Billboard advertising (Aug 1910)

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16 ' X ti e B i 1 l b o a r d AUaUST 27;' 1910L OHIO VALLEY E;XP0. Wm be Greatest Event held in Cincinnati Within the Past Decade-News and Gossip of American Pleasure Resorts ' In fostering the Otilo Valley Exposition, wtilcb «Deiia on HoDdu. Aocnst 20. •nd clous on 24. tlw Clt7 of ClnrlnnlU ' Is aot wnUnK to adnnee ter on latcmte at tba czptBse of th* OMtlo ns of the Ohio TsUer ■ad tbe Sooth tbat comprise tbe scope of her commerdsl and I :k! as f rl a 1 zone. On the con- trary, she U seotclag to brin^ into closer com- - monlcatlon and Into better bosiness nnderatand- Inr. tbe prodncen of the Ohio Valley and tbOM «f the Sonth and other secttom, reallzins tliat ' any advance In trade conditions in either of these sections most necessarily l>e Mt liete; and tberefoie CiDclnnstl can aflToxd to torn the ex- Sltloa orer to her nel^^hborm with the feellnff t the beneBt which tb^ will derire frtm it ' wm nltlmately be felt here. ' Of coarse, tliere win l>e Cincinnati exhiklts In ■n the itpartments, bnt they wm not predom- Snite. In the Moolclpal Ballding, for inatuice, Fortsmonth. O., will hsTe a laner shoe exhibit than any otlier city In the Ohio Vallex: tbe Transportation BnUdInc will bSTC more made Tehldes than Cincinnati mamiL (oods; tbe lomber exhibita ot St. Ixrais and the South win b« sKcatcr than those of the Clndn- ■atl t uutwaa ; in tkc matter of textiles Clncln- nati win Dot be as weU represented as sereral other cities; and ao on ttarobah tbe Tarlona de- partments. Clnclmiati jiuuuiuctoz<9S and pro- ducers stepping sraccfDlly aaUe to allow ont- slde exhibitors to brine to tbla market their best products, to t>e ahowB to tbe baaOrads at tbon- sands or Tisltois wtio win cone to tta sxpealtlon during the four weeks of Its That thla 'maeUahaeaa aai _ the part ot the mahnfaetimas • borne trait Is attested to hr Om fbet tbat erery lath ot aTaUabia apaca in' tba expoaltloa was «IalBua tbtce weeks befm the date set for the * opssbBC; S3ad ooe-tblrd more conld liaTe been ailed had there been the room to place these ' late appUcants. An Idea of the importance which Industrial experts attach to this expo- aitkin may l>e fonnd In the fact that tiiere will ' be exhibits liom Canada, CaUfomla, Texaa. Flo- rida, and Eastern States in tbe Tsrloiis bolld- - this, deqiite tlie fact Uiat tbe eata- *,te«d"W tsr tb. Og. ■k^-lsCistv' iiAObi* tbe' tt i rltop obbtaelnc, ths nan aC'tta asnsaltiaa falls ol. r^nnenu-' Sani and 'with nimauus legitimate amnaementi, of which tbe greatest is the Jones-FIotidla opera. Psoletta. which was written for prodnctlon on this occaaioo. the exposition bids- fair to l>e the ' moat'pretentions.and comprehenslTe sectional in- dtistzlal exiilbltion ever held lii America. iBdoatrlal adTcrtlslng al fresco wilL be a fea- tnra of the opening of the Ohio Vaney Exposl- tioB on 'Monday. August 29. In other words, iMiiirfa j»#iigw sjid merchants will be gi'ven the oMJUitunity to bring tlieir pcodocta and wares SaSn tbe psMle tbsosiA Oe mMna of a ma^ nUeent atreet pagcaat.