Mr. Lytell opens bis fall season £>abor Day. at the Masonic Theatre, LonlsTlUe, Ky.. Hla emersetlc manager, Charles V. Barton, -will re- main In Albany a mmtli looser to do press work for th* Comedy Stock Company, which wUI flU out the jDontli of Angost at tbe Hall, onenlnc Atwoat Ut, with Xha BcixtOB. Boi^azy. - ilr. Bay Oomstock, leiaee of tte HaD. Iiaa ocgintad a stronc eompaay, hcadad : li# lUaa Oaila UrxTlaM aod eoBtalatBC tools Balaam •( at Lytell Compuy: Bthd Tiiij. Tiiiiis^iiBinni. Julia Vaniey. William Ingtaham sat Htoy Bai- foot. Mr. Bmelton. sta^ director for Wm. A. Brady, wUI hare cbarse of the prodactlona. Hondlnl. the Handcuff King, waa Bert lyiell'B gnt at the petfonaaaea of Ska ninlna. Jvlj Altbonsh tiM doois aC tbe'AcaaHar of ai« doicd. yet behind tkoae partaia is a of c»at aettvlty; Tbe tbcatre'ls bainc nnofataa from the roof to the eellar. One Iwadnd men started to do the Job last week. • The chairs hare aft been remored and will be replaced wltb cbalri that are more comfort- able and beaotifnlly nptaolstered. Tbe spaclons lobby Is In reality "A Hall of Fame" of the Amnlcan stage, as tbe handsome collectioa con- tains a pletsie of erety well-known actor and s eUeSs who hss appeared in that theatre. Uanaxer M. j.- icbmsyer Is isir jpraod of bk theatre, and tilts program of dcanlag op la an annoal cTent. But It always canses ioaie ans- laty in the hearta of the boose stall. With tbe approach of warm weather eadi look forward to tiie loag TacatSon with Joy. Bat It is 'neeessajT for someone to re- main In town to take charge of the haase-cleas- ing Job. This year eveiybody wanted to get oCT. so it was necessary to draw straws, and as a nsQit of the drawing. Bnaloess Manager Harry Henkel has to remain In town to . hold down the Ud. Mr. Henkel Is deUghtcd sad he says .^ta aem. WKr kamr aalwa. ho,-te,jii^i^yjd JUaacsr LsbmSyer aaU-'.tte 'teiajg-'aisiBi woQid open In September. This city has a large namber of picture the- atres which dally present some Tcry intetestlDg Sims snd attract Urge crowds, bat In spite of this, Howe's moTing pictures slways get tbe capacity crowds wheoever they come to town. Howe's nlctnres will be the attraction at Ford's Opera House during the month of August. Msny special features have been promised dm- lug the eagagemcnt. One of the most Intaicst- Tlie Empire Theatre will be one of the first borlesqne nooses to open, and it i.s cscpeetod this house will open this week. Percy G. WUIiama* Orpbenm Theatre is' un. dergoing a complete renovatine, and Is heiag handsooiely decwated. It will open sooa nltb the usual blgh-class TandevIUe bills. All of the Hyde A Behman Amnsement Con.- panica here are being redecorated and rapidly pot 111 ihapa for an early opening. Tbe work on the new theatre under eonstruc- tloa In Brpoklyn Is being rapidly pnsbed along. Jones BcDthets' Buffalo Bench Wild West has Just ended a two weeks' engagemeot on Lone Is. land to profitable bDsloess, being ttie first Wllu West sho^- to come to Bong Island. Jack SlOKcr's Serenaders will bo one or Brooklyn's big burlesque shows seen oa tbe Eastern Wheel. Dinah from Carolina, written by Albert Von TUxer and Juole McCree, the latter a well- known Brooklyn TaudeTille stsr and writer. Is being tsatnred by all tbe leading TaodeTllie ST. LOUIS , MO. Knights of Pythias Carnival Biggatt Evont