Billboard advertising (Aug 1910)

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Ttie Billboard AUGUST 27, Ha matter how man the eootrlbnttoa fom eaa aOord to gin, doe endit will ba slTaB mo tf baatowed In can of Tbe BUlboard, to bate Mila WUar to UqoMata ttac dAta taeoned b7 tbm death of bar hoabaad. WlUlam WQcr. who Trail known to tbe drena (raternlty aa in wbera aaalatanea waa naeded. and kcd br aU tba tio up at a with whom ba acqoaJated. HU widow baa workad w par bar dabta aad set abead to bar pcopartr n>r her act. and la caaUr anffactax for tbe Bcoaalttaa o( lUa. aa barnnbaM'* dcatb .haa teadend bar deatttsta, aad bar DCaaent raiplorment brlnaa bar bat a mata pmanea. Aa U now aerr&s aa Janltrcaa at TU North Dalawara aTcnne, IndlaiupoUa, Ind. Troui*- ara wfaa ara In nnpat&r with nnfortonata raam- prah aal on an aaked to aulat thla ■aa, wbo la aasloiia to cat oat of ■at esoock to par for tha pcspai^ ^^^^1 wfaOa If work OB ttaa toi£^ IbB eeatrlbatioaa In eara at Tba "ifM-rt - fl . aavttia I eaaaa a woctbr aoa. CONTHIBTmOllE. pa Billboard Pnb. Oo. a. Halla .<10.W ■ - aw f»—W» tniit ftaii antbratle eocte- ^* y- gqy fatter, at tha Paer- ■anomatate of alekneaa for a Ion» time, which ?— orooght bim aod bla fasillr to a atate of 82"*.?"' ""totanee.• eapeelaUr for kb wife and Uttia cUld. Flaaaa camaSuttoa at an otkar atnaasttk iiS»^hb£iS •■a«t af 93SJMIL 70QT8 tllllr* W. F. WAIXETT. - SabacTlptlons for Mr*. Henry Potter of the P»»rleaa Fftteia. from Uw Howe'a Great LoBdoo Sbowa; r jftnlra n (5.00 Kd. Nathan (1.00 ... 5.00 Cbaa. A. Tarlor. l.fW S.OO W. O. Dale 1.00 ~. R. Ifdlatt.... 6.00 Bd. OarUnd 1.00 i?» - 1.00 wnuam Teaaiar.. 1.00 win Delaro** ... 1.00 H. Oobertr SO .jiarrltt i.oo Geoi. Allaid ..... .00 .Me. *Xia. Kallas 1.00 John Smith 3b llembaia AL G. Banaa* Ctrena: ftcttCh .«3.0U G. (Shrimp) S«tt- Wm. Tafe 2.00 ler .. Ji 00 A. Sfamw .. 1.00 Tote Dncrow'..!! 2!oo Harry Parrlah i.m Mr. * Mia. Wm. "«■'» —.....l.jf Crooks 2.0O hS? bSS!::::: wbai-- a w Gc«, JiCBBlar 2.00 John Spanldlns-I I'oo tar Jtanlar .. j.OO Capt. H. Solder.. 1.00 Jnalcr .... i.iio Elmer Mjera 1.00 iJgale Aahton 2.00 will T. Miller .. 1.00 ' S"^,.^ --22 Tom Warn 1.SB wmiams 1^ D. ^_I0Otr.... 1.00 Parer Melroee ..tS.OO W. U Trarla «.00 The Bniboani bu forwaiil-d check for the ■BODOt to Ihe Peerlesa Porteta. Venice. CaL A LETTER OF APPEAL. iha BaBoard PuwwitaSf""' H»» »rraoSinatI,'^''0. 3. A.: „''•■■'•"•■ .1 "rod r«a tbia letter to aifc roo hnsband. Gaorsa Carta, the laat of ttaa Ttailat Brothers Cario. c^abrated aerobati: It jaa wm. klodly pat the a a o oun eement In a few other pa- pers, so his famny can bear of It. aa I bare lost tbe dlrectloa of tbeir boose. I know It bi Brooklyn. I bare often beard ofThe Billboard, and now applj to see If tier wmhrtp me. for I am in rery redaced clrcum- . L Amrfia Carlo, ticbt-rope artist, alJio Hder and seBeTal performer, that waa the onlr Udr that dtOBmed « dm aolo aa tha Urbt- rape. and dU ■ iftata miaatta' aet wltbant a balance pole, bare helped aad aoppaeted mr hnaband and a atilckni aoo. who waa a rerr alerer dob Inkier. balHre yeaia ago got con- aestlon of the brain and Is nsable to work, so I lUTe. with the hdp of another son. to anpport bIm br playln; the