Billboard advertising (Aug 1910)

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AUGUST 27. 1910L Ttie Blllboarcl ^evf Acts Reviewed by Billboard Representative-Dis- cussions of Other Acts Appearing at the Leading Vaudevilles^ AUrSTAB CBIOAQO VAUDBVtUiB BILL. WEEK OF AUanST IB. A—Bleknr Bna., Acrobats. ■ BeMiC B. n>)i Stlie. B ■ 'M e OliMl lii m W'. Danew*. . WUaon, Mo. 8. Id On*. 0—Chn. Buxbea and Bis Slnglns Olrls, ■ -. ■■ CooMdy Bkctcb. -^=?>f^:irili«>. Mo. B. FuU BUS* and In j AbI Vdadog. VaslcUn. ' : Hajaatle, Me.X FaU 8ti««. . Jlalcatlc, No. Ti !■ OST^ r—Walsli. Iom<:& * Oc, IfUadMmatle Oam- ' 1 cdy Sketch. Majestic, No. e. Pnll Stsce. 0— Stoart Barnes.. HoD<riot<st. Slajastlc. Mo. 9. Id One. B-4IA8TBR aABRIEL AND CO., Fsrco Sketch. • — - Uajestle, No. 8, FnU State. 1—Brown * Cooper, Batcrtalnen. - Majestic. Mo. B. la Doe. J—fiU WBtrl!KlDd Saucers, Aesohcto. With an of tb* Ameilcn .Hosle -BaU bill chnra on' tho list of the pnTlona w«ek, their .hOMovoro an IncIIirlble for three months to rcooie, leaTliw praetleaUy onlr the SlaJesMc. WUaon. Kedale. Ashland and Lywom as sonrces ■«t material for the All-Stara, week of the IStb. Ifaster Oabrlel. who headlined the Majestic bUl. carries'with him all the prestige and Importance ■ct > bOK.oOee attraction Into the same hooor- sble position oo the picked list, with no riraiii for the blc trpe. I.ask7'B Lore Waltz, which wan sapposed to have been next In strenxtb to Master Gsbrtel at the Uajeitlc, was to atterablr wash Im. ttB ■wi«Bt«tlOQi that there seems no iSS ifBr:>l F aS g i » aa The Six Whirl- wlad -Aawiin. ~smo Ctaaod the show at the wnsoo. woold be the beat snbetltnte, which woold necessitate a little more excitement and mosic In the ninth position than caaM be offered ■by Stnart Barnes. Al Brown and Lew Cooper, who were easlI.T the mnslral hits of the bill, wonld be anythlnfc bnt oat of place next to doslns. This moves Stoart Barnes and Etbel Ofeen. the other principal sla^lra, dp to spots CI and 8. sllowlns the melodramatic comortj sketch of Walsh Lynch and Co., entitled Hnrk- Ina* Ban. to follow Instead of Braeedlnic Kthel Oreen. a mneh better altiuttSsa ad ■mmd. ^ The opening acts are an aoseltiea enepttog €)»«. Hnchee and His SInirinfr Girl, who presMt a farelcal ceme^. whtcb Is a riot In Its class. Bicker Brthers wonld be the best to start er- err thiBir. and the McGlnnls Brothers wonld contlnne the nnUe withont voice, two excellent acts to allow cTpry one to K«t pettled and pre- pared for even better ones to follow. PanI Val- adoo would come In adTantsiteonaly In the same spot held bT bis lllnston offering at the Maiea- tle. And here we wnidd ban one of the moat divmlfled of vaodenue oMnga. and web one a atar In tt* «l«w. Tf bm weald, CMir oy tbroncb aB the. braaAee of eanBeellie. CMWto acrobsta. daaelw. romedr artlBit, mwle; asm. melodramatte ceacdr. moooleinie,. ;tuee. ——^ and cnatartlaDal aerAhatsi-Tatbw ir ~ tun farwarm weather list, r ' NEW ACTS. IBTISO ASP COSL BT. 8IN OIMO AND TALK-. - ■ j nitf'.OCBTOB. Banst Park Tbsatt*. Mo. 8. In <><»• Thir- teen mlnntra. Seen eeenlnt. Aotniat 14. Two sldewslk romedtana. who open and elftse with a song and saodwieb enoach new ea((« be- tween to make one owrlook a few of the older ones present. Both sonirs are of nonsense, the Brst one withont s n>rae. the last abont nnlon- •sm. Ther patter their way to a tehesrsal of the eccentric entering the stralehfa oBlce and asking for a nllrmiil puss, whtcb gets by with • (md lansh snd affords them an excellent op p o rtna lty to elose ad lib- - . ^ OenTer. who portrays a eomedlao almeat In- rtaierltnWe In appearance, might better the ef- fWt bar adding enme comedy action as well ss testa, trwin. the