Billboard advertising (Aug 1910)

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i6 Tlte Billboard AUGUST 20, 1910. Film Release* 14-^ etarm rata cnnu) " i mg oiT tfriBil..... ^\4Ssr»:::::::::: 1- Aroillaa Umld (Dnma) S84 lUHCFAornRiNa odhfaht. |4-na Boom oa tta Hill (Dnina) T45 14— iDaltcd BUtn Uf* Savliic Dillb (Us- catlflAal SSO n—A Ootat Asarlam Bomuc* (Dnuu) 1000 SI—BeetlMP Bdv a>nu> SM ■«> miTjooo Uttia wmOt (Dtana) tm 15- Oot or tbm HUt — " - *^ .c oww JrtT.' '.'..;..T!?rr ~1_l0rai ana tb* Rav (dam) JOOO ( 4 nfna )» ,4B0 BEowa (conadj)******** —> k MnBA).«0 ■•waiil (dnmm) IBB rMt. ranaa) •■••..lOOO - ttotti and ttaa nana (OaMdr).. RS »-na X«dr and tbe BandaroSau) .. WO . JB-nia Attack on tbe irnrntlnl 1000 ^-O^S. Snbntarina "SalmiBf* <BMlncllT«) Tniiai Otaan) Wi W« .«m IB <tar Taaaa COon- ra Saw Boffias (Oaa- (a««i« Kldaa.) « DaeSa Oct Wlaa (coswdy) ~aa at CnBtlda laeaale).. KdarBlatar (dnma) T20 Cnllmltad Xrala. or Tbm Bavtac Uaehlaa OSAt Ttaniad (eoBadr>r. S—On tba nmahold (Dnuu) 9 —Motortax Amona tlie CUIEb _ o( rrnca (Scenic) tU B—na Cliak of Oaid (Vstm) OB _ . I^Aftlwi (TraTrioBBa) .. 4B tMyatat y-draaa) ABO ^ (HMocieal) IBS U—Tbe Hlddra 8erp«nt (Dnau) .. BT U—la the Realm of the Cm (Voor) ....-dBS IB Jn pttet Smlttca (lecaadaix fkna: cat- •••• M-Oa Mly Wblrl (tdek eoowdr)...... m S S" nUaie of SDeeeaaidnBa)...... BIS « m a Pii aee aa a nd tbe BlilAaM (ecm- ^_ ady? celoced) BBD S~V** Itar LawTcr (oonadr).. ~i Baaatlfal llatju at (bail aawa) '.'. dlO Awgleff'a Dteaia f"fjTf ifT dnsa) BU( Weade»_abo««^j h a i aa ty > B—Aa Andaat Uaiiner ((^medy) 431 B—Vbe Aee of Heeztx iComtiy Drama) .. 66* B—Tba ixid'a Flayer (AUesottcal) 470 8—Tea*rlffe, the Otm of tbe Caaulea _ CTraT^o«ne) BOe B-T^etareanae Wateia of Italy (Scenic) 41/ *—«• Walar Core (Oomedy) das 11 finambtd AUtc (Dtaaia) ' BBB tB-jOrUtB tt. Baoir la CteBMotz Tala ( nra aa ) BBT a MaaaKo (Ooland Baalaar).V.SBl a Hatba-lB-Lav (Fnoa) 3X4 K&UJI OOHPART. (Drama) BSdeta (Drama) ..... Ca Bae rMca (Draau) - —-:— Cftama) — imaa'a War Btary (draau) n—A. tajUtt ft DM a (drana)......... C dff aii i a) ........ J^OdadiJ Bdto (dnma) JtlSi «tf jBey (drana).......^ lO—Tbe Borrowad Baby (■«'-~^rtirn, ■ ._- la-JTba can of tba Blood (dtuii» ~ -im. aftBdlSiiB aiBB— raet Boad to Happlneaa (Bomanca) .. 600 Heal Jane (ruce) 350 r MOtlaa Plctare Maa (Otrnttr) .... S« ObIld*a Cap tire (Drama) .....^ Sa'a Tare film (Qaaedy) ........ 11—HVUdBdeiB (draaia) il —Alnxlchty Dollar (eomedy) 14—Hie Adopted Dmztiter (dnmt) ..... :.U—Boaamary tor Bemembranea (drama)., '.tt—SOha Oraham'i Ooid (drama).......... Aaiaat ■ 1 — T l u e a Heaita (Drama) 4— Ab Sine and. the Gzcaaeia (Dzaaia) .. 