Billboard advertising (Aug 1910)

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7 THE WIFE TAMERS Savage Production Current at the Princess Theatre, Chicago, which is Under the Shuberts and was Formerly Over by Mprt H. Singer 'CMewo, AOK. 20 (Special to Th« BUIboard).— Vha PriDcna Tliratrr )• tbe scene of a Sarage gradoCUoii ander tbe Shubert banner. The Wife .Tamer* U the name of the offering wtitch la CQITVttt WW at tbe hoaaa formerly dominated lion B. singer. WIFB TAMBRS-^ tMe* with nule. of- tcrea br Bcnrr W. Bavas*' Book aajLlTrlca S> Oliver Herford and JanKS QUNM* tunv- oalc br Bolwrt Hond BoiNn..V'PNdiictton , tr- Martoo. ; , .',;c-.:a;;.,^„' i-i -THK OABT: ■. - Oaicnec Perklna ..UoBCl Walib Ancellea Perklna ..Ploivnce Raid pick Baxter Wallaea IfcCatebaoB, Jr. WM/Biastic .. .. ..Haael Cox ^IMltan****'-'*> ..Boaa ^Bottl Mtamam i. .. ..Loolae Mnatcr Jedna '.. .'. .. ..Richard neeman Clandloe^.. .. .. ..Jnliette DIka Btbd. tbe Blanieim OM .. ..UUUn Fltxcerald " " Aacelo Percy Helton la Coreoe Dnell llae >.. . .Oertmde Bryan vniasers. Ooeata. Senrants. etc Misses Sterling, Jotdao. HaiTtaao, Bellalre. Bis- sell and Daniels. Jfesara. 81 Hgn. JelTsr, Me- la the 1. OpcnlB S. HMv liatMM ' ..Jastloe .«. ralMfeliw Ok « Occtalii UtU* Bagr.... •» ..-•> •« .» >>A tn ellca (Br-. On. Bdwuda.) . 4. Oumtcdei,.. .. .. .. .. .. _ . ...Oliiaee. ABgellM. MIraada paA JMhna «. iaaiM»K-ll«a« .. ...... . I — < H a aad Ima Ctarwri.i fc:;r.:.^-:.» . Jat IK-^airtlM'a iDbdrattoa riwai Shop, M aw 3twt. " '" V" UUSIOAI. STMOPSI8. Uax Wlnala, Oondaetor. liotable Cast in P^fi^lM Pro^dtictian i^iAac- 20 (SpeclU to Tbe BUIboard).— "cast ot players wfll Interpret Barry radoetkm or Tiw Sweetest Olrl In that play la pnt on Tlew at the - Opara Hanae. Male Friaanaa. \AIez- ' Oarr. Alico Tocfc*. John B. xoons. Kath- '«itaa.!Bowo Palaaer and Boa Bamett are amons ttlMa 'hcat' known who wfll appear In It and their nipiMrtlBf company has been chosen on a plana with. their atandard. Edward P. Semple will direct the dramatle end ot the sew enter- tainment, and the pictorial, mnslcal and danc- tng fcatores ar* In the capable hands ot Gas Soalke. Tbe La Salle Opera House has been entire redecorated and apolnted with many aded teatnrca .of comfort and canrenlenee since Hr. Aakln leeiired legal poesesslon of the place. The Swcctaat Olri In Paris U to ba«e a MII- wankee praataa. v AO* IL 1. Lingerie .. .. 2. A Brass Band 1* .. .. Cboms for Ue.... .. .. ..Cboms 8. Sirtln-. ablftlQ- Sand '..lilchael Angelo 4. Bend Tbem Along to U« i.. .. .. .. .Dick, Clarence, SgUt$m aad Itldellnc 6. Jast Hold Ma Cloaec .. .XIaadlna XI|e;.;Batdv9MBai.«B«.4to Om GIRL AND DRUMMER Grand Opera House, Chicago, Will Open September 4th, with Broadhurst-Barratt Production, in which Vera Michaleiia Has Leading Part Hoc. a* (BpecUl to The BDIboatd) tt uaoed by tbe Grand Opera Boose ChlciiOb Ai The program assuies iia that The Girl and tbe Dmmmer Is **a very good mnslcal comedy. Indeed !** Tb« play waa written by George Broadtaarat and tbe musical score Is tbe work ot Angustos Bar- rett. Tbe opening Is booked for Sunday night, arptambar 4. Hetbeit OortbcU and KlaB Tcca H. E. RICE, LASTrWUCK^O^JMADAMK •HKIIliY. ;: ■.r-:^r.\>j,':--^r^A\i^ii ~^:'"Y^- ■■ ■■ ■■,^::.:^.J\ ■•• .• • ■ ■ . Chicago, Aug. iM (SpecUI to Tlio BDIbaard).— Uadame Sherry will leare the Colonial Theatre Satniday nigbt, Angnst 27 snd Is booked to open In Mew Tork tbe fOllowli« Tuesday night. On September B. f. Zlricteld. 