SiiiC ie Vi^ fi«»^WUK-{: ; stsBd-sUL Tht '«T«ot ■( 'tmpdrtaaet 'last week waa tbe Pythian Charity Camlvsl at Bandlan's Park. The op«iIng. which was aet for July 2S. was pterented by oae of the worst wind and rain stsnns 'In this dty since the cyclone, and al- most erery tent snd front upon the groands wss blown down, nndolng the work of tbe pre- TloDS week. As the dsmage to the fronts and tents was slight, other than being laid flat, the opening occurred oa July 26th. The shows were all newly, assembled, and numbered more than M'ia.'.^'::. aba MIdway.-wbUb la ICO feet-la «Utt^';aM .Mt 'lii b«^^ bean- CLEVELAND, O. A Now Faroo .Prediiood at the Colonial ■■■ ' .«tr/FiM:.:.TlM':i In spite of eTfsadlsgtr tet drlren people to tbe paiU;»lke^M«alal xbeatre. playing anmmer stock, bas contlnnad doing s tremendous business. Week of ttie IStb there wss produced for the first time In CleTe- land the farce. It's All Toor Fanlt. from the pen of Edgar Selwyn. The Colonial will con- tlnne olaylng atock dnrlOK Aognst. At Euclid Garden. AmeUa Bingham. Rnpnorted by a stmnic east, prodoced A Modem Magda- len. The Garden has been exceptloaally well attended, and the audience has been very lii, eral In the bestowing of curtain calls. The Grand Theatre Oi. Is plsying-at Enelld . Annae Opera Hoose. Tbe bUI was . beaded by Ethel. Tan Otiien and Cb.. In a eomedy playlet, entitled The Prince of Uars. srhieh was wen receired. The sensational nomber of the pro- gram, bowerer. was Ysmamoto Bros., premier wire-and perch artists, who are in a'uass by themselree. while Scintilla the Boxslah TloUn- 1st. rendered a number of classlral selections with bt&IIant execution. The bill wss well tclsed snd the sttcadsaee Ism. - The bm at Keith's I fres p ee t loeloded Selmar -Booialn and Co-. In a cMWdy playlet, entitled Tb«t Adrviee Agent, a dainty singing snd dsne- imf.ogerln K by .Johnny Small and Slaters, a gro- Itsqne dsndng act by Rivers and Demond. .wbteh- wss well tecelTed. with Ja^. Idrla. the Pas-American i-oine«ftsn, sad S. T*' Tfsffllliii'llf ptesUnt of the Tbirteen; CUkT '. Atro^w*'-**- 1- Terr good.. :-i^^^im6o^^ Co'Tv PsTton has opened his Lee ATenue Th»atie with the Kirk Brown Stock Co.. whicu will remain hrre for fnnr weekv. The ooening may is The Boys of Col B. ' lbs I«e Ayemie Theatre bas been bsndsomeiy radseorated and manr Iraprorcments added. The JerrHes-Jnhoson fight pictures are belur sbown at tbe Crescent. Greenpoiut an^ Gotham theatres, and sre attracting mmsnslly large PORTLAND, ORE. Mrs. Fiako Assists at Comorstono Lay- Mrs. FIske laid tbe corner-atone of the new Hells Theatre. Friday afternoon, July 22. be- fore a crowd of alwnt two thousand people, as- sisted b.v Acting Gorernor Bowerman, Mayor Si- mon and Cali-ta neliis- The ceremonies won simple. Bosebroolc's Band played, G. L. Baker made a stieech, Ma.vor Slmoi paid a trlbate to Mrs. Fl-lie. and tbvn introduced har. .-Jlnr- nske was tbe reolplent of a msgaMMBt bisA of American Beauty roses. The benefit fund of Maijorle Mahr, tbe little chorus girl that was so frightfully mangled b^ a Southern Pacific-passenger train, and who bad both limbs amputated, nan- amounts to f2,OW.5l. Mrs. Flske'sjfompany contributed 133, and the fund Is stIU growing. Here's hoping it will contlnoe to do so. Franklin Undernocd and Miss Frances Slos- sou, late of the Baker Stock Co., opened at tbe Orpheom Theatre In a speelsUy srrltten sketch Isat sreek. 