Billboard advertising (Aug 1910)

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10 T 1& « B111 b^^o a r 4 iUltfUVr;«'riK|it BIG AMUSEfl •nOOKLVN, iL. y, FCICT G. WUUams' OrpbMni T^flu wfll •fMi on Jtadaj-. Ancat sTwIth tke ami klfk- dna n»<e»IIH bUl. Mr. mnk KUboIx, bud- ■nr it tkla ttaMti*. kaa tetnraed (ram Bnnford. Tfmm . wbere b* baa bna wfeaOlng tbe xam- mn,- sad hla tlaie la fiillr ocnpled lo gettlog tbe Oipbenm In alupe for tbe opening. The CRWwot Theatre, which Is tne home of the Oeaeent Stock Co., •rill oiH"n the seiioa September 6, i The Fulton Theatre, which is o=c or Wimam Uorrla- TandcTllIe tbeatrea. and which haa been piarlns Tanda*llle ■namer inwiHia, Nick Norton, the Teteran Taodcrllle manager, la DOW located In Pitlsbiits, where be baa cliai(e of booking a chain of Tanderllle theatren con- trolled bT the Harris Aniniement Co. The Caaino Theatre opened here Monday. An- Knst 15. with Williams^ Imperlala Bnrlcaancra, In the new skits, A Glorloos Might and Helnle'a Hotel. Harry Ik Cooper, the German comedian, chief fna maker. apoMis with OBI* Fnnda. Walter Jjitiiiawi and n gnecfnl and roatbfnl cberaa. attraetlT^y eo atan wd. Specialties br Ooodner and Hngbes. alagets and dmeen; Wal- ter Johnson and Tlolet SUstm. nord sketch: ICHe. Clnemata* IjTlBir Models, In reprodocUoDS of modem,-snd ancient acniotnn and paintings: Oeery and FTaacis, tb* taumttkm. In tlie olio u tafitMiat^■B.KalbSk*■■>]■>- Nalleys, tm jfc, l^i'Mg.—iBMTjwfc - (Contlnned on page Ml) ' ' ; TROY, N. Y. DeelcBtader's Minsbvl SiMWk riiU of NovaKiM, Opens Sauen. wUeh pbjed. fa«lca- • oradl- r. Jaeoba has co<Dmene<d hooking attrac- thr tb* aeaaoa. - The Interior Is tielng re- aiodeled and It Is expected that the hoase will be ready In a few weeks. Sir. Jacobs desired to otitaln a ttTe-yeaxs' lease on the place, bat the owner stated be waa nnahle at present to gtre Um a lease for that length of time. Pha D. .Greene, the aplral ascenalonlst who was at Benaselaer Park a abort time ago. has I In and anand Tnj tat the past two weeks, Mtlliil hooked tar the (alra. >- - ' - - letloa at tt« JcMesaotaisan d^l; Ifee free sets In the coort. Artbnr 1,^ Ov's N*- [vdty HInstiela were at tbe Bnatle Xbooe lot After closing (or s few weeks for sad eleaataig^^ the Tietocin Xbcatn UTICA, N. V. Tha Oi infl of tha Thaatrical Season ALBANY, N. Y. I Band'a Opera Honae opeied for the aeaaon Sat- Mday AngTUt 13th, with I«w Du ckata der and his mmius minstrels. The show Is entirely changed •ad all new aooga are Introdnced. The boasa Iwaa packed tbe doors and many were toraed •away. I Tbe wCT of Aagnst 8th, wa* O* r—"-c of ianotber big week at mcta<i(ShHinb;.aka B. O. sign la Iba lattar T-aST BALTIMORE, MDl. Season inaugui Houses. The Academy of Ifnsle opened Angnst 22 with kTaoderllle and mortog plctnrea. The ahows which were the talk o( the town laat spring will again be tbe topic of conrersatlan among [the natlTes. The ahowa wm be gtren as a pre- liminary to tbe openlag at the icgntar season. Manager 3C J. £cbmajer la ■nsj pnad of his sad tbe (Set that tbe Moose coascntlon ~ ' -1^ :. tat tbe Tisttac to of tbe dty and lbs baad- Ssotli. An roati ne aev leading to the Monnmental itr. and tnmr. 4raln. atcamhoat and other □esQs at tnawoctatlan brooght In delegatleoa <T tbe mnadreds last week. Xte CUM «( ttis Casual proceeding Is the MBBSI-aMPMtlM'eC |tbe loyal Otder o{ Hooacw «HA Ji MUK.kM {from Aognst 22 to 28. [Tbe Maryland Thaalu Is the baaaqeattcn te kbe eoomtloa. - The dty ellrlile bcfaa Aagast a4 to prepare tar tbe ereot. Tbe ptecraa .te the entertainment ot the visitors baa Men-an^ Boimced- The grand camlTal and -street, pa- rade win be heU on Wednesday night. Iber« srin be trips down the Chesapeake Bay to An- napoUa and other places. There wm be a cntb feast at Back Blrer on Monday aftemooo. An Mtlsg wm be held at Blm TIew oa Thnrsday. Kliere is a good tiae :ta ataea Sk ererybody. and, of eOBine, tbe i Mf a s ^wM laeelre BalU- bf^^Utr.arhiek !