Billboard advertising (Aug 1910)

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8 THe Blllbbard AUGUST 27, 1«ia ■ N. Y. VAUDEVILLE Comment on the Various Variety Acts, Composing tiie Programs This Week at the Vau4eviUe .. .Theatres in the Metropolis Valnka Soratt and Cliff Gotdoo beiraa tUe ■ecood week st Hammerateln's Victoria yeater- diy, and The Maid or Mystezr continued to give Mr dance. Among the otliers wno appeared OOfra. tbc SiBoaa.airiBHM, k the ^tore at Keith & Pwilwli mk AratM xm- tre. uid Edna Aug, tat OM waek is Taodwrllle^ la a featnie of eqnal importance. Tba nnuial der of tlie program Inclndea Ohartea Cconaid Fletcher and Company. Alfred Kappder and Aa- drey Maple. Patrice. Conroy and I«MaIie; Patsy Doyle, Hart and Berrick and Harry Blrscb. Brighton Beach Mnslc Hall'a hUl. this week. Is Beaded by Beaale Wjnn, and Blxley and Pink appear In their grand opera bnrleaqne. The other entertainers laelnde the Kolght Brothers, Sawtdle. the Temple Qoartette, the Bessie Tal- 4MA«M'«ad Kelly and Bene. ._At;na Jww Bdgtaton Theatre, BiBy B. Tan SStsSs ?!!H!!^?!?*^-^"4 *^ that Photo Cwwif, Dankmar-SchUler Bmmy*a poodle*. The snceesaloo of mlnle daocen on the T«n- derUle stage was leogtheDed last nlgfat by the Spearance at the American Boot Carden of eopatra en Ma«itie, who performed the Or- iental Snake Dance of Mystery. The lady's Katnrea were concealed, bat over her identity ne aodlence did not exercise Itaelf greatly: the Clement of mystery, rather, was conllned to the £r*ei? Sto '^■■■■sV *"* ""•W twist M mnnmnnt Slateis head the MIL that ^^S^^ ...''■"JJf-^Qber.; LamTcoa. the >ar-SctaIIIer Staope. VaalioraB ail^ KmH ^Vacation GermB Affeetins 'NimbiM- of ThMtrical C«l«britlM Here. SH""" seema to have taken a ■nnwhaU on Los Angeles stock enmpanlea, SSS? '"^ weather. IMtt & 8lnne. of the Belasco .Comnaoy. la in Oregon tar. a four weeka' hiiatiiv tEfoT^X. Bt- ■way. baTb« bm coa* ■wefdwM&I Mana- ■toek aeaaon at the MUaSc^ST^nSFU^S than expected, to tato «'Snk^BhntT^^3E •eatt season's wodc ■ .' > - -' ■ .J^plt* tbtw fketc, twe of the alMHcst at- we past week. Uttle johnv Staib In Ita awond waek at the ~—"nTTinMtlMie m nn- uar as ever, and The OnS%ta CMh. arX Belasco, was a top-notdi ateetMo. - ■ The Bnrbank Stock Oompany, In the aaeoDu 5r,?„.i'Johnny jSSr'tow^^S't iSni7 ^y"**-"- " a.prima doonaTwu a SiLi^I:. f B"°5Sn. m the Cohan part, recelTcd mneh praise. The Talk of New SoS will follon-. A. Byron Beaaley wlU return soon. if**"^?,"""' »wkH> tor Salvation kS which win follow The Talk of New York. r,>m°i"'"'"'^.?5^ J""™ G»nton, the Belasco iSS"," "H'" Hoasell's starring K5S»n^''/JSf,* »*»^?°- Widow, MlghtTMSI Klorenee <^akl»y wOl have the leadll«5art,^5d ne loed maaami* Mb week of Aoraat VJSKv^v -^i?'"pSr^ Gmher's Elephant and Eqneatrlan Review. * hoose was made up n ^"{S^J^K?^^^- Tfe Moneu Five. S:Sni^?J"t '""serald and Glrard, iS The Herlene: Bovis and Darley and Nell McKlnley. Bvery act went wen. >--^icj.. Alexander PanUges, recently in Loe Angeles «K,*Ptember IB. The work la belna C^aSK™^!.."