Billboard advertising (Aug 1910)

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AUGUST 2a 1»10. Ttte Blllboarcl 27 *'^.<•^NQ PICTURE MACHINES AN TERNS PI I la Uw itiMia, tat Ui kaart nvoUa at Ik* idM S 4Ri#Sair ^ Mud. ud ta* tiM tb* ulmal to • U»«.^«« fturmWa napldou «r» wktu ha .MM Jidt,^ «i ■><■ eSSllDto ■ latebel. aod foUoirtiic tto Ud. u- iTrtmliu tbe tratb. Determiaad that tba ww ^ be drowned, ha dcddaa to Sd carrlea tbe anjmal to aa old W0*J» ttM»«. IKra tba cnnaBt raaa awlttly. Tba fmjar, leaolos asalMt tba rottea baadrail, la pndai- reicoea bte niMar. From^tbat dar Jack and lito^diimb Maad ai* two baoand mamban of (be beoaaboUL aoBOOb III K>W OOIMBACMBeatbmal: ra- ■aad AMdrtClttr Ittt.. m tm»f*,Sfk «BB DnmoT ATTOium*a tridvph ibnMBa; Nlaaiad Angnat IS: icnctb, T75 feaU. «1M dtotriet ■tteraar U a joong man, alert, ftailaaa aad witbaat an ooaoa of zomantle aen- SiDant Id bla oaake-op. Be loraa a sltl ot tba fSue. diaaar oatnra, Imt when be propoaaa ^ntoata Mm, addfia tbat bar beart U aet 2^iirS& a bajoTLatar the dUtrtet attor- ^ «c«^iib« a b.«ic d«j. HHSL.'-.,?",;; the storr roes L_ to ride mance. " : " THB OTJOK rABX Cdo e a H a n a l ;- laUaaed Aonit IS: laagtb. 3S Cttt).—T«k«l M the ruMoa dnijk iSni at AIlaitMn. Pa., and ghrlox a Modaaaed blatefr oC tb* lU* oC a daek. SHOBXT' A* 'TOT SBORS (CeapwdT;. i»- a aaidatr tad a pittty bad om at that. To SJEainStMa woraa. b* works far a toaar tan- Bborty^ trampiah pal ancsaata a war to • raeatloaT and wtftea Bhorty a letter anname- loc that he la heir to a'tortiuM. The Mbefna vorki. for tbe letter la opened by tbe faoee In mistake, and tbat ecbemlnx employer (leddea to nurry bla none too lorely daajkter to the Mrtner before he teUa him at bla aood (ortone. Tbey aoddenly beeoB* moat ^atMf. t Sbtftr. and daeida that b* moactaiv^.a tlOQ at Atlastle SBceeeda In settlnv RolMct back to the city, bnt ramalna behind irltb b!* tiacel one. Itut>- ert, retnmlnc home, Informa Ua tathisr wL«re the clerk ta. and tbe old man. fnrloiu, dla- patcbea a aecood clerk, wbo alM walka Into the aama eoasarement >a tbe Ant. The 1>ou, In deapalr, coea blmaelf to see wuit U iIoIdk. Ha seta a worse "enub" than iiair of the olb- cra, bat whUa eatertalnlos the ladr. a cvntle- cbUdfan appaiia on tbe man wUh tbrea er faor. i THB ROVAMCB or OIBOU BAKOH lOra- ma; release Aocnst 2S: length, MO feet).—A clean and ezeltlog WaeUm soasaae* la told In tlMa Wastan flim. Bzpart ' THANBOnSBB. THB GIBIi RBPOBTBR <Drama; reletied Aonat 1«; lenctb, 1,000 feet).