Billboard advertising (Aug 1910)

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Xlie Dill board AUGUST 27, ItNl ii^t^nieatie oil August 29^^ New York. Ang. 20 (Special to The BUIboird.) —Moodar. Aonut 29, at the C<doalaI Theatre, Boatco, Fredene Tbomp»n will present for the flrst time on any itace, a sew plaj eotiUed, Mj- Mas. It la the work oC Forreat Halaey and Edith Ellla and la foonded npoa the former*a tnrj. The Qualltr ot Mercy, wblcb appeared Is a ma twine prtlffiHuu ot recent date. Wlien * I upon tba Initial performance, ~ wOl taie bcokcm a xccord, tte plax ▲•kmrled ^ t It tinum «■ ikat k* mated It. Br Kaadar, ■ week aso. at aaaa. ke had eicBed tbe aceeaaaiT e uuu ac u witb tbe auUaaa . TUe balance ot tbe week nntn Satmday waa con- In. ensagisc the prearntlag eaat and de- PERPORMER MARRIED SECRETLY Bajtmne. N. J.. Avz- aO.—^Wnilam P. TKg- Daa. fomaerly with the daxton Comedy Foar, Teak,'-to WOm Tmer llttet—. *B? -wrtiilat waa kept aecnt. bat Oe ataS «C Ike Bqaa^flgaM it oat and tendend the ■uiatlma com* ■ la- the BtasB. - NtflT'RHJGT: mile MINIiCAPOUS apolla. Minn.. Aug. 20.—Manager A. J. _Jse, Jr., anoooDces that on Angnat 28, ■aika the closing ot tbe I^yrlc Theatre Goopeay, the I,yrle win become the ' bome. opening with theiOay. Way Down In otlwr words, the I^e wtn occupy a posltlOB between tbe hlKfa.cIaas boaaea «■ ooe aUe and tbe papalar.p(Iecd on the ether. Tbe so well aatlsded with the progress that had been made la each department of tbe work, that he arranged to give the first performance ot tbe play on Aognst 29, which means tbtt exactly three weeks and two days will have elapsed from the time the ptodacer saw the mannscrlpt nntll an aodlence Is inTlted to pass Judgment npon its prodnctloo. Thompson is of tbe opinion that &I7 Man Is going to be a real sesaatloo and has shown his alaccrity in this bellet by engsgiog for ita Satberland. Bobert Srooet, Edna ~ " GoUand, Annie Wynne and a Taeoma. Waah., Aog. 18.— flnilllllllUMial made in Taeoma recently ot a project UMt wUI Interest In. an luncnal degree Utcraiy and dramatic circles. Some time next snmmer Mar- garet Illlngton will head a company of players presenti n g tor the first time in modem times, Tbe Medea, the Greek tragedy ot Euripides, In the Btadlmn. it so happens that the story of The Medea fits Ideally into tbe setting tumlshed by tbe atadlniB wltk tbe latter't bsekgroond of blue *aber. itatlaa aC Joan of Are In In Savage Produces Atlantic City. N. J., Aog. 15.—Henry W. BsTsge prodnced at the Criterion Theatre to- night, a new farce. Miss Patsy. Tbe piece is of German orisfo and was adapted by Sewell Colllna. Tbe scenes sre laid In Annapolis dor- lag the III of a snmmer stock com'pany. Ger- tnde ^^idan, who b£s been absent from the at —a jar ■lai .tlaie. plays tbe UUe role, and p aM M ted kr, twrwnca Wheat, as s yonng - aa iy I leats—at; Doatthy TennanC, as a stock sMOK waiBaa, and Daa Mssrm. as an antlqne gspwty Bian. Otteia in tbe cast aic Annie, Mckley. Jennie Tjit. ^Addlaa Donlap, Horace Nash. Kobcrt Kelly. Jaaepk Gray Mil ■yBRyWHKIIK. Tbe Billboard: ——* I wish to inform yon ot the axccQcat zcsolts t IisTe had tbroogb tbe mim I ~ ' Issne of Jane 2. pertain tbe Bamnm and Bailey cozxed. here on May 21. 