Billboard advertising (Aug 1910)

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Ttie Bllllioardi AUaUOT 87, 1910. CIRCUS GOSSIP In This Department Performers, Agent^ Managers, Owners; and White Top Employes in all Capac- ities aie Mentioned in a Brief W Local No. 42, Intenutlonal AUlinc* Bfllpoaten and BlUen of America, met In a special meetliiff, Ao^iut 10. and elected to mem- benblp Ban; T. Bildwln. adTertlilng agent of the BUIr Allen Musical Comedy Coapaar- Oallaa I<oal MOk 42 la llzlos op a van AM iMt te tte tabor Di patada on gaptaoMt Thm float wUl bava an nprisbt S-Aaat and tlia bUIpoBtera wtn poat bOla on each aide aa the float mores In the parade. The committee la eompoaed of Clande B. Hamntm. chairman; B. F. Hayea and Jack Boyd. The beadqaaitan of tlie local of bUlpoetera baa bean mOfad aod tb«7 now meet eTcir fliat and thlifl Mwndaya ■t 10. P. H. at 180 Bvan atxat. .two wacooa. One mt tka ■aiamnd price, 2S eenta. tba atbK «iiaigta 8S cents. Tbe pobllc la .aat imoaad opoa for a note appeata in the dal- Hm bware tlia ahov cemea. wbfch sara: "Wben tl^ta BO OD aale for the big Sells-Floto Sliowa at the drcna ipraands, tbere will be two wacooa with two prices of admlsalon, one 2S eenta and the otber 35 cents. OwlDS to the large crowds attracted by tbe 25 cent price the abow finds ttiat many letTe tbe Rioands ratber than en- coonter the Jam at the rcKnlar wagoo, conse- 4BantJ7 tber liave added anotber waaon for tbe ■eeommodatioD of tboae partlcnlar penona." Since leaTlng wlnterqnartera at Sontb lUlford. Ind.. AprU 28. IDOS. tbe Barlow Dos and Poor Show has made Indiana. Ohio, nilsoU. Iowa, Nebraska. Mlssoari, Arkansas, UlsslsslppI, Ala- bama. Tennessee and Kentnc^. The now will return tr> 'quarters In a few weeks, where le- palra will be made for the 1911 aeaaon. This b tbe fonrteenth seaaoo for the Barlow Show. Tbe staff of the Blondin Show loclodea 8. V. ■•ad and Ico Blondin, cqoal owners; Leo Blon- din. aaBafSB; ■. r. Baad. tiaaaaiar; Olalr BaU- tag. asalwat aaaant; Chaa. Bowan, acent; Chaa. B. Poece, stage manager; Ifardi. musical director: Jaa. Sp ellni a n . band- master; Xockle, snperlntendent of lot and^can- ras. Johnnie BCarinella. orlgtnalljr of the Great Martnellas, dotible ring artists, is doing a single act with Son Bros.' CIrcos. At tbe close of tbe season he will spend a eoonle of weeks on bis farm in minois vUb biswlte bafore rr- ulng bis wlBtar baatliak) :■• «PNS te OU- cago : Barrr O. Miller, who does a sens reaerre seat tickets,- place during hia abeence. Tbe friends of BlUy rorbes snd Oeo. Apple- ban, who were connected with the Cole Show, wiu be pleased to lean at tbair aaeecaa with tbe Yonng BaOlto .WM mal: , Mt. pnAia la superintendent-•M-lfa'.'AagMM lliB akan of the tickets. <3entT7 Brotbera bid big business at Fen. Ind.. Aognst 12. bat the aide abow did poorly at that stand. Xbe shew was delayed is laaeb- a car UJBHKm^ avi miiStiulag «ot ■ Mrtlck atand.