Billboard advertising (Aug 1910)

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18 Tlie Billboard AUQusT 27» ana. SAWDUST AND TINSEL News of the Circus Week and Bits of Gossip of Per- formers and Agents, People and Professionals Identified Witti Shows Under Canvas pmci w-iiw ymEfc Xb* BiotUoc Sbow wm am to tt* •.'OnaSMrattttl" — whmt-a fended toward Dnrloff the past wp«k. 28,860 ahcetx of paper have be«o posted by tbe men on Blngllng BroH.' ■dTectlsIos car number one. This iacladra tbe MUIag of town and coon try. Ib« laitwt tam of tb» wMk was St. loacA. Utt., mli»Tnatga. ICc, Tanked tbe smallm. Bpeaklnc at lUaaooii recalls or ba*ti>c been itrodnced to a r«al estate dealer named Jefcyll. Be xlla land In Byde county, * Ob, pennyehnckeie! "Kid" Koater. tbe "well- knows to ahow folks" agent, baa anotber per- aooal note bi a drtinatle raper. In tbia line ot pobllellr, Kostar and J. Bonard Dyllyn sallop ^^*|nk^jj«* ,alMa •Vany'* Dana ' NIdnlas Feattmbooa Keair aaya: "What's tbe Moae or bnrbiir a benalna boar wbcB jroa «aa alt a faldr food apla oat or a pint o*. . Bad Tog Bye? O. Ii. Bott, maaaclDc editor, St Toaepb, Uo., NeWB-Prpiw. Twtrayn the red blood In hla reins by placing Wnlt MaRon'B phlloeophy next door to tbe edltorUl column. AnC 'lKb. Batt la aona writer blmaelf: his edltorlala MW tO tbe point and bnbbllnc over wltb losle. ♦ Tbe proper way In wbleb to become a fnll- fledged robe la accoiai4tabed by parcbmaing a celluloid collar and a b<|| ot peanute. That tbe newspaper same pays dividends In .MsMD City, Iowa, la beat pointed ont In tbe fact ot The Times oecnpytng a new building, wblie tbe GlobeKJaaette Is aooo to be bonaed u - - - - - Mr. J. C. Wise. Jr.. of the Maniato, Minn.. Review, claims bU father famished tbe drat printing matter ever used by tbe BIngllnga. Manasug Editor Brandenberg, ot tbm Madison, Wla.. Democrat, also states tbat be sold tbe qolntet ot brntlien their Otst menaserie tOatmc Tba Vort Dodsa. Iowa. Mtmnges bas a feaaale ^«|»;^ 'jaiaWt ftfttr* "d b tka-ait «C «Miiw a bioe aUkaw Wt ha«« «oa «aUs maala wllb a Tbe otber day I met an old soMler wbo aald be posted bills wltb Tom Dalley "Jost 'fore tbe wah broke oot." INTnUOII AND IXTBIIlOlt VlWytU OP A NIW THIATIUOAL TINT. WANTED TOR . ■ " CALIFORNIA FRANK'S ALL-STAR WILD WEST Lady Calliope Player, Musicians for Band; also blue and reserved seats. Adckess, Fair Grounds, Ck)urtland, N. Y. Toronto Exposition, August 27th to September 10th. Sometbinff abaolate'.y new In canvas bomf-s for theatrical performance.n Is now being pat an tba aarket by tbe Ualrcd States Tent sod Awning Company, of Chicago. It la a commodlona Mat eipe rl aHy adapted for tbeatrical nse. It Is a perfect theatre when pot op and la tm Mm Mlas or otbar Aatnctioaa wblcb Inurtere wlih a new ot tbe atase. Walter P. Uriecr. ac tba ualtta StatM Tmt and Awnlns Company, concelred tbe idea and waa tor eighteen mootha Uborlns batd on tba Idea nntti It was ezceated. Tbe Beat at these rapertolfia tenta, or Driver's Improved Tbeatrical Tenu, as tbey art termed, was set op In CbleasSb on (ronnds owned by Mr. John MeCaffefT, wbo Is treasorer of tbe ecmpaar. Prominent abowmea wen larited to the Inspection and It met wll^.tbalr lamadlate fa«M M tba asteat that