The billboard (Aug 1910)

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AUOUST 27. im Xtte Billboard 18 BURLESQUE WORLD Gleanuigs of News Interest From Both Wheels Gibbered ^speda^ Br •VONCV WIRB. Tbere arc bnt few shows dow on the rehearsal Ust and th« people with those companies sl- ready opened are brcatblDjr a slch of relief. Tber are mostly all glad to be oo the road once more and to feel the freedom from the fatiguing xcheanals. many of which lasted an entlnday. fiT*~'*t tk« people to tft* llalto.«<.A attly. Many located la iobm nmote aaetlaa at mat- cat* old New Tork. and where the scrape of tte loader's rosty old Oddle, comhlned wlto the icpteaches and growla of an Irritable producer become almost a tortore. To both princlpala sod chorus tlie work of rehearsal Is n o t h ln c abort of a panlsbment as they are DnaTOIdably held during the hottest aeason of the year, and the constant repetition of altnatlona and Dom- beis renders the work aa trrlog as It la monottm- oaa. While in New Tork last week I Tialtcd a amber of the nhoanel halls oa hoth wheeU ■ad ma naaathlca vent oat ta those people, wbe were ftrcod to aaOem the tntas ^iama- fgrts of three weeks of irtsaiad mmn. Three weeta Is the asasi vsiM tenfeMlMU s new show sltboo^ nsax are pill s w oat la Bich less time. Tbe rehearsals Isst from three to five hoars dally while the people are often kept at It for a mnch longer period. Tt» heat In many of the retiesrsal hsIU u fearral and the people are kept moist with perapiratloa at the Tloleat es- crclses In the dnsty and heated atmoopliere. ♦ Hortlg and Seamon'a Bowerya opened tbe Qay- ety, PltUborg, Saturday. August 13, to good boslness. The show Is hesded by Ben Jansen and Uxzle Frellgb, and Is a production of high merit. The nrlndpala are all capable and the chorus good looking. The qpealnc barletta la the same as Isst seaaoa and u called Too Much Isaac's. There Is pleaty of action and the bcfs ate ezecptlsaallr CmO. The IrMi - Is esgecUSralMalK as It the nnmbe , Mm. na ijiis<aMis la hoth of these are daho- lala sad sgaiUlilaUi One of the feature snm- bcfs k JhtSis wnd. led by Edna Green and two ■ tetty chu&ca who are aa derer as they are alee appearing. They are not given credit on the program out certainly deserre to be men- tloaed as their work all tbroogh the abow la eaauneadable. Some of tba glrU are a trifle laay and do net aing aa much aa they night. Wkca they do let oot the effect la pleasing and thsvs that tbere are aome good alngeia with Urn ihsw. la ae Sweet Uarle namher the ■aartK hoyn farsa a pletnre on the Tcranda at feft stage, ney look good bnt pose carelessly and nngracefolly. ^e burlesque Is s clever trareaty on Madame X. and la called Madame X'Cnse Me. It Is tbe l>e»t thins "een In bur- lesque for s long time, snd carries the audience through to the finish without a Rlimpse of tbe chorus, 'which never appears dorlug tbe second part, except aa spccUtora. wltncsaea. etc. Benny Jaaaen Sm sgaJliillMilrttl hlMiilt —* the Bowttis will at least. Clark's Runaways opened the Metropolis, Saturday. 13tb. to good business. The show Is hesded by Jsck Held and Ella Reld Gilbert. Frank Wakedeld Is also with the show. The opening Is a one-act burlesque. Hie Aviators. Ttie show Is good all throngb. Jack Reld main- tains bis mataUoa aa a clever and original comedian, jW h a e teaa make-up and pleasing brogne. The aaiibers are good, the chorus coasdr. aaa the. mrdnbe magaiflcent. , The_Star Show CtrU (oOow the lolly Girls Into nttsborg. but are billed ss The Xmpire Show. Joe Domey is alwsd of the ShOIT, which Is managed by John T. Baker with Data Iieavltt T. W. Dlnklna' Jolly Girls (Weatem Wheel). Is another good Western abow and ahoold get tbe money this seaaon. The work of both prin- cipals