Billboard advertising (Aug 1910)

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XHe Billboard AUGUST 27, 1910. INDEPENDTS ACTIVE Extensive Preparations for Fall Season Indicate that All Previous Records for Volume of Business Witt belkdiiisedT--Moie licbiie Houses to Tha BOIboa*). ks** alwajB mailMd ■ fklUaC oC this i ■wH Mleate Ibit the aAIbit- en ban fooad it praCtaltle to kaap tbclr tbra- tm open. Before bte departure for California, where be li Tlaltlns hla weatern stock compaoT. Charlea O. Baamann. secretary and tr«aanr«r of tbe N. Y. Motion Plctore Co., aald: "The mmmer bOBlDesfl baa been gntltring. Indeed. Ualzi# tbla aa a criterion. It woald Indicate a liealtby coadltlon and a tremeodoos boalness for tbe fall. ' ' ati 111 laid 1 In the ladoitrf. pioTlde a soltable pcograa for soch places It beboorea tbe manafaetnTen to ptodoce attlnc ■objects of a bleb qnalltj-, tat aB MkaU aC Bj caopaor I can s»j tbat no aayHMlaMMr ■pared to make 'Bison' dims ceaspaia finwMv wltb anTthlBs In tbe world." 1b tegatd to tbe fntnre of tbe morln^ 'picture bualDeaa, Vr. Baomann said: "Ereir year, as It keeps giowlnc and ezpandlns. tbe aiaeaciea was their heads and aalesnly dedan tkat It kaa laached Its mazlmma, and predict a tfadlM; Iwt cadi RKcecdlac season aees am iMMMa. M* MB can f b t ia tii tbe Itaata It wOl n a cli , aa Ha Ml opaa tha pobllc la tsa deeply' raated.'* Tke exhibitor baa reaped tbe bcneati of tbe rivalry between tbe Tarlons manofacti u e r s. in that tbey bare been compelled to increase the cast of tbelr necatlTcs. Tbe parroUs of the "; day weald bare EXHIBITORS ABB EDUCATED. Tbe ezblbltota bare become edoeated In tbe tcehnieaUtica of tba batneaa. and are qnlA to — — — T,— -1.— la tak iBK pleee we may awaken aome day to learn that they bave formed a national association wblcb wonld be impccsnsble. Tbe banded ex- ta an tbe pcadnet aCu IIARDFAOTDBCBS Tom Cochrane, seocral tbar are speeklnK wcIL Pat ■akliig aome featnte atolf wblcb be Intenda to laooch shortly, and BOl Swaason says the Defeoder film won't, take a back seat. Mark DIntesfass has been personal- ly aaperiatcDdlas tbe tocmatloo of tbe Clbam- ploa Ota eh ~ eye of THE CAHLTON tABORATOHlES. The new Carlton laboratory and atndio at Coney Island, has excited much fSTorable com- ment, and tka Ibkaaa pcalaa Mr. Oanton bas recelTcd la «pH^ M tHi Ma haaO. Corerlas sqoai* ftet at floor apace, It la equipped with tbe moat modera apparataa of any «<i"ii«i- plant In tbe world, inclndins cootbinona prlnt- ezs; connected dereloplos Tats into which' the cbemlcala are pmnped from a large Initial task tbmosh beary brass piping: perforators of sack delicate meebanlsm that tbey wlU not yary l-lO.OOOth of an inch tn 1.000 feet of tUm. and hygienic Tentllatlon by wblcb filtered air Is pumped Into tbe developing rooms and driven oat by aoctlon fans In the celling, which pre- vents the poflAtblllty of dost particles lodging on the wet film. The atudlo Is TSilOO feet, -with sides and root of prism glass. Tberf^ are twenty dressing- rooms, twelve for the men and eight for tlie women, tmalahed with hot and cold rssning watec. daittle Oabt. etc and aatk aas la pro- ▼idad. nam • SMt MSB. tie bslbraiaa with . wni be made la labor a te r y . 3. U Carlton. presMeat of tbe company, baa been Men tilled with the morlng picture bmdneos in America and abroad for many years, and was toimerty connected with the Oaomoot Co. He Is at present cnsaaed tn sto4Jar ap aeaatlTea of -BeUanee" aiAJeeta. tbe flot-srieaaa oC wblcb wm be made ta September. Tlie "Bison" Co. recently pnrrhssrd '"Snow- ball,'^ a white Arabian tboroagfabied with aImos| human intelligence, whose spectacniar vrork Is being Incorporated in western plctnrea now be- ing taken. It waa neccaaary to aecnre this ani- mal to properly carry oot picture plays contain- ing scenes requiring exceptional feats of horse- manship, and the "Bison" Conpsny wltb entire dlaresard to tbe cost of prodnetton porcbaaed tt at an astonishing Ante. Ifr> b-b wonld -- — .. „ ^ : be MOVING PICTURES IN TURKEY. Salonlkl, Joly 31. I9I0.