^ P"""!" wUl probably be ftOlDIed. CUne'a aew pietaw tbiabe^ nai Joor to PanUger. Is adnrtlaMno^SSatS lieatly ngretted Ibc^. that Wii Thala ' ,'° the Wcrtem BpendO^ r. as pnev i o o aly anDooaead. aaSainaa iTorite In Loa AofdSaad «ae~aC Ifee polar teadlas laSette Bdam Om> William Morris Is atm ter Loa An^ele*. bat It - « people^ together with SolBfaa * •TCiT entrance blocked. It Is tieatly JfMrrane win i Company, as pnev l o o nly gieat favorite In Loa moat popolar i»»i<fii(r pany has ever bad. ICt' Blehard Vivian has algned a contract for another year, his aeventfa, with the Belasco stock Company. He la the only one left of the company aa originally oiKnnlsed. Ferris Hartman and-^Company, now- at the ptlnceaa In San Franefieo. and who were so popular at the Grand Opera House here for thlr- weeks last seasra, are to ooen here October ^JB Xn'a I>amb. Xlas Myrtle JHngwaU was nt»rrher-o«a when .the ennpany nauehaea aUc hit In the QM- r local JMt eonnnf lat»rrher -o«a when .the eompxn jMM^natiaebaea aUc hit In the OM aa msa Owy. ne Csmnaig- eaatalna many iocs ft w ri t w, aP4 aOB, M doA^Mcetra a bbr ml eanpu BOOBini d*iinMnaB. im VaUeTt la..'will BinfHB. j;:,Alb«t new bill and l.anra Jean l.lbby was onvhand again to instroct ber andltors la the mystery of love. One of tbe bits of the bill at Atlantic City thla week are tbe Foot Musical Comets, under the dlrectloo of BUI Hnefao. manager. The roond* ot-applanse the act received eaUed for aeveral eoeoies. One of Oe faatnne waa the plajiag on neraty Inatwata aee oC :th» ^ary latest ■«■■ Mia, nnaai t Tflll liatm te. Xon, and the teaaa flnlsh with .terktk'MiHk hit. Geod-Bire Betty Brown. geemg.t» p t t a aa IM' an- dlaaee aa the Fonr cometa had ie. iwaet the nnBhcr aafcnl times. Tbe. aet ia' orteUK aoe- cess and will be in gnat denaad. jviANY Apa ia^^ Of the Open-air Amusement Persuaaon Are Now Sojourning in Merry England—E. W. McCoin^^ Mari( Stone ^^^a I iBl ld e n , Abg, M fc M any prominent American showmen In the ''amnaement park" bnainess are very much in evidence Just now on this side of the Atlantic Mark Stone, or Luna Park, Coney Island, la negotiating' for a long lease of the Earl's Court Exhibition property at which there haa been nothing doing tliia year. If sacceaafnl Mark is prepared to invest a big anm In im. nrovemenu. Tim Cagney, of the caaacr Bna., u doing some lively bnataen la - dwpoahig of mlnlstnre- rsBwu rights ter Tailoas perta of Enmpe. E. W. HcOoimell ta doing big boslsess with his Monitor and Merrimac water apeetade which opened at Blackpool, Joly 23. O. P. Craw- ford'a American paik at IfanelUei. la piOTlng ACTS FOR FIREWOIIKS SPKCTA- CLE. CUeago. Ana. 92 (Speclat to The BUIbaard). "—"a, of &ie ■ - • ~- Vtoiir Iiorettas, arrived in Chi- cago last week from New York, his visit here being made with a view to signing np all the performers for the immense llreworka spectacle, ne Siege of Jerlcbo, which opens the Hiet week hi September at EaA St. Louis. One of the most Important details in connection wltb the eonbacting of performers for thla production Is that White Bats only are being considered. Tbe -Siege «t Jerlcbo Is being stucd and pro- duced tv. Oaa. Vtrntm, maltag. «r the. Osegoiy Flrew^«.,Ofc'. •' .'..*',?.