Billboard advertising (Aug 1910)

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Billboards AMERICAS IBADING AMU>SEMENT WEEKLY Vohime XXIL No. 36. ciNcinirATi—HEW tork—Chicago Angnst 27, lAlO. >H§ ©IP' Tm Am(us6in0nt Lif e ^ . and Envir oranen Mr. iMuia H. Baker, tb« w«U-knowB IB WOkM-Bamk Bit, Battbaore, Md. betdenUny. at tlie had of the linaame Theatre ler at his. raMMice .In of Mr. August fvammmn, he anmed the directorship of amusements at the Suburban Gardens. Hla MTVIeea have beea hlchly appre- ^^^^ hia Menda. Aa Im la iboot te retam to his post of duty. Us friends de- cided that hla departure should not paas without notice. So they satlnred themselves la a baneh at an u pa lla d place, to hold a. eoaea «f ::>«ar ~«iid formotate their ptans fbr tfala-memor. able event. A sumptuous banquet was SM-ved at HoWlEmewon in his honor as a ""^^iti rt « iteem^^^At toe congnriw ceremonies dedOsd that Ihe.eveatar should be anlvM should tell aa original story. , ■ ■ r;- Mr. Isaac Soo^eira, the well-known theatridJ. nwi—la-^ New Jersey, toldtbe best story of the evening: "Mlm Balla. Akaams^ a dtamlivyHUV vocalist and comedienne from "Vku' waa flaying an •agag«teent at a well-known suburban resort my home town," said Mr. SondheUn. "and she had a great fascination tor wild flowers. "One morning, during her stay at tlUs resort, atae. la nompany with some other girls, went avT to naim la tta aadewaapad eoaatqr. b s yo ad the ontsklru of the city aaS anioy the aiwl ve a by piaciaar aomei vt tha aacMtt- vated growth of nature. ■ "A traveling menagerie was recently exhibiting In that vicinity and had Incurred the loss of some snakes, which had disappeared and bad taken to the taU timbers. "The young ladles were quite enthusiastic and deeply absorbed In their atadtes of nature and being in high spirits they were enjoying thenrvselves to their hearts' content. "In her eagerness to grasp a beautiful blossom, ^Iss Abrams rushed forward and, aa she waa about to reach for the flower, she stepped on a snake which lay hidden in the ohderbrush. She realised that she bad stepped on something soft and she was startled to leara that it was a snake, "She was frightened, but she was much impressed with the'fact that the snake exhibited a marked degree of tameness. which It had evidently acquired daring Its long confinement with the menagerie. "Instited of rnnnlng away, Mlas Abrams picked the snake up and placed It In an empty box whlcb she bad used for bar lunch. She beeaaM ao deeply attached to her newly found pet thaitvtfM tMlr^tt to her boa r dl f . h> M ti and smuggled it to her room. ^?^er doing her turn at the theatre In the evening, she returned to her ~ ~ to amtne herself and fondle her new pet. 'She soon wearied of it . ebmfortably placing it In a comer of the room, she retired for the night. "People residing in the neighborhood of her boarding house had been di.ainnoyed for ^nearly a fortnight by the Invasion of midnight marauders, se con d-story workers and others of the light-fingered gentry. They had aa e ce e ded in eluding the vigilance and eagle eye of the constable, and had chosen the boarding house for their night's work. After gaining an entrance, they ransacked the house from top to bottom. "When Miss Abrams retired she carelessly left the door of her room •■bolted, which afforded one of the burglars an easy entrance, which soon ■Mit talm speedlas away in terror, "The snake had an evident desire to explore the interior of the room, and had crawIeA out of Its comer and over toward the door. The burglar entered the room and bad walked but a few paces when his foot came upon the rear extremity ot tha saakaw Tha jreiptUe'a feelings °mn hurt and. nader coyer of the darknaas, ho Charged . npoa the Intradar - with hla 'potooaona tangs, which «ent'the bniglar on hta tray la-faiy.-.v-;?---j:!;;.. • > - "The occupants of the house/wars'a i s a asd -bar thif dlatarb——r tesaiad by the vanqulahod .Intruder. " 'What's Uw-natterr cried a'ehoFOs of startled voices. " Tm staair!