Billboard advertising (Aug 1910)

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AUGUST 27,. t91& Ttie Billboard 17 DEATH. - ■Mr York. Augut 20.—Bcnojr Piins. a jmug btHooDlat, oMt • horrible <l««Ul oa Auoit 12. it Uw dot of tba artatlM BMt at Asbarr Pirk N. J. ta waMlK a * »ibla paracbatc drop, lha letni pmAote falKd to open, and b« toU aor* tban 2.000 IMt. Aa tb« awaylDK l2dT aeaicd tba croaixl It atmck the' limb of as appla ti«», and tha boj'a bead waa trana- asrd oo tba limb like ao apple oo a atlck. Aa It atrack tba (Toond tbe beadleaa body waa croabed loto an anrecogBlxable maaa. Prioa tvent7-atc reara of age and a darloc bal- NEW JERSEY GOSSIP. Park to Ramain Open Until T.ata Fall, whan Fair will be Givan. ralludo Annaemcnt J., baa proraa a taM-da _ ^ _j the dIrcetlOB tt KMaUa aai Jw.M.--,,^^- a* aWa aariataae* of Daa flaltk aat WiMtr X ■iMricT tka ma a a raar a aa at aMraa. rnm the tHnaae at the daltr attaadaaea the manaseeaent baa decided to keep the park opan until' late la tba fall, when probably % eooatr (air will take nine*. Sunej duplicate of Veoiu. while blab Mrcbnl up oa ■ tree, ta llTlns In tbe open air. a> ttila la a free aoTelty It baa won for tbe naaagMnent a atar blae ribbon winner. Tbe danelDa bull, belna ooe of tbe larae«t Id tbe Btate. cootlnnea to draw lecord-brcaklns crowda. botb aftemooo and efcnlw. J. p. Barrett, of Oattaabats. N. J., a eorrea- poodeat of Xha BiUbaai*. la la Taraate to at- tS tka Caaadlaa Matiaaal ji MMIH a to he M« Aagaat » ta Jut i rtw IS., ta a praaaoMr at aai for prtmothiv'tte' Oattesbers tbe paat t Maa lawa. J. P. BARRETT. far ANOTHER POLI CY TRIED. Dnbaqse. la.. Aug. 20.—tTolon Park'a eoatlj theatre, wllta Ita a.000 aeatlog capacity, after ■olleltlag_patrottage wltb a dramatic itock cofn- paay. followed by TaadeTllle. la now tntlac ne pabltc'a wants wltb mllltsrT band coocerta aad mot:o3 p'.rtui« Fair Workers' and Streetnen's NEW GOODS JUST our van FOR ous xzw mo xllvb. IbfM tree to yoar addreaa. Send tor It t»«ay. It wm paora to yoo that we tare tbe lateat and beat- aelllcs gooda at rOSmVELT THE LOVTEST PRICES. oOmd lor the lalaalM tadiaa. naaa. SIMO. Wa for ^aaehea, XewalfT. Poontata Pcoa and Norcltlca. ALTBACH *. ROSENSON WhelMal* Jawalar* 'ne Homa of Norcltlea rn-in z. Tuumm at. oumco, m. tL4B: par MLUNM ASCENSIONS PROF. LONGO THE BALLOON KING Some open time. LONOO BAIXOON AMD BI- PLANE CO . DaDvlllr. Ky.; T. Longo. Ugr. and Aeronaut. We fornlab bond for apfiearance. igt CBKAM CONKS that are dellekma and pure. MB ataad laapcctlon of tbe pore food law. ts par 1.000. Addreaa J. H. UNDSEY A SON. tMIBdaga Park. N. T. (Idea; . »*ci TOP sAMAOi-aoiao. 10 n. doiritle: llgbt-proof; 4 caMar. 