Billboard advertising (Aug 1910)

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Xtie Billboard AUGUST 20, 1910. xonos nornxs zAxsns ookfavt. aaua. WasJK (Diama; tdcind Annift IS; Icnctb. —).—WItUe la tbe aoo of an Butem tanker. In lore with ths danghtw et a atein ]od(«- WlUle baa neTcr made maeta of hlma^lf at col- Im. and wben be aaka tlie jBdn te th* band at Ua dangbtar. tbe old man aoilaB Ml* thit ba wants a ^nu for his aon-lM aw ■ — »- weakUnc Tbia la too mneb tor WuM, as a* Uea blmaelt to a WeaUrn laa^, detamlncd to STOW np witb tbe cu uuti j. Ha atleka to bia ccaotnttoa and wben be retnras ba aocoimteia Uttle dUBeoItr In obtalnlos tba Indce's eonacnt to the maittass ot bla danthtn: HmcAN HKABIB (Diama: wleaaeil .Ancnn IB; lenstb. 1.000 feet).—O^om tafn, tba TlUace amltli7, falla In lore with Jennr. tba wife ct rotd. void la a wottblen feUow,, and .Tttm cannot atand bj and aee Jenay a httaed hj bee bosband. Two jcmrn after Uudr * flrat meeting Ton and Jenny are married, and a year CoIIow- tav tbclr manUf* a tMbr fU comm to UeH tbab kana. Ona-dar tban. <a-atanser ^.tffiafld* wbo VEtckaa ill tnn and piMdi with Jenny' to ntnni to blm. Tbe old love flame ia rekindled end Tom la left alone. Not content wltb bzeakins bla htut. tba fonner hnAaDd aecka tereose. OOSA TBOBNB (Dnma; releaaa Ansnat 22: , la^tb, MO feet).—Decs. Thwne la tbe beantltnl dansbter iMT Wm* Tnonte. a aardnaE. fibe cbance» to araet aon of Earl' Weatly. and it U a caae ot Iowa at Oiat alsbt. Tber meet fre- qoentJy tbereafter. tbns csoalnc tbe Jesloosy Of Holt, anotber admirer of Dota'a. wbo baa- tana to Inform her father of the meetlnsa. Fear- ISK that notbins sood coidd coma «^ tbIa and ala» bavlBK at i 'iif* anothw maniaga tor Ooca. I^ UaS liimH Laid Wttttj tt Vm'mafM Bttantlaaa to- Don. b aplte ot Jdajbtber, Bdand T'm**—"" Ua attwitwma to the giH. ai>d wbOe walklnc wltb ber la woonded by Holt, bla rlTsL Roland and Dora are aepaiated. and >hh.MTiy (be U loat to blm. be la abont to be encased to another, when he meeta Dora, who tnea to escape beUerlnic that be bad east her •aide for another woman. BoUnd'a with Holt foUowB. Doea makea hia peace with the tUU and ta nt ii m that ba waa ecmpalled by ber Catber to btiiaT* "B be dU. d ~""*" — - - A andant A CHETBNNZ BRAVB (Dnma anst IT: S38 feet).—Bed <»>'*t'''^ a Ctaay' cane, la madly enamomed wltb the danshter at a Sloox chief, which Ioto la reciprocated by hex. Bat tbe BIoox and Cheyennea were erer bitter enemies, and a marrlsKe between tltem ia for- bidden by tbe mald'a father. Bis Bear OUw, blmaelt a Sloox. Is tbe racceaafol aoltor for the girra hand, and she la then clTen to blm. Bed fibleld, bowerer. foUowa ou their trail, and ob a dark nlfdit qoletlr awakeaa her and togetber tbey fly. wg near Olaw and bla bnvee pnrane ' A SHOBT-UVED TRimiPH (bomady: le- laaaed Ansnat 19; Icnatli. 