-^rtlch «m toarase tbe BdBelpal tbaraoAfarcs ot tbe ettr before con- ^idifat the grom^.of tlw cxpoaitlon. This gset SBcctacle will tie made up of a- number „ flasS. artistically created, Ulnstrating tbe Tarhna trades and Industries Interested In the cxpoaitlon. afores or sectloiu arranging their products or commodities on floats, wblchwOl become a portion ot this mammoth Industrial pageant. Not oalr •OlJ** special rates craved iloc the cxportSa ly.tkn railroads be b fim OB Uiat day, bat • aaaber of excmstoos are being arranged for tbe occasion. This means that there will l>e tena of thonsands of Strang en In the city to witness this parade, malong each display in the pagesnt an luTsluable adrer- tlalng medium for the enterprising Urm that cnated It. Places In this parade wlllnot be limited to local concerns, a general Inrltatlou being extended to tbe boalBcaa men oC ^^^tla gleam of llaaslac sairth. Xba Interest In aelatloB attracts tbe crowds to the half-hourly aeroplane trip to Mars, and tlie capacity ot the spadoos airship la teatfd at erery Bight. This attraction liolds the record In populsilty, with tbe Witching fTSTes, the Pneimiatlc Tube, the Mountain Torrent, the Cfaates. the Tickler, and the Tlrglnla Beel each coateading for socoad honors. To determine the ■Mat popniar ot tba ladoor abowa. aocb da Ha- —la. tba ^ a l aa lm si. tba Monkey Moaltf BaU, mtcdcr uoladk cUas ss a* Bealstdr. tbe Teaser, the Old-mil, Iks Oskswalk, <tii • aeore ot other ■ attraetfaaj : WfM » *. Ml jiii* matter, as eecir dsy Jaji tb— UB aa ii l ttmm noon DDtn midnight. Bat six weeks more remain of tbe t<ana sea- sou, as the park Is scheduled to close Mardl Gras week. It was Frederic Thompeoo who first conceived and successfully carried oat the woo- derfal seaside MartU Gras csmlral.' trbIA hsk become an eatabllahed fareweU fnncticci of the Coney Island seaasa; and bma Park la again lamtlas tet tbe laal days'.JabOatlao which ..-1 occur daring tba mtA of Sept. U. Tbis resort win again be coosplcuoosly In the front as a leader, t>otb in the gaiety which will be In erldence In tbe park and In tbe represeota- tloB io tbs Ifaidi Oias nazades wbldi aieloae o( tba Mg Ibafpsa .. '^ - tbe crowds aar ba accommodated. Hot kaa tbeiHes - - that ^ _ weather makaa tbe rWts extreme farorltea, and In these The Glaciers, with its Arctic acenery and trip cat orer tbe sea. Is tbe leader. Alligator Joe. the Borneo VillsEe, Aroond the World, BeaatUol Melodht and Mgfpt am com- ing la Cir_a At Brigbloa there win be the gramme, and It _ bat little more to aay, for tbe amile hall of- ferings are alwaya so-attractive that most pa- trons of tba big seaside theatre hardly look critically at the list as they are certain they will get the best that can be procured. Head- ing tbe bin this week will be Bessie Wrnn, the Lady Dainty of TandeTlDe. wbo bas been booked by popular reqnest for a fliul engigement thl- sesson. Miss 'Wj-nn will say good-bye to vaude- rllle for another scessoo at least, ss she will again star in musical comedy darlag the coming tall and wlater. She la a toapassr aC de d dad abnity. and 'singa aome of ber own aoaga. ta- elndlng I'd Like To. But I Won't. Kobody Knows bnt Noab, and If tbe Wind Had Only Blown the Other Way. Comedy will perrada tbe entire program tbls week, and tbe chief fonmakers will be Blxley and Fink; wbo will agala offer tbelr trsTestles on grand opera and a budget ot nonsense tbat aSHMaa the arerage andleace ntk Mitar than ■■KttiK that dependa oa qoMsraiglfestK Blx- lesr' IB his burlesque oo Vase. MMba. aad Fink, as a earlcatnre of Camxo Is p rorocatlTe of cbotlnoooa mirth. Other loteresting feitnies of the bill are the -FarrrU-Taylor Trto. la a ■Inglng and danrtng mktt: tba TsasBis Qaartatte: The Bessie YaMMSi~nw^;ll||<|..agis aad acrobats: KeUr aM BaMk MMkm'CMMdlsas. and others. ♦ Tbe fltat natlooal drnmploosblp dlrlag contest for women erer held in thla country win take place la tbe big swimming pool st Steeplecbaae Park, August iS. The entry list Is a very large man for Harry Bill" Clerk dark Dales np In surprise and exteadlng bis hand, a]sca- lated, "Well. I'll be bleued! Barry. It's nearly ten years since 1 bare seen you." Six-looked st the clerk for a moment In asloDlshment, when Oalea aald Uagbingiy, "I dare yon to dire tlaa tba cfoak btMaa la ■ijaa. «Ma." ~^ Jbe dctft bv tba baad wttk tba r Jbe dctft bv tba baad with tba naaib.