«!Si-f ^riv^ ;-^/. HARRY ROOT VISITS CHICAGO. Chicago, Aag. 22 (Special , to Tbe BUIboard), —Mr. Harry J. Boot, who representa The Bill- board at Omaha, Nob., was In Chicago laat week en route for New York. Blr. Boot has an ev- Jable reputation among not only the theatre men of his city, but among tbe entire profession. He baa an eavlable success to bis credit and ia adding to It ancr day. Ur. Boot will lenew many old in a aln liac a i on Broadway and before retomlng te Omalia •xMCla to travel abont a week with the Gentry Brothers' Circus. Henry Barcteaolt haa atgaed with Tbe Han aa the Baa., .H> wUI^Injtagait a. playJag ike part «c OaL Geo. innrtey. THKATRICAL MAN MY8TSRIOUS- LY SHOT. Moirlatown, Tenn., Aug. 17.—^W. B. Hydar, the new manager of the Wonderland Tliealio heie, waa ahot and mortally 'woimded Iqr an aa. known party while In bis bed aalaen. Abeot " " " 1. 7, a 12:30 o'clock on the morning of Aog. • wimw clad flgnre was seen climbing from toe a t coad story window over the theatre' and dom a latga electric sign which hanga abont twenty-flve feet from the grotmd. Thla proved to be Ills room mate, Grover Sogers, who claims that he was awakened by a shot fired right over tbe bed and fearing foul play made a dash for liberty. Manager Hyder is at the local hospital in a critical coodltioi. The bnllet entered tbe abdo- men and lodged In the pelvic bone. A 88 caliber ie*ol*cr waa foond In the loom and aome say It Is the property of Mr. Hyder, but be Insists that .somAody tried to kUl blm. IDA WESTON RAE IN MILDRED. Tbe company playing Mildred, Mary J. Holmes' novel, opens Angnst 20, with the au- thoress, Ida Weston Bae, In the title role. The east inclndea Ida Weston Rae, Coralie Cllftoo, Mrs. M. B. Citrman, Gladya Perfclna, Mary Oab- butt. H. H. Billing, Audley Anderson, Bob Wal- ten, Sari Haodaome, Catl Boberta, Mas Weatoo, a Mg ^taasr. Itedlnand Akoon la meettag wKb eneonnglng results , aty the Zoo Qardena, Tarla. Frank Bostock cannot be losing much money at bia variona aliowa and rinka over here, aa he managed to find anffldent caab to make aomo. big purchases at tbe dispoaal of the eztenilTa. menagerie which haa been a "very' attraetlTe'' feature for aeveral years at the Crystal Palace. - Kayahneka. Oe wdl'^nown American Jap, haa m Sm^ THidarfallr iiit't'Mifut In organising . the moat Important aaraacment features at the Japan-Brltlah Exhibition at bbepherd's .Bush. He has not been disposed to let all tbe glory and profit go to Imro Ktraify and family. Dave Pooley, of Mew York, has tbe contract to rebuild a large portion of the earthQDake-de- stroyed city of Messina, and haa also wltb CoU Fred T. Conunlna, secnied tbe right of way for- an air line of railroad tnm Bmne into Anattia..^ Col. Cnmmings, wbo baa soccecded is .flsatlac the International Amnaement and OeaatnietlOD Company, with a capital of gST5.000. will go to Bome In a few weeks to snperlntcnd thclastal-. lation of variona attraetiona at the new Lona Park of the new company. Tbe cooceaslon* already arranged for are acenlc railway, figure eight, old mUI, ]oy wheel. New York to the North Pole, donble wlilrt wheel, miniature rail- way. Cinematograph theatre, Messina earth- qoake, great Ore show. The company baa la addition obtained on advantageous teima. fnna the Italian Zoologieal Society,^ a .lar ' rant building, fnUy eqalwad,^w|Hk::a ' garden and every