Billboard advertising (Aug 1910)

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40 Tlie Billboard AUOUST aflk WML ' NEW PICTORIAL LITHOGRAPH PAPER STYLES FOR DRAMA. MELO-DRAMA. MUSICAL OOMKDT. PARCK OOMKDV, BURUMUB S^f^O ALL FOUR COLOR PICTORIAL LIT HOG RAPHS. ««»«^^^ NEW ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. Write I k lai|t Um tf Fmt tetor LHhtsraph Paper, all tizet, carried in stoak far CUMS aad TEIT SH0Vt. ' 'wmA Typm Work, Heralda. Dates, BannMB, Om§», ate. W« make prompt shiimients at all times. and IGKERMANN-QUIGLEY LITHOGRAPHING COMPANY, Kansas GHy. NEW YORK OFFICE, 20t-a02 KnietorboelMr Th—tr> Building CHICAGO OFFICE. Suit* 62. Grand Opm Houm Building. BALTIMORE, MD. (Contlsoed fram pa(e 10.) Tbe new ■tmctm wiB hare a troaU<c of 12S feet ud a deptb of ISO feet. Tba ereetloa •t tUa boOdlDS wUI mark tbe dlaappearasce Of MTeral weU-knon liiirtmirlti tsd tke boUd- wtU adMa tk* ■!»«■ Oab.: SIw ent at ths to wcate mtlX of t&etr liaiM Otld of Bcctile Pok took OB tlM •ppearanee of a battlefldd Assrut 3, abu tk* rirxt BattaliOQ of Knalnfera. United StataS Army, pttchol Uteir tuts far tibe nlabt. Tka tiwtia, nombertiic aboaC 300 men, wltk azn^ wacoca and oatflt, were en roata from OettTa- borv. Pa., to tyimt^ barracka in Wa^ilastos. 1>. C. Tbej- were retszmlns from the recent encampmest and mUltair masraren. rhe Ml- dleia had a Urety time at tlie park. and. a{ coarse, tbere waa a Kreat tlntts of exdtesgicnt ^wmnnf xtM Cemolal^ ttet WM vnant. Tbe ahootiBX tiUaj, wlMh was tka tfhC Kcht for die bera. did ~~ '— ' -.AU the a iuuaaiuag ta oa : patzoilaed. anu tb* - 9t delist, wbere tbe ■n tbe slrla tn alsbt. Jobs T. McCuIln'* wen- afency baa been mored to 13S atrcet. where aomfrtloaa ijiiartaa ban ■ttad npk XlM apartwia qnartera and tbe maa- aer la wbJcta tb«r are tamlahed tndl^te the dOWth <Dd p too p i flt y ot local tbaatileala and tba iBSwaaa oC DmncaB "^^^ mira fp^ n f iiw - niillia. Mr. IfrOtaitn baa nnwtrA tba acrrtecs ac Otadei Ooxw Snadj; aC Qtattaa, W. Ta., waa Tialted bj a picnic «( tfea IMnlMtaMa- Clerelaad peat office empleraib aa arau aa tba Textile l>eaxne and I.adiea 9t B a tarl ^. _ DON HOUiSOOK. oe, coatrur to their osoal dM not eloee down at all thla aeaaoo. ttaacd idajins morUu; pic tare* darlns ; af tbe Sth. op natil oulr opealnr with TaodcTlUa «a tbe IStb. At Keltb'a noapcet. Wbltaian Bmo.. who maed tba abow la a aenaatjona] aoreltT eqnl- maitSe net, wera the hit of the bOL yiher were followed br MIllBn Herbert, aln^tnc Come- dienne; Irene Botjeon and Chaa. D^and. pre- ■ ntliid tba ooe-aet farce, la Bslfalo. and Ben- aoa aad Ball In Iba Daaeer aad. tba Dade, who dkpMa:-ana nal rtfaitcat XasUah comedj^. Tbe abow rlntd wltb Carlo'a a-'-"-' Ctrras, wbleb waa tbe featm act oo tbe bUI. Tbe Grand. plaTlns at the Opera Hooae, had gOB ^rtow.fa r twa,^j;raetlaUr orciT aet oo Jewlib conedlan: Wbltmaa and PIcnoe. la a comeOT- jilajlet. Pore laaanlO*. a piece ^nck fan of altnaLa>na and ^ iiiwtm wnldi reqnlre deUcata tRatment; Almo and 0>.. The Uratl- flern; Lamoot aad Mntfw* in a maslcal nor- clty mc^^nmaiang womm old Ideu In M^^w^^Jba^trt .tg^yd^^^aeeneiy and Ibat r aa^-a a fc^^Hli^ 'alaaf^^ a. BaatiaH^ 'Cftasactaa aad taraoxa^a* alw aad claaale daaeer, doacd tte bOL AI- ffeaaih the proffTam waa ahlfted Ar^nnw the waek. the proper focna did not aeem toM otK talned to get the beat artlatle Taloe oat of the bill. The Orxx-eom .bow coaslated of Alrln and " iMTrail* nT la* ttS " nat-Ko. 6: Vloccnee O. , Sterens and Prlmroae Slaters, la Blta from bte Xnalca] Comedies, whOe tbe ahow cinatd with Kanger, hypQDtist. Chaa. Sterena and Prlmroae Slatera were <Kie of the bMt recelred acta In town the week of 8-1.