Billboard advertising (Aug 1910)

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88 Xtie eillboard AU«U8T 20, 19ia AMUSEMENT PARKS Neivs and Gossip of Pleasure Resorts and the People Connected Therewith—Mid-season Finds Business • Fx AhsaiA LasI Year mXCHB'-OOHKr. mm» tk» Itfml «j» to diatto nia Urn* tben mar b* aamt Tb» ntamen eSuTge ~ that -crime ba> ttnddlcd the iMbbr-botac ud la netac. btaak- sack apecd, ttanmgixnt tbe Boweijr aid Surf ATamw. Tb» pa^a —^Lniia. Dreamland and ■teeplediue, do not enter for eeoaore. If■ oalr tbe dlTCf, so-caned, and beer balla, Hiat liifeat the Bowery. Alon^ with oth« tblass In ^a alleged CMtezorj ot wronsfolneaa ia tltat Mnka are »oid oa Sanday, that danee-liaU wear abort aUrta, tbe waiters alwrt- •iunca. and plekpoeketa are worUng ad Ilbl- ' AH OC wUdi may or may not be true— ttitk I> drawlos well at the Hladoo Temple FttalfbT. la Greater Itenalnt.. UpUe UniA PABX. Wltb cacb meceedlac weA tte aowds yUStSag. Luna Park grow blsser and Mner, and If the preaent Ideal anmmer amniement weather cen- tlooe* Cor the remalnins we^s of -the Caoey lalaod- aeaaoa, tbe Court of lama will baTO amaahed all pierlooa ae lama' recotda, both In the matter of attendance >and financial retnma. Tbe anmmer amnaement aeeker, fickle thooch be mar be. Ii alwaya qolck to graap, appicelate and maintain open-air entertainment In Ita beat and moet attractlTe form, and thla form.Qnds ex- edse of boman nature. He made a ctr*ral atody ot mankind. He made It tala aim la lu* to find oat wbat amused people most. Btmam did not fall Into the commoo error of ^odxlaf •tber people's taatea by hla own. What be al- ways endeaTOred to dlscorer waa wbat appealed to the (rest majority. And be nsoally toond oot. Wlmt we hare aaid of Baraam, we can also say of Oeorfe 0. Tllyoo. Mr. Tllyou's racceas haa lieen doe to his knowledge of what will make people laosb and what wUl make tbem (eel good. -We are, therefore, correct la umm- lag that Oeocgc O. Tllyon la a profeaaor «t tha art of glvtag n ople a JsU^jiood Use. of : . In otba what the , an tut far a ""'"t .. and all gaaca and qwrts in which thara is esergy and motion. Tliat ia why tbe Steeplecbaae la so popular. Tbe people who come to the Steeple- cbaae do iMt simply hare to look on at a abow. They Hod on the pier a great nomber of fan devices, sach sa most of them hsTs nercr seen before^ at all ot taka a Over .«■< ahoaa an tta' aB^MilHii •Hcs la eontlnooiu ahow In tha-.1feMlpiiteM'-!tt*i Umm tbe pier opens in tha are cloaed at nlgbt. REPRODUCTIONS OF FAMOUS NAVAL BATTLES AT LUDLOW (KY.) LAGOON. Is the reprodaction of famons naval battles. Maiu^t-r J. J. Wearer has accotapliabai lent parka at the l.Ddlow Lagoon, Keotocky'a famoos reaort« Jnat acroaa tbe rlrer tiam «( the hlatacical confllet between the kfoaltor and llecriaae, tha al ■ mmm tta batHa «( BaaHags which has been laBBtar tbtae wMka aat aC SB en tmagtitary batOe of the camlng o e uliuj In waid neae nsTsl itrodnetiaas, neceaaufly. are of the harOy be compared to tbe regular pyrotechnical spectacles faUy equipped mlniatnre wanblpa, of the period the battle ^e free show featorea of summer the