■ kanm throoghoot ^■BBCetlve-'baricaaoe wheels wen set In i^Awaat n. and tbet« waa a large sau>- The aiomwtBt of tbe epealsK •TOia local theatres Is reeelTcd with grest ealfeaataMi by tbe theatTe.socis of Utics. Xhe ItaMIe XbeetiB aadn the anaaaoMnt aC t. arSSS. aaeaed Ms eea a»,ea JUb,. ITtb. «Iih Gw P e ete t ader and Ui Mh ceaUv Bin- (trris. p. r. Clancy, manager of the Hlppodrooie deatre, made nnngnai arrangementa for tbe opening of the fall season, by baring an Old Borne Week, Aognst IStb. The bUl la made np of professional TinderllllaQS who claim UtIca as their home. They are Smltb'a Jorenlle Cor- net Boya. This act Is a blcb<laai. mnslcal, tbst takes: GrllBth B. Hnghes, Htlca'a taremoat baritone soloist: Otabam sad. Braas. ' and daadBK ictM^ timer, mmg Us i years. Be I*, the aoobetSe tara of celTcd ^MmaS|r*W 'fe patfaaB'«C-'fM|'. _ Tbe theatre has ondergone tha—- Tattoo. A get of new scenery and a mschloe hare been Installed. For the first half of week appeared Sngl- moto's Japs, acrobatic act of hl^-dass; The Pete I.aWTence Trio: Crosm Mnslcal Dno. ela. borate and oot of the ordinary. -The later part of the week Geo. B. Sinclalre and the three Pet^ GIrIa, alnglng and acrobatic act; Bel- la Xnope. Eorape'a greatest lady aialallili the S6sek Kids', comedy and estchr anega !; niBstTsted aooga bgr PniC. F. Premi Company at Harmanos its engagement Angust «C Old HeldelheTg. Lonls Leon ~ ' ~ to slay Karl in thU . . erest waa Mt by ^lUiaiiaa fa the hicideatal songs by tbe Teaiple Qnartette, a local mnsiesi organlsatloo. Th^ prerlooa annonneed -Ann Boyd, for the week of Angnst 22, waa canceled In order to icsOTate tbe theatre for the fall opening on Labor Day. when Manager Gordon will present The Chocolate Soldier. Succeeding thla, on September lOl comes De Wolfe Bnnar, In A Matinee Idol, and oa laataBMr- U-M. Madame X. An eqaaUr atnnc Hit aC binHi^s wfll foMo w.^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^ ' ^^^^^^^.^^^^^ Show. ■ -'* ^T:-V. '-.v '■■. ■- Chate T.^mtm, wmm >«s«ataltia «C tile ComcirKsik OHnnr,-kai Coae ta&aaMIIe, Ey.. ts nsBM tha ■la—iaiat oC the Bert IiytcQ COuuasy, Mr. LytsO. who dosed a long engagement at HarmasDS Bleeeker Hall, Joly 30, was married In New York on Angiut 1. to Miss Erelyn Vanghn, leading woman of tbe Alrassr Stock, San Franclaco. Maple Beach Park is Sniahing the se&son a big saceesa. Foe flie week of Angrift 13, Man- ager Carlln offered the foUowlnjr tal.-nt in the open-air theatre: The Bnssen-Smltb Minstrel Troope, the Grotesqne Bandolptas and the Three Mad Cape. The Ancient Order of Hlbexnlana tiad tbdr an- noal Add day at the aeik m.