Billboard advertising (Aug 1910)

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AUGUST SO, 191& iVII6AM> VAIUKnr. 'VATMB AtO BAIXk SINCHNO SXIBTCB. IksBI* TbeatTC. No. 4. roll lUf. tutttu ■liwW Smd enslns. Ausiut U. Little Alpbt HtU, who liu been nicti • po^ ■lar ilBcle tad • rce«Bt (utnra of tlie Bdtoal KId't tel. li now th« ablnlDf Ufbt In ■ maal- ion p«rIor ■AUnf. If there U a »tory In eoo- BKtlon with tb* oSctInx It nu alou tli* lore Xtte Oillboara gn, wit lonm ktr M «aiM nod wtat ti» Sfitet etaap hadn't !• mmt. It WM all SSinr htiSrmr. f<r MaaKTSnr that there menr wee aoeli a character aa MooerlMC*. ana the Inerltible finlah U the lorer'i Mirb* yoo'i» Not the Only One Who Lore* He started 'the moaletl eSorta and tha heart • cbrs. and Obi-Too Tcau amootbed est the wTlDklei and aettled the plot oq the nea-plaaUe pliae. There waa another ehuaetar » the •ketch, the Joltat^ who awapt hianaU ea with TtnomTmdwS Umatr applaaded vlth bla mirTke^^ exit-p^iSrchaa. 0«»d»», ■tige miDi(«r of the Btuh, asd ci«>t waa Ue Jot Itiprefrom. JOHN T. WSLSH AND CO., BIIBAI. CtTT SEKTCB. Boah Itemple Theatre. Not 7. WaU Stage. Pnrteen mlantea. Seen eTenloc. Aasnat 11. Starting with the }okea alMot Mott and UtUe Mr. Hiram and bla wife told a atary of their Itttle boy. whom they bare act aeea In years. Omb laUrlas, tba bar. MW_a mam, antera aa a>nsiw ■■■HMiy abw tha dlyto aC Uttle M, and pte e ee da ta taaaaek tba boMa aad aaatiT. the reaaoa for tba fliat aaacd beUc a iiyatery after It waa empbatlcal^ explained Ibtt be waa attrrlnc. Matt nude hU entrance tnm li>ft let and fot the drop, which bniasht the remark: 'Tar the lore nt iUkm, Mott. b<» reaaooablet" or aoaMtMof Uhe that, and Matt bteaBc. HDtt'a wU» la called (ortk ia ^ ^nxaoN * CO.. FLAYICX. Both Temple. No. 10. mu ataf*. ruteaa Dlantce. Seen eTeDlna, Asstut II. Twin brotbera. ooe the black abccp. the faiao- nat ooe a eooTlet, la tbe thread oc a thrllllnK tale of itrlpea. The Innocent one eecapea tha walla of the nrlaoa. bat not the habit of leek- aiiMlMi ta flS taaa t aae bcU, a bit a( ee» an hia plana are tt » at l «d aaacc. who has aBeaawMIe <ae and leaned all. A gcapBllBg Saiah the aherlff. who waa a partner of the gOittT ooe, and the man who bad been wionsed. waa the oBly detail made prtMnlnent ts weakneaa by being too loaf and withont prorocatlan. The caat, which eeaslata at trxi people, ably handlea the Uaes and altnitlons tt all tlmea. MMTtbe at^^e cam that appwUa to meat ereo HABDINO, PAUnST. Boah Temple Theatre. No. II. In ooe. TwclTc mlwitee Seen eTealac, Annat 11. ma cbap, who pn w i W L i a madal for haTiss IHI'lt loatar than atbcfa who eooipetcd. ot- MRf a Huay Uttle aiaalcal act with one ex- (eptMtt. nia waa a» other than a yawntnc aaoc whtcb catrlcB with It aotblaa tet tba aerelty ot pettlBK erer y oaa to aleep. The re- ■alnder of Ua tcpertaire was wdl aelaetad. and Mniher with the daah appearance ot bla wblte nock coat, created qolta a farorabla Impfealoo. Haralns carries bla own drammer, aa Importaat ■Mall, bat la this case not rcry strnnc. Op- «nc with Marcellne. ha raada (ood at the »mt^and tatar dosed la tba aaae auancr. ns- BTnwt.qdMBj.Biifc a i^** FOOTLIGHT FLICKERS. (OoatlaBed ttom pace «.