Billboard advertising (Aug 1910)

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AUGUST 27, 1910. Xtie Billboard 1ft LONDON LETTER Bad Weather Is Making the Amusement Business Good—A "Little Theatre''for London—The the Old "Green Roonaf' Afttr •pendliiit ■ few d»ri *t the leMlde, el«d ID winter cToUiln* »nd iIilTcrlnc Jtom morn fill nigbt. 1 li»Te luit retnni«d to tadoo to Sod eteryooe Id the «ma»«Di«ot MaUMS la > such timnt" U tiM ezclamaUoa beud in tide. LoodoDen. laatMd «( aMklnc off to tbe cout for ■ boUdar, ban bwra eonpcUad br tfe* flaodlsh wcatber to ramala at borae, and. tSiaumintlT tber baT* crowded tbe tbeatraa Sdcmr otber placa of amoaement tbat tbej coold And. Haoaicn wbo were Joat •boot to •hut down for a eoopla of montha. bare bad to beep open to bl« booaca. »"d aomo wbo bad pot op tbe ahottera baTe baattned to taka.Uiem dowD once more. 8oeh la tba taanlt aC: comliw^ aeroaa Jamianr w**" Drorr iJtna preaanta tba atnofaot ai»^ an. Hart Iba Whip.-wbteh ,OTt oo laat ntnma, and baa atoeate plarad to a claar prodt mr tS0O,O0O. waTto ba*a eo«e oB Joat at tbia time In faw of a now apeetaenlar Dread- ioogbt drama; bat aa It bappena. tba adrasea bMklDn are ao baarr tbat It leema ntterlr Im- Sonlbtt to take It b« In time to alie tb« new Kow anytblDjt of a mn before tbe ChrUtmaa pantonilme cornea aloas to npset ererjrtblnK. In ill nrobablllty. .tbenfotc, tbe old .drama wUI ■tar on and tba saw OB^ preparatloD for Dtuir t ~ to wall for at teaat alz An lalereatlag departure win abertir coma In-* to belDc In tbe . abape of Iftaa Oertmde Kiag- itoo'a ''Little Tbaatre." wbleh a t«w mon wttka will tf« coapltted. It la belnc bnllt on jto alt* la tba Strand wbera Coatt'a Biask atood rearm, and coaa a qqently la rlfbt dead In tba center of tbe life of Looaon. 'Bat tbe eBtraaca, cnriooalr cnoagb. la not lo tbe Strand Itaelf. It Ilea roond tbe corner In the qalet. old-faxbloned ntrvat called John atrcct. "I want a tbeatn," aaja Mlaa RlatatoD. "that people can get to and reaeb In comfort. I want tbem to be able to raacb tbeir earrtam and eaba la comtact. witboat baalBK to atninle tbroMb a crowd at toat paMtafen or aet aplaabed from bead to toot od a ralar day bj pauloa antomobllea." iDilde tbe theatre la eoalneaa Itaelf. Ona no- tices at once tbe abaence of Imtb pit and cal- lerj, and. In fact, tbe ImDoaalbllltr of eltber. Tbe theatre la nearlr aa broad aa It la lon(. and almpir contalna three hundred eomfortaoia alalia, aloplnc down oa to tba ataga. and a Una af boxea. Tba at»: wmbajrt;,aiirta <" ■lane, alaoat aa hn'tm .imti0l-'tS». a tondon theatre. .. ' "Tba fart of tba aadltanai Mo> iihu," rnra Utaa Klncatoa. "daaa aot aacaa tbat tba plan will be email. Tbare nta mmuf aObcta In modern aatitraltatlc aettnit tbat-almplT can not be achlcTed In a bis tbaatre. Bo lEbe Uttia Theatre, with a rall-olaad ataga and an and- lenre uiwn whoa tba liner tonebea will not ba waaird. will ba a new tbiac from tbat point . of Tiew." In a aeaaa Iba Diaea vUl aalr attract tbe well- ]»da poblle. Aara will ba an aeata nadar nja. aad aJI wUTba w aarred. Tba front aeata wn aa $2.60. Tbara wiU ba no riiorona de- Cfaca aa rtcarda dreaa, except tbat tba matlaea bat wni be abaolntclT taboaad. One new feature will ba tbat tba namea of tba aathora of tbe rarlooa pnddctloaa will not ba announced nut II a week after the olara bare •een tbe llRht. It la hoped tbat tbIa amnce- meol will atlmolata Intcreat. In the plaja anu at tba aama tiaa promote fair critlclam. Wblla it win do no barm to the roona plarwrlcbt. wboaa plar. It cood. will be did; credited to bim In Iba eod. It win ba aometblnc of a pro- tertloo In famona antbora wbo are often ntber bardir treated, eapedallr If tbar bappaa to write a camparatliotr naat-.tHart 9* of a kind tbat la oat et.