—There are fonr mov- tag-pletnre shows In operatkm In Salonlkl. and another la aooo to be opened. Abont 3.S00 peo- ple attend these abows nightly, iMying an aver- age admisaiOB toe oC 2 phiatarai &8 cca fllma are "' ' " " mostly that teU eC either aentlnien- Tlai^ pictnca of events that bave attracted pobUc attentlan also draw hlg crowda. as. for example. King Edwird'x fkineral- At one time some American films were In use here, representing hantlns: scenea, battle ships, etc., bnt tbese hare entirely dls- apoeaied. Cinematograph shows are popolar in the other big townfl of this district, and tt may be said tbjat the buBlness la booming. There are no re- H^i^^teatrca bi any of these towns and bot- PICTURES OF CIRCUS FIRE. Scteeetadr. K. T.. Ant. 20.—It la pooalbla eC tbe Baraam * Ballv i~ o « Mar M . mtr be ae rae movmc plctiite Stio A a abafactnrer baa bcciHue tntereatad in card ptctnres of the fire, and tbe ma ■ ■■■a wm be tbe'rcaolt. w. A. Bc bwstef ia ba aaam wbo ham.beca pnbilsMng tbe catda. MOVING PIC TURE THEATRES. A new motion picture theatre is being bant ■ DnbUn. Oa. br U. O'Hara. of Macon. Oa. ' ' * ~a b la st wHI be in chats* , SOAad O'Hara. e*LOM*MpMteaa tbe CaUaeom Xbe- Jt <M*ir» lHi^<Wbt.AgMMg Bl^ ICe. I ta.-^— - - V. C Cgafchan and C. D. Stoddard iMaC la Timi imot. Colorado, a new Snse rheaxne 'srhteb'they call ne ~ Tarn Out to WMob IfM Actors Frolic SCev Tcrk. Aog. 19 (Polo Groonda).—Ttaoti- ■ads '■pea tboosa o da of actor fiilk and tbelr at tba »al» tNa^^ta field daya l>efore, and more wHI come, bnt none have ever been so snccessfnl as the one Jnst over, nnder tbe direction of Cohan sod Harris and tbe peraooal maoagement of Walter J. Klngsley. Tbe Actors' Fond Fair aT Jiueriea bcneata by many thousand doOara bom tbe rccelpta. It Is an a nnn n l aifair glrea oader tbe auspices of the Theatrical Sdaaagers of America. * There were all sorts of gamea. races and eon- testa, many taaadaome prises being accorded the winnera. A fire-bondred dollar trophy, offered for tbe chasaploa theatrical ball team, waa won by tbe Lew rielda nine against tbe Friars, the score belBK foor to three. Senator T. D- SaUlvsn was an interested spec- tator aad oomlied the ban casae bet we en tbe LATK NE W VOi m liOTWi; EUe Fay. aetreaa. baa Hied petltloB In bank- rnptcy. Among tbe claims are several hotels, fnmltnre stores, George Hayden, (96 for mer- chandise, and other creditors, totaling several thonsanil dollar*. Acton Davles. of The Snn: Charle« Damton, of Tbe World, did not review The C^mmatcrs. Henry B. Harris Is angry over criticisms by these writers from last aeason. It is stated that Max Bogecs will enter vaodevUle this aeaaon under the managemebt of Beed Alber. - i Mark I>naAer la bavlas a bard time de^ylu that be Ir-"- —- '—■=^— —- - Jolclng. 'nie Owl Btndlo. on 23d street, fntnlabed al. most entirdy with elegant trappings belonging to the late Stanford 'White, liaa l>een purchased by the Carlton Company. Loola Mann. In The Cheater, stays st the Lyric tmtll September 3. Then be moves to tbe OMnedy. with Medama X coatas. ta the I^e C O tha t date. WOaon Udraw re plMM HUtv ■naadHi In Tbe Clly. Charles Frobman prodnced Xlae SMa at At- lantic City oa Monday nigbt. There Is a general mmor that tbe atage banda may strike tlila week. They are asking for more money. John Cort baa lelaiued ta New Xork after an extended Waa " It la aald to ■■ Xaiy Jane'a Pa. Max FIi d yesterday on tbe Adrlatie ■will begin reb bearsala j iiatoiday. Billle Bmke err from Bngisnd. She -will liegin re b e arala c Mia. Dot tbia week. Jam 10 Sbesgnen leaves New York to-day flor Beaton, ahead of My Msn. one of Pred Thocnp- aon'a Aews. ricd HcLellan wUI leave for Europe at tbe doee of Lona Park M Ua annaal qoeit for nov- elties. Dorothy Dcnnei^ Ip fhsm A aaotOriBC toar of Earope. NEW FI LM COMPANY Organized in St Louis—Scenes Taken