Billboard advertising (Aug 1910)

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AUQtun-2r,-w»,.^^. j.^_- • X ti e " B i 11 b o a r <1 6 AL G. Field Opens Season of 1910 at Marion, Ohio, c \V]ie3Pe His First Performance Was Given O., Aac. 18.—For the opesloc of the 29tb ■nniTemry of the AL O. Ficld'i Ornter Mlutreli Cio Tnaday. Mr. FleU selected Marlon, nbrre. 25 Tran befora, on October 6. 18S8. be gMTe blj first perfonnance. The opening of tri« <]U>rter ccDtory aiuilTenarr of the show waa tnide a gala occasloa by the almoat nnmberlna frleudB of Mr. Field at MarloD. The eotlrv bonse waa sold out wlthla three hoars from tbe sales opening, nrlilch la the record sals in the tiiatorj of Marloo Grand Oper* Boose. The boxes were occupied hv » ——aC Mr. field's frleods, sll of wboa hm Mca MCk-M- doetlon bom tbe tnceptioD tt tt» nmmmf. Bat- hat tor £S«^|Sae?'ta!*tbe After the performsDee Mr. MeM nal Kceptioa to bis old frteads, aad manr crowded back 'on tbe stage to shake tbe Teterau's band. After cxpreaslDg their cODgratnlations of the Immensity of the jubilee prodoctlon. Mr. Field ^as coDdacted to a hotel, where be wae booored at an elaborate banquet. When called on for a few words In response to tbe toaat. "The Vet- eran AI." Mr. Field spoke for tblrtr minotes «a the 2S Jttn ot his minstrel experience. Bis discourse was especially Interesting to Uw Marlon people, because be recalled cstlng anoecdotes concerning persons familiar wltb many ot those present. Mr. FMd's pcadwtloa Cor bis 1 ta tte lucMt aaa mast daborat* eC nan ot Urn bIbMrI acgaataatlaB. «ait la called "Ulaatnlcr Ib aU Asca.' vtth DaeM. tbe flrat afaatral at tke Oswt „ miag Saal. nia chaagca to tka Ilatal rmhal aad agalo to tbe CaCe of Jloma. Fieatiires ot 4h» Brat part are the t o nJ y. aiasinc and daac- teff of Got. Bowen, Saas Harris. Jotao Bealey. Doe Qnlgley, and tbe danebiK Bellbope. Jobaoy Dore Is doing a bisck-face Scotch comedy spec- ialty and Mr. Field has retomed to bis fanoos Brother Anderson stories, sfter four years. Among tbe singers are Walter Sherwood. Jack Elcbards. Georve T. Martin, Joseph M. Nor- cro«a, Herbert Wllllson. Albert Bolger. ITerinan Zell. and the famons minstrel tenor. Charles Blnehart. FlTe bit acta make np the ollow Tbe Bottom «C tta «(• aama to jaT Wm-Gfllette Mew Tatk. Abc. 20 (Special to Tbe BtPboaid.) —wmiam Gillette, ttw actor, obtalaed Cbaries Frohmto'i flnal apptvral oo tbe Saal complete quota ot actors mcaced to sapport Mr. Gillette Car bis fortbcomtng season of repertoire la alx ptaya. Bnt tbe moat snrprlalng oatcome of the detatla perfect between Sir. Frohmsn snd Mr. Gillette U the fact that this year New Tort will bare a real repertoire season at the Empire Theatre. • waa agreed between actor and msnsger thst John Drew's season ta Smith at the Empire Theatre, will, this year, be followed by a reper- toire season of William Gillette In bla most fa- mooa ap ccs as e s . Mr. Gillette will be glren sll that time at the Empire Thectre nsnally taken hr MISB Hand* Adsma. who wUl at tbe same Ma fea af ttag Ohaateder at the Knickerbocker Tn S Sim OMsHiL fta'afSa* ^"'aW^t •T'Sr^kSain'aMtn^ to ^RufS il^etPwto capceislly. and an tbe OOIette predaettaos wtU be nartlcnisriy notable for stage elterta. Mr. Frohman has glren tbe aetof-playwrlght tbe oae ot tbe stages ot alx dWdcat iMatlML npoB which Mr. OUlette la to aaeeC «hV ■■aaacr and Inspect tbe properllea «C m aiX faeya «M>' log the Bext few daya. ..The aetor-playwrlght bas also agreed to re- llera Mr. Ptobman ot tbe atage direction ot tbe OUlette comedy. Electricity, Id