—May MeiriU and Witt JIanball are aweethearta and Nitb reportafs on tbe Oetly Ware. Will letTea tbe paper to aeetpt tbe poalUoo of private aecre- tary to Blake, eommlaslaaar ot pabUe works. Shortly after WIU Ukc* np hla new work, I Blake la threatened with ezposnra and piulsh. meat on tbe charse ot acceptlnc a bribe. In ' order to aan blmsef, Blake makes It appear : that WIU la the gnilty party. May la ivnl ' to tnrestlgate the matter for tbe WaTe. When she discovers that wm is aecnaed. she detn- mtnes to devote all of her time to clearlnic bim. and with thla end In Tlew, she apidica for the han th a tta* «( ttw 1 man diaeoeata - tha* IhO: makes aattan U>TB AMD IBB I^W (Onma; i^aaao Angnat S: langth., 1.000 faet)^;-JjOT* aad the Law la aa hdaptatlon ttom a portion ot David THB TAWP8 VINBICATION (Ooaaedr; le^ AniDit ttt.teBIth. W».fa»t);-^ »•»• est pletnn pf— *— ** ' Townaend, ta, _ dety eomcdyi Interworen. FROM TYBANMT TO UBBKTT a>rama: leaaa Aognat SO; laagtb. STB feet).—A Rna- alui auv- wtth MUe. mar Mwto ptarla* th* VnUOBAFH. OAIBIB8 (OoBCdy-diiUBa: lAbaaed Angnat 16; detetmlnaUon. aad _ ,— paria In a hnS. At eoUega Mar'a oiaa gesia that aha retvm tba enaagcwat rtag Cot talala tha datey locket wh^ Hanr had glvaa hcr -aa -aa aMrmatloo et bla lore. Tbe clrla ban aaeeeaafnlly paaaed tbelr examlna- Uona for giadnatlan and commeneenMnt dur U near at haad. ' May aead* aa lartUtloa to Har- ry wltboat alnlag It. Hafrr attenda tbe ero- eW meets May. and tbe pletnr* cla«a with a reconeniatlon. BACK TO NATCBB (Drama; releaaed Aa- «iut 10; length. 8T0 feet).—A chanBaor (alia U IoT« with bU cmployer'a daoabter. bnt aha l«- norea bIm hy her bangbtlneaa and Isdisaranee. Latar tha oaiplorar. a maa «t aftaba, la gtm a covemiaeat poaltloa abroad. Ih* caaoBMir seen alaog with tba tamllr- At. aaa^a atorm arlaei, their vaaatl to wiaekad, hot tho <^nf- reor aoeeneda la icaenlBg tha w»kyar aad bii family. Th* daogbtar. giadoaUr r aa llalHg In the chanSeor a man ot cooraa* aad Boally accepta bla propoaal. laa tell the father, who la aomewbat aooa coose nta to tbelr marrlag*. ITNDKR TSnt OLD APPU TRXB (Conedr; tclested Angnat M; length, POO feet).—Tbe loat child St an old peddler la toond by a gtoap ct Mad haartid cblUbMi. wbo take the strayed ntaa «a* to thdr hone. Beta ah* Is adopted Igr tha mother ot her champloaa. who ta a wM- ow. Tbe old peddler eommeaeaa aa ontlrlog •eareh for bla loat ebltd. aventwUly Bndlng ber at her new bone. A poaltloa 1* gltaa tha maa ■Ittmataty " " trlendshlp hr tha widow, tat at a aad atlraeUv* yoaag lady, and mm ^ lafatnatad with her tbat he proloaga bU atay one day to aaotbtr. onUl hla father la obliged to eend a dark to bring blm back. When tbe cirrk eeea tbe eanae of Bobert'a tardlneoa, be nlmseir becomes .amitten and falls tu tbe ymng Isdr's chsrms as readily ^a Rulicrt did. leaaed Angnat 19: length. 