aeaaon with a repnaenta- . SttUt *t Manila Bay, I>aaa9*a fhaioaa ^^il|grat Jtogaagr turn m* mmm apptaatUac-tta gMateat . White they cSUf'lBr'the consumption of mndi flrewoffca, they can la more ot the real, more of the trothfnl tench. Tbe nss^ employed sre ited. ney are those that were so socceasfoily shown at tbe St. Imis World's BUr, and that afterward became ioTolred In litigation that kept tbem tied op aave for the brief period they were seen aa a paid attraction at t«aa ~ ' ~ 'iland, N. T. Tbey are equipped with real gons and manned by real men, some ot the tiny crafts requiring a crew of foe " It la, of xonrse, an ezpenslTe tmdertaklng, ont tbe repcodoctlona have been attended by an Increasing patronage that Park. Coney laland. N. operate tbem. Wecv and, eren If It wera ao, and ten times woeaa, tbi^-tfo not hespesk a condition that docs not axlit. anyway. In a doses pisees on Broadway, neie'a anmethfng wrong aum e where, that cer- taia tfally sewapapera keep boimdlng the great- est public playgrtrand the world baa an flsaa floa Is really mean enoogb ta "Aafc the adrcrtlaiiic department." OBB&XIB DBEAMuAHD. ' Oi e at» Dreamland, with Ita boat of noreltles and addition of something new each week, ta proapcring more than at any Uma stoce Its otaa- w«a opened to Oonar Uaad'a crowds, •saaathlnr la coiw on ran tha.tlB^'aaA a big ftaa tcbnachas nse pafomaMH aAv. The •anaa'.'miase-atm- holda giaat Msnat. and tta ttflaTwd awB' at*.:fMDK'Baw-. vcocxams asacF ^waak^^^v^fssa ■ lawlmmeis hare been. added •a fta nUlM" mil niilia and new effects pot la HM lillarTrM IHInn nmffnrttmi The Thomp- ■SB BUsw Ilic «is>at. lAniit~- Winard'a Velodia aad AB^^tar=3dsfs'Vazm'are an Ug farailtce. Anaad the WMd has norel effects and ta at- tiaetlBK blc crowds la the. baBdlng formerly OCT p l a^b^JHd l gate. Pia f, fflm a (Aalam) in Ita hroadeat and meet liberal aenae in Dma Park, which is Uring np to Its long- establlabed repntation aa tbe playground for wlrea and motheca. sweethearts and cUIdrea, brotticra and sisters, bnshsnds aad grand] It to tha delight ot ~ ftr the wearr. acBS of tha dty. A tzlp-ta Ksta tr Tnbe, tba' Ifwitilii IfonkolfBale the Wll Itefatag Tickler, the Hall, Harana. Wares, tbe Tesaer, tha Bealator. and a of other attractions that entertain and amnse. The promenade and bte dreoa atand aopreme, aad te thoaa who dariia « Ah»;la tha aeean, K to artr,; a U att^ amtjMaileg^M imt of uSmST* hsas* aal baataffV-VBt^tota «■ Oonsy tfiU!UU>iaCHA8B PUB. Science liaa been dflOncd as T'knowledn ae- qtilred by experience." It this delliddoa Is correct, tben we are right In. caning P. T. Bamnm a scientist of' tha smnswaent world. Mt, - - -- - JobOee Canlral week at MMIind Beaeta, Stat- en IsUnd. tmder the manageoMBt of Dasiel W. I«onud win be bald Beptemba 6 to U. IC W. There will ba m SchaSSr to chainaaa. Haiir nnfer and Us eagtasar. C. W. Tooog. at Jteesmland, hare sItcb a baaqoet at Btaocb'a aad fbft following gaeata were preaent: llr. W. W. Hnrray, chief electrical engineer: ICr. Oroaeh Keefer, aaalatant electrical eogl- neer; Mr.. Chock Laaber, second aaalatant elec- trical engineer; Mr. W. A. Whitley. srsperrUor