7M feet) Col Smith la to prealde attSe DnraUlns of the atot- ne at Tortland. Oa Ua war bla ear brwka down, and dlTcstlns Mmatilf of hia swoid and nalfonn. be starts off -to fetch a oelflbborliu; blacksmith to aaalat the ehanffenr. Weary Wil- lie, aeelns tbe car wltb the cbaDSeiir Unkertos away nndemesth, pata on the Colooel'a tiat and eoa^ and dlmbs Into the machine. Hie chaof- fMr meantime baa dlaearcna and remedied tbe troOU*, and aeelns. aa he . ttaacht. tbe OUcMl In tii» ear. atarta off' fliir' Voeaand. Matmally Weary Winie la taken tor the OoioneL la uw mldit ot tba eeremootea, bowerer, tbe leal CoL Smith appeara on tlta aeeoe, and aoon aatliflaa the aaacmbled company aa to Ua Id entity , and tftar a ■bort-IlTed trlDmob. Wjcnj Wnile baa to asaltt tramp In his weather-worn attire. TBB SBIKB (Aerobatle: ideaaed Ansnat I9l lenstb. 19T feet).—A performance ot two moo- bate and eontortlOBlBta. The Thanhouser RELEASED TUESDAY. AUGUST 16. THE THANHOU8CR "TAI.e OF THE CITY ROOM" Beta ia a ddlneatlan Of tbe iilndiBK at a I to aee It-floa the laalda. It'a aa I ' ^ jwaaattOrOODBni ' ' miu aa the that-Dllib A ••THAltHOUSCR 'eiJWSie»-Ot.lVCR OOLDSMITH'S she: stoops to eOIMQUE»^ Scter jibQ have a'pttoe' Tcrilon of the DrUe comedy ot tbe great Qoldaaittb—tbe beat lawwi'' eomedr la the BBcUib lanssase, la tact Dnrlng bla lifetime Stuart Bobaon oaed It aa a atarrlac mbtde and brooabt renvwed fame to blmaelt aa well aa to the play. So roTeied Is "Bbs Btooga to Conqoer" to tbe nearta of tb'e Ameilcan public that recently It aaw an all-star Broadway pndoc- tlon with Eleanor Bobaon aa Kate and Kyrle Bellew aa Ifarlow and acotcd an cpocM-maklns aneceaa. Tbe present prodnceta don't claim It to Da a Broadway prodoetloa bnt tbey PO know It'a the beet pictnre thins of Ita kind that haa haaa-aalieaed thU far to the game. JUST SBB IF THEX'BB SI6BT. Anprozlmato Length. 1,000 Feet. Mo. ISS. Oode Word, Oonqoar. THANHOUSER COMPANY, New Roctielle, IV. Y. BHEPHBBD'B DOQ (Drama; released Ansost 20; length <M feet).—Jack, a shepherd lad. haa been ocdaced by bla maater to drown a Uttia black poo<De, ia. order that « taviiig ot *—" ----— •-- dog ot . pneeeda to Inatlsate a laid oa tba raaeb owaers and drlrea off tbe bocaea. He Is ~ ~ ~ by a band of outlaw Sloox Indiana, ot range stock, etc. Sells claims a thor- Wwtem pictnre^ , . ■ - ' B EinGBANT (Drama; release Aosost JO; length; gee fe«t).—In thia picture Scllg baa gooe .to tbe steerage of a tzana-Atlantle Umt to take op the fiist threada of hla atocy. Be ItoUo'n a party, of emlgranto to Oiicaga^ wiMte tbey are being unloaded from a taIlroad"trato to their rcspectlTe deattnationa. One •- an Identlflfatlim card ^uSTaent to „ of tlieir number, carrying an Iden tlflfatlim card In hla bat beailBg tbe Informatlai that be is "L. Jacoby, goloe to Omaha, Meb.," b e ce m e a coofnsed and la foat In the crowd. He wan- den tbroogh the city until be meets a stranger wbo will stop long enough to read hla card and pnt Um on hla way. T%ie stranger la klnd^ The trataler glTea him bla laat few dollars to pay for traasportatlan to Omaha.. Hats.