^ltgt ^ Actor Wed* LMding to Nmt York. Jm both booses to -witness tbe start. jaVSyddl and her London BeUes "were at Oijslj and tbe show was gtren a good [ wttb the 8- B. O. algn yeiy mnefa In erl- Boee Sydell has been a legalar aaaaal ir for many yeara. and ber tibow Is always I laeentlse to sttrsct a large crowd, tad 117 W. & CamObdl sad I Btiee'oC. meat -Iftwisental Ibestre opened SIrls from Dixie, snd It Is a worthy example >f a good barlcsqae show. There are fcood come- ~'ana and other people wltl> talent that go to Bke sp aa' agcenest pecfoaaaace. .Adaas and iU an tta tmttm imtmm, T.Ba ^a« was t»»^™" PtTTSBURO, PA. Theatrical Season LauncKiMi in Smehy City;. Fight I tha Tbe tbesDiesI aeaaa Its nstaral appearance the Lyeenm and tte Osj atr . two theatres are beginning tbe aeasoo. The Grand will contlnne with randerine, opening on Labor Day and Harry Darls. man- ■evr. promises one of the beat of all r"f promUes. Plttsborg wj^StMrTSiSl^S^^liIa line of amnsemcnta. Tbe Dnge es n e , -wblA f utm e ih r hdd the stock wtakh hss icecBtlr |eea. tnasterred to the Oiaad (Or tbe somaaer, bss beea baring moving plctnrcs. At this tbeatze tbe p l uui es of the Jenrtes-Jotansca co ntest wcie absara laat week. Tbey are wdl worth Oe price ot admis- sion and aside from the Interest In tbe fight are the clearest plctnrea erer aeen here. Last week's amoaements were on a par with prerlona performances and the stock company at the Grand. In A Stranger In a Strange Land. proTed a very amnsiDf: farce. The I,ycenm, with Bererly, drew ton booses. Tbe otodBCttaB waa wdl acted tgr a Terr capable eO M SSay. The Academy, wttb TOar Wiimillli. made sn excellent ImproaloD and drew ■ nsfalaed boose last week. The Oayety, with The aastalned Its repatattsB i SB excellent bin. - --- v : Tbe Hippodrome, aS aaadL' btf 'a bm of Tsnderllle. 'Conaldering the warm waalhcr. the smsBer theatres, the Liberty, Vhaillr «M Fifth Are., hare beea dolog a tf'-"' " eeptloaally good bOISL 'Oswege'B laplnl Abj l Hia iU pn,. Ma iwt - ttllia ^ _ Mag done at the BItbsr ilsflo Theatre with Tsoderine sad salmated pletores. Is trnly wooderfoL Large crowds sre turned sway night after night nnahle to gain admla- siOD. This (act, considering the extreme warm weather. Is erldence enoogh thst Oswego Is s good show town snd Tsnderllle la popular with the people. Tbe TsndeTille featores (or the laat half of week of Angust 8 were: Qoeen and Powers, alnglng and dancing: tbe Boyal Mex- ican sercnadeta. Booact aad Powos, late of the Anaa B the wotMPa bin. The Hippodrome, tbe new theatre being erected by Charles P. Gllmore. la searing com- pletion and It Is expected thst It wtU be open, snd ready for buslneea on or abont H a pt am b er 1. BCr. Earl Borgcas, who reecatly. aaaaaed Che «C IteBlchardaaa. la a h as H i r jtor NEW ORLEANS, LA. Sidney. Dreww ia Billy, to Oi at tiM Nmr The old historic Fnaeb Open dty'Is being pot in flnt-eUaa fondfWaa te tha coming operatic seasoo. The boose Is being painted In and oatslde and redecorated, and many other Improrements are being added to It. When completed It will be ooe of the most mod- em opera booses In tbe coon try. Abont $20,000 is being expended. WoA Is to be commenced Immedlstely npoo aew West End Park, tbe lake ahon resort oo lake Ponchartraln. A sew. sea wsH baOt. heinc abonVare . tbo a ss ad, feet Ib length; and beaotlfol gardens are to he laid oat. Maag new coccesslODs and bolldlaci ate- to be bant; snd otber Improrements te-aasasnas to m^^tlea wlU be added to tbe Iske sbeie ps^ Aboot $200,000 In all win be expended on this popnlar resort before tbe opening of the 1911 season. Tbe TanderiUe bill at the American Moslc Hall last week loelnded Bnioel and Darls, In The Snbstltnte; Wlllard and ■Willard. ->reseotlng Her First Messsge:' LeXoir's Marioot.tea: Wm. Medratb, tbe np-side-down man. In tbe Sand nsBfi. aad tbe latest motloa. pl etmea . Cagb ^ha Dierick