ot power hoose: Kr. BUI Hsyes, engineer of the Pel Men; Hr. 7sek UcVkriand, proprietor ot tha Obotea: Mr. Bed McKensey, engineer of Dreamland's tower; Mr. William A. Uariaah. Dreamland's coonseUor. Tbe reason tix being so gen e rous Is tbe result of s wiger wltb Mr. H. M. Brill, proprietor ot the North Pcde Build- Ing, wbo U now sble to rcsd tha alphabet ea- grared on tbe bead of aa arttoMf. ttt oot the aid of a glass. Brill.tM|,'4v bat made goad Uka a aparC '^' Mab S200-1,ni MHr takes plotaras,flnIahaasad dellTsistham at tbe r»t« of elchty an hour. Too aan c«k tan oenca apiece Cor thaaa plctarea aa tm»l aa TOO eaa taka tham and tba work la all doaa wlihool eaa. eaalac. AU yoa hara to do la piaea wUlmtSn l^a'araST at sicsst sstaeni, la treat oC aiaallii tin iin liutitntlona,r> SSCttLfaira, plcnlegroDoda,Ae.. Mkdsba nioner puarata aa flaas asyeaeanbaaiile lb OoeM* j^tt1.000.00Is sacasalh Pimm .la caaplat»-aBltt«n S M Imsa tl e—lastaaianeooa de- valopor—new aad aoTol—ooaCs • ei J little anft will make yoaa fortune this 7Aar. lEJLB TVIS lEHilUBlE OFFQ We Ml] tbe Prtx-tor PortrkllJ Bntlon Carturm, one bondrMlf kaUooSfOiM boadTMi beantttol" f|~-^l»Jgj<,a Sand aa thrao dollan BOW and wawtllahlpatoBee.aaTeadollarsCOJ>. PstOamaralo epeff atlea.aam big money ererydi^, and paj the other a»a aoliara when joo hare p^ti^ad that e^erj woro »e say latrae. addmoual bnttona one doHarparhandred. We a>« ttotvackly rellablei l u c u e poi atad aa ' lawBafthaRataofKewTark 1 678 W-OISUIaM SOUVENIRS Novelties and Specialties For Fairs. Camivala. Or* caaes and Celebratlona A complete line of Camlvml aaA Btreetmen'a Goods, soch as Tej^ Balloona, Enlrra and Caues ng Backa. Jewdry. Pcaaaat^ ate. BAKUMMS No. S5—^Whlatllag ..«•• M—Whistling .... 160—Banaage «0—Oaa 70—4}as 8—Caratral WUpa. 21—Oaiatsal COE, TONGE ft CO. Ninth and Lueaa mrr. i-ouis. mo. CARNIVAL WORKEU,UTICE Japaneae Mystic riowen, par ^■t>«....M.OI> Japanese Spiders, per gross IM Japanese nlea (large), per gross MM 44-lDch Bead Goarri cheina. per gmoa.... A.00 44-inch Shan Guard Cbalna, per giaas.... tM Sqnawker Balloona, (aauaage) par groaa (US ft 2.n Shell OoUara, per doscn Se-in. Wbipa. fancy haadlea, per groaa, A !• Confetti Dustera, bright colon per 100.... _ .r..»l.60 A 1.W Sben PM iwa|^pae^d|aaM..^jttJ B^ ^gj^»^ft X.1S 1B9 fc 111 W. Blatt ■ U sa i . T a a ass atr. Ma. Henpth Brb. AERONAUTS. HAVE SOME OKN1 TIMEfor PARKS, FAin etc. For further ia- formation wiHe T HE M OW BVl " ^ ahwTau ttatcels toTahaaL^' * Walter Teaasr. Pasa, Oa.. tm — Decide now to hara PUat^ T yon to tb e big ger ba ^aeSfc ' money. ZXBWOOD IXIMX^ gorth WaterforJ. Malaa. Wanted-Ferris Wheel To play good Coonty Faira oa per cent or Oat rent; Brat fair, La Porte. Ind., Ana. 304i«pt. >. Write at once, no time to loaa. Addreae Wll* INMAM, a03 Madlaon St., I* Porta, Indiana. WANTED "Second-Hand Top 00, TO or 80-tt. Bound Top, with or wlthoot mlMte glieii} woald har BABZ DP MOHT PI - Roller Skates Wanted In good repair, ta atil agala. Write, gletaa make, lowest price and alaea. P. O. BOX alS, MInneapolla. Minn. WAMXSD—nrBt-<isss Paid Showa at "Pstato PKr Otttm.- at BMack. Imm. T-Mi