3r.'m elaborate rene. ' Pollleo or ISIO. will come In at the Colonial. IB the meanwhile that boose will be occupied ur expert decorston and a corps of honse- daaama who will borelab tblngs np a bit. BmM and Wataon, Grace Trson, rannle Brlce. Tend* Hurt. ■Jfaalt.'.anM, Aliae Bol«r. Bobby jiarai. Baor'jPOaer.:. Jaeqnes Kroger, Arthur .WeWatteeaTamr. Baaeea and Bert Williams .aaoBB' tka haat or Blayera who will cater- MtEavffWIlM gC tUO. , CHIGA0My»:NEIGHBORHOOD THK- "■VWi: ATRE8. '"- ' '^SMSf^^Alf - 20 (SpecUl to Tha BOIMart).— gLy|aaBBwta«^&.<aw?aiMDn with Am Bad »0. ' Mb prodnctloa cam Ctaat -tha Kattooal Theatre, where It held fOrth laat waak. .At the National tbls week. Mrs. KathaiyiM'U, Brans U asanm^g tbe part of MInrSmilr with tha I^man Twins. The "— ' " thaCHtailMi Tfie Kllmt and Qaaaolo poptdar ^ ...J _ la being bir tha-toaUMat plafata at Pfjen, mt the BIJou Theatre, are tUa Interpreting Nobody-a Claim. ICoatana la |daf«d..wB week by tha-toaUMat Blaia FOREST PARK. _ Chi cago, Aug. ao (ifiiieclal to Tha BDIboaid).— foccat Park, with lis many attraetlona and nrms of amuaement. Is proTing aa popniar a eTcr. Tile SteMkidMat. Olaat Oaaatar and tha many other iMaa SM ~~ to tbe patrou. Ba" .attractloa. Cnta promlDf^t In aitiusfiofnt droit's In Cbicago and St. louls. ne I a large park, known as tbe Coney Island ot Paris, France. Traveling Salesman Succeeds Hot Sdini CMcaiOt A«(. 90 (flpeelal to Tha BIDbaatd).— It la now anaonneeA Oat at Powcn', Frank HOIatji* la to aaecced Bar Baa. - Mr. Mclntyra win appear In bla Teblela ot° laat season. The TtaTellng Salesman. It Is expected that he will resnme ota success which waa Interraptod at the lIllDola Tbeatra before every one In Chi- cago had taken adraatage ot that opportnnlty o€ entertainment. Her son wsa not heralded to the Windy City pnblle In a manner that would Incite any great Intereat. T b oaa who saw the play seemingly enjoyed It and with tbe necesaary adrertlslng Its engagement here -- - - It to < could IwTo been prolonged. aetodniaatie la apota aad . .... --g- _ by a apteadld cense la laMbjet ti It haa poaalbnaca waU utilised by a I deddadly itrlcal if- «ttck ara Emeat V. Faolhaberl hcSTles In BolMrt B. Abroad. The show oQCaa 3, at B loomlngten, lal. PerfittOimbs Elidder of Success Cbieago, Aug. 30 (Special to the BHkoaid).— Clarsnce J. Perett, the young man .who atarted his theatrical career ooder tbe tvttlaa oC Ool. James Huttoo In tbe publicity depattneat of RlTcrrlew Eipoeltlon, has climbed another rung In the ladder of anccess and has been lelected aa treaiinrer and aaalatant preaa man for the Temple Theatre at Grand Rapids, Mich. Mr. Perntt will bare tbe beneOt ot asaoclstlon with Wm. Newkirk, former manager of tbe Hay- market, Chicago, and who now has that posi- tion with tbe Temple boose. Mr. Perfltt haa worked at and In tbe newspsper bnslneaa sioee ha left tha RlTerriew ata« and haa aataral Bdwln B. Moore has closed a llfty-slx wecka' engagement as band aad oichcalta leader with Boy B. Itef* nlwMa aM la aaw-wllB the Chaa. E. OaaMaR .lkat SkMr la • ikaBar ca- •adtr. tbe acKliea ot tha following playcra, who acte4 In parta as Indicated: JIM THK PENMAN—Tbe WUllam A. Biadr (Ltd.) AU-Star BcTtral. tar S*r Chailas I» Tavas. Bait. (The play rei" aMtt with Sanoel rrcach.) - ASSiqmailC jOT OBABACTEBS:' JanMS Balaton .. .. .. ..W. L. AbtagtaB Ijiula PerctTal ..Arthur rorreat Bsroo Hartfeld .Theodore Roberta Csptain Redwood Joba Mason lord Drcllnconrt Stanbope Wbesteroft George Balaton .. .. .. ..Jamea Spottawoodo IIr. Chapstooe, Q. C .. .4 ..Keaoetb Banter Mr. Netberby. M. P. Spottlawood AUksm Doctor Pettywise .. . ' ~ A Butler Mrs. Rslstoo .. .. .