> ^ . wnrSaSaTjflft pat Mew Tork ea September S. Mlu Dorla Keana baa been encaced biy Ohazles ftohmaa *'* <^ principal tenuis DISAGREE ON FARCE. (OoBtlaoed trom page S.) saelber way if hU work In the fatnre carries e« the ptomiae of hla Brat pertormanee." f»?*?tf*aL."'-'^ Matthewi, wbo appeara ■;.,•*«»''•«. »ho came befMa a Kew York li^^Jr?" *•«»• ""nt nisbt. Is Ob- Tiouij a comedian ot aatnral aad ialBbsd Btthoda, who u a weleeos addltlea to tha lo- 'HjHif i. ?°* Plwed the bowillerad and .errMed braband laat oldht at a tempo that ^OTed of no aaaUtanee to the slowlr-morlns JJjnrmuice. May Blaney. aa the lion tam- gr}. ng l ' tan t. added the only other note ot aaaactlea that the acting posaeaied. Jane In erery speech aad aetioa coatndleted the hypotheaU that the waa lanarhma. amlit- tlooa. daihing yoong woman, aad mo^ 9t the farre a limited plaoalblUty de p ended aa thet Impreaaica of her character." , And another writer soma It np like this: Among the popolar derteea of the theatre for mating laoghter, soBe, iwrfaaps, haa been In SE^l". '0' » longer period than I hat wMch laTolres a natoraUy timid man In an aaterprlae reaaMag maTery. or at laaat a show Jf.SSHJi.*" tbU exponent again which {• KMTIad ta to lb, WlnMl SmltPa aixaUed nu^^ e oa t t y . I«ts Amoog the Uoos, foand- M npoB Mr. r. Anatey'a story of tha aama name eetcd at the Qarrlek Theatre last aranlng. . .^•.reaolt, aa haa been so often the case before. U an agreeable lltUe piece of theatrical ■enen, which. If it U neither aa deep as a **" nor as .broad as s barn door, wlU aerro ^UJ wen to while away aa erenlng In the ab- ■•aea of mora Important things. Something ■eiis eatertalntng might hare resalted. bew- n*r. had them not beca either the eBort to re- l!tP 1^ *f *^ ariglaal atety or laa (feat 'rrhta lies. tnToM^tba taeolnttoa. oa the ,<>f an emotional yoong waoaa to ba mar- In a Cige of lions, or not to be married at •u, li fumy eaoagh ae It goea. Nor need there he any ^natiei apaa Hw lahHet oC t«a ptenal- blllty. ObTlooslye one la not anpposed to take K aerlooily, and obrionsly no ooe will do so. The main point shoald be to redoes the ab- sordity of the altnatloo to the mlnlmam, a re. •nit which might beat be obtained by Irarlng tha aodlter leas time to think abont it. If, then, Mr. Saalth'a two trst seta had haoa rolled lata eao, Inatead whleb lapaata tba pnparatl«B tardily aceompllsbed In tha . tars had been brooght iMi«JiSvp^ ta the cmdal altoatloo. the fan er and more enanrlnK/* PREMIERE OF BABY DOLL. (HiMiMnuad fton 9iflP-ft) Oel l ega gladi ata Mis. ntat««, Otabaa's BOiber..Jaaa Wbeatlcy Dwothea PtiuM, bsr daaabtw..Aasda MCOaaU Mrs. nirteb, trite dC tka M* Bsc. ''^mtbailne Oarter TUlle ....■,•••.•.••...•.•.