*^ ci»j(B]med the burglar, as he vanished In the darkness. "When the boarders learned of the predicament and that their valuables tad been saved, there was a scene of great rejoicing. "Their aurprlse waa still greater when they were apprised of the fact that their baro sraa a mere snake. The reptile became an object of Import- ance and admiratloa.. A collection-was taken up to provide snltable quarters fbr his anakeablp. who made a big hit over night, and now he is Installed aa the "star" border U this domicile.. "Mr. Saake la eoaaldering h|a application for a Carnegie medal, and there to • TumMmr tt Mg-eailr •M^MiaMS la the masilglit •£ tta Ctesat White Way. The morning waa very warm and the sun was htamlng down upon the grass-covered midway. Hx. Cariaway, secretary for Westeotfs llbtted Showi^ was coming down from the haUl sad was nearing the middle of the midway, when he was halted by Mr. Judsoa Hewitt, with the chief of police of the village and a few mora. It tiMy had-anaased to play.'Si Oarraway.- thanCora, e«IMI to where they were seated upon the ballyhoo platfotm In front of the Old Planta tion a hawK Am he neared them, 3d^Y'CEswtt^'''Wlia ^fead^'-la'^^ha vassal* time.' ^%hened oS 'Ub east/*'aiMe to his feet and said: "Well, Carraway. Til wrestle you. mm you a foot-race, or match coins to see who boys the drinks.' ■ 8taiaB:Mr..Bvrttt «v jhiiainiBr»Onmway caUed " rlaftt, Hewitt.'* saM Csiraway. "wwateh hesdi I twenty-flve-cent pieces to be Hewitt, thinking perhaps remarked: "We try a^^ln.'' Carraway give yon the adsaalase a<' tte Hewitt lost twies 1» and hO that backwards: "This time, Hewitt, ril so. tails I win and heads you lose." tha stowA ahBSSt bant their sides laBshbyb ■ ■ - • — —— the. Again Carraway stated the propoelttoa as at first, and copped the fifty cents. mw^''g him a winner of one dollar. By this time the chief and others were convulsed, but still Mr. Hewitt- had not yet tumbled to the trick. Carraway, being winner, called for thS - crowd to take one at Hewitt's expense, so they were off for the Joy-house. After all had called for the drinks, the chief explained the Joke to Hewitt, and he immediately called out: "Olve me a dollar's worth of beer." , .To flalsb tbe >>keb tbe bartender ata d ted out Jen bottlae of Sebllta and After two long years, a love-lorn youth who styles himself as an "exUe" among Uncle Sam's Insular posssssiaMb: dlseawesarlM'la asadlr la love wltk an American actress, and he has asKed The fltraller to aet la the capacity of chief matchmaker for him. The "ex- Ue" pours out bis sK>ul's yearning. The Stroller read tbe request and laid away the .iMIky letter- In e l sssa to "Rose." "tben for tbe past weA ke'bas been keeping up a diligent'aeardr for the woman in the case. Here Is-the letter that tells of the "exUeV* long- ings: "Baeelod, Negros. Oe. P. T . June 9. tftlO "Dear Stroller—^I inclose y'>u letter, which I wish yon would see U yon can deliver for me to the person nam-?d envelope. I met the yaai«-Jady te Seattle and we Jaat aataraily fell ftr. a loag time. ter aboot three years. Her three beya la the family. thA on the envelope. In love, but we have' not seen "Rose was an actress with the father Is a contractor and thpre were She has golden hair and blue^yM. "Just do a fMor tor«a,< Rose gets tbe Mtar. - . -J! . "Htwiiv thM y*« caa «» tti^adrflnror. - . nStaMerely yours. ; "CHARIaBS R. PAtLTHOUP." "P. s.—-RoaePs parenu are Caiiwaes «ai:th|S-" C h di« l l g AarA there be able to help you locate her." It cost the lovesick Charles two - _ ..... and to make things sure he spent another i% eeatavos to Mslatar tha l etter. Tbe StfOOar wow baa the letter ;to 'TRoae." whose last nas s e Ja^WUIlamsk and he has colteB Into toaeh with every fsnUly of WlllluiiiMi la.-thls part of the country, and aigsrti^ sJ^^.^UM^^SMaae w h e ^SMy^ ^^^^ ^ " or where Rose Is, ' ■■-'■;- '' ■">•' ' .- The Stroller wants to help tha^yaattir Biaii e«t aad he fboag&t ai) some of the readers of The BlUbesMf i^pit know tbla-partlmdar Roee^ ■■am KHM Who kwnnt ..BMtowqrbetrylactoloaateCtaillabViia cur be It tnm 9»m ■teeOer to ataal^.hi tbe way eC aaybatr* 1