* Agnn Balaton Cliarlotto I«aa Lady Donscombe Jeffreys Lawk Mrs. Cbapstoae .. iMlaa Bia ada* Tha rvrlral atsged by Mr. Lawrence Mantaau- WHITE CITY. ChleaiSb Aiw. at ( t »a rt a l taffei The mnafcal attractlan n i »w h aben at White caty la Uhentl and hU Sym- phony Opera Oompaar. Thia aggrcgatloa la dispensing a dasa of mosle that Is prorlng much to the liking of the ssaay who Tialt tl>la resort. Tbe latest acquisition to tbe operating staff of White City Is "Csp." Hontsgoe. formerly of Luaa Park fame. ■•Cap." baa Joat returned from a Qsblng tour through Northern Michigan and lacldentklly tells some good stories «boot Osh snd how to catch them. BABY MINE NOW AT CARRICK • THEATRE. Cblcago. Aag. SO (Spec ia l to The Bmhoerd).— Tbe transfer of Baky Mine fMa the Prtaeeaa, to tbe Qarrlck Thaatr». haa been a cr a m p lls haJ an<t that spirited play is BOW I. iisa t sa l a h <y te- stallc^d at tbe boose where HciMrt MOa.iaa*' sides. Bsby Mine Is s splendid enter l s t nfc ft and la replata with Uugh eroklng altna tln na and Ilnee. Lost, Strayed, Stolen, or m? Chicago. Ang. ao (8pecial»»a* Mlboard)^ The former tenant of the MigMi Theatre. The girl In the Kimono, baa broken her lease and la no longer at that aUnd. The play when It was flrst presented to Cblcsgo, waa not notlco. able to any extent hnt as tbe eagagcmm pea- greased. It waa at a a ato ^^^aosad ana Ma^Mfr'. cess was "growing." newel Inga aerre to Indkato tkat I. - ■ ^1 that - dcdsloB which itm aiad There Is little deflalte aewn available on the anbject but many sra the c«b- Jectniea and stories coupled with tbe produetlon with tbe negligee name. Some claim that It to lost but for tbe moment, others agree with this opinion and say tbst It has ••strayed." amea than a few Tenfnre tbe remark tbst II waa ••atoten" and then there are a majority ar knowlEg ones wbo contend that tbeir dlsposl^ tloo Is an Illness which sttscked tbst tIUI^j" of s theatre's anatomy, tha bus ear*, last week then wsa not abont the ZlegMd and NEW PLAY SV CONVTANCE SKIN' NER. Chicago, Aug. 20 (SpM^al to The BlllboardK-- We hare tbe Informstloo from the Shobert oreas department maintained at Cblcaao by Her- bert Duce. that Miss Constance Skinner dra- matic cHtic for the Chlcafa Beawag Amerlcaa. haa written a play wh«_ Baa >aen.«««g»* . Shnbert. Wa a— *sM that n m Ika BMMMk MB IBat. V w hy tha M£ CHMMVS mu sical . HOLD-OVERS GUogo, Ang. 90 (Special to The Billboard).— Th* eatabllsbcd mnslcal shows which are now familiar to Chicago's theattegoera and which h<ri4.«*er this week sre. Jumping Jupiter si the Ooct: Tlie Girl of My Dreams at tbe llllnou. My andereUs Girl at tbe WbltMy Opera noute: Midsme Sherry st the Colonial: 1^ Ml^^ Sons at the Lyric aad Tbe Old Town at tha Sttidebaker. Tlie abore roentloocd attisLlinaa offer Tarled entertainment of a "S" lence. The mnslcal scorea af Jumpl y Jnp ltCT. 35? SJl>.^L*[ ISgH--^!*!!* SSS^ The <M« Tswn ta Mh) MHi^aai«atacna9 LAWRKNCE J. AWHALT AT LYRIC. Chicago, Aug. 20 (Special to The BU"»>^>-— Ijiwrencc J. Anhslt sssutned tbe,^itl« ot T" sidcot msnsger of tbe Lyric Theatre laat wiaa, sidcot msnsger ot ine y-jry'^ , Mr. Anhslt wss formerly Dsrls WarfWOJ^W^— repreaentatlT* and while In that tsna rlty -MB the foundation oC the enrlable repatattan «tmm latrodaced him to tha Windy aty.