*^. The danclnff aad alnr- iox of the Primrofle Slaters waa well recelred. wttOm tba orliinal cooiedr of Starcaa broosht —- —^- —--—— — A XUa act ■Wlaad OB . I tker wm ^ i - their TacaUoo. Oqaald St. Clilr. female imperwnator. who . aerlocislr 111 at a local hotel, waa aof- it^ teeorered on the Sth to leare for his u XtetBto. Wttv aad Volar, tboae dinrlTiif boTs. hare btt arltb BWr Bnad'a lOn- MINNEAPOLia. MINN. (Ooattaaed ftim' paca Bmae Wameeke, of the lala Tbeatre. who Is also a blsb-dan matlrlan, had a week'a nm with bla macical act at Foceat Park. Au- Coat l-O. Dnrina hi. mhaeDCe from the lala bla place waa ooenpled br Mr. i. M. Swift, for- me^ ct tba tafcetkn rilm Bcrrlee. Wa oBdesstaM tkat MM-Oiaja Cartitaa, «< tba Seanle Tbaaliiu- ^ad« ■wtt-.-^m Mas- tratad soa^ at tbat tMUMlM .bbA I—m . It Is nuDotcd tbat Ac win of matrlmonr- We bare a to with whom, bat we woa'C , _ cept—conarmtnlatlans, Orace. J. H-Bofers, owner of the Unique theatre and proprietor of the Bo(«ta hotel, baa been elected vice-president from the stata of Ida- neaota of the Hotel Maaagera' Matnal. lIs a t T (dent Aasodttlaii. At the bead of the east of Marsatet Karats farce. Baby **■ <l lat- Ooa aml B Baller, flaiueilf ' tHMBa iHA' aC^SM Viaalays, who appeared ftr a SMna at tta^Idreensi Tbeatre befa. sad Ula Har, aaotbs popoIaT auober of that aawanlaatVm Ibe UTle Theatre Stock Companr drew crowd- ed houses last week, with Bdlth Brelrn and Lee Baker In the aparkllns comedj. Sham. The company will be aeen next week In Alabama. Tba BUoa Opera Boose will open Sonday. Sept. *, wm tm OH rwlwlj. _ Ifsesssf Arcbia imta; at tbe Dewey Tbe- atrw nreotsn WbssI), wMaesoed the openln* peffbraiaaee at BdxMDd Hays In The Wise Ony la Society, at tba Star Tbeatre, oC MUwanke*. Bandar. atteraooB. Aacaat T. _ ^ Manager Ij. B. lAnd. of the Motion Plctnre Theatre ebaln, which tneladee tbe Ills. Norelty, Wonderland and Majestic theatres here, baa In- etalled a larxe nnmber of new amosement ar- cade macfalnes In the Penny Arcade at tbe Korelty Tbeatre. _ Mia. U. Tolkman, of tbe Isls Theatre baz ottcOL to coaSaad la tbe besaltal on accoont of inatoB, aM bar pioee is befaa taken by her Mr. BcBTT Q i ee a w a H whit*** * tbe fflraial (ib»bIw« at tbe Daapblaa Tbeatre for the ssasea or MfO-U, oa September 4. 1910. pieeeatlas as bis first attraetloa tbe famooa star, Mr. Sidney Drew, In hla latest soecess, Billy. Mr. Occeawall said: "In the eomlns seaaoa Mew misasa wm enjor for tbe Orat time la tbe bM0 eC tbe dty a aeslea of plays aenr befen bhmbM ben." ' WIUXAM A. KOBPKB. c SAN FRANCISCOb CAL. The second Missouri Talley Fair, to be slTen at Electric Park the last-week In September aad the first In October, will be far and away ahead of the bis snccess of laat year, for there are to be newer, more and better exhibits. Prep- aratliina ara now coIbc .on for thla bis fair, and a sraat Asai sC tbajijaee Cvtte mev Tradea Aseodallen win be beld at .r Park doHns the Fair, and a two riaa wIU be OB tbe lot owned _by Mc M. & •Mi WM tka tBB Obardi of God, Saaday anenaoa, Aatait T. It was not an amoscneat 1«y any means, bat a sacred, solemn and iiaiiiaat exblhltlon. Mis. Ftcd B. KolBer. son of Forest Park'a Dianaaer. Mr. J. Tl. KoSler. la mansslnr the dancins paTllloo. 