and choraa Is well up to the standard and the women are all ahapcly and attractire. xaaj. KeanMr Is the author of tbe opening, vUeh Is MUM The Blytng Man ^rom Mexico, la which he Is starred aa principal comedian. His work Is always good, at Is that of his sup- port which Indodes Bill, Doc and Arthur Arm- atrang, who aU make good In their respective roles. Tlie female contingent la isd by Beatrice Harlowe, who ia aoltably aided by Grace Patten. Lnella Temple and Hay Penman. The olM la opened by a wlnaoae Scotch girl. Kaney Slmp- tto. who alngs a coopte of ttags la a dtaiing ■aaaer. Mln HattoSa alaohSpa with a plaaaing act and tba Three Aim t tr a a g i dose with a aensatlonal trick eyde aoaaher which tnonght firth moch applause. Toay Kenaedy'a sketch. My Wife Won't Let Ue. waa s big laugh, as was tbe work of the flying man in bnrleaqoe trapeie stunts. The numbers are all well dressed and lively but they sll are in tighu. The look good hot a dicat aaaiber or two la a coiy srot Id Pittsburg which Is to all borleitquers. It is Joe Kllkeary's comfortable little cafe-next to the Academy and where Tbe Billboard Is alwaya oo Ble. Joe is known to most everybody in tbe boslDess and tries to make performers comfortsble. ♦ Dick Patten is -putting in a new burlesque with the Jolly Girla. -The show haa been tialng Barry H, Tmsoat^ Maay Wlaxy Hotel, bnt Mr. lJUMatii^CKlw:«lth the thoar sad will Ukc with him the eeeaei y and properties naed in the piece. ♦ The new Western boose at 3rd arenne and ISOth atreet. which will ha kaatm as Uiaer ta tbe Bronx, opened Aagaat with Miner's Bo- hemians, to good hntlBtis. The honte Is a credit to the West. ♦ Al. Beeves' Big Beauty Show opened at the 125th street Hsate Hall. Salorday, Aagnat 20, to a taniawar. The abow la good. Olre the old her credit. Be dog >'em tip. ♦ The Girls tnm Bappyland opened at the ColmBMa an Bresdwur. Moadsy, Aagast H: The ^ttsf I That's LeBoy and Cahlll Bon-Toa Burlesquers ta and to play parts. Baab'a the oUo Bniy Wataoo'a Girla From Dixie Company opeac« thdr siatoujt tha.HMnuaeatal Theatre, Tbe roater of ChrtM Baaavam: Jack Reld, J. Sheria MaA»; Bkaak Wshll ltl d. B<*ert U. JacksoaTaiSt--Wstt. naai Welch, aia M Olkctt. Ghaa.:'aNakln«. MIchoias Larklo. OHbctt. Ghaa.:'aNakln«. MIchoiaa Larkln. Ciaia. • Btaa Ahhigi. WIsMted Greme. Vert Cnis, Alice WlUon. XUlna Bargte. Vartoa Kemp, Sadie 'Hyatt. May Botaen, Charlotte l-one. Lain Welch, Delia Hyatt. Sylvia Rboder. Trlxy ClareDdon. Pink Reynolda. Mabel Una. Mabel OrvU, Sadie Oroesman, May Merrlland, Lilly Alveretta, Florence Gibson. Tbe execotlTe statr Is aa followa: Peter &'. Clark, manager; Jack Reid. atage manager: T. J. Dennett, moal- cal director; L. B. Payne, eiectrlclsn; Lewis LiTlngston. representative: Julius Micbcis. ad- vance repreaentatlTe; Joe. F. Borgcea, carpenter; ' —-" —iidter The roster of JEi-.W.VIMnklna' Jolly Girla. In-' eludes Beatrice llhllaat, Luclla Temple, Grace gttte n. May Peaman, Tony Kennedy. BUI Arm- BOm. Doe Armstrong, Arthur Armattoag. Hal Walth. Margaret Green, Nancy Slmpaon. Bessie CUy. Maade Marchman. Ionise Kennedy. Imo- geae Grace, Maacy Temneat and Sarah Baylow. ne execatlTO staff la R. B. Patten, manager; "alt er. Hyets. hasbieaa manager: Al Uooaey. — jlj^ M . Rogers haa been a Tery btisy man this annmer, having arranged and staged tbe nnm- Bera (Or alz different abowa. These were Sim WUIlam'a Tmpailsia and Ideals. (Weatem Wheel), tad teHg and Setmon's Folllet of New Tork sad Paris. The Oirta from HaopyUnd, The Bovrerya, and tbe Ginger Olria. Ed. Is a ballet maater of the Bnropean school and Is turning oot aome atttneUTe nnmbers. His work Is sn aaagw aai the eztta fan of eta aaA WOLGAST MAKES FIRST MINNE- APOLIS APPEARANCE. Minneapolis, Mlno.. Aug. 19.