&airUrjbia. . If all (oea welV tba IkMA*' un it the flrat week ta OaMar. A. (OOd aaTa Ik reported fO itlkMt7 la kabd. aM •«>ure<i that tba^vm wni an ba ««Q atara the arerage. ♦ sraij time one bcaia aC a atw thtatM balat boUt. m can not Mto iMltCtll a paw at ta- «ret that la none at miS^ aanr to ladnde tba d»iSSlaM> wblcb, antll twenty nan am «u Jut ii m< wntlal B_nart of aa BaallahTbaatta aa the atace ■tatir, Hera It waa that tba principal- mem- beta of tba eompatir. wllb Tarylnc perloda of ■elaure toreKathatcd and paaaed the time walt- Ina for their ealla. Here the noaalp of the W waa ezebaaind, Iba latest teple of (enenl «^eteat dlacnaaad, and tba atocr of tba moment ~!!5LI2?L'"'S.!.'*'" ««*ota wit* na who can remember tbe oM dan at tba BayaaaAat. wboaa soodl J number of mammaiaJtt waa In tba £»• market ncen room, br tbe way. tbat a rale existed to tbe effect that anj one who canned IkVi** "olt.ahoold be flncd a bottle of wblaky, •■*!?'"« wblakr, waa promptly pro- dnced far tba antertalnment of tbe company. In •"•conaaetlon It U related that aoma of tba fr5r*. '■e'ndlnn tbe famona Bnckatona, aaed ;?i,JST'*S latanloua maana of naklac otUera of the company keep tbe ataco waltina which waa lorarlably quite anncfent to permit of the anfarceBeat or tho rule. The (mn room of tba eld t.rceom was e<|nslly as famona. CoonUeaa are tba atortea told of g*" JS*"!? »neette«B dorlna tbe couraa of iSLiS?* *?•" 't* Seeneat wlta and aamarlata of tba prefeaaloa mot la an tntar- chaace of ahota.' Ona of tba baat^ oC tbeaa I bare erer heard icUtta J» Tcar^ MrylT nana artreaa. who aUd^Ibn eSSSaS^aad JS^!* V.V°?. 'anely to mak* tba ly. Jnif^.i''''"'.^*'"? Irrlna waa In command. Bba waa disraaalna with anofber aetreaa tb« nawa of 1. .S'***"*?! •» company to J?_S?'?J cooalderebly yooncer and leaa oxpeH- •"SS! herself. "Oh. yea, of cooraa, aba'a miKb aMar," za- piled tbe other, "bat, after all. tbat'a not a bar to bapploeaa. And than, yoo know, that ao tar aa her naat life la concemad, aba baa told blm arerytbuc." 'WbatI" azdalMd tba flrat. ■'OTetytblagl" ahaolatdr araiTtbiaK. art?' mj daar. langnl^y anrreylnx herself In murmnrcd: "xca, and what mem- Attd tba other, tbe cr 017 r Nowadaya the (reen room la, with one or two exceptions, notblnc hot a memory^ Ao actor of Ua old achool, to wbom the qnestloo waa put 4 ihort tlma^^y^Miji'Maed tha Tlaw.that the PARIS LETTER If s a Dwindling List of Summer Theatres Open Now. Rain Damages What Summer Season Paris Has Had-Hie Motion Picture Field—Roller Rinks By PHIL SIMMS. If a correspondent sat himself down to dwell on the good Iblnsa In tbe thaattaa now open In tbla capital, the job woaida*t take blm for- ever. For It la a dwlndllac ataga wa ban brfore oa now. Two weeka ago when I goTe a partial Itat of the playbooaea defying sommer tradltloaa by Btaying open. It looked rather formidable. It doean't hare the aame appearanca aaw. It has cbansed tta coontenaQce qalte a Mt. acarce- ly round 10 answering to tbelr naaM wkaa tbe names of open bonaea a.-e called. There's the Comedle-FTancalaa atUI goUtg with Ita repertoire. It U open becaaaa It la obliged 10 be. Tha deeraa of Jioaeow. fomOlatad by ^ —. radablp aad Meadly Intaicoaiaa which gare U birth, and for ao many yean kept it allva. waa dead. too. The actor of tba prcaest day. be explained, la far mora aelbab and aaU-«aataNd craatura than bis prcdecesaon. Then la noth- ing about him or the breesy geniality and com- fanlonable quality of tbe player of eren twen- y years ago. If there were green rooma to-day, he thought that the prlnetpab would be far too Important, la their own opinion, to aaa tbem. Another Tlew la tbat tba wofderfnl improre- maata aSactad la diaaalnt-roooa In lacent times hna laadarad tba ipata loaaa nnneceaaary. Bat thia hardly holda water. There are aUU ooa or two giaco reoma left In I«adoa. Daly's has an