'The ball room la one of the features In which Mr. Koffler takes special pilda. Mr. -KoOler had the manasement of tbe ban. lasa at Ftowt laat aeanm. aad tbis year bM Ito aatte maaayement ct tbs paik. Tke OnatrsI to be beU at Vocsat Paik Aasost 2T to September B. Is Cut appearance of completloB. "~ ' " TOtlns all bis time and e a blK thins for Kanaaa City. Falrmonnt Park haa been patttax on fire- worka dlsplara twice a week slaee the first of AssBSt. Taesday and FHday eraidags. TbU la la add!tine to free iaafciflla_ A ilB ia tbe laka. aaav^llcaBaat-tfta<aa« tta flaa tactoa NEVrrORMMNik LA. : jia trylBS ta se t tinether I erent proGilsea to be At ma Paik~B e be i t suu 's Band was the new mus ic a l attraetloa. Cbanteeler. the dlrertlns barnyard ballet ta frsTeaty of the famooa Ros- tand drama, w*b ctmtlnned owlns to Its popn- buiCr. Tbe featnre of tba park was Aeronant Snftili. eC Maw laafc,- aaJ^ dlrWhla hol- f^ror ta plralrs. the Word has been recelred here from Manaser jDles I^yoDe that he haa encased Mile. Cortes, of I.'Opera Comlqae de Paris, for bis Wnatk Opera Company the "™*~r i The Loatalaaa Bnpbeay tloB. imder tbe dbeellSD of ProC Seserla VTank. wUI gin ose of tbdr Ms mialeal certi at one of tbe tbcsttea sbortly. J._M. Baatea sad Boas bare i at Um CWoBbU ntaba 1 Heretofore, on the leas t Sear, t3 was tbs price, with a mlalmnin aC n cMa tor laUery seita. The new schedola will be aa follows: Lower floor, fiist elcht low^ tS; balance oo lower Boor, (1.90; first beleony. prices wUl be (I for llrst seren rows, and 75 cents for balance of balcony. Tbe second balcony, or sallery, will be SO and 25 cents. Wedzicsday matinee prices will be $1 for entire lower floor, BO cents for balcony and 25 cents for the sallery. With tliese prices all claaaea of theatresocra will hare an opportunity to witness hlsb^dass pro- dnctlons. Tbe OsHfamis Tbeatre, recbrlstmed The Ub- erty — Tsodi The Princess Tbeatre, Hoaolnln. opened ss a raaderllle honaa laat week, and r c p oc ts say la dolBS a sood baslness. TheSpeadOcUt: wilk Oaiid ^^*dlaB. tola, kaa «9>A IB. MIzpah held the boards at tbe Prineesa lor the past two weeks. Feirls Hartman's mnaled comedy company playlns a return enaaseaew^ opened Ansnst Tth. In Bldiaxd Carle's Mai7*a Lamb, first time here. Jamee K. Baekett, saqipocted by tbs . AMette la the Mb bec-eOee attraetlaB. Tbe Fonr Oandas Fords, newriaiii is. seen faere oo sereral former visits, wve a bis hit, with some new offerlnss. Byan and Blrbneld. another act aeen here laat season, were asaln appreciated. Mr. and Mrs. Jack McOreery and GranrUle and Bosera were tbe other new nmnbera, and were not Dp to the nsaal it&Bd&rd of Orpbenm offer- Insa. Foot Cliftons, Harry AtklnsoQ and Clif- ford and Borke were tbe last week boldorera. Manaser TooiklDa, of tbe NBtlonal, offered hla patrons last week, Anita Diss's Monkeya, a rety clero- act, aa the