—Ad. Wolgaat, the world'a lightwelgbt champion, made bis first appearance la Minneapolis at the Dewey Theatre, Thnrsdsy afternoon and evenlOK. Aug. 18, being featured In conjunction with tbe Ootcfa-Zbyasko picturea. Manager Archie lUller. of the Dewey Theatre, la rusblog the wark of redecoratlag and reaoratlag the hoose. Mr. MUler atatea Ihnt iha Seinv wBI have a large number of cspadUflr "MlMts this ya QUEEN CITY NOTES Vaudeville Performers, Playing Cincinnati, Apprise The Billboard's Representative of Their. Plans for the Future Albert' Polar Bears vrcund up tbe bill pre- sented to tbe patrons of Cheater Park Kat week. Mr. Bmtt Bchwayer. haweva. la la charge of the polar lahaMtaata. daa -ta the ax- trenie Ulneas of Bear Albers. The tatter has been conflned to the bed since laat Sunday, a week ago, with an attack of pneumonia and pleurisy, tbe resnlU of having apralned bla kid- ney tbroogh breaking In a new bear. The la^ low performera on tbe bill with blm have tenu ed and nursed bim with great falthfaloess. Last Sunday be left for Toronto. Canada. In order to recDperate In a cooler climate. Mr. Srhwejer will continue with tbe act. Stanley and Edwards Co., four In number, presenting Visions In Marble, posed before Ches- ter Park andlences laat week. Tbe; bare been natng S. & 0. and W. V. A. time from tbe Pa- eUc Coast to the Bast, and are oa-tha(e way to New Tork, at which alsoe th^ hBMMt y& yet preaented this act. Only two of thtlrSrren poses are taken fro Greek sealptaia. The re- alnlng nine are entirely original, hat stamped with an air of claaslctsm a eier lh elass. The two boya are artists In their line of work, having taken Instruction therein at the University of California, aa they claim. Springer and Cbnrcb last week' played Coney Island, and are this week still in the Queen City, arranging for wardrobe for their act. Who IS It? which they are to take to New Tork on the United time. Because of thetr Eastern opealnga, they are making elaborate changea In their coatumes. Tbe antbor of their Bketch Is Dr. Charlotte a West. Tba act Is to be beadled In the (ntme hr Alf. T. WUton. Their set oeet -wltb the appiaial at tta and- ^ce ^ aaajM a a d eaht e d^iattwt^a gtat .tcU- StoeAel sad Wshl a t e t t alsd a hla«k and white ainging and talking set at Ooaty laat week and went Ug with the patroga of the Island. The boya have a certain aptnesa aboQt tbem that Indicates big promlae for the future. Their harmony la good, and the following at« tbe songs which they employed: He's a Col- lege Boy, Dinah, Wrong Again, and Simply Say Good-Bye, the last being a composition of their own. Aerial Wemta was in Cincinnati, occupying the last position on the bill at Coney lataad laat week. Be has not been In the Queen City since two yeara ago, when be also played tbe laland. Be Is a liMnaihtr ttagrliawil ttagese man. hapatng haea wtnf Mat ItaUassB sa far back as ISIM Bt datas ta hare hcea the flist Bsa ts ohMt-Iha giahle retnm snd cast- laff act. MCadltia ta wv. hia act went big. iumm Tlaaiiit. la hIa high pedestsl clog ladag, pat telh at Boblnson*s Isst week. Fin- -jrsa Is a total hoy. who. howeyer, hts not made aa a pp earance In thia tows daring tbe paat foor yeais.. He haa been oat Wcat. and was formerly in the dramatic line for tiiree coa- aecntlve yeara. He cootemplatea putting on a doable act with Oalvln la tbe near future. This watk TMtot Oltatta, the «nat ttmiUa la tha Qbiw OHr, It Mw ki at Coney laland. Tbe Military Maid baa net been here alnce laat April, ao that there U no doobt aa to the alncerity of the hearty recepUoa Oe la recelTlng. It Is a case of "abaeoce makes tbe heart grow fonder," with the local folk. i^^i"'.