1 tire recelred orders from »n over tbe Stalea and sereral from Eorope. Jnat to-day 1 nefered an order for 200 from tbe Hawaiian la all I have sold 47,400 plctnre . and tlianking yon and tesolts shown, I remain, traly. W. J. SCHDSTEB. As Ton Ukc It la the open-air tbealxa at MA*' dn. wen glTcn widespread attentloB. The pertormanca at Tbe Medea wUl be OB IB ambitions aeala and wtU; ka*a a lUwnvVaM dramatic laasttaaea — " " aaricai atadat and da drama. THE CANDY OIRL. Bolfalo, N. Y.. Ang. aO.—B. owner ot Tbe Candy Olrl, wia In New T«(k I week to complete the forming of a aew pany. which .was Incorporated tmder'the of Tbe B. M. Gsrfleld Amosement Co.. witk the following ofllcers: President, N. Cotacas vice-president. Alford Jackson; seci etary aad treasurer. Max nngar. Mr. Osrileld wIU be | eral manager. Tbe first two nsmed mca from New Xork, tbe lattar. tcva . Tbe new company Tbe Candy Girl, twa now In BoSalo. The roster of the Western show la: Manager, ' Walter DaHs; aeent. 0. B. Bennett: mnsieal director, T. B. Prlstoe: aUge dlieetor, Bdwu4 Crdaad; csrpenter, DsTid Bemlnser. Players- Ella Warner Darls, Flomce - P'Bpla. Wanlta Wallaee, Pamela Brookfield, Billy Murray. B. T. Hickey, BUlle i^rltchard. Edward Creland. Paul La Boe. Choras—Margaret MUler. Jan* Farllng, Avigale rreocb. Thelma Taylor, Botk Jaynes, Mayme La Boe. Belle Caiman, Paoliena Stoart, Emma Fky, Gladys Flsber, Brelyn Staep- srd sod Dixie Bsrry. This show opens Sept. 1, St Olesn, N. T. Tbe roster ot the Ceotrsl show Is: Msnsger, M. J. I.andnim: agent, Cbaa. Toesln: stsga dl> rector. Jsck C. Le Boy; mnslcal director. B. A. PoweU; cazpenter. Al. Viatica. Playeia—Twylla Smith. Mabd Baymoad. Bdle Jobatoo. Batk Btm. Jack. C. I« Bar. Wade Bin lay. Thiasa Floteaee Bcttr. -Hani Caae. Xaaae MaiWcv Dorothy Wentwoctk. RcBa SsvUle. Alice Lesdi. Era Thorp. Flofle De Voe, May Tyo. Dorothy Dsrllng, Mayne Da Myre. aad Mabel asnacn. ^ Ih^shM^ojMa^irir JuMrtawj^ 'iaSSdl Daniel Froh ROSTER OF THE SHOEMAKER. is made op o(-1ke AOawkv: Gas Hm. . Bowaid .Piiawfc aaaiBCr: Jaa. Weeden. agent: 8. F. Porter, iliililllna; Okas. Newtoo. earoenter: Geo. Raley. ps o pmy man: Bany nelds, John Sharkey. Thos. W. Faber, John H. Moore. Artbnr A. Biaaia. Hattie Beapd. May Worcester, Mass.. Ang. 20.—^Tbe Msnbattan Opera Company, at White City Park, here. Is drawing w^l. Last week. The Bonnders was glren. st wblcb time Miss Kittle McPerl and Carrlck Msjor, who returned a tew weeks ago, were sccorded sn tmnsnsl snvmnf of aapl sBST . company Is ooder the maBa0esaeat_af wkMt Kane, and wfU t«tam nest' tennlnstea Septemba 10. We Wrote Wr^tlVioi« ChieuOkMK.» CBptclal t* The BUlboaid).— In joaSea tea. H. Wright we desire to right the wrong we wrote last week and which ap- Bcatcd OB page leren of tbe cdltkw dated Angnat 20. Or ratlier we prefer to rightly stste that tliroogb a typographical error we ststed that Mr. Wrigtat wss not associated with the Gregory FireworlES Co. In the capacity of cootractlng agent. As s matter of fact, be not only does occupy that position but bss filled It well, sod is responsible for some of the good hooking wblcb Is ahead of George Mewtoe'a prodiKtloa ot tbe wrrmur thkatrk. Tetostej, Mldu. Avg. 20.