straight, conid lend more than: Ma nrranit amornit of Tim withont _de- "a TtnnUlaa arwth of tha offer- hm:tm*-.ttm mtM.inf tnH- If.iMV'vnnwi* Mto^e OABLTLB. VKAXrX 'Mip>:.!Ob.. PRESENTIKO THE Dinca':0lf "litRiBERRY. Boab Temple. Mn. S. TtSl stage. Twenty- «a* mimites. Reon erentng. Angnst 18. The. Dnke of Mntherry tnmpd ont to be tho nketeh bit of the Mil. The. sinry telle of »be measnres resorted to br «n anTlons. lore-smit- ten diap to '•wr bU s<'wthe«rt of ber Inniring for eonnta and dnkes from the foreign shores. An Italian organ, grinder la esHed.ln from the etreets. atHied In a drena anlt. and palmed off M the girl a« •The Bake of MMberrr. Onmnllea- tlons arise, bnwerer. whleh brine to light that the Italian really conM lo*e after all. and bla adnnees become onlte bolsterons. Meanwhile the girl bss been cured br the deception sad ■ laHs In the srms of her hero. . . The organ •rrlnder. which Is the nrlnclnsl ebarseter, recelred a storm of entbnslaatle BP- planse for the eicellent maaeec taKWhleb b« bad nnrtmred the onmedy aad: the. MMPt^Ntlagof the ItsHan, The tw« .a a»>l b;a rt ih :.yh a wwe tbe raaae of It all. both llaaa In an able manner, anaj ama moloelsny^m eamdag- Tbe THiVe or MMbeifT^laia faear with A lasting flsror. '^^^^j BtABIURT AND OMVRR. snNOM TALKINO. . Bmdi Temple. . No. 4. In one. Sixteen ntea. Seen eyenlng, Angnst la. two rhant, one straight la a aai ^ ^ ^ really clever and far abere the aaoal run, made tbe mistske of offering aboat tweire mlnotea of Jokes, with not a new gsg In the Uat. Br- ery line of materlsl. whether spoken or aVMItl-. ed by melody, had been beard before, ana aamo of those llnea serersl times before. They sannter oat a la suit caae and argn- ment line, ontll the strslgbt sings a long. wblle tbe Jew smokes a trick cigar. The latter then offeied a coaple of parodies, one re^ blue, but they got over. Modern Inventions Is the title of the namher thsy nsed for closing, taking MWCICIKb mist- VMM. WlinVj wM» Wmm M VUhM PERSONAL PATTER Pertaining to Vaudeville Performers In and Around ^ Chicago—Notes of Their Plans, Prospects and I^rofessional Doings J While speaking of the Western Tandevllle Managen* Association, it might be well to add that Its growth during the psst yesr bss been one of the moat remarkable occucrencca of the- atrical bistory. Its offices In the Majestic Tha- strc Ballding are among tbe moat laxarlooa la tbe city, and Chicago boalnest men, aa a nie, spare no expense la the equipment of their ot- flces. Xb« number of booses now lioal iaJ hr the Assoclatloa baa haaa aiaMat danbiadi aaa where a little aaaa a yaar aaa IhMa.waia.tat tweatjr employees aaa Mar Ma: iftr- wfea are kept ■oaad. On September 1, a wiU be eetaUlabad la Dee Molaee, JOSKPH H. HOWAUD^ Who will star nnder Mort H. Singer, in Tbe Goddess of Liberty. ablllly In bis line as they have as comedlaos, theirs will be an act worth going to aee. MISS UBNBIBTTA GIRABD, PIANOLOGIST. Boab Temple. No. B. Pnll stage. Ten mlu- otes. Seen evening. Angnat IS. Miss Glrsrd, who presented her lltUe enter- tslnmeat after the ssme style which msde Wil- ls Holt Wakedeld so popular, worked wrong In several different waya- Her voice, which ta not overly strong, shonld be given all tbe attentiM of the act, necessitating the working In ope In- stead of foil Btage, Her next Important deUll worth eritlclam. la the «llli»»lj» »e tweea..Bet and tbe piano bench, aa attlda aC teattin*, which aomebow MIsa Olraid seemed naatie to leave. Hence tbe monotony. Her aonga, which are all good and handled In a most pleaaing Wills Holt manner, consists of Ton'H Come Back. Bless Bis Little Heart. Clocking on Her Stocking, snd Msry'a Little Lamb. The resemblance between