1* aMa ptfoi u-r Plctnc top: coat »«; aaB tarMt. SCTifaeblnc aad s.aoo fu Ola. «n. ounm nut ex.. Vtm, Drink Ooolera, K. T. Bat Doc OntOt. BOX 114. CelCH WAETED—Olran'a ' 10 to 23. Olenn Qnataat Big Fair a. Cnrttaa WANTED ^ leOHPANTANICflNCESSIOinS frVJlLSS*^'!?" ^ Sept. 28-3»-M-Oet.-l. at CarrolltoQ, Ky. Good town, becauae onlywat •■•"•'"e*" Cincinnati ami Loolnvlllc. Write SEaMwky ^"'•'■^ ■'■ T. DiillNT, Carrellton, --■gg- AMNOAl» BTREKT FAIR to bo sS? !iJ?W9L«> Wright Co.. Mo., three days. 1 rS ? qi ae_ .t»_ two t honaaMt jpeogto SLOT MACHINES Wanted to boy aoma UtUa Dewey Slot ilaehlnea ■awy; nnat ba cheap; do not wlab to potcbaae trom factory. 246S S. St. Loula Are., Chicago. PRANK 80H0RIK A CO. WAVTED-flaod mlaar. FUaa ~ artl<dca at . daa, Iowa. Sttte naaa. Bacttie Emdo- SOUVENIRS Novelties and Specialties For Faira. Caniiv«la, Or* cuaes And CalebraUona A cooplata Una oC Caialral aad Btreetmca'a Oooda, aaeh aa Ton. Balloooa. KolTca and Canea (or Baeka, Jewelry, Pennaata, ate. BALLOONS No. 53—Wblatnnc 1 G«—WblatllDg .... ISO—Sanaage ....... 00—Gaa TO—Oaa S-Canlaal Whlpa. ■ 31—Camlral Whlpa. 10—Impaitad, _BaIf- $2.00 3.M S.OO 4.00 IS tala CAZALOSDS OV AnUOA- COE, TONGE & CO. Ninth and Luoaa ST. LOUIS. MO. FAm W0EXEB8—SIREETXEH Something new. Tha Taakaa Hi* Sadler, ebown all ablaie makea big flaab, 100% profit. 100 Oree—3 cents; aampla IS cenU. Write qalck. YANKEE KINDLES CO.. Olney. lU. 70E lAIZ—Nearly with dgbt moalcal " ~ paddlea, (30.00. Aacaaa. Chlcaso. AFSIOAS I'a gieataat attraction. See blm SPI.A&H. A mlat aa Calr gronnds. Write only. MEXICA.N' ABIIADIIXO (Uino CO., Boom 300, 50 Firth Aac, CnUcago. " AM U ItE IUaiT PAU WASTED"—I wlU leaae small Park for season commencing 1911; prefer aoat l«.Om'all-tha-yeai^taara. Ko eompatlt _ . see most command at least 93.000 cash. R. I.. JENNINGS, Idaraball. Texas. WANTEIMIUTDOOR ENTERTAINMENT Atter-Harrest Jubilee, to be U 1, 1910. Addma J. H. Xartb Jndaon, Ind. Tor Sept. S ta 10 (bb right in ceater: blE HOOSB, ~ - - A Bushel of Mooei FOR YOU September O to lO Ap<ily qoick foe apace: all klada oC at and street meo; horryt whola eoaas la Kalaed. 8ECBEXABT STASKB OOUHTT LIR (Etnct). - Attractions Wanted ttlMMIIl, 0. September ST, SS. SS. (or Street Fair wt ' Tsl—Free Acu aad aoae good, daaa <^ Hat rata; all faran of OoaceaaioBa. r E. ZIMMBBUAM. UwaoBTllte. OUa. FOE SAZX—Tent: aftr. with tMrty, ten-foot arall; ropea, polea, etc.. Mamaee: big bargain; Brat draft for »5O.0O gets It. EDW.iRD ELEV- ENS. Trlilco Plains. TVon. AGENT AT LIBERTY For repertoire or oae-i perlrnced: can Join any Weatcott Block. Rlcbmoad. BALLOONISTS AT UBERTY UENRT WSS MABEL HaW labor Bay