Billboard advertising (Aug 1910)

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6 Ttie Billboard ^ : ; a^^ NEW FORBES COMEDY MARRIAGE QF A STAR Author of the Chorus Lady Comes Forward with Clara Lipman's New Vehicle Does Not Meet Wifli Another that Promises to Add to His Reputation. Unqualified Approval of New York Critics-^It is . The Commuters Has All El^ents p^ Success Charsurtea^ as Draggy, Forced and Exotic _jSS' ^M*; 30 (SpeeUI to The BUlboard.) tegteal ^co ^^^^to four THE STOBT. The story of The Commaton eenten aboat I*rrT «nd Hetty Brice. a deioted yooog coople, KsUents of Anborn Majior. a aaborb of New Turk. jMvj't partlcalar cbmn, Saoiinj Fletch- •r, b B ^leal New Totfc bachelor, with an mbiB dwdlet't distaste (or Ufe In the coan- tty.' Kaewn calr hf aama and Tepntatlon to Btettr. la tba oWKt «C.kK mil K 1 II anwrlns dtrcrseneles tram the atralght and Banow path. I^miry Inritea Sammy to spend a day In Anbnni Manor, tn order that he may KT(3 lo the real loyg of a eommnter. HIa tm- ezpaetcd adrent In tbe Brlce hooaebold eanaea a temporary breach between the deroted yomig people, aumar. lo Us tttempt to im& tbe *t*. only mrrsaflo !■ »-'-a*-w dawa ■aaa After B-asHeo a( eanpUattow to wtdck a nnmt ber of typical sBtarbanlles participate, Sammy succeeds In itralghtenlnt oat tbe tangle. SajB th« Times: "Tbe anceeaa of tbe erenlDK rested tmrnlstakably with Taylor Holmes, who as the Interfering bacbelor friend of tbe cblef commntlne conple. played with broad bat rerv tdlinir Iramor. HIa lamch la one of the most jo fScQ— ttlms beard oa tbe New Torfc stsice Mb OSae^OBe. and tba aodlence eonatan^ uo^td wUb bbn. thooKb to the people of tbe stocr hia mirth, of coarse, always aiiiiiin n m- timed." ' Tbe World critic writes: "AH the (ood aate- dnnTlaa Jokes abont tie careless, bappy snbor- banlte and his fraotfc pfforts to catch tbe T:]3 train base snnrn .to be soeb ntetans lo lb* terries at u* cemie papen tbat It Is alsaost ■sa iup SK iTTlsi J ■. --^x- Tbose muTT iests alxrat the Imwn ud Its two blades ot gnMSt tboee slde-spUttlag qalpB aboot the cook wbo quits her Job becmaae there Icn't a mowing picture Bhow In the village, and tboae witty sallies aboat tbe woman'a rights sjm- ' (Cootinned on pace 41,) Stage Directress Kew Tstk, 'jlaiiiirt: 90 ( board).—Pret4rA;IiHle..Constsooe Bennett, the ieTen-reaiM>Id'danghter of Richard Bennett, tbe actor, has tbe dUtlocUon. not only of belns tbe yonnsest stace directress In tbe world, but the only ose In New Xork. Ooe day last week, Mr. Benoett, who la the leading man In Tbe Brssa Botttei' took bee to a rehearaal at the I^- seom Tbeatie, to-see' the Genu of the Otseo JIan come to life after baslnc been bottled np at the bottom of tbe Ka fbr^eferitbiw^tboo- saDd years. Tbe little sM was dren - a seat behind the portieres la one. of the boxes, aod told to keep as still as a moiue. as Kt. Frob- msn was direction tbe rehearsal. Soon after the Genii exploded from his bottle and atarted to transform tbe snbstanUal En^Iab lodgfacs Into an Oriental palare, a tiny tsSco piped Otit: "He Isn't any