Miss Glrsrd Is most striking, both her sppestance and the style of presentation: In fsct. hsd aha.aMesred with a crutch, we would have awana K was Wills playing a Joke oa ns, SEniBERT, CONTORTIONIST. Bosh Ttaiple. No. 7. FnU stage. Seen eve- ning. Angost 18. . Remsrkably looee In erenr Joint, and hiK eeecT movement displaying tblt fact *o ariyant- eas. Shobert tics himself Into Intrleata knots 'al'avaiy dsscrlptioa, meets himself on tbe hslt I (OonOaoed aa page M.) In order to take care of the volome of business In that territory, and to expedite bookings for the Middle West manager, playing tbe amaller ahowa, who was formerly dependent oo tlie Chl- csgo office. Bsrry B. Boiton. who began his csreer as s pnpll of tbe Iste Colonel John B. Hopkins, will manage the Bea Molnee braDcb, and his long pepniailty with both managers and petfomen aagara wdl fbr Ita anecen..Wltb the Ineaalon of the Weatera Tandevllle Mana- gers* Aaoelatlon Into the ^cenm Bold. It oc- cupies a posltloa nnhiue in affairs of the theatre, and Is the fltst of tbe big booking oflfccs to seek. like Alexander, other worlds to conquer. An tamoratlou In the vaudevlle booking field la tbe new t^ceom and Cbantanqna Department of the Wealem ▼andemie Managers' Aasoela- Uoa, which Oenetal Manager O. K. Bray baa Jnst estsblished In tbe Chicago oOlee of hia compsny. As tbe name Impllee. tbia newest ad- dition to the big western booking organlsaUoa will enter the fleld among the varloos other I^ceam bnresus, snd slrcsdy a large number of prominent lecturers and attractions now sppear- ing on the Lyceum platforms bsre been secured. Mr. Brsy baa engaged the aervtcca o( MIsa N. LacUle CartaKtaa. te. maar Toata piomlaeallr and tatsaahlr- UmNHM witt the fltaytea tj- eeom Bniean. ta take (barge of tbe depaHmeat. To tboae who are acquainted with Mr. Bray'a method of doing bnalneas. It la needless to asy thst his plans have been anrangcd oni^ after careful deliberation and the new abetted by hIa rigor and ssoaB ment, msy be depeaded npoa ta the TaiT beat ta ia.had. -^w.'A*"''* »»"ggled brsvely through s two > ESl^LS?"*^?"?' MaJeaticVhiadUBlaB both .weeks, Vests Victoria waa compeltrtfi'! focfi her entire Western tour, and SvSrttaf' «ndevlll* engagements, until ;be hsTfiSlC- covered from ber strain of overwork- The St. < t^'il, which baa been temed ' laryag ltla, la laid to Mlaa Vlctorla'a helnf ^ S?1:2SS?*_!!i ■ eontlnnal change of hotela and StaHSSSJ?' "^"^ arriving li i ™a aaratnr oeveral years sgo. The constaat ' dtaaae ot eoetnmes snd hurry twice a dajit ' the Iheatre for so long a time wlthafiaat ) wrecked her nervosa mtSftttoJ aald, and her phyalcUna lurig wBt gg i IHl*..'v.""«-P"*""" letnmlag to Sa'5 footlighta. Tbe comedienne was to ^ve ^ peaied In St. Loula laat week, bnt remained b i her apartmenta at the Coogicag hoMLftna' I Net'\o"."~° "SK^-•« •STS I .hfj'l, M'f"e Hoffer and Co.. who wan mm * than merely the feature act at the WO^Tmi i i"*„^ elevsttag vaudeville wSTnlS ? elaborate offering called Tbe Way of tteT^^ 5 f;?'."; • "^"•"'"alr funny oddity. 5i 3 iKli*?"*!"."'.'' «» " teaches all a m«*J wSifc" }aS2I?°5i°.* ^25 overdone. iSu ! « . -J^^PESP* the act is headlinfaig tbo !' they go to Winnipeg, at the Blkw Theatre a A" Dijlnth. at the BIJoa. Aom Bsteth th?' Sff; t2l°f" "iS? •J »»t">slTe aa oSlrrlng aa this * ™ vi-^"; f^*"* Minor and Mlrn Wllma m" ; cea Vincent are tbe supporting principals. f ^#'".'1* 'Hl^'K *" '^"k Q- Doyle, a member ?,Jtl Theatrical and VandevUIe Awnta' AssS! ! ilntion of America. appeartBg la fte PlayST ^ l"iie dated Angnat 12. Aom ySor Chicago rcrce^ ; Til'^'Z: ^V^J^"' to be'an Inttnl^i,"^ i, a member of this aMocIatlon, la a fabrlcatles i an,l without fonnd.tlon. Mr. Doyle U WklS I n complete harmony with this associathw, aod « is one of onr most valuable members. PlesM give this srticle tbe same prominence yoa gave the yt<ick. signed. Barry Sheld«^^ pMilfilZ E and Henry Brown, sccrclaiy.