«•...Bachel ItWIgly Ulaale Talerlaa Doaa Dangbtera of DIrlch. Swajxe, principal of the aelcct acheOI. , *,Lofstta _ Mre Oairlaoa, a aodal climber..Ilorenee Templet Qcraldia^ber dangbtar Btbel Valentine Tba rat Woouo. at tba Ms ■ BMaelt na AMasb aC tba aUa *Mr....4llM D. Ovtar ag tba Iseea Maicaa..^; Sail let Conway X rarmer*a .Wn*...v..... Mian Dsna Viola B^ta Crawford O ertmde Cecelia Norasto Vlorcnee •••«««*«mw***««*** May Day HalUo ....;;..'k««>'V..i> raaala La Boy ■stalla Mian Aiehlo DU Mettto .....Mlsa BllUa btadaad SAool VtlcBda of Batty. BUaabeth Saycroft, the Baby Don Marguerite CUrk TMttn> fhrk —pjyaa, BukMib ^^g^ka^Mn^ •UPPLV AND DIMANbu (ConHnoed from page S.) ILanra Jean Ubbay and bar palpltatlnc eom- mentsrl ss ea leva a an lte d , thsir Snt^ wea k and aatmd opoa • imH it tba iMWlrap Bsor Gaidea last aisbt. Bala Vercy** ila^at. Itaa- oea XeaWa daaftng and Frank Boah'a 'story- tsning asch sdded an element of Interest to ■ IBo bm. a Italned Dogs cootlaoed to create it at Hammcrateln's Victoria. whUe tbe Mita eC magic by Jarrow, the acrobatic Bp»- uw Po tat spa s , and tha sraeraol new bin one of the beat of ttn 'SSL* dandng of MlUer and Mack helped ta MISS ALMANORK FIIAIMH* Is the talented yoimg woman, who, as nnder- stndy to Miss Una Abarbaaell In Madame Sher- ry, bad the ^wortmlty of her career lecently in Chicago, and mad* good to anch an extent as commanded lauacdlate notice. Mlaa Pran- da Urea her art. Moat andeistadlea do. other- wlae they wanUa't be Inred by promlaea of SanM Chance, and.aadetgo tba ardoons train- ing aad lAaaiaala which qoaUQr them tor a part which '•i. thelra In reality only when the rcgnlar tin smt t Is Indisposed, which, aa a rols. la bnt^seldom. Mlas Francis has erer llred In anticipation of the time when her name will bf blaiooed In large electric letters which herald to the theatre poblle her appearaaee as star. Sine* giat bar resotnUoa was toraKd ' ".'••♦b nwaiwrfvem' At^ui ■tsadsee, nndcr the eambie direetloa or Om- radl. the maater ot dancing, who was associ- ated with the fameoa Cannendta. >he waa tanght the radbnenta of dancing. Harlng mas- tered her flist leaeooa. the art demanded a dally coarse of practice and Onlshlng Instractlons which eoraicd.a period of flre years. All this tlmo was deealeplng her aocompIlnhmrntB and beanty. Tbe caltare of her toIcv bid not Been MISS MAY McDonald U a singar. s< ttSfl ^ (NftV — - ■aeb powar. aad thmcngb at nambcTs fallow a wide —^ _ . eral classics to tha mora a a p nt a r galea, aad there can bo no donbt legaralns tha fact that the possesses s Tolce ot more then the ordi- nary and that bell-Ilke penetratln power that giTce tone to a rdee'a eharaetnr. neglected, aod the natoral excellence of her tooea was beoeflted by teachers who msds the popll an artist. Her first professlonsl sssoda- Uoo was with Miss Lola Glaser In the Joat One ot the Beys Company. Then, when Madame Sherry waa piodaecd at Chicago's Colonist Tbe- ig**, aba waa a ■•isst ■ewher whose aaplra- MajaadoMllF clefmsd lacngnltlaB tnm tbe SenaT^ka was gtsan MlsaAbarbaBen'a part to nadcratody. Ihen cams tha time wbn thla atar allowad bar tbe opportaalty