*'''''*. Hampeon, tbe Javenlle Imitator of Eva Tangnay In her song anccess, I Z?".L^"f' *be appreciation of the patrooa at the Grand laat week. She ta """diet WUalle and ru Walt for Too. aa well aa You're the Fellow That'a Been Running After Me. ^^^^oi^ aayton, the feminine half of Mar- K *^ engaged for thU week jg*. ^?*?.** tt a ainger at the Orpbeuiu i(aac_iiarasB. Bath ta In her element when It to singing, for ahe U there with tbo The two are Clnciimatlana by residence. TOlce. SPENDTHRIFT RETURNS. New Zett. Aasf M (Special to The Bnihoerd.) —HBaw|Bgign rJt» .jig^lBt ^ la TUC 0A8V. _ Richard Ward Bdmnad Bretae {Br penalttloa of Henry B. Btrrto.) Philip Outtwrlght T. Daniel Frawley lleatr Ward .. Sumner Osrd Ftaacea Ward Tbata Magrane Clariee Tta Zaait .Oweodolyn Plen Gretcben Jans .. ...... .. ..MatUe Fergnaon Eltae Alice Kelly SoStrn Thatae ^'j!" The flpeadthrift retomed last night to tbe It was well received. OPERA HOUSE OPEN- INC. Kiogaton, N. T., Aug. 22.—Klngatoo Opera House at Ktagatoo, N. Y.. after being thorough- ly orerbanled and remodeled will be opened for the stasoo i» Aognst 30, mder the tunagemsat sC a Qa.Mtk . Iha.eptabw boTiim ha.Ia NEW MANAOER run NEUMBVIR. Eaatoo, Pa., Aug. 19.—Tbe VaodevUIe and Uo- thm Pletnre Co. of America, lesaees of the Nen- ^^jlg^^hMitia, has sppolMed^^Bode^Belht^^ot BIRTHS. NEW O. H. AT M EWIIYgTTA. Henryetta. Okla.. Aug. 20.—A new opera boaae Is being completed here. The building is 80 by 140. tbree-storv snd is entirely of brick. Tbe capacity Is l.dOO—600 on main door and dOO In balcony, with an additional 2i In teat boxes. Henryetta to on the main lines of tbe Vrlaco and M. O. A O. raOimsds sndta one of tte faat- growtag Oklaboata tmSs with » popalatlpn. in- clndlng addltloM at hhtat S.RWK tad In the her. ML aO aat. SM S^- i^3|22^W^ tr lleto- Chlctgo. Aoe. 20 (Special to The Billboard).— Tbe varlooa rides and park attractlona are en- tertaining tliose who seek smnaament at Sana SoucI, while creature and bta beat .a« » sftr- Ing a program of merit to tboaa^WH.aUUM the apace p rovided In front of tha -hft'shdl. OPERA STA R ON ^ACAtlOII. BtRMmg, Pa., Aug. afe—Mtat Jeaka Bwattik of the Beetan Grand Opera Compaay, Is oee of the fow yoimg American singers In grand opera. She haa assayed roles In Fanat and has been ss- tOCUted wlth MIelson an.1 other stata. She Is a plttitaT Tscstlea wigi her titter. Bora to Mr. sad rice Keith) an eight girl, August T. Bom to Mr^ „ at Lexington, Ky, Bom to Mr. and I vaudeville team of boy, Aognst T. MARRIAGESb FLOWERS MATTHEWS.—Mr. Harry D. Mat- thewa and Miss May Flowers, both ptofeaalonals, were married la Ft. Worth. Texas. Angust 11. MANIX)TE-BACKDS.—Mr. aarence Backoi, one of the juveniles, and Mlaa Grace Manlove. prima donna with A Winning Miss Company, were married In Conner^iUe. Ind., Auguat Id. The wedding was a very quiet aSalr, only mem- bers of the family and Boyle WooltOlk hdng prceent. Both Mr. and Mrs. Backoa wilt he with The Winning Miss agalo tbta aeaaoo. OAT-LANOER.—Mr. Ked Laoger tad Hlta Ett^e Cooper Gay, hoth appesring In a sketch caned Which Genudlne, were qaletty married in Covington, Ky.. July S. OARTEB-UEST.—Prof. Chas. J. Meat, leader of tbe Korak Wonder Band and Orchestra, and Mlaa Ethel Carter, of Topeka, Kan., were mar- ried In Angtntln, Texas, Angnst 8. RBINBARDT-UcDANIBLS.—air.: D. .a Uc- Danleta and Mlaa Dlmplea BelBhaMI. balh aem- bera of the Barkoot Showa. ai n ■ai l iil in Ltsdtagton, Mich.. Auguat 3. CLARR-ORTON—Gordon Orton. equestrian di- rector of the Sun Bros.