8. Slottoa Gobi.' pnaldent oC- tbe People's Annssawat Oomvaar. dlavoMd at Ua lntetsst to that cuaemTTJi, is. aaU Out ba recelred nW,OM'fMr bis Share.'-Tbei geopWs Amnment Chmpany are oiierating a nnmlier of the mptloa picture theatre In this city. Mr. Cohai-vdll make an extended trip to the Orient, b a fia g left this dtx. accompanied by bis.wife. Miss Annie Ditchbnrn. late leading woman with one of The Climax Companiea. Is spending ber Tacatloo with her mother In this d^. Mr. A. Dnchamb, manassr 0( Osaadl Onat. Amusement Park, left Cor a Baolb*s. IHp to Prince Bnnert. 8.-0. ,7--.. "•■■'.^,-' '".;-, - . The ▼anaerUle PantaflCif. taavo'J Kow V''^^^ Fngagcnent at the New Orpheom Tbeat tm iwlai» jtogdswllf, Brdya Saav, aaa fltadtys O I I Hw ii itre, Hoaoinlo. from left to laslle tlful effect from -tba oaliaace. There were more than 5,000 Incsndeseent Ismps and 12 arc lights In the Midway, glTlng an electric display neycr seen here since tbe World's Fair. Among the shows on the gronnds were The Double Lady, fisban^ Sag and Pony drcns, Tsbloax de -vliain^T Sapetba, Tgacbmsn's EIAt-l«n<d BMSa, Omgress of Oriental Girls,-Hetesmr, na Octopus, The Hippodrome,' Fecris Wheel. Okde Swing, Meny-Go-Boond; OoimtiT Store, and oTcr 25 smaller concessions. Tbe free sets consisted of -the Great Davenports, who were here by request of the citizens of St. Lonls, as haTioE appeared here at Lemp's Park a few years ago, and their wonderffnl exhibition bad left a longing desire among the carnival fol- lowers for thidr acts. They gave a most daring and plesslng ezhlbltloii. The other free act was that oC tte daxinc Uonheart. who deca a sea- 8atiaaal;: «iM dl8e by Ua taetb.. with a leap Into a aeL It Is a most- tbrminl; exhibit]on and Is so excellent side set to the Giest Dairen- ports. Mr. K. E. .Nelmy,' who is responsible for this great array of attiaetlons, is wsrmly re- membered here fiiini Ills' iiiiiasi lli» wllb llii World's Fair. Slid bo baa ilifa Ibo ralibli of Pythias a camlral ' tbtt'bis'Borcr. beta ovuled in this dty. (CoDtlnuetl on page 48.) Plana Prap a did "far-i ■ Larga. Muaie and • A rt Wa ll. Word has been reeelTVd here from Paris, from Impresario Jules LayoUe. that he has engaged Meile Scalar for hu Trench Opera Tronpe as First nilcon. If the pisns of Mrs. E. B. Summers, uf Pitts- bnrg, go through. New Orleans will have a new Temple of Mnalc to be devoted to the uses o* music and arts. Tbe buUdlnjr wni hsTe an an^ dltorinm that will seat shout I.SW people. Tba Tanderllle biU at tta Went Jkd last ssMi «as< as 'follows: Tossa^H-MIrafy Baat;; XMa and.Vianfcs. I«e St. Blao, Ssdib Pcasl. V. Ar- tnsa and morlng pictures. Manager William T. Grorer presented the fol- lowing TsndeTlIle bill at tbe American Music Hall last weeli: Tbe Six Masrotts, Howard and Boyd >r<irif! ^fanning and the Amerlscope, showing the litest animated seeneC The New York Mualeal Comedy Comnsny Is presntbw That.Bad Bar,Patar at the Winter Gaidaa^ aMtr tto tta«MM aTlBvarL J. " ley. . '.