piano, which Is rerr poorlr paid: also clrcns bnslness here Is not worth anrtblng. ao mr son gets verr Uttle also, and aa— Maaaa does not recelre his monej-. It Is IIM Bard for me. I hsre a rery bard stru;;;:1e dCit. aad I hare cone tfarooKh ao maar trooblea .M triaia that aow mr health la bStac I ta tataba h mr Tack a cicat mm ~ and roneagoea that kpow of ate wm roy letter. Hoping, dear air, that ran will Undlr take Interest In mr appeallnjc letter. I hare also some relstires In New Tork. If yon conld And them, also In ^t. Charles. t.eanc connty. III., called Andrew Gnlle. He la no relatlre, bat be mlKfat help me for old acQoalntance sake. My maiden name was Amelia Brid«ea. of the Brtdaaa tamlly la Enicland. I hare alM r<Is- ^ " ~ -aC I am also re- ^ tha Cooke fkmOr oo i dTkn. Mr aaother'a ~ jMarfaTia B8ttr*s i'«-MMa>«CMHMK;J-'. . X explain these few things to yon. dear sir. ba aaUgbten yoo as to wbo I am. Hoping yoa wHI do aomethlng ta balp me tiy aad start a Uttle boarding b aaaa ar ft n umms^XjmtA do that, as I bare aafoalBlaBHa la tta power iDmpanr. Hoping yon wlU caeaao aa^ ak*. fta mi—ima yoa. bat I am aearly oat at Br wna what do. Hoping yoa win kladlr aaawer bt letter, I remain. Toon trolr. UBS. OBOBGE OiBLO, (proper name). UBS. AMWr.IA I^AWRENCB. (proper name), of the Biotbera Carlo. P. S.—My address, one that wIU alwaya find me, la SplnelU's. Clreo SplncUI, Rio Janeiro. OONTBIBDTlOtia BEOBITED. THE OODK m«KK SHOWS NEAR CHICACO. OUmm Aafc.ML CSpadal to Uw BUlhoard) ^Iha Dade nake Shoira. playing at Genera m., laat Fridar. pieaented a pngram of tweatr- one displays that waa llrBt.«laia In ereir re- spect. Prom the grand entry to Mercury, tbe wonderfol airship horae. ridden liy Harrey Lor- retta, the big top waa a aeene of merrioMat and marreloos feats of tiapeie artlata. trained botses and elephants. The companr of clowna, with sach membera aa Albert Gaston and tbe Foster Bros., kept the aodlenee eoavnlaed with laoghtcr while the Loretta Twins. The Ernsts. Aerial Stones. Wllllsms Family, The Walllns. Chap- man and Bembe and the Alblns polled tonnd after loimd of appUose with tbclr woadetlol acfobatle atanta ad tc The Aerial Btoaaa. tbcm br tbeir wondcrfdl fljng tnpoe per- formance. The Alblna, In their boman Iratterfly act, dis- played their abUIty to gtwd advantage. Tbe Walllos, contortlonuti, hare an act that bordera on the InconcelTaUe and pcored a merltloas attraction. Xhe Bnuta and Chanman aad Be- mbe, In thair MUa 'inmi oAMwdM lad- der explolta Mas tta nilpiaati •< .anm ap- Idaoae. Misacs Hodglnl aad Sattetfldd aad Mike Boooer are daring bareback riden and tbey, with their trained hotaea, glre an exblbltloo that eommanda attention. Dick Winiams shows wonderful ability In bla—aula bardie aet In which he doea aereral " a pats Stoddard and Wallace STODDARD WALLACE Two of the best clowns in the business—^now with Sun Bros.' Shows getting the laughs. UNIFORMS fvt Bands, MiGtary,' Minstrel First Partp Miastrel Parade, Ushers, Bell Boys, Bne Bun, Foot Ball, BHket Ban, etc, etc ScalltrCATAUC r Be Sur€ and MenHon ISnd qf Uuffa i n Waniedc Wistem Uniform Go. aMS.CUlllK ST. CHICAGO. BRILUANT. •. PRMOUGHTS For CSfcuses, all kinda of Tent and Outdoor Shows, OoaoMiaa