—Tbe Orand Opers Hoa«e. tbe 011I7 opera bouse ia tbls dty, titf been sold mnd courerted Into a roller rtnk. so ■t tbe preae&t time tiwre la no pUee In which trftTdtey attraetloee cea be pfodoced. There Corse Payton JMakes Big Hit Hew Tork. Ang. 20 (Special to Tbe Billboird.) —^Mr. Corse Psyton appeared witb bis stock company In Blp Tsn Winkle last night In tbe Aeademr of Hnslc under direction ot Mr. Lee Stenett. Tbe play was well staged and Mr. Payton. who appeared In the title role to cele- brate bis twentieth year In the profession, was ably supported. Miss Grace Fox took tbe part ot Oretchen. Little Corione Malvern dlstln. gnlsbed herself as Meenle, and little Florence Perret wss Bendrick Tedder in the first set. Mr. Clande Peyton took tbe part ot Bendrick Vedder, grown np In the -third set. Tbe spirit at Bendrick Bndson in tlie mountain sc« roreaeetcd by Mr. Bldiaid VanderbUt. Tb a rs waa a ~ W|II|C-WKD PGR THKATRK. iMkpart. v. T..: Angat 90,—Tka Walton BoUcr B ka tlaa Blak-kaa Maa coarerted Into tbe Temple TiMtrs wttfc twtfra kaadred seating caeafWy. TiadaslHi wid —rtk^ jMtjaw shews New York. Ang. 20 (Special to Tbe BUIbaarf.> If Daniel Frohman Is engaged to JoeepUaa Brown be doesn't know It. At least that was what he sajj yesterday, and he reinforced the assertion with the ststement that be wsa throagb witb tbe mstrimonlal game. **1 am not a marrying man any more.** aald Mr. Fnbmaa wImb sees at bia oBlcc tai tka Lyceom Tkaatn, Mtaday. 'Tbe Is ahaaid. ma -HMm aad her ■ here to^ay aad I aahad Joasphlas K-i reapoDslble for tbe story. noc 1 bare known Miss 1 _^ . , I she hsB lieen ntumntaa^M--mm:- It -•■y vtker'a ca ^aalM.'f y-' uwT wiEK KrAT ?ewetf^^. be'St kSSTlSnr3%*HaMrat tte 1. tea Beacb. where qnallty raadernie Is daBF attracting sndlenees. Tlw are Billy B. ▼an and tbe Besnmont Sisters In a sparkling com- edy skit rslled Props In which Mr. Tsn dla- playa his ability as s comedian to splendid ad- rantage. Jesse L. Lasfcy's most pretentious production, tbe Photo Shop presented by s com- Sany ot tweiity singers sud dancers beaded by liss Msmie Fleming and Charles J. Stine: Cs- mlUe Ot>er, tbe Parisian chanteose whose don. ble voice bat thrilled tbonsanda; and Laddie Cliff tbe young Londoner, whose Inlmltsble comedy snd dsnclna bsTs msde him ooe of tba biggest snccesses Englsnd' bss sent to this connti7> Among other entertainers on this program ara tbe Danknar-SchiUer Traope of Knepeaa acro- bats: TsabesMi. -tka eMsdr aawMlHU-aaa Kail Bnnny' A r^iilNNEAf«OUTitilr .OOMPOitn Minneapolis, Minn.. Ang. 20.—William a Mloneapolts man. bss flnlsbed a eemp ot tbe music tor s new set tor Miss Ida ] tbe Fire Dancer. MIks Puller Is a nleea ot MM. John Dsle, 2500 Aldrlch arenne. Sooth e< tka city, sod while sppesrlng here at tbe Orphenm last sprloK. ithe made arrangements with Mr. Cross to compose the music for this season's set. It was tried oot st tbe Orphcnai Tbeatrs laat a^-yaMb>: l kta >w «a tl j ^^ ^aad Mw^jlift RIVERVIEW.- Cblcago, Aog. 20 (Special to Tbe BUlboaid).— The American toadies* Band la this week of- fering a r^osram that Is pleasing to tbe pstioBS of Blrerrlew Rxposlllon. Tbe 101 Rsneh Is ia fall swsy at Blyenlew, depleting life as It is in tbe West and gMog eislblttons of (kill sod dsring snd dlsplsylog other pbsses nf Westers life to tbe smosement of tbe msny who ara TlsltlDg this attraction. Tbe Derby, as the festnre rids snd the Monitor and Merrlaae aad Creatloa as testore attiaetleaa. aa^4MVM; Ing amoaeaicDt to the raaay eagsr paHHIMi dC