* World'a Progressive Shoara. tad Mlas Soby CUrk, aerUlitt aad aM- a( tha aaa Mr. and Mra. Murray Ferguaon, at Boblaaon's UMt week In their comedy akit. The Eloculloa Fiend, announce that they have pnrehaaed a farm near Vaodercook'a I.ake, where they have apent this aummer'a vacation, and intend aoend- Ing thoae to come. -i^— Grant and Glbaoo, wholesale deaiera In laoghs and acreama. occupied the second position on ? T'ley are using Ten Snyder'a Ogatallt and Bemlck's Mary. Yon Are a Big Girl Now. Cincinnati la their boni» Smith and Brown, with their singing and dancing act, making frnm foor to alz chaagca. played Chester Park lasfweek. They hamhasB apending the summer at Pt. Ptaee. (Mr £S ' Krle home, Juat outside of Ibledo. ' " ChariM WUiard the alnpr and daocer, speat a few days in Cincinnati tost week. He ta testing until tbe beginning of the aeaaoa. Be ■P*?* period of sliteeo weeks on the Inter- state Circuit tbe past season. The Great WUllama, In hU barrel and botUe Jumping act, opeoed tbe bUl at Comv laat week. He ta raadv ta.pat au a MwaaE taiha called tbe BtSnSnSfSSA^ tTn «h cape act. —— » ob w Warren and Harper, la their refined alMlU act, presented at the Orsnd Isst week. ThaS- ■ eellence of their wardrobe is a notlceabta fea- ture, not to leave oat the good quality of their TOleCSL Jsck B i ain g ha m . ainging and talking csBe- £5^ »• ">e Grand last we^tlM PeUard-^Be leeeatly eloaed Bodkins' tlt^TaS - may rttara tbere for the coming aeaaoo. il? '° »bow act at the Qrand laat week, annonnce tliat on Jane ?•"**'. (?i?r<?. f •"'1 Zimmerman attrac- tion at Philadelpbla. Mae Taylor haa been and la yet playing Mor- ris parka for the aummer. She uses That LoTlnw Traumerel and Cry Baby la lha Mim Lionel Legare waa the Mff tit* act at Island tbe past week. ^ BBlted la mairisfa latsnlay. July ao, at Cha- bomn. Mich, the Ber. WUlta^TWM. ic 2w Method'** v!tiIbmm*i f-hMMk — - - - ~ coople received Methodiat Bplacopal Cbnrch. oadaSSs^ - Ha rare the recipients of <nsoy prcamts aad nrt«_—. ... I— .1 —— - — the congratalatlona o7 their maar friende ' with the abow. alao receiving muv congratulatory measages fmm a dutanee. jL heaqaet f ollowed atnlgbt aftae the regalar per- ittaMaca .waa coadadcd. OEATHa. __?1CHM0ND.—Harry BlebmODd. _ Bole, who, (or the paat ttoae yeara has heata at the Soldters' BoaJTiOmSiSrit^.lSSmS sway tattaday alght,~ABg«t i m^'re^S I^^^ii"*. i°.!r**J? family lot of tbe Paiges at Pine laland. Minn., tbe home of tbe Paiges. Mr. Richmond was known In prlTste life as Barry Paige, but better known In tbe profce- alon aa "Cnde Harry." At tbe time of bta paaaed la the »raj. "'"-♦ttg hi a rnlmtdt ifgl meat as m pHvate. eloata* at thrMdacTBa three years with high honoia. batlhd bata mS- moted from tbe ranks of a nl 11 ala It Ihaftf a captain for brsTeir cs the SuTf Stm. ■ GRIFFIN—John D. GrUtai. one of tbe hat known eomedlani oa the ttage, died at Pwr- tdenee. R. I.. Uat week. He waa ST years old, and s great farorlte fa> Tsadeillte. BOATS.—Thomas Boats. Oyman at the ApoUo Theatre. AUaatle City, died Snnday. Angnst T. He waa om of the oldeat flymen In Philadelpbla and waa a charter member of the SUtce Hands' pnlon of the aame city. Hta death was caoaed by hanging Old Glory on July 4 at Barry Ooombs* Cafe. Atlantic City. He fell from a cornice, a dtatance of 45 feet, fractnrtag hta eaUar hone and reeelvUg Intemal Inlnrles. ftom whiA ba dM at tbe AUtatle CItr boeptttl. Ete la aanttad bF a mother. S3 years old. sad two sistsia. Be waa slae s charter aaembre ot Atlaatle CItr Stage Beads' Valeo. Local 17. MItSOM.—Mlia Cbailotta Meltea (ate L-.. as Chartotta Oswald), waa laid to rest Jatr tB. at OOlambns. Ohio, the home or her birth. Dcsth waa doe to heart failure. In private life the was Mrs. John Gaty. wife of John Gaty, an eleetrlctan of Brooklyn. She had been on tbe atage for 10 yeara and had been with a ntimber of musical and other prodnctlons, the laat one of which was tbe Broadway Musical Comedy Co. TOONE.—Bessie Toone. a Texas beantr. whose stsge career waa more picturesque than sncccasfBl. died la a theatrical board lag hoai»