Billboard advertising (Aug 1910)

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2 Xtie Billboard AvuMer ZT, i9ia aidMHtvt* tmr EM U»- i; Ida on- algbt tor tL Par- OO^ Aadctaon. Ind. Electnc TattBSfBg Macline$,$5.08 vomtm. rtc. m. BBOWN. PATENTS iwlliim wnttd Mat FBEX. TIOXOK J. KVAn fc.OO~ MiniddGlttses SobMatU. toad, pan ta toaa, aMT to toD* oad pUr. Photaa. i B feram —. at ■lircTT. wttk fall lotolMttoo wia^ba «t oe- TRICKS W6U PROFESSIONAI. USB CAOOMFAHT. SOOrabotSlMt, '— lUMM.. — ELGIN and W ATrtirC WALTHAM If A1 AH clem («ods la eleeti»platcd. goId-ailcd aad lilTer cmae*. from 91.90 19: wkolcaila caly (posltiTelr BO ictaU). For aaT" lalim. etc Send tor prtca^IM^ . K: Ik Boom 47. Jewelen- BnOttS; SIS ~ Street, BoMon. Mass. WRTTTEN TO ORDER Oilslnal work. BeuoniUe ntca. Writ* for eatlmmte. aeioofais ctamp. H. 7. HALBBAS, an H. airtaa Bttoat, Ol—gjliwr. Talk. 2 .65 BOSTON TO IE W ■ YOBK Hiaii COIX>IVIAX. umoB ! '1 WmIc Days and Su nd ' ^- Rail aad B«at Balis J. C DEAGAN aKC-IOH. Cluk St., CHICAGO. iDTentbr scd Mfr. to the profession. Write for oar new tUofltnteil cat- alog. New hits. Al- ways relialde. TRICKS and ILLUSIONS JANSEN t UBOT CO., tarseat M and Dloalotia In the Wofld. 14S h^^lfttt'taM ZIO W. Martlaon St.. Chlcasa. Our Sp«elal*y This Yaar Is ftha OtIMiSB; MM^kit iiiil linB-fKaaf: 4x7 feet Sewed ■tsn.Kwedatita^S A. pole wittk ban. 16 feet maaiUa ran jpliMiiii i1 inn pole holder, aU omnirfete^ Sl.OO Flag CMRpany tHIRSHrPl ■ One aad Bght Sheets &mipl^ and^^^^ P^ sent Tbe OoMltei Litbo. Go. NEWTOBT caawn KENTOCKY CIGARS From per 1,000 en up. All orders shipped SAME DAY as rseslvsd. Ssnd DEPOSIT with Ordsr. Prie* Ust FREE. M, 187 E. -^ttt St.. KauiMS City, Mb. ThieleB's Uliiuis Vaudeville Circuit I'larlas Ha eaat M nuderllle. Being booked br CHAS. SOVTRICK. M La Salla St.. OMeaae m. Pertoiavik aite-Bote—AU. SMAIX JTTMrs. Brrmty tuo cenxm car-fare to all towns. Star Asnia, HL, Star, Bein; Oiaad, 7oUet; False*. Antoia; Saw Oiasd, Elcla; Lrrio, Ottawa; Grand. T—nine; Itajeitie, Kewanee; Sew Oaiaty. Oalasbarc. WIG Bargain, Hnman Hair, brand new. Blsck Soabrette tl.50 Cbaraetcr. Bald. Impait. 1.S0 B7 maB. lOe smc*. 61 KUPPEBT. iBpaatcr. aiS 4U Asc. H.Z. Citj. SMETHING NEWI VERY UTESTI BIG MONEY GrnERt '•AUTOMATIC JOHNSON" A BBiu; mrB wms nt niE imu Tfae7 throw their arms off at It. Mand: The AntomaUc HaQllgas, Fairs. Camlrals. ate. " ••Jfaf Ced." KoTelty Ball We Throwlac Oa ViUa at once tor prices and cirrmars. . Street. CIHCIHVATI. OHIO. inns of Ths KleklBf Mais, tbe cola at Parks, STATES Tfl£ IMEST MUSIC FOR PUTER JUn ELECTIK PUUIOS ON SPOOLS ANB ENBIESS ROLLS PRICE, 50 ceots to $1.50 Per Roll 60 pieces so new evoy month that they a»aU IqrflietiBwotlHBpndnoetheBi Ssnd for Cataloguas and Bulletins iSS^ 2S3MaMLikiSimi OPERA CHAIRS from the moat iuespea m e type to flie finer upholstered chiuis. Excellence of design, durability, moderate prices are the thingsyoudemand. Ourcbaiis meet the requirements. Address DEPT. s. 215 Wabash Ave. Write today for big Catalog ! BEST AND CHEAPEST MUSICs^^ business oC we can: Ist^-SafiUfy ^ 8n d fi s T e yam Remember, (ood maole Is what worn mat baye. Tbe Lyon & Heal| Military Bani Ortan represent a fall bras baad; ara do not set 16 slzecL flromtha analleat ai. payments. The tamons VVelte A Equal to ten to twenty hicb-clsss mnstoiaBS. Senslngtop iVatowiattc CS-noce Pfaooa aad UaJeRUo. fz: i4-uot» Flanoa. BuUt to stve splendid' aerylce. the naarire*. Send for our big free Inatnimaita of tbe Mention this psper. Wins Immedlats popnlatltjr Hie Bayers of Jjgtm A Healy Indndc tbe most imooeatfnl OTCT tbe United Str.tes. Lomit prices i& 1« an LYON & HEALY TItatneWR AMatals: TTnn TlnaksMa Kniuble fbr : tmaU theatre and aMTtBS picture ihows. Wa carrr tbeaa chairs la ■ tock aad caa iS^ Lm mediately. SoCSst bind cbalra,: elie oeatlnc for bot-at- doo r naa. A d d. I> ^t. B, t rrmxii raaiti- Unta CO., Ora^ HapMg ^ M r ■ - CARS AND SLEEPERS for Show People. Sndtan Int MM fiLB.&a SPECIAL t«-ia. tS-ia... ILOe •Mb... laoe i«.oe u.ot st-ia... 4e-in... w.r- LOOK AT THK tio.oe CeU-Bolled Steel Blad. tod. Thiee-tihr B. B. A B. trunk wood, hsnd-rWstai tipping tmy. SEND FOR CATALOGUE. WTTaaURO. M, Depuiakla OPERA CHAIRS AU XHB BUXBSBS* DIBBCtTQBX tkxxa fOD .WHO- nrXL METAL HF6. CO. -isat— eieiai;iu. Sopom lliiiiil ipiirilis moatrated Cstaloc, ftM; Uammoth ProfMI Oatslas, 3S_ets.; jnst oat^^Naw Bargain 1 Vbr .n pnrposea. TTss ear bmtfa. CM aad prices. BEUlET OUM &B0P, TffRATBICAL LAWYER • ICATmiOE: HAROU> ROSE. • Vaasaa Straat, . ■ - TTPff TOKX.