5— TI^ Seart of a Bloax (Dcama) ...... II—A (aaage of Heart (Oamady) IS^ne Dlftrlet - Atlorney'a Irlompb Cdxsnu) ■ • •« «** **• • «v U—Ite Dock Fa m^^eda o Baoaalj too 980 B«0 SB tet. STO 840 aso BIO .. T76 BO—aaeaaeOlitlaa of Ibea (Drama) .... 948 n rwwiMlBia Bawardad (Oomadr) •••• MS W IMdtWB MAool ta Balstam ( BdafatkM - - al) .. .......................... BBS B4—A Onrloaa InrentloB (Xtiek Canady).. 4T2 S«—CatAins Blab With Itanamlta (Beanie) 480 BB-Tha Oreat Ttala HoU-Ua (Dtaaa) .. 860 BT—Caaaar la Bkypt ((Mania Ilaama) dBB >r—Bare Da From Ow-MaBda ((jMady) 4TB S—RapoIecB (Hlatwleal) BIB Inly— Peat 1—BabaDlooB Batty (eomady) BBT 1—laalda tba WwA (enlond apaetaealar) m 1 Mar lUU tba FoUce (eomady) BTl t—Hldlnj Kaata by Ooaaaeka (a d a catfcm a l ) BBB 4— Hie Sonavay Doc ((Xanedy) Bbe t—Tb» Rhlna from (Jolocna to Blafaa ICdl- ored Scenic) BSb 6— Lot* Xe One Another (Ooloiad drama) B02 fl Jtnli Haa tba SbootlnB Xaala ((Com- edy) 448 8—Biabaarted Mirr (Drama) 777 8—OoL BoOMTdt BarlawlnB Ranch XMopa (Vaalaaik of tto Baea (I laar aar oaaa lack fiiindi^ U IS 15—Tanu (aeaale) 10—A PoUtleal Dlaraaatfin (eomedy) au IB—naaaa Tako-Oaa (eomedy) S48 10—A (Jood Loacr (dramatle«am*dy) BBB 16— ^Alcerlu Stndy (odored adaeatmaal).. STB IS—iOatakn Idntlty (drama) «S — " leMana «dA) « a dtt~(ita£Bar BS—Ifoca of Betty'a Pranka (eomady) 4=i> BB r a t e Haa a Good Time (farce) 476 SB—OettlaB Ena With a lAwyar (Dtama) (TTB BS—BreaklBS Up tbe lee In Finland (Bdao ttaaal) 305 BT—Deteettra'a Dream (Oeoiedy) 681 BT—Oa tba Btbtoplaa Troat^er ((Jolored BccbIc) • • *■ ■» •^•■•••••■■••••■•■••«* 287 BS—Tooimy Geta HIa Slater Kanicd (Com- edy) ••••••••••■••••••*■•■«•■> 8S0 BO—cadloetro (Oolomd Saana) 1000 Aagnat ' Kaat. 1—^Betty aa an Birand Old (Oomedy) Bit. 1—^Hnntinc Bata In Somatza (Colond Bd- oeatioDar) .............. 671 5— Under BoOi llasB (Drama) 830 8—Tbe Ban«l Jumper (Acrobatic) 144 B—No Man's Land (Drama) S38 B—Ho Beat tor tbe Weaiy' (OOlarad COm- -_-J ^ O o jaB(») TIB _ Scenic^ ■> * ^va*w'»*a«*aa**« 8—moldca of a FHrt (OotaaS Ikaaa).. TTB S—Jewlab T^pea to ^nria (Moatftls>l) tCK 10 Har Pbotofraph (Comedy)'.'BS 15— Tbe Ibla (Edocadonal) ..^'.Vw<u'.?.... BT4 IX—Tbe Bed Girl and tbe (Ut-rOMaa)..' BOB 13— OUtct Twlat (Drama) ; BS8 IB—Max Haa to cauuige (comedy) 476 16— Back to Ufe after 2,000 Tcaia (com- edy) 482 IT—A Oayanaa Biare (drama) 898 ' ~ Und Trinmph (oomedy) T»4 (■Claude).,........ m !)' 8BUa. m Opmlng an Oycter OBdoeattoiial) 1000 8—Oar New Mlalatar (Drama) 1000 a—Tbe Lobs Trail (Drama) 1000 *o—Tbe fire (nilaTa Daasfcter (Drama). .1000 Waat, ia*««*«««s»*«««a* cm lonBi)••••••1000 ICln ISIR CCOBMAV)******** •• OBO - — - _ . 11 —Inat la ^ Boodea (draiaB).» 