Billboard advertising (Aug 1910)

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AUGUST 27, im TtieBllll>oar€l 23 The Alton ramlljr, flve In nambcr, aentiBtt, wUh ill* lata Wabb Bbowa, b*Te UfeM a homa in Bamllton, O., where tbej wlU pHb- gUyianalB notu tin winter leaaon ofaoi. Aflar • alztecn wecika* ensaccment. J. Col- wtU Manillj> Oriental daneec and Imperaonator, SSii wlut Joaaa Bna.' BoOalo Baneb Wild Went la order to opao la fwritrUI*. ' Bfs'Baffalo. ladlaa, wllk tba Zonae BoSalo Wild Weat. wm mnmed to Boaadtac rawn. of am NordiMrt laeerrntlaii nanr Tn.rerf Oty. Ufi., at ratoakar. Mich.. Aac. IB. to ilw Bclla-noto Sbow m, mn Ifm. Jim Dwvar. di«tM*f, -.U^'W. H g tc D la - Wm. JooM, tint* tramw and Baowi Maf artist, and bla wl». ■ataUa Altoa, eanlottlaalw and cqaUlbrla^ an rlaltlns tba J. Alton faisUx In llimlllon, O. Tbe Original Kelaon Vamlly 'rr In tbelr eeeond araKon irltb tiM Sella-Floto Sbow. Tbejr bare liren engafn) witb the Bbodi Bojal Indoor Ctr- Ctta tbit winter. Bin Carreea. Harrjr 0. JllUer and Bootte, th* thn'e rube* with tho lOt,■■*■>> WMW.fO —ll» iKK tbian Unlr «■ tka-amat -Siiat tia r»de. . ■ . VUlter* to tbe Tooag BaOalo wad W**t at retoaker, Mich., Ang. !*. wei* ToiBoa O. Tcr. lira. Searer and W; B. Banaatt of CUetio. Ora. nooker, wbo waa kicked In the face by a faor*e In Uinnlnictan. W. Va.. la again working In ibe arena. Booker la with the 101 Bench. Capt. 0. K. White bai recentir Joined the Two Bills' Sbow. Any mail lntend«d for bim alioold be arnt In care of tbia troape In tbe tntnre. CwBOiliigi and CommlDn are ta tbelr twenty- flftb week witb tbe OTerfiuid SzlilbltlOD Show. F. J. Hnwscll ta prlnrlpsl clown with thm OT.rluiuI Kitilbltlon BhOM ■trtia Tanderhlte, Alice Lee Virgil Harnett and Doe Webber are making good with tbelr Ugh-aehool hotsca witb tbe 101 Baacb. K. P. Carl, atrong man, daaad With Bawe'a liondon Bbiur, Angnst 13. and l « l aad tba At F. Wheeler tiew Model Show*. Windy Jack IawIb. wbo doaed with th* m Bench in Pittaborc. Maad agala at ralr- mont. W. Va., Ansoit John F. Dosch, wall-knowii circna baod leadrr. la doing tba preea work for the Warren Bne.' Bbow tbIa season. LaBert Moorland and wife have Joined tbe Warren Broa.' Sbowa to do tbelr batUe-az im- palement act, W. B. Ocdfrcr bsa eloard with th* BelU-rioto Sbnr aad i* at preaent at Dixoa, Ul. The Yoonc BuSslo WUd West will play tbe •nols" la Chicago, it U reported. Charlie Oorden la working In th* concert with the Omiand Ezblbltloo Sbow. Miss Inna R. BlaoTalt Joined .tho Kliw:b Show at Uberal, Kaa. Fred L._ Gar !• dbwalac with tk* Taakee BfUjNptTimjN ACCIDKNT. •K. T.. Aug. 20.—While walking on I tracks. Mat Benson, of NashrUle. Taan., and Thoa. Adams, billpoaten on tbe Mlgbtx Bssg Sbow car, were ran down bT an engine last Satnrday nigbt. Benaoo was injared abont tbe back and lege, hot aot aerwoaly. Adams was rendered nncOQi trocn concnsslon of tba hralA •arlr gnaday moralat. PRE— AQ KHT TO Larrr Bradler. preis agent with the Two BUIa- Sbow. Is to close In 8t. Panl. Bradley took Fraok WLncb's place when tbe latter r«- sIxihhI s ffW wwks sgo. F. L. KimCH THANKS WALTKR DRIVER. To Mr. Walter P. Drtrer. of tbe United Statea 1^1 *j£5!"E.(!*^ ^ Klrach. manager of the SbM awar, addnoMa a letter of thanks In appreelatloB of the One aerrtce be ia getting aat a( Ifea acw tent be purcbased from lliat maipaal Mr. KIrscb ssjs: -The new top ia far anperlor In style and workmanship to any- one I bare erer acen or nsed." Tbe Klrach Sbow employea 33 people and carrlea a band and orcbrstra. Tbe staff of execotliea conslata of P. I.. Klrach, manager: P. K. Lawla, manager; Ed. F. DaTU. bnalnesa manager. O. a. Payne, asslitant bnslneaa manager. PERFORMERS WITH.... WorlePs GrecOesi Sho»s^l9i0. SEVEN MfllTBeSE TROUPE ACROBATS THE 5 Mil TROUPE World's Grsstsst FLYING TRAPEZE ACT First tims In Amsriss CARL LUSTER HAND BALANQNG GONTORTioraSt JOHNR.AQ^ Champiii Rsigh Rider CastriUon Troupe 6--FI)ing Nelsons-6 FLYING EDDIE NEMO CLOWN Engaged for the Winter MR. M. IRANI H^. of the Fonr World > Faaoi Fraaka from Rrlttah India. All NaUv. Hindoos. BaaAar. Sast ladUa Baslai—Pliaaal ■aad. D onhU B odied Ht^oo.eilpia . jn FOSTO Marvelous Flexible Equilibrist ABREU TROUPE (FIVE IN NIIHBEK) MOST REMARKABLE MBXlQAll AtROtBATS The Hying Wards The Fastert and Mssk Sensational Doahls Trapeze Act Jdbn F. Slator MARDO TRIO "Toiaaiy Atkiat oa Pa^" JESUS miARES The ilexIMii^nder of an baning Fred Stelling Engfiih Clown and His Dog Bobby NYUA Le ROY Handling Fonr of the Larg- ost Serpents in Capti^ty MUee.lCorett^ Tiffi HUMAN DCHX FEATURE OF ANNEX 2- -2 WIRE RUNNERS JUMPERS AND CAKB WALKERS