which Mlsa Msrie Dare will be the star. It Is a remsrkshle feature of the prepara- tlaa tor Mr. Glllette'a repertoire aeason that tke aetar haa already completely dlsgrsmed bla six dlffeieat plays so fsr as tbe performsnce ot tka lis parte are eoacemcd. It la now dcSaltely aettled that tbe i small la OBIatta t e u e ttoU e for Oe fWtbeomlac mm at tbe tapk* Ikeatte wfl] Mnde atttock IMm. BMnt Scrrlce. The Prlrate Becrelary. Toe MMk-MMM, BcM by tbe Kaeny and Clarice. Tkai» wM ka M dUtlBCt ieU Of accMty. leqaMw, ~ • s** kaam Hew Tortt. A«B. M Upoaa, to In tkM acta. ^^Bdia Blaaaa aad Btckett Tkfkln. . fhidenl comedy, by Jamea at tbe Orltertaa Theatre. I UeOoy, In The Bcbo, a moslcal comedy -acts, by WUIam LaBaieo. masle br Taylor, at tbe Olobe Ttiaaln. .. Baby Mine, a tatee ta three adib'tr Cbantecler. In which Herbert wUIIsod and Cbaa. RInehart sing tbe tamooa old Gabble Dnet. tiom Tbe Mascot. A comedy iketcb, called tie Had a Hen of His Own, A Dsy st the Seashore. tBtit>- Uuciug Knapp and Llatette, fdlowa, aod tbe pro- duction comes to an end with a beautiful and elaborate diaplty called Ships and Sailors. In which the different hattleablpa of tbe United States Nary paas In review. Thij gpectscle cloaes wltb a storm at sea and a patriotic climax KP C f a f n tlnK Peny'a rlelocy on Lake Krie taken AN AMU SEiyTO r FIRM Formed in Cleveland, Known as the Associated The- atres Co.—Will Book Houses in Pennsylvania, Keirtucky,Ohiq^ Indiana, WeViigi^ aeveland. O., Aug. 20.—The Aaaoelatrd Thea- ters Companj recently Incorporated onder tbe lava of Ohio with an Initial capital stock ot tS.OOO. has made the first annooncement of Its plana. Ttie company eooalsts of Rae D. Henkle. prealdent and secretary; Joseph Bowers. Tlee- presldent and general Banager. and Ray r. Bamlln. tressarer. The headqnsrteni of the company are located In anlte 611 Bepobllc Bldg. The Associated Theatres Co. will book orer thirty thestres In Pennsylranla. West Virginia. Ohio, Kentocky. Indiana and Michigan. Tbe company now absolutely controls the routings of nine companies, and It owns tbe a e nK ea of Minneapolis Theatre Ushers Strike W. Am. ITv oC • BHT'diHt Hkcr at tie 1lnl«w Tkeatrt. the S. * a hanaa to HIaaeapoila, leaolted to a walk* ODt at T:90 P. M.. Saturday. Ananst IS. At tha 0|ienlnc ot tbe doora, the entice force of nakcta and tbe door-keeper left. An ImproTlsed ataS of Bsbers waa harrledly formed, consisting eC Jack Blllott, house manager; Bill Raynor, 8. * O. Twin-Clly tepresentatlTe: Bert Bsrroll. ttcaanrer; Merrln Billot. Jerome White, Illus- trated aou alnger, and tbe local repreaentatlre ot Tbe • Billboard. Tbe doora were thrown open CHORUS LADY RETURNS TO CHI- CAGO. Chicago, Aug. 20 (Special to Tbe Bill beard).— The CSioms L^dy will occopy tbe Chicago Opera House for one week beginning Annat 21.' We are told that UIss Rosa Stsbl In this, her most SQCCcssfol Tabicle, la making her farewell ap- pearance aa Patricia O'Brien, tbe Tola she bas nag^wogy^JM^^^^^^ Foebra^oma^ Melba Sails for Amarica Aagnst 13.—Mme. Melba aallad aa tbe (Or a toor of the United Btatsa. She waa aeeompanied by Mlsa SaaaolL tka hup- 1st. and John I/cmmone, the flntlst. Melba's compartment on tbe train and her state- room on tbe boat were literally tilled with Oow- era. Aa her train palled om she wared a boo- qoet at a party of singers and mnaldans who bad gathered to see her off. Before her depar- tnr* she said: "My present toor Inclndca Canada, so I am really breakloK new groosd. 