^ Dales, the bar I aaad ta nm awiv.ftwia wttb to go in awlmmlng." And ineo It wm, KENNYWOOD AWAY AHEAD. a ttssi Tsrioas parts of the ta taks part. Qwi c. Interested la tbe ezpositloii to pmue floats to partleipat* in the speetade. Kor wOI tbe parade be eoa a ned to strictly industrial features. One of tbe dlTlalons wUI be deroted to a display of work boraes, this department being tmder tbe direction of the Ohio Hmnane Society, which has appropriated tbe sum of »2,500 as ifflxc money for varioos IntereatlnB features In connection with the treatment and general condition of-tte horses In tbe parade... Amjjt^ « —sr to to the IndostrU P«<<l*Bj'i9* ■S'*- positlan managesacBt oOrb tasae pcucs or #3»u one for tbe most mdqne float, one for tbe Boat besntifnl float, and one for tbe float offer- tbe' cteater up-****'- of general points of —— -. tsr tbe pagsaat aow « -^'^ —, K the ooNiY ituuib itoiria, COSIST SOON CLOSES. Only s few weeks more remain for Coney Is- land's summer seaf^n. Bad weather has coo- trlbnted much to put a halauce oo the ledger's wrong side. There ban bees, of coarse, other esasn alao. bat tba Maacsl Miac pterails tbat bad oM igar.glgia jtsU at_hB» e tbea . waold be lancer babk su s asU tipc an ceacer n ed. Orer at the Palisades tlie moralists of Kew Jer- sey are maklne tblnm bum—eTerythlng In the way of noise, except tbe mosoulto serenade, is sbnt down at 8:30 Sonday nights. LTTNA PABK. Lma Park's attendance aad popolarlty In- creases as the season ptogreaaaa. Xbe two score and tea sttrsctlons in the Oaart ot uma are atTlng almost euBtluuons perfocosaecs er- ^SCItoltt^'da^^aUni^ Ibcta is e*eir «BiletT of aeed aad cara-ftee calsi lalaBiat ta taaa Park, and eratr . a»o»eat . et aoS^ Tlslt tp tbe gicat seaslde;esisim zcasrt ca> ke oe- k famed far and wide for Ita larlsh neoBa open-air amaaement derleca. of dellgbt constantly attend tbe great langb prodneliig Bonlties that- roostltnte tba park's sttraetloaa. and at night wbra ninmiaed br tbs iiissj IsiSiidisiiMl Ismiis It Is a radlaat JAPANESE JEA GARDEN, One of the principal features of Luna Park, Coney l.sland, N. Y. Plttahorg. Pa., Aug. 20.—^Thla—has txen a baimer season at Kenggmod Park. Tbe larg- est picnica erer-bald' at any park la or near riltsTima halT linil still il lliiiii IHi summer, the largeat days-t>en«'lbe-two di9<~tbe saaaal picnic was held for tbe ber *' " Orphan Asylnm, when more Tislted the park each day. The maBageaBaata-thls yc isriac coaster tbat has prored tbb seasansB of tba local amaaemeBt world. _ Tkis lellar coaater tea acUpwd anything In tbla aatlloa ot tbe BiaaMJ and "^oy ridlnr' la a tarsrita sport ta this section of the State. An Amaleaa mppadratne waa Installed Jhls aaaaoa and did a sTicceaaful busloeas until It was auceeeded by musical comedy which Is now lieing glren dally at the park. A number of other new imprOT*- ments bare been added. Including^ bawling al- ley of six alleys. SoBtbera Park haa alao eaJoyeO'B prodtabta aesasB With SIM-«C tbe tegcst-pleBies «C Iks josf yat ts ka MM. . MHleil CNMdr sad vuib: ammrs bio c ABMivittu " - Coney Island, N, Y., August 20.