Billboard advertising (Aug 1910)

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AUOU8T 20, 1910. Ttte Billboard 29 pHaaC IWHIORgD SOLD. DM UolBca. Ant. JR.—It Is nw>Kd Hut OM of tt* blft«»tj aty B«m™y «■ denied XJu rnmor. .«( the CHIG^MATS AMUfKMgWT PARKS. Oot It BlrerrJew, cobcctU diUy. aftei Derby *g_g' lionltor Mid IMti^p doctlon, COBtniaM W •««"'°"- wHOT am. Tb. Baby 8boir. whig h mrn tM UM w»it« "^yp^jij ——1.1- —. mt •xdtlBS Ubeimti's MIU Blnga. TUs la prlM In ba?liK PeeUe*' entww wmal mU-kaowD cUna of Bioadiray to piartba priodixl rolei daring tb* taut weather. The Badeoa Stock Co. has been prodnctof ooly ataodanl Broadway prodttc* tloos. Tha dodaoa Tbeatta will cloa* Aogiut 21. wbcB tb* laUra booaa wUl be taaaratit and TaodaTiU* tnatillX tba Uttar pact a( Aataat. ■mil Kacaaaatda, maaleal dtaaetor. win latala bla poatlloD, ta b« baa sained popolarlty wbUe tlekllnc tba Irorlea, and Jobnny B. Btarek will baodle tte ebanae at tba box office. Scbeock'a UOUon XtolUr Pier, at Palludea, Naw Jeraey, cooUnaea to draw larce crowda dally, owlof to tbe nameroos amaaement da- ▼tc«s in the park, aod tJae nomber of (rc« oat- door attractlooa offered by tbe maoacemeot. Tbe park la (Itaited two bondred feet abOTS tba undaon rlTer, and can ba laacbad for a flTa caat ear fan. ha* b«an trcctcd by W. O. <&it at ITooddlS. N. J. The boaae exblblta pMana cvary nlgbt. AdmlailoQ la Are centa for cblldtaa, and tea ccBU for adaita. Tbe new booaa will be knows aa the WoodcUS Andltorlom. Beslnaliic Sep- tember 1, Manager Oale wUl las tali TaadeTllle with amatear olght erery Thuraday, flTlng prUes to wUuera of the eTealns. Mr*. Oale handlea the tlcketa, aod tbe crowda are la- creaalna dally owlnc to lira. Oale'a wlanlna amlle and (Ud word of "A Oae allow t»alsbt.'* Praf. Ooaddal* and Ui tinUp wlB paitict- Kta la tba AetaM' Itad tha Fato eoada. Naw T«tk. Angoat W. » tbe Tcmarkable atnnta done by tha . _ tar of tbe air, aeveral new aighta an tzpcctad. - - - — ■ —— ^ baaab Prat. Oaoddalc wUl (Ito aa r»blbltla« tbrowlac !• tha air. RACER DIPS. AUNX DINAH'S HAND LAUNDRY aCTS THE COIN AT THE FAIRS It waa Bade tar that poipoae. Pnaalast ball same ever made. iMka aa big aa haUphao. Tbap staad li Haa ta gat ^a ^'^^ M .baaah^tta^^ ^a j a la ~ 1. HSM Ihlia and mora Tlina to get jaore. Saa- Ur aet ap. Grated. Oaa ba cheeked. Sblp- pad ptonptly. Price, tSO, eomplate. tm ' with order. Send for drenlar. WOBZS'B SSZATE8T SOTEUrr CO, 40 Flm Strvet, CUudasatl. Ohio, WE ALSO SELL THE AFRICAN DIP. AT l..ide:rxy WOK PABKS. rAIBS, ASD OKUBBATIOMS. TIffi ORIGINAL BERNARDS ..—WANTED FOR—. THE GREAT CASS COUNTY FAIR ATLANTIC, IOWA. September 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 1910. Good, anappy Hldway Staff, Conccaaton lies. Candy Batebais; a Black Teat Show, and other good atoS. Hot ba drMaed good. Best Oooaty Pair In Iowa. Attandaace 40,000 to M.00O. Day and Bight ahow. Pala*a Bi ewe tba and big Use of fMa attimetlaaa engaged. Wa sat tha people. If yoa hava a gaad ahow cam aa and yoa cia get the awaej. It'a ham aad ready to ba ^aat. dddi »aa, Oiait B. BOnMAN. Baeiatary. or B. B. WASSOM. Cbalrmaa Amnaement CoBBltt*^ AIMiC. la. •THE BIG TICKCr AT THE SMALL PRICE" Toor own apeeihl tieket, aaw B>mtiii& me^ «alotaL Mmmthtar mwiW gd, «i gHMlniSPECIAL PlirCIS FOR THE felQ TOLL TICKKT: S,00O-<1.36 aO;00»-t4.flO 7J0 10,000— 3JB0 iSJOfXy^ 6M 100,600— lOM Prompt riiipaMBt. Gash with th e order. OOPP ON TICKETS, SfiOd-tiJO 1x2. STOOK THXKETS—SIX GENTSL ' NATIONAL TICKET CO.. ' raO CM tba I BhanioUiig Pmm. M PBffcg| Fg|y> gi i tf Hgmg wowf Bwgtfgp twtywfcgt# FOBBT PABK. Istenat waa artaced In tha a»U- tlaa of tbe tUtaoU Aero Qob. which waa hdd tbe held oppoalte tbe park Uat The • at - iNKW JERSEY Partt. and Thaatrieal Oosaip Gatharad .tf Tha Billboard Raprasantativa. 