lina wmm sold an tbe spot. Snbaeqnently Tictor BAHbait^.tA*JhanftMar acna OUmad tta.itaiapida, pnrebaaad oor. What be tbinka at Jt^ alMr ■ vtBMial trial la arldaMad la tba fmarlat ascarpt ftom an imstdlclted letter: **I have been using tenta for tbe past 15 years and-have bad several special tops made, bot none have given me ancb aatlata^tion a» Driver's improved Tbeatrical Tent. When erected It coama neater to repr«ai »tlng an Interior of an Opera Bease tban any otber teat on tbe market. CALLIOPE PLAYER WANTED YOUNG BUFFALO WDLD WEST Aadraw Talbot. Alcaiar Theatre. 108 E. Madiaon St.. Yours Till Snow Flies South. JOI. 3: •il'^i Kt'^llllJS lien 01 GOSS' SHOW CANVAS \ ' 7 BUCK TENTS CIRCUS- FLAGS "Waterproof Covers -tit ICS Sin rilHOi: JIP StCaiD hiSL IIST h« J. c. Goss CO. Tents SPEOIAI. PBlCSa ON AhL NBW AND OND HANB TBNTS DDBING THB NBXT . DATS. TO REDUCK STOCK. SPBOIFZ JTOT WHAT YOU WANT. CIHIMBIS TENT I AVWNfi eSMNIIf. COLUMBUS, OHIO. GROUP OF FOUR LEOPARDS AND ONE PANTHER Trained to work together; alao Uona^ Foong rantbers, Btntnrang, Caaaowarlea, UonkefS and otbor anImaU and birda. 20 Polar Beara tor Au^. and Sept. delivery. Order* taken now. WEHZ * ICAOXENSEir, Sept. &, Tardlar. Bncki Oo,, Pa. Pbona Oanal add*. Eatabllabed laOB. Thmnson A Vandiveer CIRCUS TENTS SIS PmH at, CINCINNATI, a TENTS SBOW T wraB^ jjhMnc^^tjyigi^j^w tops. and ercfTthlbff te taaiML OiaC ftv catalatne. DOUGHERTY BROS. TENT ft AIMING 60. IM-U Soatb Main Blraat, - M. tooU Ke. SGEIVERY ■OU. AJtt 00.. OMaka, Vabr. SideShowPamtings SIEGMUND BOCK 723 Blw l>land Aw.. Chi——, Ilia. Choice ^tbooa la an slaM: alaa plaa or tattle beada. d to • feet loos. Balls and otber saakaeL monkeys, birds and amall Scad far list. Lowest ptleea. 7. BOfl^ M V. Philadelphia. Pa. . - ■■ d BKARS. SNAKKS. LKOMRDS MONKBY8. BABOONS, WBd tahnslaef SHOW PAINTINGS ■. 4, HAVMN «. V. T. Horse an(S Pony Plumes For Sbow Paradae, Botao and Ponr Acta, Ad- vertising pnrpoaee, etc. Send for orlee list. Manofactored br X. SGHAZXaB, «lAU Hot- topoUtan Avenao, Breofclrn, Vaw York. POBTABLE LIGHTS FOR ALL PURKWn THEROLTE&WEYERCO. • C Mlahlflan Straat, WE HATZ FOa I.EA1!B^ OARS, BO ft. long, tar shipping aceoery, aatomobllei, advance, baggage, in-lvflege, stock and merry-go-rounda. Dewraua for abow and clrcna cofnpanlea. Reaannabia rates. THZ: ARXB PAT.ACE HORBE OAS 00.| Boom <M, 193 MleMgan ATaaua, Ohloaga. TENTS 80x160, 80x120, 80zW. MMO. black, 800 camping tenta and side wall. IX K. KERB " Xadlaon Bt. (old Bo. UO), taaos Fbsaat KsBtoa MU. SOaSO. aoxso. WILLIAM BARTELS CO. THE BUCKEYE TENT and AWNING CO. VriXlll COLUMBUS, OHIO IMPROVED ACETYLENE THE ALEXANDBl ULBUIN GO. 007 W. Lombaid St, BaltiB0i% Md. FOR COMBINATiON SLEEPER 60 feet long, six wheel steel trucks. WiU sell cheap. AddnM. AUGUSTUS J. RILEY, Laxinaten Hetol. - CHICAGO. SCmT AHP SiiOV PAOnDiGS tut FOR SALE-BULL aEPHANT Beantlfnl apeclmea, XI years old, aboot S feet hlgb, weight aboot T.OOO ponods. Addreaa PABX OOMMXaUOBBBB, Boffale, Baw raik. safe to bandle. It yon want roar ordafs t* arrive on Uma and In good condition, oedat from tba old reliable. W. OSXIX UtABB. TU W, Oammstea Bt„ tan Antoalo, Tea, M B ■ SHOW PRINTERS RUN E Y»'-«;c'*' einolnnatl.Otil* THaatHaal-CIWMa cmeiw * JUMUiia APPAiuvnmi