•• ■ ■ ■ . , (Oootiaaaa aa paa* W.) -. The Navassar Ladles' Band bas proved a strong sttraction at the Oaks Amusement Park. Council Crest Amusement Park is going la iw. some big open air attractions next month. Work Is being noshed night and day on both tba inspected the new theatre, and all I esn say Is that this theatre is one of the handsomest theatres In tbe South. The decorations iim beautiful, and the electrical ellecia are wonder fnl. Tbe dressing rooms are ail large, wltu hot and cdd water In every room. Performers wUI appiMlate the comfort of the diesslng ll<^fa!^op.Js..liMK sparad by the "iMnmcit niAM rinauio. NASHV ILLE, TENN. Naainfilla \ i'kir' AaaeciMiw^^^^ Final Preparations for Moetingiv XasbvlUe Lodas Ko. 80. T. M. A. an outing Jnly ai;' v^- >"»•» Xr. Caatrell. AL Free tfee^ reflesbment ■ i Baii i y is From tha Vapor ~■•-■;;:.:;■cHy^.. ^ -;v,v''-;:. Albert Tsylor and Us-wdt-adectcd company closed s two weeks'. saeeessftil engsgement at Head's Alrdome, Jidy St.. n This company is the best of tbe season's attractions. Nell Paul Is a very dever actress snd made s big bit with the alrdome patrons- Altwrt Taylor has hun- dreds of Bdmirers. He certainly can draw the people. His curtain speech is well worth thr price of admission. During the esgagemant A Otided Fool was presented, snd smoStbe Dfote- loent people assembled to witness the perfbrm- anee was Henry Guy Carleton, snthor of A Glided Pool. Miss Dorothy Gotten Is s late arrival In the Vspor City. She Is s member of A Stnbborn OInderells Co. The Lyric. Tlieatre offered their iintroos - special act last week. Sig. Beinfieid's refined lady minstrels was the attraction. The act was well received. Msnager Besd, of tbe Alrdome Theatre and Head'B enterprises, la.In the East for a few weeks. Dnring' his sbsence his residence was destroyed by fire. The fire department was un- able to save anything but tbe lot. We certslnl> have some fire department. Laora Wells, a vaudeville performer. Is resting here for a few weeks. Doc On-eua. manager of -Whittlngton Park, baa a special attrsction for Jnly 24. Tbe Bloomer fflrls . BMSb aM gob arm, bs the attraction. A ' l&*.aad;Iba^ ;Oao. . Whda an enjoying cottage IMe bcM fbr-a--fbw weeks.' ^igiM&^^Bji»jCbaige:aiM known- csoMdtaii,''waa NC^s«d.''f^' :'.'.*;- The Prfaef ii ' T ba ili o . . Hot apciass aew tan- derilla tfeaatK^ 'aoar. la-eoaiae of acettoa, !■ nearly Jalibid. «>e «a«aiBa. trill take sIbm la Aosast or 8aplooibsr< . .^ia. arritsr icasallr snd Mr. Kelaer mittee. f-& Os^allj}a«»wgrtn«:;nsent of the Grand and mioa' tbeaitcs, wtU bo cooaeeted with the New (taponim Tbeatia bete, wltaeh wlU open It sfssen Labor Day. ' ^ The Tessessea (Mored Fair Association 'iirlil hold its meeting thia year from September ST' to October 1, Inclusive. This declsloo' was- xcached at a meeting held this week. A eaa-' mittee composed of j. C. Napier, presldeat af' the Association: Rev. Preston Taylor. gaaaiaL' msnager, and 8. P. Harris, secretary, waa an- tbotized to proceed with arrangements. A contract hss been dosed by the Tennenee Slate Fair Assoclstlon with the Western Book*' lag Asaoeiatlon. tbe latter company agreeing to t0Rils{i tbe sttractlons st the fair. Among tbf acta booked are The Wakahoma Jap Troupe' of ser^|»at*. contortionists, wire walkers and ius- CletB;' Mme. Louise's Troupe of Monkeys, Bot- jwnley Ttoape. trapeie artists, and Frank and Vne Bice, comeily acrobats. ■_The Labor Day Committee of the Naahvtlle Ttadea and I.abor .Conncll met at tbe Labor Ad- vocate oOce to'naka.anaaaaaiente for the La bwjtay Midtatloik. It .