1.000 hona«F««aiaB^ottho grea t nnll iiai BHAMOaAIBD (Drama: laagtb. - - — - raleaaed Aogast 18; ••agth. ——■>'—aai27 Wright, an artlat. U aep- arated (ton hla wA aad child by a gang tt raBoaa. wbo eairy Mm aboard a naaif. be to " ~ to his loving wl carry . leat to th* wacid and to _ , loftag wif* and tahr aata deatlar aaj Uherala Un. n* ■e arcb ia ot Bdaa. Ua arUe. and tba noUea. are ta valB. A maa. nneoBadondy aa latarloper, has COB* lato Edna's Ufa. aie la at a Iota. Woald It not be onjnat to heiaelf to go throogb life aloneT We are now taken Iwek to the v sasal . EtertT la tortured by tbe heartlee* aaglal a. far be wUI not anbmlt. Finally ba Jampa awrboard and eacapea. reaching a locely Maad. 8* apenda many weary daya and nlahts of trantle tlftl, natu areataallr the elsbt of a nil gladdeaa hta heart. B* la reaeaad. goa* back to his old ho«M. a tramp to an appear- aaccB. ' Hla wlfe'a admirer aeca blm embrace tbe child, and not knowing him. crders him be- gone. With a aoni of angnlsb be tnma bla face back toward th* sea. wiea Uoa raeaolaea ber loat haMagd^aad tha Bnt aaMhtea sTava IFUM releases" SO—Kavar Agate (Oemady) SO—Mar aad Dccsmhar (Comadr) S84 WO T- ^ U—What (Draaa) f~ it O a plu fOrama) i th* Dalay Said (Goraedy-dnima) KT (Coatlnned on pare ^) Bona cS: Co .iKiinSt (.:riicn'.""j III Se: KnightsTemplarsConclave FEATURE FILM 'E^etf Kn^t Tem- plar in fheeouDtiyag well as every member of tbe Uasonic Order will want to see this film. It pictures with all its details every one of the great events of the Slat Triennial Oopoiave of the Knights Templars, which was noea^y hdd at Cbktgp. Tha fln dhoin with AT CHICAGO AUfLM the great crowds aOpaiadei^aswcli was QOB «f. Wotnirirgl COHPLCTC SERIES CONSISTS or lOLO' IN OF ONE TWO Oil ■nr^Vcatestof ^hsStpkisGbicago interest and tbe events of tids have a great interest for everybody. Every iBdependent eidubi- tor diould book this film at ooee and then advotiie it The Boenes that tluB film porti^wiBliesievy datioD to the vast mimbeis that were anaUe to attend, and eidubitors who neg- lect to secure these films will miaa a moat e xcdl entop i wr t tu uty. Am.YTO ONLV INOEPCNOENT REEI. or KINP THAT CAN BE OBTAINED. WIRE ononis MOSSIER BL06. SPORTS nCTURE CO. <^ ILL. aOOKU SOUD UNTIL SEPTEMBER 1st. ONLY A FEW MORE DATES OPEN. WIRB YOUR | ORDERS AT ONCB rOR OUR REPRODUCTION OF THE Johnson-Jeffries Hght UTHOSa to WK ALSO HAVS THC lEUOI-WOLGISTaK Kmi- iaB HMT HWW BI awn's USTSTUIj CHICAGO FILM EXCHANCffi: 46 JackaoB BoBlevavi Mtfi and Doatflasa S tt BSiB 40I Barclay BlocA 321 Atlas Block CHICAGO. ILL. OMAHA. NEB. DENVEI. COL. SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH | Tjvtp. — J1l!SO!V OF-F-F^tVPEK ' ATTL.A!?: -OVVL AiVl BROSIO ' CINJCIINJIV/Vri F"Il..]VI EX^GH ATlNIGEn : tin •>!-' k-\r-*" •.•»ir«^» «• ■."'! '» I-V f 1 -V V \T • I •••MtJ i-ti,.,. <- •••turn. t »SC>. Cnn'-.'^rt At •■'i a. "a.. ' v *» -r <c ''a^r (£xchpngc ths.l can give you a real service. P,'i.-^n<-'« Vn ION r>10TURt DISTRIBUTING &. 5ALES CO 11 .-VI . A-r IIIA^NHQUSER^^^ FILIVf ART^^ ^ .AXtvEH OTHfcTl^