1h» Plattdainsehcs Tolka net wni be held from Ansnt 31 ta 28, at Scboetaea Park. Union Bin, New Jereey. Jodalnx from the amoaift of cooceealoaa already sold. Manager WtUI. who haa charge of all coQceaaloaa, looks for a bloe ribbon week. Fifty thonscnd attend inilj. aa thia la Oeraian day for tbe Qertnana, aad cooatderable caab la left at the park- Ma a Fcaldaa. aaaagcr of tha Baiiaa Tha- am at OBIa no. Xaw Jarsay. ((da la aaylag that atace the opcnliig of tba Stock Company, thirteen weeka ajro. the bo«»e bit r. w*:; atip^irMi tnotJ^ aftero hMtMad > Hodva The b«neBt la cirrn br Mesars. Cohan A Harris, while Waller J. Klnsaley. th«Ir general nr»M repteeeaUUire. U supplying tba Ink ulk. Jadg- Ing traa tha aaaaat at tlcketa already disposed of. tUa year wni be narked a iccnd btvaker. V. M. KadlBaa. a wan-kaawa fair promota, left Angnat IB f«r Ottawa. Canada, where be will look after tba affaira of the New Tork CaralTal Ooapany. which take place In Ottawa the Utter part of Ananat. Promoter Madison la a realdeat of WoodellS. N. i-. and U well- kaowa amoog the morlng picttue msnagers. DARE DEVIL DASH iOLLEO. Bostoo. Ads. is. (Special to Ite I Dare Derll Da ah. whoee real l Wadaworth, was killed In an — near Beaton. Sanday. Angnat 14. d».— Tha Bdlearta Thaatia at Jaehaoa, man- aaad tar T. A. Bdfcrs, was opened for the aSiaa^huaat IsT^The Initial bOI consisted of Carhaay and Sodge. aanalclaaa: Howard Uar- STar* raala eg pKtana. Ooaay tm, , iijimaa la ICafcar Is nmr tftU Tlw fliBslssI Ttds Uid TffiinsiJ M Tjingtiing- Xitror Show. B«Bt px^omloa th* Amusmsat Mjuutm, Lixs« ntnras os a ■ iarestmeDt. EuUy manased. Anj oae csm b% cessfol. Kuzmlsx ■xpcoMS twrdlx njU ttay. ways ready for linrtnMi No troalito to get people In. Tte tern of Uashtv ^ I p«tron » draw tte - - -- Our impcowA nickel cmnpaaiB win net tan^^ roia and anawer aanie parpoaa at CbF Ins light In weight and aoa-braafeaHa, thnriia only really portable mlrteas etsr aiafla ITa I made the langblng mlrrar a spa«!la]tx, ad cam I alah Ideas that are anre to gat the I to-day for foil partlealan. t, ~ I Anumuu n Al- tte This is the Wonder Cannon Gmera It makea 8 flnlabed photo battnaa tat eaa.Blaata, raarti ta ka It la 12 Inebe a high , by ab oat M Inde a lai^ r ' ' ' wommte auuKUut abiT b the WOBIIBB CdXHOB to taaoat dlsUaet aad "[Us maaas sattaOed eoatoaacs and Ug i Raftfga ImhattouM—Gmt ihm Original. Yo n wi n thta aa ra tliaa, pixxB onnrr 01.00 BTTB A COM. row otmraa. of WOBIBEB 0*WIL_ . eaongh aappUea to aaaka 400 Ihilaltrd photo battona. Sstra . platea, SLOO per hnndred. Qllt fraiaaa. fl.28 per groaa. WIU «(Mat npan xacalpt a( tS.00 dqpaalt, balanea O. O. D. HOSnBIS BAKN SMMW lO aa alraat caaaara^ at tab menta and edcteatkaa^ Wrtta at onaa tor FREE CfSTKUOO, CUcsfs F«ns^ Gs« IHafL Ul^ JUST PUniNG YOU WISE THAT THE 8 LMNEST n REWORKS CONTRACTS OF 1SW WEKAWAraEO THE GREGORY FIREWORKS CO. llliailTIHHL CBBMTIN -AT— Niagara Falls, New York. : JUN ★ ★^ A A ^ A A ★★★★★ ★★★ ★ ★★★ ★ ★★ ★ ★ * ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ * * * ★ ★ * ★★★*★**★**★****★★★★★★★★★★* WHAT MORE DO YOU WANT? SlitTRIENNIAL CONCLAVE g CHICAGO, Aaiettlia UKE FR0RT\ NATIONAL ENCAMPMENT KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS LAKK FRONT JUNEAU PARK :; MILWAUKEE. WIS. 6E0R6E NEWTON, Prosldent, GREGORY FIREWORKS COMPANY, 115 Dearborn St., Chicago.