— Th* Car- niral of Cap and Bells, the title by which the Coney Island Mardl Oras, which is to be held during tbe week begtaoing September 19. Is flat o shape. Tbe floats aad aeeBaasslsa (cettlnK Into _ this year win be better and more L erer. for the aimual carol rsl, now an estab- lished erent has attracted the attention ot tbs doat-tratlders and carnlral makers of the coon- try. Great rlralry ensued for tbe eontrict of building tbe floats, which was finally swarded to the Boblnson Brothers, of Ksnsas City, and tbe Coney laland pageant wui excel anytblag ther base e»er dooe. _ . Oar maa«acfaden wfll be a (eatsre ot tkaB year'a erent. The carnival Idea bctog new t* thla section of tbe coaatiT till a few .yaora thla sectloB of .__ . — _ _ ago. little was thoogbt 9t IMs Csalare. Bnt after Isst year's ahowtac wkea all manaer of clever dess In costtuning and giotesqoe effects were a portlrm of each nightly oarade, the com- mittee in cbirge of the affair decided to en- courage that aectloa. Aecefdlndr. eatasbla prises IB csid ba«*^M(.gpHed. sad tbs i thus Car 1 BIG AimHip llP AT rONT Tbe secret ot tbe work tbat kaa been going oo at Fort George for^^eJaSt m s atli .^^ baBUng who hare aeOB tsaas eat'iawB and eld bolldlngs raxe<1. was let oat yesterday laftetaoon whaa Frederic Tbompaoa annoanced that be bad serodrome, the first ta Kew Tork. and tbe Isrcast in this coontry, well nnder way on that site. A Heet ot sir craft In tbe anal stages of e«<mp1etlnn Is already there. All are monoplanes of tbe Bleriot type and almost (dentlral with tbe one that croued the Kntli>h AanoeL Everr detail of an aeroplane as wen a« tba llnlsbed product wlU he abowa tbere to rMtsn. Skilled mecbanles mK Ikaar^kav anHgrpvtaC a macbine Is madC' 'Rjt|VkW,Mlt «g SCkSH of Instruction. --• : - ' . _ — . The vksi* aNr wtM SB Ike cM of mt Georaa kna kasB.acwrir^ tbe tke STEEPLECHASE PIEB. When the new rocmd tickets were Introduced at the Steeplechase pier this season,- tbe coimt- tttg snd checking of tbe bundles wss done by any ot the office help wbo happened to baTe a little spare time on their hands. Tbe pier haa BOW btc oaa so pepnlar a rcaort ereir day of gt'.Mw iikft'4a'aeth- OMk.*.^ X. BOtil jS. Ike edtee Mad (or These reoBd badges taaee tweBty-Hre irambets printed around the edge. Each number repre- sents an attraction or amnaeatent derice of some kind wtuch la OB tba fleer. Aa tba patrsa takes hu or ber tasa jit^lka dHNMkt aBanMBli .-tta correspoDdInK MMMmb STS pkMkCt OTt l)r tt* guards. Manager Perry baa Istely got out something new lo tbe way of adrertlslDg. He baa hao cuts made representing tbe new badges, with s wide margin around tbe oatside edge. On the margin opposite each nnml>er la a cartoon sketch Ot the particular aimueBieBt. Thla is BOt ooly a Bosd admllslafl dcTtea. lat lt|dfea.aas who bi ast teatf" - we--»«r Idea «( tke ^ WIMt Falaea. l aa alr asa aaiBbara sa the tickets, ; tw«a9-fl*e es iu s i miat a , aad tbey .r-flre cents, admlttloc tbe bcMK to ou ttie pier. OREATEB DHEAMT.ANP. Orcater Dreamland has closed aiMtber big and aaeccssfui week, adding more lanrela to Ita moat psoeperous season. Its Snndsys bsre been Ism- med. tbe wccfcdaya all eood and the nigbu big. Bdng directly on the sea, with a flne expanse ot beadk and aa ocean pfooenade. cooling brceses are erer pnsiat. ia Dnsalaod. Tbs many acw shows are MMait ttflkHr (a tbdr ea- Ublltbed popalatlir tad Ita acmat attiaetka. tbe JelMes-jobnsoa eoatest pictares, Sbowa ta the Ocean Pier Theatre, are drawing weU. Two ot tbe shows.. Aliss Kid Allen sad Tbe Dirlng Girls, hare proren sncb sticressea tbst General Manager Gnmpertz is now looking for apace to t in two abowa of each, making it poealbla to exact doplteattoB ot t£e ortglBal, so Ct li re TILvoa. wbo bas fostered this sport as well aa I swimming contests, so tbst it bas taken a prom- inent place in tbe amateur athletic world, baa doBated for tbe Orst prise a gold medal stodded with a dUasoad. a Jeweled eterllac aileec aaedal for .aecoM. nd a JewM bceaae swdsl Car third nrfae Tbe eoateet Is for amatcers sod professlonsls. The peek wUcb Is aald to be the largest In tbe eeaatlT. Is 210 feet loag. «2 feet wide, and at tbe iwmt -where the dirlng will take place is 8 feet deep, thus making It well adapted for tbe competition. A balcony with a seatlne capacity of several thousand sur- moanta the pool on one side, so tbat It witi t>c possible to sea with comfort the work of tbe yoang wtatm. Many nmtestants ire from ^an battaa.