Bntboa. alUetea: Tbe "miiaii acrobats; Bddle Boss, tbe flsnelBg bsajolst sad comedian: Mia Vera Berliner, soprsao sad Tle- llnlit; EmUe Tas«o's Mllltair Band, the Kbw- diome, showing the newest snlmated acenes, made 'np the bin at West End' Park last week. Mr. Sidney Drew, In BlUy, wHI open the Dsnphlne Tbestre S<i>tember 4. TUs is the new Shnhert bouse. Mr. Walter B. Brown haa been apoolnted rtattre here far the mobert ■d aariMaat-ta Maasaa a( the lasarlitlBB at SokUh jats. Mfe Brown wffl set as mnager for the aair.l>—Maa Baatre. MoTln g ple fa'iijl'^millai sooga to My-- ron Z. WOkaa: '*aie~ tha -atliaetlaaa at tbe Shnbert last we^. Mr. Bobert Moore has beea aa wi gt aa (he new baritone (or the French OpoaTn^pe, as announced by Manager Joles Lay^Ie. Tbe Elks* Pan-Am.-Bxpo. Clrcna haa been canceled until some time In Febmary. It wDl he glrea one week preceding the MardI Ocas caiJtal.^.. Wis, A. xoBn. ' LOUISVILLE, KY. * Former Manager of Hopkins Theatre Transferred to Queen City. Oi e ggs' Imperlsl Band Is still '"«*'"ir good witk tte .gew da at: — ^ avettaaa at UO, ' The Areane la belBg lepalolai tiMNAeat and when fia'sbed It wm be one of tha pamcst the- atres In LooIsTlUe. It -wOl be m anag ed by O. A. Sbaw, formermanager of the Masonic Miss Lillian Keener was the Tocal soloist at tbe Ferry last week. Miss Keener hss a snlendld TOloe and can be heard any wbere In tbe park. Hedges Brothers and Jacobaon waa the laugh- ing Ut OB the MO at the Fatt Iheatia laat 'week. She boa hafa i<MailM, ial»s Mr. BdwlB oortk.- aas ii i Msaaaii of Bop- Una, left laat «e« flor Ctedaaafl. wtact« he smi Uke dana o( the New Walaot Street Theatre, which a aow being remodeled. The Bncklngham' opened np Sunday, Angnst 21, with the Broadway Gaiety Girls. - Mr. Jacob I. Schilling, former leader of Hop- kins* Orchestra and leader of SrhlUlnK's Concert ~ wm hare fnn charge of Calomet DasclDg — this season. ABTHIHE- WtCtXn SHBCXUB. «T. PAOW\MINl'l. : ' Attractive and Diversified Amusement Offerings at all Theatres Last Weak. The Orphenm Theatre opened on Aagtrst 14, and prospects (or the coming season look rery rood. The opening week (or a headUner had The Leading Lady, with Manmerlte Haney and Co.; The Neapolitans In popnlar moslcal daaslcs; AbdalU^ FraaklftR^ XteUg^g Hlelda and Co.. in Broa d w ay, A.; Bert and tiottle Walton and the Rinodrome. ' - The bin at the Grand consisted of a prodoe- tion o( tbe Nem Stock Co., preaeottng a re- --S^ la CsMffle. Wjj^ Tbe opening performances at_ Itan, Angust 25-27. were Mn. Sharp and Plllara of Society. The Majeatlc, laat week, had a rery strong attraction. . Tbe beadllners were Donbar's Ooat Clretis. Edward Knns and Knns Blanchem, tIo- Un aad alnglng act; Miss Ita la. a eselty —" hand balanelag: WolC aai Wmia. ~~ ■keteb, Tbe Coaaty SheiU: Rtoao Ma, ^ snd dsndng sketch: Joseph CstaldOb ItaBaa I Itooe. and tbe Majeatleograph. Tbe Elks took Wonderland aU Isst week, la- tndoelttg a number o( special (eatnres. Nerro, the human comet; BalBn'a Aerial Performing Monkeya; Koehler'a Military Band, Elka' Dime Museum, I,obster, Third Degree, Gregory's Fire- works, In addition to Wonderland's sixty.sU amuaemeot and recreation (eatmres. The (eatnres at WUdwood are oatdooc sttrae- Uooa, bathing. bosMag. salUaK aad alaa "llaar lag. Gem Famllr XhaatiS:0. Oilowakyi asr.) ContiBBOos motlso p l elatas aad mastrated vaa- derOia with faU aNbeatia. Crjatal (B. ' Et Gnh. SHKl Hovtaa aletnrrs and lllostrUS* soaga, OBqaa (jr*,aishooey. mgr.) Ooatle. Dons moTlac