laler dates open. For particulars address Phelps & BeOmont Bal- loon Co., 138 Ck>ldbrook St., WnHUCi&NQIIIIIIIIt^^ c I wiuchisTHEFBATIIKB]tIDBMlUtedeFuk.NeirYoikCI^. APARA- ■ BOUC CENTHIFnGAL THRILESR—the most EOG^rTRIC RIDE IN ■ THE WORLD. Three motiona—none of them viobo^ jrvt thnling MWWEh ta ■ diaw capacity business. A leader in winning repMitadiUBE, PARKMiftNAHtiiBS ■ whOe in New York should see it operating. ■ wccewTiNuc TO BUii.o THE cmei-Kawiiio. ■ WRITE FOR CATALOaUB. I NOVELTY MACHINE COMPANY. Roctor Strot. - - - - - - - HEW YORK, AMJNV DINAH'S HAND l^tlNDRY GETS THE com AT THE rAIRS It waa made for that patvoaa. Fimnleai ball game jf»»r batlyhoa. nap Im line to h!?^tha aegfo waaek oa the aoodlc. XaklaE 9B to fSO a day at tain. Mot* tain and moic money tbu seaaon. TUna to get yoora. Eaa- Uy act Dp. Crated. Can ba checked. Ship- ped promptly. Price, (SO, complete. SZS ""■> order. Send for cirenlar. W B A. E. j SELL ' WOBIS'S eXZAXEST MOTELXT OO. W Elm Btiaat, Clarimiatl, OUa, THE AFRICAN DIP.. O R A N C E A D E A Pound of tho Powdor Makos Forty-flwo Gallons of Dollolous OrangMdo, and Rotails for $40. We gnarantee thla powder to make tbe beat Orangeade on the market. Taatea the beat aad paya yon tba beat profit. Doea not contain Coal-tar color or anything prohibited by any Pina Vooi law. U. S. Serial No. 11708. No tronble to prepare It, simply add water, aweeten and It la ready to drink. Frlee, $2.2S per lb., prepaid. Sample (gallon) package. 10c. We alio make Lemoeatta, Baipbany CIdar, Strawfaany Cider and Cherry Older powdeca, which are the aame ati^Hth aad pflea aa oar Oraaceade powder. We maka 10 drlaka m all, and will aend a c«qnete aaaoctment of aamiilea (aetnal ralne, S1.4S>. by azpreaa. pra- nild. for 11. Sample of any one kind, with catalogoe, fOr lOe. Wa aell eooiaia, glaaa Jan. tnmbler carrlera and tnmblera at loweet price*. He 0, O. D"*. CBAS. T. MORRiSSET CO., B.2430 HumM St, CHiCAGQi ILL LOHBAROO'S SYMPHONY BAND and OPERA CONCERT CO., SIGNOR G. B. LOMBARDO, DIRECTOR, Which was chosen as the official oiiganization of the Knights Templaw Conclave, Chicago, wedc of August eighth. Six weeks' engagement at White City, Chdcago; also Milwaukee, Des Moines, Lincoln, Huron. Omatuk andDenvor. Nowbookiogseason 1910-11. Address care The BmiMMid^ I LET US SEN D YOU QPR CATALOG TAXIOIB HA.T (new) Groes $7.00 DM. Me PANAMA HAT " 3.2S « SOe SOUVENIR LOOP WHIPS " 5.00 " «>» JAPANiSE WIND BELLS per 100 6.00 " Tfc JAP CROOK CANES (£2?) per 1,000, $12.00; per 100, SIM WHITESON COMPANY ■inafaetarart, rmpcitara M. Jabbar* 240 E. Madlaoa St.. CHICAGO. ILL. THE BIIilAOARD'S OliASSIFIED B UMU OMB KHK ADDBESSES OF AliL THB Ii£ADERS.