and Street Men. WiitB for Gatalogae. WINDHORST «, CO. 104-6 N. 12th 8t, ST. LOUIS, MO. Boss Ring Stock Man, Razorbacks, Drivers, Property Men, Boss Canvasman for Side Show, Waiters for CQ()k House. Drivers, addres s CAPT. JACK SHUMATE; Trainiiien, addien WHITIE CXtOSSETT; Gaayai^^ address SHORTY OALLACmER; Jeffei80& Hbtelji^^^K sas City, Mo. AL. F. WHEELER'S SHOWS WANT—to join oa ' Female Imp Mnalclana; aober 2S; Mnney. Pa., borg. Pa., SI. WANT--FOR lOl RANCH WILD WEST SHOW FIRST^asASS BOSS PORTER Capable of taking entire eharrfe of sleepers. Write or wire CBICAOO RIVERVIEW PARK. Xai. ZUt to 28th Incinslve t El^a, III.. ZBih i MaelM. A^anted top COOLEY-THOM FLOATING THEATRE Dramatic people to double band. ^ on wire. Thosie who unite ImAnv wiiM Ky.. 28th and 29th. Ma WANTED FOR SEASON 1911 FOR HOWE'S GREAT LONDON SHOWS People, in sJl IvaodieB. of show buoness. . Can use for balance of ^is seaisba niiiadaiDB for Ing show baxid; also calliope player to join at once; leapers, tumblers, clowns; wire as per route. August 24, Moutn^agay, Quebec; August 25, Levis, Quebec; August 26, DranuiumdviUe, Quebec; August 27, St. Hyacinthe, Quebec; August 29, St. John, Qu«oec; August 30, Valleyfield, Quebec. JOHNNY J. JONES WANTS -FOR THE- BEST CIRCUIT OF TOWNS IN THE SOUTH BtpKEDSOUDilimiaillSlllilS. willbeoutmiwintem. One more Shoir Promoter not afraid of paflte; one more Snpnaattonal Pre« Attraction. Kotbing too big. Ice Cream Cones and Cane Rack prlrllefcea open. Adilreaa week of Aug. 22, Batter. Pa.: week of Aog. 29. Bellalre. O.: week of Seiil. S. I'arkersburz. W. Vi.; Old Uone Week < LAST CALL Miller Bros.Greater Shows Cameron. Mo., free on tbe main itrceta, Aug. Xt Scnt. 3 and 4. Bla oooa almdr bonked to follow, all on tbe atrerta. WANTED—All kindH of l.ei;ttlmiit<- Conresalann. Can place Electric Bboir, Illusion Show, and one more good Platform Stiow. Could aUo place a cimmI Mnnlcal Comedy Olrl Sbow with flrat-claxa outfit. Wanted for our big Collneum and Wild Went Sbow. cowbujra, cow- girls, ropers. Would like to bear from party that can furnlHb .matt tribe of Indian.. Henry Bona, olorado Cotton, write. Can place one more good aenutloniil free act. Can aim uae aood worklng- men In all departments, two more good door talkers. Jake Stockman, Bandy Billings, write, Higb-claaa colored perfonnera witb good wardnriM for minstrel sbow, Addicaa all commualeatloBa to I. O.^MIIIiBB, Cameron, Mo. • CARS FOR RENT Sereral Meel framed Hotel Cam for rent. Ad- dress BABRV ABM8TBONG, 204 Scblller Bldg., Chicago. FOR 8AI.E—WnrllUer Xn. IM Hand Ontao motor, 15 rolla Mnale, IW palra Rlebardaoa Skates; all good eondltiao: used 8 aHialb*: at 29 per cant an Mlar; wire, aad cobm at saea. W. Da rOBL aMaiaar. Cni»e BIk.. Bay CMy. W ANTE D WILD WEST OF ALL KINOS That Oan Hay Upon tha Staga Horse Acts, Cowboys and Cowgirls, Indians, Novelties, Cowboy Band and Orchestra. We pay board and transportation; travel in our own can, and play theatras all winter. AU perfcmnerB imni: go in daily p»- rades. Show opens October Ist. W.ANTED TO RENT—A hotel car, also combination stock and baggage car. State lowest salary and full partictihn in fifst M4er. Address BUCK TAYLOR, 402 Odd r«llmm.T«mpl«, Phlladvlphla, Pto.