extremely comfortable one, and ao baa Drnry Lane: bat tor tba moat part tba property maa- ter baa appropriated tbem for hia mooldtngs, pigments and glne-pots. In other cases, as at tbe Adelphl. for Inatanra, tbe old green room baa bocome tbe principal ntrcabment bar. al- thoMh aat .aaa nataoa tea thoaaaad wbo goea tbaiw tar a <nj£ aear draama at tba tamooa peopla^ tba bStery of tba dnma wbo bare itood la tha room la days long ago. One can not help feeling aorry for tbe dlaap- pesrance of tbe green room. It broke down those social dlatlnctlona which are becoming tba ciirae of tbe Kagllah atage; It derelopcd the esprit de corps of tbe protesalon: and. aboi* all. It waa tba resting plaea of all tboaa tradl- tlona of acting and "boalaaaa" whltt wata bead- ed dowB right from the tine at ahafeeaaean, and wbleb now, . nafortnnately, are gndnally being loot. FAVER8HAM IN NEW PLAY. la December. Wtlllam Vaaeiahavi wni pro- dace at_%jMlaa IHlffi ^ . paaS»,l» » lwrja fc lave at atlpoltted pettoda of abort dontlon. and.tbla la not ona of tbeaa part oda. Tba Oym- aaaa ta open be aana a tbay nara a good sbow tbare. Iflqnette et aa Hero. (Hloaalta and bar Mother) la tbe bUI. It la a comedy In tbrea acts, rscb a perfect dellgbt la Itaelf. Robert de Tiers and O. A. da CalRaTet are tba eollabo- ratora—this combination being quite familiar to American profesalonals whether tbey be maa- agera, artiste or playwrights tbemseUes. Aa plot Is qolte simple and runs shoot like this; lUqnette, a typical de Flen and de CaUla- ret beralne ancb as Blllle Barko baa made ao arcll known, not to mentkm tba charming lead- ing lady with jstaB Drew ■ - - a iBGoaataat Ocorge. aoa, titbala. «f the la la lore with tha . Id llarqnla da la Vgar-Uiraade.' Tbe n la aqaally aa moeh taa love witb Ml- onatte. : Bnt gniaapy dadi la Tlateotly. oppoeed w the match Be aeea tbinga Bolag agalnat blm ao he decided to reaort to berde meaaarea. Ra almply ktdnapa Mlqoette. wbo doesn't care a rap. Uotber now gela bmy, Mlqoette'a mother I meaa, and chaaca after bar. She halea to do It, bnt aha doeo, aba goea right oo Into tba llen'a den aad beaida blm. Ko, abe doeo eren woraa than that, aha Barrlaa hinu For gronpy dad falla a leia jrttt\lllaMt>i*g ■ather and there'a a waddlw npK ML ^Wmmtma weddbga, MiqneiM aaa Otaamaafa Caar Jair-baOa rli«&g tbamaalrea. Aa I aay tba ahow'a a good one. King Alfba- ao Xin.. and bla Queen, oa tbelr way toKncUnd aad Scotland atayed one night In'Paris, xbey went to eea tbla abow and laughed tbemaelrea Into a real good time lo aptte of tba erlUeal altnatfcn aeroaa the battler In Spain. Tbat aaya a goad deal for tbe abow, docaa't. I nader- atand the' piece baa' been bodgbt by aa Anal- eaa aMaaaac aad will be prodneed la the Halted the abaence fiom Parla of all tbe head men at tbe theatre. And myaelf waa abaeot frem l*** 'J'Ti^fe*!:.''* pi*** prodneed. There- fore I waalitaaaaaao aaaaagar an lolaatlca, area nalntaattaylr. hy attrilmtlag to aoaae aae elaa tbe pnrehaae of tbla dandy Uttle prapcrty—a mlatake ao eaally made. But to coatlaoa with Iba big abow. Tba Porta-Salnt-Marttn la going foil blaat with tba aame nndentady cast In Chanteclcr. Be- dnced pricca are itot keeping anybody away from this boasa. eltbar. Tbe bent aeatala. can bo had flif aaaaa. dollar aad giimi iia onea. • The _ aa tte Belgtaa aeaaaa «HMa la aa cad which It doea at the daaa at tba week. La Uarlaga de Itadeawlaella BenleiBana ta tba play. Tba TaodenUe, too, la aboat to cloae for a abort breathing anell, the doalng performance of La Secret de Pollcblnelle. Pierre WolTa three-act comedy, already being announced. La Dame da Cbea Maxima, by Oeorgea VbydaaB, la betag preaanjed nIgbUy at the Boallee-FarialeBa with CMa Lapareerle in the titla_ rola. ~ '.S? ? «aoa\ at ita f Oam I,«p.dnir..fia£.