Oenll." • Actors snd Mr. Frobmsn alOre looked ap la blank smszement, and ssw a Uttle flstire In wbUe staadlag at tbe fall of tbe box, pootlag. Xb-MhBaa amiled. <CoBtlniied on page 41.) American Actors Return New York. Ang. 20 (Special to Tbe Billboard.) —The White Star Liner Majeatic was a Terl- tsble theatrical ship when ebe came lato port, canylac a loag list oc persoiw-w^-knowB u tbe piofetsloa. borrjlng home'iMai.s7MatldM *1mMA.I en* *itM Jimnmlnir nf flUk flaW'> SaeSaB.'- ' Dontny Uauer, weu-uosm on tne aias*-* ouwe tbaa a decade ago,--aod wise ■to- bet. ma^ riage t» George H. Baxter,'. JHBMar.-a'MWal* known New York newspaper niaa^tat;atjnaeat. proprietor of a weekly pabUSSaa lB< Coadon; called Americans Abroad. Mrs. Bsster brooght the ssd tidings tbst ber hoaband la serloosly 111 at their London tiome as tbe resnlt of an operation tor appendicitis. It Is the tenth annltersary of Mrs. Baxter's . marriage, and as the Msjeatic steamed op the bay. ahe was almost onoerred at the alght ct the little cbnrcb at Boeebsnk. SUteo IjOsad. wbeie the ceicaioajr ' waa^ ■ pcrfonpad. , 8b* btonght back wttb ber tbclr tbree apteadM ap- pearing children. Dorothy, aged sloe; Uds, eMt, aod George, dre, learlag a baby at borne, whidi was too yoinig to traTel. ' - Marie Doco, who Is coming orer after a rest on the other side since last .rebmsry, to appear In a play called Electricity, nnder the manage-, ment of Charles Frobmsn. wss also a pas- senger. Austin Hnrgott. stsge msnsger for Charles DIUlDgbam, returned also, briaging with bim Janu In a amsleal prodoetloa called The-BUB Priaceta. wUeh Is «p«a at .tbe Stnmwbt Tbeatra en tlsntamhlir 5.:' Banr- Blossom, wbo wrote the book and rlyrles tor the piece, taken from George Ade's'novel, wss a passenger, too, accompanied by Mrs. Blossom, wlio was tlM besntlfnl Margaret Secley before marriage. Mr. and Mrs. Prank Goldamlth. retnming from a honeymoon tour of Earope, which began-after* the wedding last Jnno. were on board. Tbe bride Is tbe daagbter of Joel B. Erbardt, form, eriy collector of the port of New York. MUa. Erbardt became an sctreas nnder . the name of Isabel Lee, plsylng last wltb Lawrence Inrlng.. She will go on toor this season with May Irwin In her new play, Mrs. Jim. Katberlne Coontiss, accompanied by ber bosr band, -B. D. Price, Fred Thompson'a stage manager, was another DSascDger. She will play tbe Western elllea In The Awakening of Helena . BleU^ .tbs...plerc In which Margaret AngUo ; atanad'-lairt year. New Tnrk, Ang. 20 (Special to The Billboard.) —A. Toxen Worm, geoeral preaa repreaentatlTO of the Sbnberts, has just retnrned from so Oz- tenstre Eoropcsn trip. Grace George nlll not appear la Baby Mln?. Margnerlte Clark la to take bar plaea .l« .«k» comedy tbst opens st Dsly's. iBaa. O ia ti a ' a «r- dsion itas reached soddeoly. Broadway Flickers, .—Bob Stlekney will be falL -J will taftte The Bobemlan GlrL k Teresa Be Mine went into rabaazsal ea Anr Vast zs. Adolph Pbllllpa owH Ika Mm?' 