- Mola ■attatMd. with tbe Dade nsk Bbow. la recoratbut tantdly from Injurlea snstalned at Owen, wli.. Jidy 29, wben ber edneated horse became frightened, throwing Miss Satterfldd to the gronnd. ^he had ber right Wm. Wlcfca, ftmaily kBom ta Ike thaatileal and cUcna waiUl as Slgoor del Laiaaae, tba only talUur and aNm ciawB la tba wadd, U at nreaant Uvinc In^UaniaB, tt, iriMM ba la employed wriOag -mt^ m^-migtggiS^mBtlc. Be la now mooialor^Bt mm aTHi wn, who died tceently. recoid-lKeaklnc crowd nreetcd tbe nre- >-8ells BniaTlacciiB at " ~ !«. Sba.elf oM ***'***g Car absence of three years to. abaolatbly capacity btulnea*. Among tbe rlsltors who rvnewed acqnalntsnces with tbelr many frlenda with the Forepaagb- SeUs Sbow at Ogdenibiirg, N. T., Aag. 16, were Jamea Horan. llgbt-welgbt twxer of San Fran- elaeo, snd Harry C. FItaOerald, both of whom are ■onmstlnt among tbe Thousand Islands. Oie members of the side ahow with tbe Pora- nan^-SallB Bros.* Oircas presented Manager E Bin Osrrcas, tite mbe pollaaa Bench, who hss been at bli . Ind., on the alci: list, is again ' wHb tba lot . la ~ Itb tbe show. BUFFALO BILL'S WILD WEST AND PAWNEE BILL'S FAR EAST oiiinvoii drHMHseiieoi. hoi MUmiR BtUW I'M M|T BERT DAVIS AND WIFE KING AND QUEEN RUBES 'Huram Birdseed aiidAiiiULaciiMlu J9 mm RUSSIAN BALLET TROUPE Feature of the Big Show THCE ROGERS KRAO Tbe MifiBng IJiik u BABY VICTORIA" CBICRK.) (Oopyilslitad.) aOEEN OF ML FAT eilLS" PLANCK OPEM FOB^SUUMER SEASON, 'II Ou iu Orcbatiri aid latida Pit Show LXCTURCR COMBINED Sa* llaat«8 ■Ill'aSlianw, Billboard BRADBURY FAMILY MOSICJIL ARTISTS SEASON lOiO MAUD D'AULDIN and DELNO FRITZ The World's OrratMt Sward Joe M. Egan's musical and trained dog act, which opened the tenting aeaaon with Downle'a Dog and Pony Sbow. la now with tbe John R. Sparks Circus. He will open on tlia Bastern TsadeTllle drenlt aboot September IS. Six showa were blUIng In snd sroond Cblcsgo at ana time last waak and tbe iconkna of agants. and bmpastets were manr. Near- 1 tn dM city antertalaad. at laaat it ar Prof, Wilson, tbe men of Iron, with tba Bells- noto Sbow, .wbo allows sn auto to ran orer him - - .. . - . _ . IOl bis PhUaddphIa Johanr Horphy, well-fcnawn Irish comedlsn' and clown. Iste of Son Brgs.' Bboara. two weeks* engaaemeat at the Pitts- Mr. Mar] , etm» aaar death at rraapsrt, IIL, Awnt Tba Mrta atraekbad aM att i i. i— i>r aiar bodr. bMaktar twittat' diirpbr will spend a borr BIppodiome, taw weeks at the seashore. Oen. Plsano, strong msn with' tbe Forepangh- — Bbow. was csUed home to LTmt, Mass., «a ^ Jit of the Illness of his molber. He ez- peeta to rejoin the sbow In New York State ■gain. Owtnc to one of tbe Bat ctia Jumping tba tmck. MUler Btaa.' 101 Baaab did not aniVa Id Joe. Morria, known to the dicna world aa "Blink." tbe old-time boea eanras and cban- dellcr auD wbo baa basa IdaatUM wlUi aU tba . Sbowa, Mdla Boooda Imm tblaga moring and gets maar a laagb for Ha aSgcta. Btoldeaa are arlginal. new r-' — - Featnre of Freakdom PERFORMERS WITH Gsntry Bros. Ail How Fsaturs Sbows MAKEUadLENETT That Rapid Fire Bar Act