Billboard advertising (Aug 1910)

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14 Xtie Oillboard Auauar v. itin IN PUBLISHERS' ROW Notes theiSbn^ ti^ Pirbniise to Be^ NBW YOlIK MUSIC NOnt. Qood-6ye Bettr Biown, pablUIied by Tlieoilore IfotM Music Co., Becal Bide., baa b«cD tbe 'We-sanr ot leTCral acts •luce lU Sist appear- ance oa tlie mukat." bnt.Wbn tt MMI W capacity of mascot, it ■aMlr''ait Siwt of lOT wng's ambltloa. KauzjB Paail. wko la bcuc gt atiu aa wltb ■am X. Jack's B ui lss nu a tbla seaaoa, baa had vctr bad luck wltb bar voice as tbe weatber baa rablected her to a'Tcry beavy cold and sbe baa been oosble to speak Tor sereral weeks. Uiss Pearl called at tr^ Morse office to bave Good- bye Betty Brown p*ayed tor ber, and after bear- ing th9 chorns oace or twice, snddenly startled ber slater, wbo was wltb ber. by stosiOK tbe cboms wltbont tbe allgbtest aign of boatsenesa or lU-etreet. Tbe Incident was later e:(plalned wben an ex- amination abowed tbat tbe tlcd-op road, cbwda tad at last zalaatf^ bat lUis. SmiI is anpcr- 'MM. airi trijSti i —Bp ot'^ta ; the Bomcr HOmrA. tta« seneral manager of the Untie HooM of LaRcimle. will leave In a few days for a trip to BoITaJo. Detroit, and Chicago, not only to diapoae of a big lot of tbe pnbllca- tlons, bnt also to look after varloas lotprrata ot the house In those cltlea, profeKsIonollx and otherwise. Mr. IIowanT anttcIpntoH ufilng up a great many alweta in bia order book and alao SUciog a grett many aoogs ptofeaalonallr on tbla rip and tboa* wbo know bU abUtr & aalaa- man and Intatnater oC atngnra. fM cmflOant kg Wffl AMtt tfl ttiiriM, It " aCMn Edward Doerr. tbe tireless demonstrator and bustler for tbe Moalc Honse of I.aemnile. baa broken all prevlons records for sooK-boostlns In Atlantic City and tbat's saylnn awbole lot, becanae erery summer sees an Influx of woug bootners from all tbe pobllsbera tbrongboot tbe eoontry. bnt thta bnatllna yoona man wbo la a bdndle of energy and endeayor baa socceodcd ta placing tbe moalc of tbe Hous of fiaemmls all orer fbia reaort, p^UaifaiJ^ ffijUf tha Tboms to F ' ^ On and Lore I Can Sboot. ^ Jobn Larklna, tbe wall-kBam sodk mitar SBd eomadlaD, baa Jnst coadnded a mr 8ae> c aa sfti l awaaitr Taaderllla aogageBieat ta Sidodas an tbe big nombara for tbe Black ttl Co., with whidi be baa algned for tbe idlag eomtdr part. Mr. LarMna will feature 8. B. Benir'a new Inngle number, entitled Yn- catana Man. and Black PattI baa selected Al. Solman's Somcwbcre Tbere's Someone, as ber principal solo. Joe Jordan's Tessin' Rag wUl also bave a prominent position In tbe show. ♦ Peter S. Clark, whose burlesque bas been a standBrd for many yeata. opened at tbe Metrop- olis Tbestrv. New York City, last Saturday, and prominently featnnd four ot tba nnmbers ot the Moile Houas of Laannla as fUlows: Oaar- Mt. Take .lie Whan t Oaa Sboat. HaBelaJab paaca aqd'rn obnga tte Sbatna to BMaa._Xha Ulas Helen Tyioo who baa been booked nroand Mew York City dorloK tbe past two months, ezpeels to ko oo a Western tour very shortly. Mlaa Tyson's clever work bss secured ber return engagements wbererer she has ^aycd, and ber soon notably I'm Not Tbat BOnd of a Olrl. and If tbe Wind Had Only Blown the Otbet War, bare made ber a big far- adte with tba pnbUc^ B. H. and Phn Cocbrane, who are responsible for tbe enormous hit. Yon're Got Ue Oolog EUd. and tbe bicr novel snccess, Tbe Love Bog. ai* collaborating on some new manuscripts which look exeeedlDKly well. One of tbem baa to do wltb Boooevelt as a possibility tor fntnte presi- dential taonots and looks like a ante-be hit. The sobiaet la MaaL. tbe lyrica nnnanaDbr tbe Mrie wSitatDUy tetenUfaT^ ♦ Uabd UCKlBler. wbo IS pNbaUr one ot the bcet-knowB at Taodeellle atata, not only aa tbe niece ot tbe late president of tbe aame name, bnt also aa a magnetic and talented yonng woman, baa recently signed contracts with the Moalc House ot Laeromie, whereby abe will lea- tnre exeloslvety their nnmbefa. InMlafllag -m Change the Tboms to Roses, which ia la tis the pramlaeot feature of