feature. Harry Tsnda. seen bete aboot three years aso, mads a bit In a marraloaa aqaUlbrlst set; BineUe aad Boa- tcUe, also sees at this teoae abeat two years SM ware w«n i i mlia d . ■ut^aad Kathsnne liKhA sCtaad a an«alwfe« siaaa atoat. lib- WANTED FOR THE NiwEnFlntiiifaiKi M.) At Md a wrttlafc I oa told by ' Antolne Marlotte wm fialib la tiase for pi^ dnctloo this sessoa, tbe onbeatratton of a thiea- aet lyric. eatUlsd Mde DoosTa. The plaea la by CamlUe Meartslr, SBa latter Jug a bla' renstUlty by —g>Wsa».«B a Ibmtt «» edy with Ptna-mMTva daa.ta atpMt Uda f«" Mom. Balpb OrsTes, critic oa tba Waablactaa rest. Is In Parts for a few days. Be has been to sse the Paaalon Play at OboaaurcaB. Bethaabee Is the title of a tragedy lost belns finished by Ernest Jaabert. It will be qolts pe- cnllar, harlns a beslnnlns In BtbUcal times and a modem ending. BoUa Skatlns U still tba (o at tka Tbaale ~~~ Wlta of tbe beat. . . ...^ ."■ SUMMER RINKS. WasblastaB:?^^ dS W. Bmb at.: A. 'T i> niiblMt'Tsit" BNkt:- Xuk. BrflNiB SOOTH 0i«^^^^iL\^^'S)^ -. *8eaaca—Saacca Sfcattsc'ailtb"IMB^IlM'aiiV- aad MliBiBwii, aisis. Sf attiil B IB—Bock dig Park. Mate aK) K C 'SOUTK SAKOXA Mfla. beloB sooswhat tacftr end beaTler thia toe BBgal lady aootarettsa, Bisbss her entrance aa a tar automobile, aad belBg pnasiisid with good looks and cliarinlag maaners, easily wins bar andlenee. Her line of talk mns mostly oa bcr arordnpola, and bar. finlab. Nobody Lores a Fat Olri. Is a winner. The Satanella Trio, a forelsn act. waa well liked. It Is made np of whirlwind dandns. pantomime, comedy and acro- batic tarns. Leoiard aad Ward, a pair of Be> brew cimiillsM, wsta a tlst at orsD Tbs Fsar Basia ': gyi big flutars aet^ sad alaaaa far arcxy feat perforaMd. aad. slllsiafh Ihia set closed the show, kept aisiJbaaj te tbsir'seats natn tbe final tall of tba cartala. Reisnrr sad Oore, and Dick TbompsoD sad COk were alao on the bill. Wigwam's program last week Indoded Fear Bio Brae., Watsoa. Batcblnss and Bdwards, Murray K. Hill. Ward and Weber, Sprlngold aad Olrard and Mabel Valentme Moorce. Tke Tbt.e Dreamers, nynn and Chi Is tins am and.-Co., Bassell a^ ■thai Bair a^ Oo. tad TlTlan Da ra OAKLAND. At Uora Park the 'big crowds continoe ta Sock dady. Last week Naranar's Ladles' Band of fifty members waa the tn» attraction. Thla band played here last sesson and left s splendid repatadOB, benee their retom ensagement. Bo- rlnl'a Orsnd Opera Tronpa oceopled the theatre and dally became more farorable, owing ta the splendid rmdlttooa «f the ' Cisco—Natabwlaai, W. Tth sL; msi:—Jadlss; Q. B. Jaltaa. —" Blak: Waltw. ^ e n s Bt sads r d Btah; O. W. Wsi Patnam—JoUaa Blak: S. B. •■bbk SmlthriUe—Blak: M. B. 1Mb bS •Tietoru—vietoda Btak, - mDl^aakt BsBsy, mgr. FrsDt Boyal—UpdaM Updike, mgr. Blchmood-—Id] mgr.—Forest lagstnn. ^S Sma^^S eat Shmb alii} 1 128 Slate a*«.i'-Jhk; wnoomv ApnlatoD—WsTcrly Rink; Stsldal Brsa., upa. Belott—Broad St. Blak, 430 Broad sL; las Largent, msr. wTOkom Cbeyeane—P ln as u Blak: A. D. Fries, QUUIkA AltA£-akMMa't Blnk. ITtfc Km'WM Fetetbaroo^, Oat—BMA Miast Kak, St.: Bnlbk street Blak Co., mgisk—Aadlto- rlnm, Oeorse sL; ~ '— •St John, N. B.—< B. J. ArmatroBg, i ,, St. Thomas—Qrs^taBU^' 'MNHBf Bbf- Jsmes, mgr. *8hsibrooke, Qoe.—Stadium, WtiUngtoa afct'l