^ras dedded to cele- brste a*;^: at JB toadaH ; Vttfc^ Sht toll pro- ad Iiabar Dar fSatafta^wjanbojaaaand. - . EAST LIVERPOOL, 6. Mayor Refusos to Bar Jeffrtaa>Johnson . Fisht^;-Pieturea..'':i Warl Wallover wUI have charge of the ivops with tbe Sis Hopkins Company next season. ^WajtCT WnUamy s ecret ary.of T..1I. A. Lodge some new'- l i gMiU i a^ aryUtf atst^aiiiiiilff^^ injr. •■T--'. .*: . ._ . - ' ....„.•..■' Mike Shay, treasoier of Ceramic Tbeatfa'Sfii- son 1900-10 will manage the Grand at Slailaa.' O.. 1810-11. leaving here September 1. Charles BIppna. formerly manager of Cera- mic Theatre, here, and the Bellaire Opera House, bas leased the Uajestle Theatre, Lorain, taking charge, Sept. 1. Bippua is now sdver- tiaing manager of Rock Spring Park. . Walter Williams, delegate to the-Intoraatioaal Alliance Theatrical Stage EmplafM,'>ftam''..1bl*' local, haa returned and will mabsi avX^)«rt--it' the local meeting In August. ' .-v''?.'"'---*., •' Msyor Samuel W. Crawford refnseil'^tba-fliMd^. lugs of s. company of ministers to.bair tlio.9}C> rles-Johnsoo fight pictures here. Th& American Theatre \rll] open the season of IBIO-II Labor Day. It wlli coQtlQce in high dass vandeTlIle, giving three shows dsily. one la tbe aftenooB and two Jit.algbt.^ ~ to six. aets wm be bsoirndftMa^aaaaa pncim JUodajs and Ttaiadays.; .^jjli: Ia.<np«M.-tbat a -new, theatrical clNBlt tirtll!:ba^fnad~Ui.Kortbcastea Ohio thls-ttn.- ttat :Wltli:.-coBil*t of »tobaMy -: gfteea Tiani. Nsmes of- those baek of'.tba ,iMiaaMat:aia bs^ inK,withheld -for tbe praaaat.: ..-f- - The bOl at Rock Springs Park .Tbeatrii last week proved sttrsetlve. The tarn aets .srere Dick snd Alice McAvoy, festaring Herald Square Jimmy; The BsHletta In an aerial act. which waa good: H. V. PItxgerald. In monologiM. and' Tbe Myro Myro Trio of pantoolmtsts. . The Dreamland Theatre will roa'Into Aiwnst. before dosing for a fortnight. MeCllatoclfa..Tbsatia'.wtll open in Septemtwr. tbonaaa^'mofstid.'' v M. K. ZIMBBKAN. WATERLOO, IOWA.- ; > : Naw'rVMMlavilla'--Th«atra ^toVba iRa*4r by tho First of Soptombor. The new vaudeville theatre now being erected on Bast Fourth- street Is tbyitfCaa^H^' and tha promoters. Payne and; JfeCHatsKT'iaapMt lo open alKmt September 1st. The bonse will sest sbont SW' and will be up-to-dste in every r e sp ec t snd. Ilreprpof. This, with the New Orpbenm, a TaadevTUe tbestre which opened to the public June 201h, will cive Waterloo plenty of smusement In this tine. However, the Mew Orphenm Is nisylns to torn away boslneas acairi]r;:sT!(i7 bight diirliic Ibf bot weather. -/ '-y'-V-v:^-,;:... .-.vj".:;. v.-v Msnsger A. J. BaSbjr, ef 'tbe.Srodleata and the Waterloo theatres, stopped In Chicago to attend tbe billposters' convention on bis way home from New Vork, where he haa been for -the past two wecka, completing his booklntEs for the coming season. Bineling Brothers' CIrena drew two big bo»«"« July IBth. Sella-Flota is billed for September 3. Manager H. B. Parker, of Electric Park, hai returned from acveral days spent In Chicago complctlDK bis vaadeville bookings foe ths bal- ance of the aeaaon. Bnsinesa at ElCCttte'.'iMv has been the best this year of anv alneo viae opening, four years ago. She hill last we*™ ladadrd The .Imperial Xomedr inrar, Katehb. Ttio, Priaeria R^iaat-naiTWsgnsr, Campber and IfeOonsld. at«. ' "..TT^^ '^ r - • .a. B. BOXCR.