her list. , . Iiew Dockstader opened at Bed Bank, iMt Twat. tba laigMt SMMaijrttli flhanga Sa Vhuuafo Baaa song taaoed by the Knalg Ifr. Dockstader was pcM with this number tbat be fa tbe show the entire George Anstln Moore, who la one of the beat- known single acts In TanderOIe, and wbo la extremely oopnlar with all wbo go to TandeTlIIe. baa Jnat placed In bla repertoire two aonga of tbe Hnale.Hoase of Taemmte. entitled Ser Dcot- eefae Bac aad I Think I Hear Mr OonntTT Call- IBC Uk. Tbe totmer, a nmeUBf Oanaan dltir, sad tbe seeond a nofd cooD BOOS. ♦ On ft tba ^aagiti la Taa ia? B lfc ■ an tta tart honses hi New York CItr. are - the ptAIIcatloaa ft tba Moalc Hooae of ■ ; .Sdi - - - - liaemmle exdoalntri Browne's new M— " Country Calling' success with It. I Sflak' f'Hiar -i^ aia maklBK a great Tbos. Patter Dmme called at tbe professional ofllcea last week, to tell oa of tbe succesn be Is having with Henry and Macdonald's spotlight song. I've Got tbe Time, I're Got the Place. 5fr. Dunne, whose specialty Is character sonss. bas used tbis number over bia entire summer tour and says that It nerer misled Ore at any performance. NOTES OF Ti i Personal Mention of Vaudeville Performers Playing the,Metropolitan Cities as >A^eU':as,i Smaller Towii$. ^ ^ ; . { \ lOaa Hand Jteekwell, Hie Callforala HlgbUn- gala, who la aew being teatmod aa prima doniia wltb tbe Oaslao Mosleal Comedr Ooavaay, now playing an ertended engagament - at the new Oipbeam Tbeatte, Hooonilo, wiltca tbat abe la having the most pleasant cngagcneat ot her career, and baa been deluged with presents, dotal oderioga and Inrltationa galore. Hono- lain, she says. Is very partial to singers, as moat all tba native residents are more or leaa aatoral mnaldans. She contemplntes a .tour Atutralla after her present contract Miss Edith Mote, tbe charming California cantatrlce, who left 'Prlsco aboat three moatbs ago on a toor over tbe B. and C> Oliealt, has —' aOit a mar' — OLIVE SUNEV, ■ -■;;i:j-K*-''<'<('XW^^- • ■ ;'i-vv.i;;!!.^t,:..;::ia5 - .....^ Who I ated a sensation at the Pjllsades Park, Palisades, N. J., by taking I top of a high tree, bbe ia an artist's model of renown. IB the _It looka like another big season for the Godiam-Attacka Moaln Oo.. with aoogs like Dear Old Moonlight. Any OU Xnia Is a tAoesoma Old Thwn iniaii Toot fmathaart la Away, Mr and H Haiga marB It i>e anytblag «ae bat a i ♦ Those two fanny fellows, Hawley and Bacben, are featuring Jen T. Branen'a new comedy song. Yon Stole My Gal. Tills aoDg la espedJIr suitable for two comedians working to ea^ other, and tt wBl be (satmed by many doable acta Uk tba mmg fyfai. .. Stewart and Mardiall, colored comedians, are booked tor practically a year on the Snllivan- Conaldlne time, and are making good wltb If Be Cornea tn I'm — poet She waa offered -time Immedlafe teistate ^l»«Blt^^||tpr^>mUI maSy Oltr. ■Baayea, kaown as the American ^ ^ and JtaMlla 3. Gideon, tbe weU-known Maw York eong writer, left last week tor an axtcBded Taodeiilte engigement ia Bonidala aad tbe snrroondlng Inland cities. They were booked by I. N. Cohen, of the Weatbank Bnlld- lag, San Ftanciaco. UaxtioetU and Groaal hare Jnat completed a very auceeasfnl engagement la Bonolnla. Bllo aad Kawaab. aad sail Angnat 18 for AnstralU, when thaj are booked for a tour. Mlaa Nada Meret, the ebaraeter alnger, alao goea on the same booking. Nada Moret U Mrs. Albert GrossL Mesate. Wm. Bbobl and Artbor Snodgraaa, tbe Arm coodaetlag the Paatlma-Xhaatm, a Taode- ^^»J^JJ^.JI«B»>w«B>tJ^^ ret- ■ggjg apaa bearaal (or tbe coming season an act of bis own, , la which be Intends to open abont September B.' HIa partner will lie Francis P. Uoyd, who baa I been playing In stock on the coast.. After three yeara of aucceaa In writing Taode* rllleakatchas while on tbe dramatte desk of tba SwrttTlMid. taCTjMboBe. W. DnnkU has Jolnad IMate with Atcct, the eoaedita, aad ttay, hate opened a Chicago elttce. Tbv lim . write, T a h aa is e and stage acta. .ti 1 Amolda and Arnold and lUchn , aoDgaten, hsea Joined tMcca 'aad ^A'^isiif^th'Sffis A aaw act, known as'the Win B; Wbedar Comedy ronr, bas been formed hy W. B. Wheel* - er. The quartette, which Inehidea Mr. Wbeeler, Violet Cooley, Bobby Barker and iMan WU- Uama. la pro.uclag a one-act farce, endtled Tba Tronblea ot Dr. Bodd. ' De Groote and Langtry, after spending tba summer montba at their home at Borne. Qa.t have resumed their bookings over the WlUIama, ' Kahle A Co. circuit. This acaaon the team will be seen la an act entitled, A Woold-Ba Champion. Herbert Carlyla, late eomedlaa wllh the t. I-ewla Musical Comedy Company, baa Joined Franklin, Obree and Company. Ttta new-formsd company will appear In a Western dramatle playlet, which they are now rehearsing In Qieea Bay.. Wis. The Musical Amolda and Arnold and Rlchn the talkative aongaten, "— ■■-'—" * will produce Natlona. Tbe l BIckey Company. Addison and LlTlngaton bare dosed a» weeks' engagement In stock at JaefcaoaeL.^ na.. and opened Augnat IS at tbe AhdooMt Waycroaa, Qa., oo the UUt Cooper time (or ten weeka. The Alpha Troupe of boop manlpolatora opened at the Majestic, Chicago. August 8L hooked solid OD the Orpbeum circuit ontU AprU 3, 19U. There are now Ave people In the set. . Larry Hnier and Al. Monle were Billboard callers laat week. Tbe boys still have a few more weeks to play for Gas Son before they open for A, SL Meyers oat ot Chicago. James Pesch, of the TsndeTllle team of A]' burtua and Altna, bas rrtnmed to his home at Aubam, N. Y., after two succcsslTe yeara oo the Orpbeum and C. B. O. clrcnits. Oeo. N. Brown, tbe champion heal aad tsa walfcar.ot the' world. wUl make bla'fliat.'••> '' pea fan e e In Taoderllle tbla month oatar W( ' direction o( Cbarlea B. Banmllne.' nartan E. Knight and Company haya'' MM , menccd a tour of thirty-eight weeka oear (ha ' Orpbeum and United Clrculta, appeariag" ' Una Clayton's, Tbe Chalk Line. T The LaPetlte Emcllc Troupe of Cycllala, ft** taring tba three Vecchl m>tera. formerly win the Kantmsn Troupe, opened on tba Orpbetua CIrenIt at Memphis, August 14. Willie Dtmlay bss been especially engaged aa a featnre of Are Yon A MaaoaT now playing at the Garrlck Theatre. Chicago, nadsr the nah* agement ot Will J. Block. Robert Patton will bave charge of the band of Stetaon'a Uncle Tom'a Cabin Baatem ahow tbla scsaon. Mr. Patton leaves Cincinnati, Ang. 28, en route to the show. Tbe HIU-Edmunda Trio are paying a vtalt to their narenta In New Brnnswick, N. J. In tba (all tbey are booked for a tour of the George Qreeawood Florida time. Vera and Mitty DeTcre have algned with Bobt. Harris' Two Amarteaaa. Abnaf' lb. PaVM will manage and diiaat tba Mwir^ nd vbT'lka light comedy lead. ■ .V- Al. Campbell, tbe ' joggler'aad 'aciabat, baa opened on the Frank MutUla Park ttau, WhMl engagement la to be followed by a lonr of tha 9. & o. circuit. Tbe MUmars hare returned from their aaip mer racatlon and are now pTeparlng their a«t for the tortheoming aeaaoo. whtoi optns wllhte two weeks. ^ A deniil ot tha npert tint bd eonmltM ntr ot health. A. H. Stepps tass signed with A Night la Bohemia aa one of tbe principal comedians. Mr. Stepps waa late of tbe team of Stepps ana Soladar. Bar! Alcorn baa closed as moiteal dttaatat : with tbm Rich Comedy Compaiv, and baa so* tmned to his boms In Atlanta, Oa. Al. B. Tyrrell, black-face comedian In raa- davUle. la apending a eonple of weeka with bla parents In Jscfcaon, Mich. The Bobert DeMont StIo, a(tar a two wecha TScatloB In Chicago, • apaaad . their acaaon at lagcrsoU Park, Dea'.lnBHB;;!. Victoria La aaid«i"ftM':Ugaed with 3. ti" Lewta (or tba coming seaaoa. to plar .ehiMdttM ' and do bar epeelal^. After a alz weeke* Ulnsas. Miss Ploccnes Zlls- ley, o( EUsIey, Otiks and iUtfcr, fcaa laauMd work with tbe act.'-.5;..-. v.■ ■ Tba Meredltha, Albert aad Margocrlte, Jog- (lera, knife and battle az throwers, sail for England Angoat 27. Allan Summers Is - booked over the Interstate time nntll September 10, wben be goes But for Joe Page. Pearl Tsngley, The Mental Marral, bas caa- celod ber Weatern booklnga and la bow on tha (hilttd time.