- Bnablya aad New Jersey potata. tbfVB.Is aB^aODeelany larae r-v^ HARIIV SIX At HOIK. Bocbester, N. y„ Angnat 16.—Aboat ago. two lads. Ilrlng in tlie little towaaC Ohio, were accaatoased ts a—" —= hoora and, witboat sMaOaF It said, oeeasloaallj, piogress. for a rialt to tbat apot wht^ It erery Tillage contalna within Ita IMta which has t>een made celebrated by tbe poet Blley. "Tbe Old Swlmmtn' Hole." Not satisded with tbe natatorial proBctency attained In the creek flowing tbrofisb 'he town, one of_ tbcae lads aonght new accompllatmients. • bat by bis companloa one I te dlee from tbe sleep Iiank . TUa feat aBceeaafnlly nego- Uated by bofb lads, tba ooe challeaged toned to bis fellow swimmer wltb tbe remark. "I dare you to dire from tbe top of tbe brMge." To this the one addressed de mun ed. at tbe ttaa threatening to ten hts companion's folks shaiM sncb sn sttempt be msde. This, taowerer, bad no deterrent elTeet onoa tbe smbiliooa lad. wko ran BP tbe raillags of the bridge and Immedlate- Ir ninaged bead trntuia a t lata tbe water. nvm tbat day thare wss gae predomlnatlDg tboBgbt in tbe disefs bead sad tbat lo dire from a greater belgbt than coald aay other man in the world. iMt 'Hoaday mcimln.: wt'n Harry Six. the man who bas been sttrtllng the rlsllors to Ontario Beach Park with h's supreme nerre. entered the Hotel Ontario, be Inquired from tbe aaa beblad the desk, "baee yea say CONEY CAT CHE8 MAHARAJA. New York. Angiut 20.—Ctaaey IsUad did the bnslnen for Msbaraja Uoorbbanl. ruler of half a mlllloo persons In Bengal. India. He took fnst one look at the Shoot the Chutes and tbe Tickler, and canceled bis psssage back home oa the Msnretanli. , The Ralab, a yoong man. thoogh the ruler of a Ma praeiaee. easae.awar ttmm bla aatire Itra- gles «gr tke flwrSa».ta.ek« A ayrtrs - Some- body Bade oat Ms iKmty far kla. . „ Tke Maetwrr care bim only two days In Naw Tack, bat wkra be stmrk Coney be decided to bis aebrdale. He got busy oa tba t«>. Id calitd sC bis passsge bsoM. WIRE PCRFORMKR liCIUREDu Porllnnd, Ore.. AOS. 10.—While doing a ! wire stoat betosa a crowd ot people at tte mciTy-go^saad at tlaloa« aveaae. ud Alhsrta attaet wTtgalflH ar dasarta M. !• Mgk^wlre MtCNnMr. fen sbsat » fc*t^to tbe Irsoad. HIa leg sraa brokea aad an ankle dls- haested. Be waa taken at ooee to St VInceafa BoMtal. where the Hmb and ankle were set. Tbe hteabtag oC tbe pole which held the wire le sbM by S. y. Arnold, by wboro Le Srrenge ■tared, to here been the cause ot tbe se- dtheagb aaotber statemeet ta made to - that tbe wire was f Abeideca, M. BU iMMl' -Owtag to rial diOkiitkB kilM kMMrikl: sa by lack o< p a troaage, tte- AbeeweeB meed Oarfleo was coaa- penr«,tBjaMlt ttS dean to tbe public last Sat- nrdar OBMlaB. A tato aammer and general la- deoMaitwaiBar amad to i^ike^Hw poUle VMTiM - Mlia* 7 WONDERUMliD . PAWK . Minneapolis,'Ulan., Aug, 31.—Boy Wilder, of Minneapolis, took a try In the Sonp-Bowl at the TwIn CItT Wonderland. Park, and be la now seeking «IB.000 damagea ot the park manage- ment. In his salt. &d ta tbe dUtrlet ceort here. Wilder tflfli flMt l ' the bowl. M lajartaa. trytafl to crt.aat «r a hnksa arsi aat alMr