pletores and lllastnted sooga. Lyric (J. liswnoee, mgr.) Morlng -plcmres and illnstnted songs. New Palace Theatre (W. Solberman. mgr.) Contlnnona morlng pictures and lllostrated songs. Including Taoderllle wltb orchestra. Gaiety Theatre (O. Bath, mgr.) I,atest motion plctnrea and lllBStiatcd. leadswnie with (nil orehestra. H. P. WIJT Its IfaaanmHoa ' e eiaiil B g^ ob the~ ~l&,*^aik' the opening bUl was sa excellent ooe. Xha orchestra, under the direction o( .Albia Hastsc^ Indadea fifteen mnaldans. The Boyd will open on the 27th. presenting Miss Ets Lang at the head of a well-organlxed stock compsny, to play the season at popular pricea. Tbe opening bin will be Lore Watches, with Miss Lang In the role pisyed by BUIle Borke when the play was seen here laat seasou. The American Moilc Hall win open oa tha Mania «in oOer aa; «h» se*ca^ pesoie to eand la Chkage. cast, tbe same as appeared addition to Chantldeer, there will lie acts of nnnsaal merit, maklog what Is aald to be the best TanderiUe performance ever offered in this dty. Frank Phelpa wHI manage the Show Girl Com- pany nntll Its arrlTsl In Omaha on the asth. wben he win likely go with one aC tbe adar. ccm{ianlea In which Doc Breed is iBtenstaC.flW the balance of the season. : _ W. W. Cole, of KxeeWor Springs. Mo,.h tie paat week ts Omaha. Mx; COle Is _ paikat:l atOfc sad wm KWeaH the hsasr to the l . tTAm' • ^ ii iB aiM . ** SMHe. karlag for Hs» Tack. Aagaat T. MB, Ooct aada tbe ftdbMriw statemcBt. At pxascut tbeie wtn be ao ehsag* In tbe Alhambra's management, Bnssell and Drew remaining as managers. Harry I<. Cort la to be manager o( tbe Seattle Theatre: Gilbert G. Barry Is to remain as manager of tbe Graod Opera Honae, and Carl D. Beed haa been ap- pointed permanently aa manager ot the Moore Tbeatn, and wffl alao act aa Mr. Cart's por- aooal repreaentatlTe when be la oat ot the city. George Hood will be la entire charge of the Northweatem Thiallhal AaMcUtlon. Margaret lUiDjctoB la'ta aat an Tbe Medea la Tacoma'a beantlfnl slafloai.' Tbe per(orBiaaee of The Medea wIU be oa aa arabltloas scsle. and win bare a literary and dramatie Import- ance that wOI attract literary and rla»alral atndents ss well ss loren of tbe drama. Miss nUogton Is now deeply engaged In preparlns her new play. TTntll Eternity. Juat before Dawn, at tba Saattla Xhcatia. Is. demonstrating the fact .that-the aatiMa. e(- Bnssen A Dre«^ dow»ta»B » ^ ' ^ " date something -boslJta atlas _ _ (or tbe patronage 'week of Aagaat'S ' larae. - ^ ' Charles Newman and Charles- hare been connected with the Moecs- le(t Angnet IS (or San Frandseo. w^ win act as treaatzrer and aaslatsat ot jotu Cort'a theatre la that dty, BeatUe l a wi tt a rt s-Jc uht a - any other dty Ib extremely cool erralngi. ae-.dl^a( thS' booses sod randeTtlle tTiiialrifa aia dolag'a tiw- mendoas boitlness. The Is igai ' fhcetias .are closed for a few weeka. John Cort bti commenced leaorattacj.'valat-; Ing and eiring the Grand Onera Boose snd Uie Seattle Theatre a genera] orerhanllns, V;^- ..V .-:. A. 8H0OT BnW. : ; ' yLlN COLW, N EB. 8«mn Per Regulinr Ttiiaalrieals Opens at the Ottver Thla Week. All the theatres are closed nntll Angoit 25. wbea the Ollrer opens the regnlsr (sH i The Orpbenm, with hlgh-dasa Tanderllle, 'wSI open OB Angnst 29. The three laoTlag ptetore theatres report s madcrstdy good boaacas. Tbe State Fair win be opened ben on fleptem- bCT S and from the present ootlook It promisee to be a banuner, Oaowa l Beach, of wUeh Jt. >araMB to Bwt«.jBr^ - -