Billboard advertising (Aug 1910)

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Tlie Billl>oard AUOU«T aOt 1»ML CHKMOO MUSIC NOTE& (OlBtteGea ffooi pigc 13.) Oft]* WtBut Im not kIom unoDC the ones wbe . an twiotint tlie Beantlfnl Bis ot Ted Soyder't Is * WMt lemartable maaner. for orer it Uifl nte Ban, Sui:i Mijiiew ud ber bubud, Ha* Uvlos; alnx tbU nnmber Uke no one eUe .tfe*.«HlfLaiH aly It. 8MI« and Bcaa- accbestn Icadtr^ cbalB ^ttar •MM^VV' -S "Ok, oh, Ob. ok. oh, tkat -=™-=^— a Bi7le ^ OnlT • Mo. m ndtatlaa aomter la tk» aaw Richard Cade ahow at the Cort Theatn, Jomp- lac Jopiter. looks like tbe beat of Its kind In yean. Tbe I>nlc, which li by Oaa Kahn. Is tnly keen, while the nelodr which Hiss Qrae* LeSor has lent tbe soUIoqolxlns atmoepheie. bceatbes a sweet perfame-uke story to suit. CHtlcs hsTe agreed that 0nl7 a Hu Is snn^ the hit of Jamplnc Jopiter. which Is sajing lOu sUerable. when there is snch knock-oats tn tbe list ss Possnin Rsf, Asselo, Snuggle, Wedding ICarcb, and twelve others. ♦ The Tbeodore Morse Moslc Co. were well rMented at the Msjestlc lut week, both Tbe Dolce Slaters and Hooston and Elrby booattnj Into popularity seTCfal nnmhers ttoin Tooiiny — - ~ Klitv - OeOeSB Boj. wMle the etba- two bits of lIbn**B. Down In Hoaey and Oood Bye. Betty Brown. Anna Unk. an- SMof "aanc tbe ley Town other hooater of Tiiiniiij 'a. la (eatorlmt Phoebe Jaa* abon eioyttbc^ tbe Iseal parka. ° aar«er1( COI -Itt tl^ Bday Anemooa was a Terr pepdar neiodr dndBc {be CoodaTS ot the Knichia Teaplan last -week. owIhk to tae lyrics of the eboeo o nmnlnff "Mom's the word when we meet; be a Hasoo: doo't re- peat.** Frank Clark conldn't hand copies of tblB end I lore to Lore a Mason ont half fast laafca Jost a tiUe as tboi ^^ tbo TM Csrejr Morgan Is In Chicago tntrodndng ser- ersl of the latest efforts of Laclen Dennl. who b at the present time tbe manager of tbe Kan- ■njOly oiBee of tbe TM Snyder Uosle Co. -DanaPO new ones are remarkable for their orig- inality of IjTlc, tempo and melody, irrtlTtlT ot zasa, ballads and nor^ty wiiiilma Tw it ct tbo mon promtneat rags are Tbe Devfl ■Waaan nd tbe Broadway Bag. whne tbe p r e lU t nt ct the baUads la entitled AO For Ton. ♦ -Dorothy Vaoghn. Ellxabetb Marray's clever aAetltnte In the ifadsme abeny piaflai ilw at tte Coloolal. placed Bonw aC TbMb DsTB la ber repertoire of BOBga last Satardoy wlabt. and It went like a whirlwind. Mlas Taracho wm eentlnne to nse this sew <ne from the wai WiaaUii' catalogn* upon her retnn to the eom- r. «bleh_will_bs .In iMtbsr WMk er twob' The new prodnctlon. The Sweetest Girl in Paris, which Is going to ha presented aooo at the new LaSalle Opera House, looks like aaoth- ar LaSalle hit of old. Joseph Howard la writ- Inc the mnale, and It Is said thst tbe ot tbiB siDdsettoB aaivess an bis pceelaas at- y Sherman, who la entertaining at Sana . baa Innnmerahle reqniests for his own Mast tfim. cntltlad If a tbe Same Old Ma. Bat HW tbe aaae Old GM. This namher la p tiMhl i e d by Cbaa. K. Barrla. and siiMisia to be one oC tbeb best sellers. J. W^Sr^ the new professional man for HanlB^^lB las Tcry hard on the bic eatalsiaa dt boaas sad la aettlBa crest rtsnlts. Swaaaoo. tbs