** -~««nii. ; The srticle which Is referred to ta the tel» Rtsm sent to Mr. Monntfonl. is credited taBi " E. Hnnnell. who waa given tbe latoraiatloa thai i charg« of disloyalty had been pieferrsd ualnst Mr. Frnnk Q. Doyle at tbe agenia' meeting. rioua ring. bnt. nevertbelesa. tbe fact that Mr Doyle la now la perfect harmony with tbt Agenta' Assoclstino dIspeU thooght on tbe mst ter in sll chsnnels. The Langdooa wUl hereafter be known ss Tbi Laagdoj tHjfc and next week wlU produce i r.'5le*^e'?£S^-S'»*''ii»- 'he OoldS^.nd tl^ Eagle, attbe Mabel Barrlaon Theatre at Wau kegan. The act, wblehwaa written by Aubtej Stanffer and EmIe Bidmaa. H belac tried on this week In one of iSTSans? ^uSmTsrtth t view to bHngUw It ta-naM f» tSa iShI j Caxtle hooseslMe'to Md tte JOmSsaa time to foUow. wwe. "ap saa aispowiB May De Sousa and Taylor Rolmesi. bath Cbl ragoans snd vaudevilUana of coaaMeiBbIa Biaai ini'Dce. will deaert oa for some time, ar a leant their present success mskes it sppear the- have. In James Forbes' new comedy. The Ceai i muters, which la now being offered ss tbe en I lerlslonient for the Msnballanrse.. the llaa i: Ki-m to be aa aptly aolted for Iheae two l^vos n Itrs. aa they are for the pradnctlaa. k A spo'lal meeting of tbe Theatrical and Van V ilpTllle Agen.j' Asaoclstlon of America wa t h.'lil last Wednf-Mlar night with the objec I wIthheM. Only one Item of Interest wso give f- out. that of the sending to Harry Mnunlfw' t a telegram refnting a statement which hsd at ' Pf-ared In the White Rats orgsc lo the Cbleag t notes. The telegram was worded aa follewe f. Rert B. Cotton eonlemptsted saving aboat on htmdriv] stmoleona oat of bis aalary Isat ireM but waa only one of many acts sC Msnislce tha week which received an envelope with content In the shape of sn I. O. n. Gee. ain't i runny, when a fellow needs the money, h playa the time and the place, but. it's gos dam bird to get the dough—with spologtes. Samuel R. Mead, clerk at the Palace Bote wbo for twelve years bss been widely known t the profession, died of spoplexy Isst Wednesda night at tbe 81«ters' Borne, st Aurora. IlL Mi Meade was bom In Galea. III., and bad a- talned the age of forty-one years. Be was on ot the beat-known and popular hotel men wit performers In the cotxntry. William Korcbell. one of the try-out acta t the Bosh Templir last Thursday, provided plcoi of amusement with his business of tsoplag 11| with bis kerchief after each pua. Bis waa moiMlaglatlCal oUiSuik sloetd wtth a made poiMlar la thaaisaT ~ tied Mat Too. Several new houses have been added to tt Morris Ilat of vaudeville theatrea. The Ft Theatre, at Aurora: tbe Juneau, comer Fin avenue aod Mitchell street, MOwsnkee, sr tha COIonlsl, In St. Louis, have all arrangv for Morrla bookings tbit»gb Mr. Matthews. Loulae Dresser Is the featntv attraction i the Malestic Tbestre this week, together wit Kd. r. Beynaid. Orlgolettra Flying Ballet. Mo ray nnd I«an. Tbnvla Q aaW et t e. fraag ahleit and Csl. WlBlMa aa* Whnaf; ju* Aa Orci it Heart ncnch. - - |I Daele and Doeltr wm ag^alk ahertir * a aew act. which wlB dsabOeoe areee man* tertalalag than thele temer eehlele. llr. Oo tu IfF wIMi i ma l a a blacfe«ee Aaraenr. bMll ff Baela wOi tafea a anr fatt. VM t imim ' gladlalar. Burt Dempster, wbo waa Injured recently an elevator accident in Mllwankee. Is re port? aa much better and as recnpersting st Lai Ifr. Dempster will not be crippled as at arst feared by hts many frleoda. (Coallnoed oo page 44.)