of playing tbe role. She grasped It esgerly. s bit nsrfona pcr- hapa, bat nerertheleea coofldent sad espabM. She went oa, and It la a matter of record that she msde good to ereryooe's satlafactloa. Mlas JTiaacls expaeu to go Baat with the Madam* Bbeny Company when that piece Tieates the Co- lonial, and then, aow that be foot la sscnre on the list mng of the ladder of snecess. she wUl eoBUnne to climb baaied sad encooraged by tbe knowledge that ao far aha haa doaa wcIL bhe la of the bloade type of beaaly seldooa seen bat often referred to by that loadeonate phraae. Hngh Stewart Campbell, the artist, haa selected tier for a aubieet for lila pencil. Hlag tba aaaa laprodneed la tbt pbotosiapb aa 1^ ■■• .-f ~- ■■ • ■ ad. Would Uka ta ~ pleaae aend eamMea It MANXK, caia Wa ~ ~ Showmea'a Hesdqaarters-'Doa't forget while In St. Loois to make yoor heedonarters at "Jake's Place," 1B25 Market St. Troopers alwaya wel- come. Send yoor letterheads and photoa: hare them displayed. BlUbeaid and Cl^per on 01*. Theatrical and CircosCostoms Made to order on abort aotica; aatla. eanrss snd leather blgb-top Bhsso; Tronhn, Cbuaia snd Cnffa. Knlekerbocfcem. Bl Ba sr a and flnpaorter*. Terms ressooable. Bafarraca: 4 Tandcna 4. J. H. m.T.inH, 214 So. 8d St. Baadiaf, Fa. Witt or sniEi Your Foar4n-Haiid Scarf made on thia Form is Perfect and does not ^ around tha Col]ai> ■mem kmger, alwam in ahap^ iem ttoubfe to tnTSimmA^^M Mfi i% D E MO N S T RAT ED —IN TMB- 10 Gfs. Each. 3for 25 Gts. Send us 10 cts. and we will mail you sample of Scarf Fonn' with i^jp^^^mto^^^^and^priceB to NIIREI MAN0FA6TBRIN6iC8. A mUER OF FIRSr-CtASS PM ATTUCIINS Addresa JOHN IC. KOBNIO. Chalflnsn. HOME-COMING m:EK Antfust 24-2S-26-27p Bachanan. Mtch. Wide open. 100,000 people. Room for two more good shows and all Evetythmg goes. Addieaa ( < )NCESSION OOMMITTE^r " Can Place Meritorious Platform Show WIU famish thirty by sixty white top for fliat-clssa auney-getting attimetloaa. Wanted. Pianist and Plsntstlon People; also Talkers. Showing week of Aug- IS. rolton. Mo.: Aug. 22. JeiseyrUIe, ni.: week Aog. 2», Ashland, lU. Home Coming: all on streets; Sept. 12 to IT, Kewanc*. Day and al^t fair. Ooncesaloa* glCOO. Can place can*, knit* and cat racks, photo postal aad Atn Dip. aaa ana more ttao act. Addreea MIOBO * UXM, was* at Aog. IB. imitOW. HO, ^^^^ ' O 3rd to 8tti. Reaify now to ocntnefc for seDBatkinal oat^^ canvas; ff.I.Mill..SMntey.UnHLt.—. 50TH GREAT STATE FAIR 3 AND "HOM&COMING JUBILEES RALEIGH. N. Cp Oct. 17-22,1910 I genenlly. In the Sooth. Attsndsne* ag Dermltted- Good shows, gsmea of la ^f«a f«r each tea charged. wIU ba Beat fair for has Ineieaasd toor-feld la tha laat a** yean. WANTED S FARMVILLE FAIR ¥WJWt PAYS Parlies deOtbig mkmiam wSk iwnmwmiBMte ca^ J, L. HART, SeoMtaiy. FJUmVILLE. VA. JOHNNY J. JONES' EXPOSITION SHOWS WANT ONE MORE SHOW To Join at Butler, Pa., - - Week Aug. 22 Biggest County Fair In Pennsylvania M uct have good front. Opan aU winter. Beet tmrn* In South boolMd. Johnny J. Jon^^ - Sharoiii^ Paw