requlaUe^ Col. leal Sode», revo^Sj C the''proM^ tor'XmSean paika 'in iSy.TAIck anpean to be a very pramUIng Held In thla lua of public entertainment. He has alao leased tbe Begina Theatre in Bome. for four yean, leav- ing George Klley In charge. The Gandy Wild Wcat Show, at tbe B iu asi l a Exposition, did not prove entirely auuwaina. The outfit baa been shipped back to the llHMi Jack G. McTallen and May CaraoB here'■Ma, a big bit over here with their attraetlvO'iwia akat&ig, mnaie hail aerdty, A Scene ftem of NelUa Oea a'aMon^erattaw^the ■Fiaaa Ooi wm noUi':- off. It recover. - ' r-- • Champion John F, Davidson, wbo ta taUng ■ well-campd reat after a long season of exhibi- tion skating, la preparing for tbe tall. Be baa nnder consideration an oiler tQ^eke the ji a n a a y ment of a chain of rInka to lia/;^anclia la-tM; chief Italian dUes, . V' THiK.;iid^aiy^'to;::jBE^^rao Chicago. Aug. ao.—The Bj^MT. '■gL ^ B- m play of Edward E. Bose, will be piodaaM'Jr'. Measrs. Bowland * Clllford, for. a iwn at_na Globe Theatre on September 4. Thoae who know what Mr. Bose has developed In The Bosary, av - that tbe Dlay wlU be greatly sppreelated by tha moral refSrmera, and eapedally by the OathoUa, whose teachings are heavily embodied I" play, A thoroogb endorsement haa been givaa The Rosary, by Chicago clergymen, headed by the Bev. F*. O'Neil, and it Is expected that tbe Knights of Colambns eoDncila will take an active band in adding anccesa to jhe engage- ment. On October 12 tlie Knighta of Oolnmbas conncllB In Cleveland will choose Tbe Bosary for the entertainment number for the «"™J3!P!5 of ColnmboB Day. Messrs. Rowlsnd ft OUnta will also send a company of Tbe Bossrr, eifjr the Stair A Havllu circuit Immediately. Tu uM to tbe eadoraement of bta play. >»• »"•• JS- Bbortly have an aodlsMe with Cardinal OtbhaM j In Baltimore for the por p oee-of i—Mng-nia to the Cardinal, and aeasrfag ptvbaHaaaama to bar* the plar eadotaea at «np«C flTr^lMh* olles to attend ttroiegb the: H. C K^ANV NEW; PROTECTION SCHEME. Cbteago, Ang. 22 (Special to Tbe Billboard). —Mr. H. O. Brana baa now a new acbeme for pntting a game of chance on an abaolotcly fair basis bnt which has all of the tnteteat and fas- cliwtlon any player could deaire, Evans' new proposition la such aa can be epeialsd where dot aiaeblnca and dies gamea m^^aned^^ whiA .takca the ^aca of both. It wUl tnteittt •msr.aaloon and dgar alwe nan In the coaouy and will prove a good msaey getter for theia. Wltb tbe new Braaa' gaiae a faster^ play Ja la not a ehance ia beat It. Tbe New eaua it and it THEATRE OPKNINQEi Dnboque, la., Aug. was opened for the season Uh^aff Cupid aa the attiaetloo. The managed by Wa. b BiadUgr. -.'^ Spertanboft. 8. '0,. "Aag.' U.^-Vhe Harris Theatre was opened yestetday wltb Tbe Smart Set Another local theatre to tiaher In Its sea- aoa this waek ia tha Mew MaJeaUc. which is j^^|gjjj^t^, BoaO wia .|te^ yapaijar. The New wai"b^%aad%iptn£ar H'hffSrd. IrhW*; Ulaatteia, who>te auwy y«ata.-ha«e beaa- tlN,' "— —-ad: alwaya. dM/'a ■- . ■ 'A;ii'V!'^';; Bayonne. N. J., Aug. SO.—Tbe Bayonne Opera Hoase, formally opened for tbe season last aTgat. The. houae aSaba are In charge of Bi Vlctjc UWmt, tat maay Teen ^aa' aaaat'te An Ut