dceer Uttle pianist, who maalpalated tbe Ireeles for Oe Hooae of Chds- topher during tts Bbaet .an iwirn In tbe mnale world. U now gntOag bsr old Mends la tbe same olBees tat snother new one In tbe bnalness. the Hamid Boaslter concern. Miss Swanson. wbo Is as derar ss she Is good to look opon. Mds fdr to b itsa i i i ana o( tbe aust fapalar ct eesi. Taa Tea Oan Go In. rn stay Oot Here. Basslter Shop, wm be fe a t ni ed by In hla Tanderllle mlnstzela. Hm opens bla son at the Gaiety Theatre, I/Oolsrllle. Aagnat "21. Some of These Days wm he tbe main- stay of the Imperial Qrurtette. also of tl» Tan o ottlt . ♦ Boms n o, a character singer wba la a Chicago fSTOrlte. has Joined forces with Kag Time Loola, the remarkable harp player, and win be ahortly in TanderlUe under the bminc of --^ammjmli^M, with matedal |UM3 Me To-Nlgbt In Dreamland, ber trade-mark nnm- ber from last sesson. From New Orleans sn* goes direct to New Totk, playing toe American Moslc Hall. ♦ The Thompson Mnale Co. has started In boal- nesi again at the old stud, and It U laid to bare a catalogue of new nam here which wm pn^^lut baoae^ bg^ ln tte^ stsndtSK It aajoyed E, who held tbe nisssgcrlal ' Harold Boaalter odle* for one ■vatcfloasly dlaappeand, no oae be- Nasbrllle. Tbaa.. ' Ana I? Strain. oC Nasbsme. lAo baa tbsrgii of the moste St the Moatesgls tssiiably fsr the past three years, has accepted the poaltlan ot moslcal dlreetnr at the SUte Norman College In Bowling Green. Ky., to which place be will remore in September. Mr. Strahm's moslcal ability Is greatly appreciated at Honteagle, and If Ms leartag the state means the snrrenderlng of bis work there. It will be a distinct loss to the Assembly. WITH THE W1TMARK8. J. K. Kosay and Clara I^ne are winning much applanae In Tanderllla by tti»if rcndltlDna of the WItmaxk waits song. Charme d'Amour. Henshaw and Vincent, who are singing Whara the BlTcr Shannon Flowa. are load In praise of this, a tnnefDl and too^ilog Irish song. Tba team reports to M. Wltmark and Sons, wbo pub- lish the soog, that they ais niikhig t dseldsd hit with it. Shaky Eyes Is the latest addlUoB to the repertoire oC Kdna sad Doe Babatts, wbo an whole boaeh of tbam wlteMrer She wlAas ts do so, wltti tbe Wltmark novelty song. She Hsd 1 Uj'. of 'rh:;ij» W^t-r: Sit. Cs:rj» Rick. TTTK XAJBSTIC THXAT££, SashTills, Ark. Opens Sept. I, 1910. Would like to bear from aosM good stock co mpan ies. Write for open dates. H. B. CABBdTH, Manager. PROFESSIOIIL TEITRIIOQDIST RGURES to o.-der. ti.OO. C. New Yc-Tt City. AMEfi, 217 E. r^lh St. FOR SAXS—Somersanlt and TMck Dogs and Deres, Picture Machines, Films. Crank Piano, two-leggd Kangaroo Dos: win ^»»*-»g» for Sculptor's ttiesm Ulnslai and Cabinet, com- plete, tI8; Ed. Ex. M. P. Head with Lens. (30; 40xeo Tent with Poles. «S9: P. Plsy. 2,230 ft-. 