-tok« to an Ofenaad raflway aad'abofed-.Aaisd^aMnla,'. Be tana to thank bis beoetaetar aad aaOg Una- aeit alona. weedlns oTcr. tba:'aa "E^- trato. bia new-found friend and. nioacy 'Vaak: IicaTlng the termlnna. beart-atek sad weai7. be la attacked and Injured by mlllana^ :T«n;tEaod Samaritans. In tiie persosw ot a big-haarted Ixlah woman and ber aon, take him to their bome and none blm back to beiltb. He becomea a. good citlten. Adrerslty bas set a besTT band opon Us Irish beoefactors. bat be repaya them to a way that girea the story a pleaaaat cadr BO CHAIIBB (I ~ 4W Iset).—raa^nshter oC 'Stolently to lora with Max. her father that ate. meana to old man, however, declvea does not And some means ot wm blow bis (Hex's) bralna refoaes until the father pco> Dd Immedlatdy be-aeto oat to Imneasloa that the yonng I. .Sto ancesa to that dlice-^ se eemnlsed Is tba tattw at to Tbe toVig that If be breaklns it off be oat. Max politely duces .a reTOlTer. a destroy the good betrees has of bit tionJa great, and Maz'e anUca (hat 1 ttitt - 8aST .1 tbe 13sn yob investigated Wuditser I^Qicbatia 7 Tli e leading Nickelode(Hi8 an pottniK in this marveloua Aatomftie Orehe&B. Itfumiflhes biettermaide than A zegiilar ordiestea of 5 to 26 ^MM^ ia always -'teir^ job," aad ' OBta on the oioiiaoas ezpciige of inn* ■•iiteB>'^Tlie niaiit7 aayed pi^ nnt. _Bav touu Ina ttaa paid to annletaaa. We aapply the D. B. Sorrt. with amaieat l ae lHw ii e aM.. WUto far T" fcssass mCiHTS FOR SALE FOR THE WOLGAST-NELSON FIGHT PICTURES PRICE, 12 CENTS PER FOOT. EsoliHive Tenitodal Big^ gtvoC with cadi aefe of fibna. eonu FiNT PinuE n., Mmiir Mi., ciinii. THE HOnOGRAPH Motion Kctuie Hachine ia A WONDBK And will INCBBA8B TOIIB BIMIMasa. It pnjeeto FUanBUBL &TEAOY and WONDBBFUIJ.X BBnUAMT plctnraa. baa patsatodOH mtoDte lewlnd tram aiala crank, teralTlng tii.j..i»-- araiau tle a te- proof ahotter, ate, not tonnd to other maouaa. WIXX WBAS TWIOa AS LONG. . C. B. D., of Keoknk. Iowa, wrltee—"HadMttaA MAKIlia A BIO- HIT and BUSINESS INCBBASED WOWD MBWaJ L* . - ■ ^ ai^'iloT ONB raSSS^^i BB^iB&^ ** ttnm wmnm lojinpb aeedy Factory anbatt* EHTEEPBIEE OPTICAL ICFO. CO., S70 Wut Bandolpb BtrMt, OKiaAaO, REEL TICKETS TRIMOONT PRESS s: u\\\\\\ ST. isiisios. Nv\<s. Sme! io' S.^mp(«» «rtrf Pf.cva JEFFRIES-JOHNSON CHAMPIONSHIP CONTEST Showmg the best rounds of the original fight, blow for blow. The Greatest Featiire Film m existence. Wire for it at once. Now is the . ' time to make a big clean -up. Four-Colored Oaa-Sheat LittsKripi*. lOe. Mcb. LENGTH about 1,700 FEET—$225 PER SET. JEFT'RIES'''..'aJJSS«="™* II JOHNSON'"•'!3Si?EJ;**"~: See iSuA WkiSER and HA w iuNS' nameampear on titles. Bewate of oOier reproductions posed bgraeogiid-baiid amateur fi^tm SBMTS PiOTlUE fiOHPm.-—^^SS!S;2S. ?^S?£—-T^^^ AcMk