15—wmie (comedy-drama) 18—^Hornxn Hearta (drama ...... ZZ—Dora Thome (drama) ........ 2S —Tbe Indian Baldci* (drama) 29—Tbe Etalgtaat (drama) ...... .1000 ....1000 900 .....1000 KDIgON. ■ Ansnst— ' 16—aia New Ftmlly (Drama) .... IS—Bow the Squire waa (teptmed (i 18—BoioptloQa Takea Dp (Comedj) -- T3 Lore and the Law (Drama] " ~ W^atfm TtmUefttm (r TIXAOBAFH. n—no uttIa Mother at tba (Drama) -A lamIL , ^ •*••••••• I—Saved by the 1—WllaoB'a Wlfa'a S—Old OlatT (IMaaia) B—A Boardmc Sebool S—Batwaab I.0Ta:aaa B—Backat (Diama) .... 13—NcQle'B rum (DaaM 15— Her Unde'i wm (Oomedy Dtama) . 16— ^A Broken Symphony (Drajoa) ... 1»—Two HKhland Lada (Ooma^) .. 670 (Oooady) «27 945 jOaaadr) aw SIT Ansnat 2—^An Unfair Oama (Drama) DM 5— Tbe WooIbc o't (Comedy) 980 6— Her Motber'a Weddlne Gown (Drama) 1015 0—^Ibe Death of Michael Grady (Comedy) 830 15— Mra. Barrlnctoo'a Booxr Party (Drama) S77 in—The Tnm of the Balance (Drama) .. BNO 16— Dalalee (drama) 19— Back to Natnte (drama) 070 20— Under the Old Aiq>le Tree (drama).... 809 23—The Tbreo Cherry Pita (drama) 806 26— Tbe Men Hateia' Chib (comedy). 27— Boae Leavca (dnma) . 8U U&BAR ' (Gaocc* Slalae) too- n—A CbUd of tbe Sqoadna (Drama; It ■ ia Bmifalaa lUa Wah — 39-8t..PaalaarihB CMl loiT— - ■".- (Bdaeattoaal) IB— Tba Wicked Baroa and the Pace (Dra- ma) B70 n—The MoOBllgbt BUttlSK (Comedy) ... 418 j S -nwia i h tka MaVa Line (drama)... 650 BS Flkia tba WdM City (toor) 440 g—Pa^A it ^fjjg*^ ^haMBBBQ*"'* no Anaaat B<aot. S—WItcfe of Ciraboaaa (Laaaad) 630 8—Otmel and Horae Baaac tn Mgm (^pleal) .TV.'. 8S5 10—The sneat Wltacaa (Dram.) B40 10—Oa tb» Baaka of tba Zoyder Eae. Hol- * " gCntTdocne) Sn Tal Scceaadera (Comedo) SIS SIS rOB BSXB—EdiBon Bxb. M. P. Kacblae. 826: O. O. D.. 65; haa aterroptlcoa and dlekerleas Bttachmenta, hand-made lamp taonse, baseboard and ipate: In eikm! mnalnp order; lot electric lUtnri.«. JAMES '^.'.MF.T^i^. 7C»3 Third ATenuf, ETfinsvli;e, led. aaanarw jjg TIUtB ABS BOBO SLIDES—100 reda fllm. ele^atit condition, $7 per reel and np; 60 aeta Sons SUdea, perfect coodltloa, 81-75 pet aet, wltb mnalc. Send postal for Usta. Good film acrrlea fnmlab^d at loweat pHcee In tbe Soatb. SbppUes. Baigalna In new and aeeood- id If. P. marhhiea and 6aa makla6 ootSta. P. O. BOX 306. New Orleaaa, La. R. S. T. FILM BBOKEBAGE CO. 13S Waat 3Tth StrMt. Namr York City Importeii and Exporter! of Foreln and Domaatic Filma of Every Make asd P eacilptl oa. eo Your 4^ On Us rATXOVAX. FHIC T&ASESS. Zmvpo- TAtod, 1«7 4t2i Are., K«v Tork Cl^, 0«i "d in iJ?cond-h.tn_d ilms, Irapcrten a^oil yortftcte WE WANT THE NAME AND ADDRESS OF EVERY TRAVELING MB SHALL TOn MnUKWrURE SHOW We are in a position to help you