1.000 posters, «4»; .as* M. P. " 9c per boor to nm. ^Bmt . tit't pdea. Bargain list; ataapk V. U. Ainaterdam. N. T. BAIXTHOO—Chiutecler Ufe-slie Booster. Fit ordinary else man; S pieces with shipping tmnk; aaed one weeks asit CM:- will aaU for 970. Also BoD nribilfc' 'aMHseallva^ aan- beted. Se per 1.000. O. W. JUXMSnUm Ttb Are.. N. T. City. TKMT FOB SAI.B—00x110; bele ring, 8 center poles, marqnee, stakes. llTing tent, stake pol- ler, complete. Cbet last year. $475: wm sell for S135. Can be seen np. Want 30x40 tent. G. W. AT.T,K--t, 2306 Ttb Are.. N. T. City. ALITE—Flint's bear cabs. $40 each: EUnt's ae- cliiMted prairie^ dogs, ^orcrglni FOR SALE-Slni|M Set Spmdk KTsnf make, la ai atKA frV U^. tSB.00: aigb Striker, good a new, <SO.0O: TItoU Vent. 10 by 10, In good feadllliia. >lS.oa This slnlf la O. K., MOT imiK or bdd for debt or sold on aceoont of alekness. JAMESON, Lincoln Park, Worcester. Mass. n>B BAXS—72-tt. OOMBIMATIOM CAB: A-1 con dlUe a ; tacaiaad caaaMa: can aeeonmodate 35 people: STtt. b^Raga «ai wltb large fold- lag dooa: SO-tt, veaaaaa bdly; large atate- nona; uboinaHeu end: laiaa water tanks in Mli'bi I I. Osr Is as sttslgbt aa aa arrow, wui adl cbesp ftr cssb ar cm. tlws. with good se- cnitty. Addiass t. & X.ABDr«sa. DsL, Hsntt^ lad. ■ ■ — FOR SALE— Big EU Wlieel Now running In big New Tork plcolc park. Ibltty-Sra Bare Ug picnics to come. Wlieel In A-1 sksfa. aal ail esniplsts. Cobs aa aad gat for «)ML Most FOB BAIX, COSTUMES. BEX saw FKICES: Duck Coats. Panta, t2 each; 4 Hottentots, 93 each; each; Baby Drees, |2: Hlsstttl Coat, Pul Ladles' Court Wtg (Bepner*s auks), bailor Suits. fS; Men's Football. LeggtKB. Ladlesf bighaaaj OlrU' White Minstrel Ooai Mts. «a: 10 wbMa Irish Girls. M each; 10 Tralnsd Mnraea. ■§ utia iiasd,^; Bran Braeeleti tad AiBlat% fl an) Thieln's llliBois Vaudeville l«irciiit Slaying Jtte best In TsndeTllle. HL P t iflaawia , take note—ALL f booked by CSAB. SOimiaE, OS San> St., OUoacSb JtniFS. Berenty-two cents car fare to all towpt. Stai^ Vow Oraad, Zlgin; Lyric, Ottawa; Ofaal^ JAMES JLNIGHOIS iger of Chicago Office of Jos. W. Stem Co., is nmro ...-.CHICAGO-pFFIS*, OF-—;':: :}:,Sv, The Theodore Morse Music Coiunany tOUTH CIsJ^l :iET. CONCESSIONERS m eouiity Fair, Mt. vnih, o. SEPTEMBER 13, 14, 16, 16. VAKTBD—VeiTls wheel, fltst-dass shows of all klads, algbt and day good L i a iLi l a ltmB not yet sold : a great chance for top notebeis. Get bnay etc., to OOL. I£B0T O. HUBT, Snparintendent. WANTED AT VANITY FAOmABXi aitcd SUtes. All the great men of the eo» iSStimB. TABITT FAIB FABK. PierUaoes, B. I. CMHUVilL GOUNTYFII 20,000 MINERS 20,0N RflKNEIS AITEMB Hi SIXTH Arlzofla TerrilMil Fair nteania, Arlaetta, N«v. Ttii tolZth Rarer rains—Son always shines. WRITE FOB COHCZSBIONS NOW. ^■^^ Phoeihjrum Tid. Crtigtfai.' CENTRAL WISCONSIN STATE FAIR Marshfield, Wis., August 22-27. Great Cosmopolitan %hows can place one more good Show and sereral legitimate CbnceaaloBa for abore data and other good oaea. Waat mnsirlsns sad plaatatloa psap ls. ObBaa arlU bs Iseatcd sa T ED FOR- FAIR AND HORSE SHOW September 19, 20, 21, 22, 23. CUYAHOGA COUNTY CENTENNIAL CLEVELAND, OHIO—AUGUST tO-IS WANTED—All CiasMS of SHOWS. RIDES. MUSICAL ATTRACTIONS. OUTDOOR ACTS. THRILLERS and CARNIVAL FEATURES. NOTE CAREFULLY—By action of the Council a broad street in the HEART OF THE CITY has been set aside for Carnival paqoMH Hie chance dfiiVWhaBfiar widMnrako dwwineo. More Than^200,000 to be Expended in Decorations and Free Features Address all coi R. H. MeLAUGHLIN. Centennial , CLEVELAND, OHIO