1 hare snng In Montresl and Toronto before, hnt tbla seaaon 1 will alng In many other Canadian dtlea. I am lonktng forward to new espcrtcBcaa. I wIU aln «n»a i.tka Ma ljia n el lton to Maw Xadi aM Oki- CleTcland, O., Aug. 20.—B. O. Tattle, a newa- paper repreacntatlTe and adrertlsiu ma Rccntir caaptottd aBtaF. tka tufe tt the Flsber ^toek Coni y. Chicago. III., AOS. 30.- H. Singer offered to tka the cotintry. three done by bla attrM end July 1 and tbe -i carefnlly gone orer. Tbe fliat i done by aigr BHvtr a prlaa waa «to Csr'tbe tbe tkM pciw waa 9K. Ike acatlac aad MMtallaB at tha-taws were all c< The arat priae waa awarded to tbe ot tbe Majeatie Tkaatie, El Paso. Tbe boose Is controlled by Mr. BIck and a check was scat him for SIOOl Tke accaad prixe goes to Watar> loo. to tbe ti e asnr sf of tbe theatre, .whkk to controlled by Wm. Bnaby and tbe H waa captured by Elkhart. Ind.. F. S. ' manager ot the Bocklln Theatre. CHANGE IN MANAGEMENT. - Boatim. Ifaaa.. Aiw. SS (Special to Aa BID- boanl).-MlB Monday. Aocaat 23. Mr. Ham T. CaopbtO. tke preeent manager ot Latta Crab. tree^ kaaaMftf Saeoy Theatre, sereced bla con- nectiOB wttk that boose and aasnmed the aaa*- agement ot the Scenic T^ple. Marlboro. Mesa., wblch theatre Mr. Campbell baa porcbaaed. The managerial reins of the Saroy will he bandied by lir. Harry Goldman, one of the moM popular yonng men in the theatrical circles oC this city. Wltb Mr. Ooldman's wide experlenea and tbe S.iTOjr serrea. I elty. with Mr. uoiaman s wioe experie««^ ablUty tocatber with bla pepolarite aBSaf to k aitlito : ta «%R> kt oy wfll aajv toa'>aiiMlb «MB K MAWAO CT WC TUWia. . Sarannab. Ga.. Ang. 20.—W. B. Seeakin, mao- ager of the Sarannab Theatre, here, haa «; tnracd troaa tbe Beat aad an a anae ea that he wtH Barton & Wiswell's 1910 Plans New York, Angnst 30th.—I well's plana for the cemiaa j exteastre imkllkallto to the Itoe oT lead dneUons. SSSSTSSm ^l»b dsss doaestle ee- medles to a earateal aT wtowd .eatertstoan. Annmber ot tkei tire rehearsals. Emma Bantlac — are rooadlas oot a ssason o. ■•■■.^w —w— — weeks at the Urk Theatte. Atlaata. Oa.. wkM Mlsa BaaUac baa created a aaaaber ef mrw lelaa snd added mateHaBy to k»r toire tt pUya. In Scpleari wUI beicta Ito leiniar t*a». the better daaa eC A new play hr Oh ted by Barton aad If laaetl u_ —- — . eariy In October. Tbe play baa not been nan 1 yet. Tbe withdrawal ot Cole aod Johawm and : WIDIaaM ttam Iks coloreil mnslcal con..-.., Md. Inifna Beaton and wi.weli In comiueta cantnl aT that tlaaa of amnsement. Alda Orer- ton Walker. Ufe of WIUIsbm snd Walker, haa been added to Tbe Smart 8»t C<??P."''y '"i'^? wBl be beaded as nsoal by 8. H. Dn.Hey. Mlao Walker wHl Introdnce a nnmber.of new daneea and specialties. His Honor the Barber Is tbe name of the romedT to be nsed thia season. Tbe Sontbcm Smart Set company has on Its tonr. The compsny Is hesded by S. TJU Whitney and will anpear In all the large Sooto; era tag Western citlee preaeatig tbe suueaaM WAMir inw TMCATM. foot to 1 DBBT* kasu SB H mm t/m^ ■ ~"" ■■'"'^T" ; ' '-' wm clth« eoOTCft tbe Soddnth Skating Blak lata a Oieatte or bnlld an entirely new bpoae. 8. P. (Mrtla. O. li. Menter. J. C. Taber. H. H. Soddnth. W. P. fkailiB. Waa. Odos Cortes are Oakland Opera Ho December 23. IMS. FROHMAN'S LATEST FIND. New York. Angnst 20.—Miss Grsce Mocrli who la only sixteen years old. snd tbe ter of James W. Morrtasey. tbe operatic manager, bis aroused .the * ■ the Indorsement of Daniel —— abe expects to appear In aan aC acrlser. dangk- or aad CMANOn AT THK Decatnr, lU., Ang. 20.—The Power's Tbaattn closed Its sommer moring pletnrn IS. It wUl be daasd.aaffi aeajUiL wkap tt.«