and want you to UU us how to reach you by mail. KBonft ttii coupon, inulit to db sad we will do the rest. KEAD4VABZSBS rsnd We sen eveiythiiig pertuniqc to moving pictures for less money tbao the same gooib can be boo^t for daewliere. HUMS FOR SAL£ USTEK I WewsnttoBsyri^tnowflist tite Films we are offering for Bale are not JUNK. We have the largeat and-best eqiupped Fflm Cleaning Plant in existence. "Hieoe films have all been deuied sad pot into first-class condition aod aSB wwfh just twice what we ask. $5 to $30 EACH D.^FOR BIG LWT . BOVnrO FICmTBE XAOmBES. tSt.00 Are Luna. ^ Btaaoatai^SB: Oaa OeaentaeB. BZ.3S; — •*— — — •- THEATRE FOR SALE—Cvriaghi, I. L 1,000 popniatlan: good atase, piano, UO ehalHL cheap tent. I. X DATIS, Ambroaa, B. D, rOK BALE—UoTlns plctsie dim; CO reela dmt- elaaa condition. (10 a ted: lent aoblaet to es- Ke.. 6 moTUs pletaa Pol . eaa fft'TTT asUbltSoo. ebeap. lAXTO. IBIS yrSa StTsMla. : WABSKD XO BUT—XOVIBO nOXDBS.^ XBB In one of tbe amaller towaa la tba waat. Bend fnU p artlco lara drat latter. rXABX K. 70BEB, Operator, Daba«aa, Xa. FOB BALE—^Tbree Edlaon two-pin mirhlnaa. all comrlete, tSO each: two EdlaoB oce pln ma- chines, aU complete, $100 eacb; FUma for a ale; flrat-claaa eoodlUoo, 67 to |18 per leeL UAXn ajI,VXBllAN, 103 dtb ATeaaai PHtabmfc Pa. WABXBD—INi pcrcbaaa P. H. OL maat be In A-1 condition, or will rent i atate loweet price flivt letter; rellsloaa Stereoptlcoo BUdea. Addrcaa RBBBOu CX>.. 841 6th Ta.. Boom S. Plttahorx. Pa. CHICAGO FILMERS 173 N. Green St. Naar Lak* CHICAGO. imiiois Hand-Colored Passion Play 3,U4 feet; Ilka new; (S. or fS two alsUa. 42, Warren, Indiana, BOX MAIY SPEfiML aiUUB -IN- Motion Picture Maciilnes, Etc. New and lued, (32 cp; 5 seta of Pauloo Plaj fllm, low; oend for Sapplentent 33. HA&BAOH A CO,, SOB nibcrt St., Fblladelpbla, Pa. MBVnie PICTURE MAGHIIES STEIEOmCOItt. tUKS lOaSMirinStraat, KAHSASCITY. MO. JEFFRIES-JOHNSON nCHT PICTURES Showlaa wrarj Importaat part, tnm batlaAs to thaknock-oat. Id baad-celotad alldaa. ST-BB; IS plain alldea. «S.OO: betb wltb iMtnra and Bra one aheet Utbosrapba. Caab wltb order. CBlOAaO mm PICTtnuBOO.. si SoatS CUrS Stiaat. is L. I DES ANNOUNCEMENT SLIDES t1B.0S rmr Hundivd. SEND FOR LISTS. SlldM, SC.00 Per S«t MANHATTAN SLIDE CO. ia« W.37tl> St., turn York City COMPENSARC Tbat'a the derlce that aarea Uorlnc Ple- tara men two-tblida «a tbdt a l e c ule dea't look It np—loat write ftS «BS Booklet 15018 PORT WAYNR, INDIANA. TO MR. EXHIBITOR ! Wba yoo make op joar mind to naa Tiiinnrtait fflma, be daad ^nua joa deal .with an ax«kiBi|gt LAEIVII\/ILE FILM SERVICE IBS-IBS I^aka St., aaXOAOa in.f...p«ii. Ennarflla, OmakA, PortlaaA, Salt La^ OU7.