'Edith Tallafem arm play the tfOanle Is tebecca of Sonnybrook Farm. ii; . pitebecca of Sonnybrook luui. _ Fred Thompaon baa aeren companies In re- bearsal. Danny H a l l fa r. of San Francisco, aixiied tbla week and will enter TanderlUe. Yeaia-Ma-BU- Uaz and Lanra. Hope Crews were a^ZSa^Et eeopte in the Alcazar Stock, msco. George Ade Is wrltins a new piar <M Wm. tx. trane. - . Gaston Bergman has slgosd wHk H. W. Bar- age. Bergman Is a German tenor. Edith Barker will appear In The Gamblers .fbis season. Charles Klein has encaged Charles Sterenaon for the season. ilra. Leslie Carter Is spending a few weeks oa Pelham Boad, rehesrsing s new play. ^teMMOU^Misak a Itohman piece. Is sehed- Dnv la tAeaisbig a new play called Ow i slaac e Collier win sppesr under the man- agamewt oCCbaa. Frobmsn this season. noma* W- Kyley began his rehearsals of The Storm, by Langdon ilcCormict. at the New Am- sterdam Tlwatre. He has engaged Roljert T ^Ines and COaway I^Ie to play the leading Mm TotL .iiw^» OBeeiai to Tho Bniboaid.) Om Slaiiiaae oC ai Stari'a comedy, .adapted MB La. Xbstlacs d'one HteUe^ bgr Alesaadw taaam aaaj Oaatgei Tbnmer. HaCkett Ibaatn. ZtU CAST. SImooa £a Via ^v'..- ., OUra Upmao Vhstorfa BlMn ^;' ^;->i.' .. Allda Cbrtebron Marjo^ lAe .. - .. Consoelo Bailey Miss Handle Clara Sidney Mis. Wendell Aimytage Hill .. Lena Loralne Beacon Lore .. .. Franlciln BItehle JAMES GABRIEL, .BgeazBals of The BaoBd-rp. which opens its nartb season ondar tbe msugement of Klaw & Erlanger and Joseph Brooks, at tbe Bcatoa ne- atre. on Labor Day, began Angnst M. Xbe Icsdlng members of the cast for this sessoB are Kapler Solmes. MltcheU Harris, Joseph M. 1,1^ ttta^ 6nee Benbam, Paola Gloy and UatUe Cotse Payton scared as BIp Van Winkle. Tbe -moslcal play. Onr Miss Gtbbs. which Is shortly to be produced at tlie Knickerbocker Xbeatte, has lost celebrated Its second snnirer- «T a t tbaOloty ncatie. iMdooL Onr mUs aMa.-fc a aieaa idattso aC'Tbe Aieadlans In Ibet; lt;lB .wxtttea b^ tba.aaae antbocs. and some time daring tbe ptaaeat season Charles Fr ohman Intends to..proms It br latsrebanalnK the esst .of Onr. Mfas Olbbs aod Tbe Arcadians. Heoty .B.: Harris has engaged Era Dennlsoo as leading wnmsn for Bobert Edeson in Where TtafI DiTtdes. Miss Oennlson. It win be lemembered. was In the original prodoetloa of Otoras' lady, and. created the part of _W<Mw';whia. .was'faiat aaaron.a. member K w'Skaifdte BalMma. fiBt a ay. . baa been ■CaiaC' hr Heatr -S> -Hnb; ;t»^MiriBafB the part of EJeolMaat Marafoa ta: afca'Ttisarters. s which Helen Ware will star, ' Henry B. Hsrrls baa engaged . Oersldlne >'Brlen to create the part of Locr' Is Edgar ielwyn's new play. The Coontrr Boy. wUch >pens St tbe Liberty Theatre, New York, on kfoaday, Aognst 29. Xartia Hcimaa la a bosy man these days get- las the A. H. Woods prodoctlona In ' <Oia*taBSd OB page 41.) Makes Hit " Gets Contract New Zo^ Angnst SO CSPodal to. Tbe BUI. board).