^ tlqne baa La Osnacrlle. tbe Apella, La Taai* Joyeaaa (Tbe Merry Widow). Tbat'a tba list of the reanlar ibaaliit aaw epea aad aa wui be aeen aome of tbeaa wflfha elNt* alaoat immediately. . T" TUB BBCOMPEKSB, But opening bomea wOl aboat balaace tbe cloalng onea now. The tida la aaw abaal at Ita lowest ebb—there wl" " - ™ going at one time,. the cootrary I betlaPB I two bonaea added. Vat Inatanra tta C ka j elat eaeaa tbe last of tbla weak ~gtt a Mttoal eT Sa ATaalaraa do OaTtocba iTba Adraatmaa o( Oefioche). TUa baa pnired a amat popolar abow fbr a naailiai of seaaona at tbla hooae. Jack Joyce, tba iinir Iran bronco-boater, will ba tba chief card la tbe line of apeelaltlra Introdoced. aad will be one of the remaining acts of last year'a ahow. Aa I remarked farther back, the Tandarllla la aooai to e loaa for a short time. Immediately the dean are ahat rebearsala on a new piece am e e maiaa c e, tha aame being the Deux Bcolra (Tare Bchoola). Tba premiere of tbu play wlu ba aeen later oa In Anguat: LUewlae It waa atated tbat tbe Marlage da Mile. Benlemana woald cloae at tbe Banalaaanee. It la to go on toor while later—a rery few days latei^Mon Ami Teddy, a play which 1 re- Tlewed laal spring In The Billboard, will be rratored to the boards. Tbla will run right oo up Into winter aa far aa It will go and then a brand-new prodoctloo from the pen of Georges de Porte-BlcnawlU bare Itaebaaco. Tbla play Ilk BAXMAM'S OHAUL Alllnd Baynaa _ may be egala befbra Mm Fbr be la hot oa tha tiaU a< meebanlral genlua of aeoaa aart. Somewhere In Borope there la a man wbo la aald to hare ISTented a folding sta..-r and pst- ent^d acvnery that t>eaLa anything In the donb- llng-np line you erer beaid of. It la aald that with thU new acbcme. tba binest. beavleat Erodnctloa erer ataged la New Totk City coaM a ptodaced perfectly at tbe Ultleat water teak atation In Oklaboma or Maine. A barn coold be treaafOcnied In a ilffy Into a ant-«lana play* hooae and acbool balls. Odd FOBowa' halla aad what not would be rerttable palacca ao far aa easy-lo-pnt-on prodncttons were concerned. For each company woold carrr Ita own atage. tbe scenery fOr jrblcb could be carried In a few trnnka. amall trnaka. iBiaglae. therefore, tha eagetaeaa with which Mr. Bayman la aleathlng aa thIa' man's trail. Tba gnBlaB la aald to ba a Bih l mlaa and tbe leaf I baud af Bianager he waa hot-ftoallig |tr~ tioa of Carlabad. "Charira Ptobmaa Brat ran aeaaaa Ikat'flia^ Ua man," Mr. Bayaaa-fiM Mb' > reanlta of bla gaalOa are praetlnl. lllagea a printa of tbla ••BBd BOW I to ae« If tbe reanlta < If they are It means tbat aeclndad nilagea aad amall dtlra will not bare to bolld tpedal Ibea- '— la order to eae flrat-alaaa abowa. We aaa Hlfa aoa'a daaghter—Itae. Ibe BBotber of a aoo. It caae Into tba world at Loadoa where tbe graad* daughter of Mme. Bernhardt la llrlng. Tbla. of coarae. makra tbe graad old lady of tbe French stage—It not tbe stage of tbe world a great grandmother. Tet abe soea ahead plaa- nlag for Ibe neit aeaaoa and tbe next with ttt' aame amoaat of hope and rigor aa a yooac atar of twenty-are. Truly aike Is a marrel. .:OBB DISKATISVACTION. It looka Ukc tba Oomedle~Fnncalse Is bound to l>e etenkally In a atate of nnqntet lo aay tba Irast. Or, In lieu of tbat. the public of Ike daOy aewapapeia will be dadiog fault wl;h Blaa aaya: We do not know whether Mli<'. rab»r will be a soobrelte of talent: wc will ju<lsc her la'rr on when abe makn her debut at Ibe Comedle: hot tbla we do know and knew M went'«a aerer would bare been enxaged thaae haa WW aaa aooae rery powerful friends. "At tho Theatte-Ftaarala the engaglog of aoubrettea tests la the haada of aeren of the a* there. Seme ef.lbjm aekaowl- abOltr: bat aoae of tbem 1» often aeen taVptodae3M. »t'»i»»?rJ°"SL ttoaoe which labora not. The awiiiitia rni—'— are aaBbercd dJatftaaaa •■ pac* dl.)