—A. E. Sfatttaewa, tbe BagUab cooedlaa. whose acting last week-la Lore Amoag tbe LI one cansed bim to be balled ss a second Charles Hawtrey. has -entered Into an aereement with Charles Frobmsn. whereby be will act in this conotty for flre years. This aDsonncemeot was a great anijirlBe to his English frleiMa. as they hid looked upon this engagement—bis first —in Wlochell Smith's new comedy, ss an op- portnnlty to rlalt this conntry. In London, Mr. Matthewa Is anite the moat popolar of the light comedians, and owing to hla pleaaaat lelatloiis with the English paDlIe, he stipalated that bis American sesson Isst oidy eight months of tbe yesr. During the lemslnlng fonr months he will sppesr In Loadoa. -Xo fa- cUItate this, Mr. Frobmsn has airaMbi'to'tan him appear there In tbe same ^Qf^'lMt be does In the Statea, and with the ssme eomps- nles. This plan la a part of tbe norrl system for tbe International excbange of plays snd players which Mr. Frohman will put Into opera- tion tbis winter. (Contlnoed on page 41.) Wendell AnoFtaia BIl PBtnaa Xmanoa -mi . Ooattlelgh OVMe. 'JUMst ' nXer Oo|dlaer d lhaw - Star boflas to New T«(k Xbe atoiF o( Tba Kairlage after an actressy wbo baa cos to gtndT anclKb In pieparatton for b«r lean debnt, has separated from ber basbaad, a" pnrltanlcal Bostoalan. who .has reconciled to tbe ingeonoos disregard of eonrcn- tloa which in the first place woo bim. . The fact of their sepsratlon In no way Intermpts their frequent meeting, their lore for their' eighteen-year-old daughter bringing them to- Sether wbenerer ber welfare la caocemed. Tbe angbter. Inberitbut all tbe atralcbt-laeed Ueaa <^ her father. faUa In lore with an dIglMe Boatonlan, Intiodoced by tbe fatber. and nnop- posed by tbe mother. Tbe lore affair has pro- gressed by properly Indorsed stages to an ao- nooneed engagement. Th^ mother has reached a point In her mastery of English where abe Is ready to begin rehearsals of the play In which ahe Is to make her debut. Tb 'aid her In ber Btndy of the part she calla opOD ber guests, ssl- atltea of ber hnaband, to read tba paito. at aa tmpramptn raheaisaL' The B(lK•1>acndt^Ball|!htI' lelatlres walk tbroogb tbeir parto wltfe^Tbd^ crona dignity, except tbe young man, who Js .BS>.. signed the role of the setress' lorer. He (Ian with an ardor wbleb wins tbe approbation pt toe ' setress. Lett slooe st the end of the*mock re- hearssl the boy and the actress go ttiroogh the flnsi lore scene. Quoting from tbe Times we flnd: "Tbe plsy chosen by Clara Lipman for ber return to the stsge—her own sdaptatlon of Le Ksrlage .d'one EtoUe—proTtd to be an agreeable com* adF>'>'Bat^it asods eompressfaia. The Idea la aaaalBfct'jfrltb a little tooeb of ssdoees ta la-' llOsa " Aa fan. and tbe play ciotco soMolblF, albeit rather too alowly. At the Baekett Tba-' atre, last nigbt. the audience was qdC^.feMj' preclate the arood features and leatsat;' Wltb those ttast'Were not so good." Aod from the Hersld: "lliss Clara Ltpmaa returned to tbe New York stage Isst nlgbt, at the Hackett Tbeatie. la the role of Bimeoe lie Fee. tbe actresa iiuThe Uarrtage at a War. -' tt- Is sn sdsptetloa ' of tbe plaj. La. Marlage d'noe Btolle. by Meaais. Alexaadn-Biim aal Georges Tbnmer,-irttfA-la -wen feoewa la Sasla' from tto tea tMia^wItt Itai In tbe Icadtov lele. ' (Oontlnoed on l^age 41.)