from Books of Standard American Authors to be Re- produced in Motion Pictures St. Iioala, Aag. 20 (Special to Tbe Billboard), ■be beat aeenca froea Mark Twala'a works la- dDdlng the wbltewatt «iMi» lb Tm Sawjcr. ppi BlvcT p l et n i e a tnm HacUebeiry Finn, and tbe thamb print atory at Head WUsoa. will be prodoced in moving pic- tures In a new St. Looli factory tbIa M. A company is being organised by Joseph Rosch, at present assistant manager of the William B. Swanson Film Exchange. The company will have a capital of fX.OOO or more. Ita plant In tbe Beaeb aUtad wOl ba hicaled that there la a dearth e( amaas tbe inliiralnl pro J acefa. Ob is Hib that a piaat te St. Laate arm bava Wl^ rell e nt ep p e iluu lty oC dlsposlsg of seed eoarte films aa wdl aa the eeriotts dramaa. BlaTea dramas have been arranged by bim for prodae- tion In his new plant. Another Ala he esaecta to make will taB tba story at The Laand aC Sleepy HoUow. Ste _1^p —t.,..i< ^-l^ifcH. Crane and KatrbM «MaJ, (illllW Wt* ington Irvine. THE ECHO PREMIERE. OLOBX IHBAXBB—TteEcbo. a aunlcal com- ~-' '— ~ inuia^ I* Bacan. «1U TBM OAST. ._ J .. ..John B. Hi Pleb _B»ew n -. .. .. ..Douglas Dtavinaan Don Ferrle «• •« ••...QaacBa WM te Bob Fbtrla .. ..SaB B^an Becgle BrcwalV *• •« '•.SmmB Birtafl^ Jr. Cyma Adama .. .. •. .. ..■■paa Horace Bandolpb «• ' ~ ••' JL Mrs. Brewster .. .« .'. Molly Brewster .. <«'• Edith Syivestar—... Dorothy SylvcMM Ji Laura Short Georgle Drew IfendmD Mrs. Sophie Adams Annie Yeamans Kate Besale McCoy Sne Angle Welmara Scttla ., Iha Icbe ia a deelM Ht. Bi been eteeated to atavdoni i . _ ore wdl. It la a dancing show all the way uid every pbase la represented. Tbe Bossiana are a gcniune aorpclae. Tba Beba laoba Itta a long. mn tm Biiiad»a|. A^ i i io ii r iiAit Lewlston, Pa., Aog. ISk—flMMn'ba aald be wss too sbort, VlrgU StaanTb MBbcr of Bplca'a Boyal Italian Band, blew out bis brains here on the pnbllc streets on August IS. SInna, wbo was 42 years old. of dlraiimtlve stature, swarthy complexion and scragly balr and tnonstacbe, w&g drnmmer in Splca'a Band now playing at Bamham Amn&ement Park, and waa beard to complain oti several occaalana of being barred from several poel tl ona on acconnt of being so short of stature. He waa en able moslclan and bis talent demanded • ■oca tncra- tive berth, bot bla lack oT hi^^-ta .arite *> become the bM braid aad-'MIMa. g rea snt d ay aaUam aMraya atnB.tb'.dM wba waa nin rsctntly witb IWIlea i* at the Mew Tork neatrc BooC Oarden. lUaa Taaee claimed that Miss KIngstoa wit- neaaed ber performance in Chicago and took her idea for the Zlegfeld ahow. Miss Kingston said "nothing of the kind." She claimed her father bad the mirror dress Idea forty years ago and that she had a letter to prove It. Miss Vance pointed ont that she wss first to nse the dzcsa and her campaign for tbe protection of ber idea was wsged so fiercely that Miss King- ston withdrew from The Follies rather than dla- card tbe dreaa. _ It la rcfxated that Mies mmatnn win nee the doak, wblcb baa nuai e iuus mirrors re- Bectlng tbe spetllgtat. in vaodevUle and will take tbe oppoeltkn dreolt tram Mlaa Tance. If so an exdtlng time is expected nbaB tbe two meet for claims and counter da^Nr tava been made wblcb have pot the ariBa naatrleal oa tba «al etve. TROMBONe PLAYER DEPENDS DUMB BRUTE. - Claude Spary. tbe trombone aoloist wltb the American Band, new playlas in_ Pww .. ean do several tbiags an 'wdl aa ahviBBJba liusa bane. Be U of atUetlc baOiaSl mMcatly .of training. Betas a lortr of all animals, kUy aude tilcnda wItt a pet dog at tbe where be Is stopplac dnrlac tlie stay in r. When he was busy at tbe writing ta- ble Oe doc occupied a chair at his side, enjoy- ing an occasional caress. A msn who wanted to do aome writing came along and instead of put- ting the dog down gently, drew tbe chair back tnd kicked tbe dog ont. This aroused Mr. Spary'a temper so qiUckly that wlthoot realU- Ing what be was dolBg he Undeda w^-pla«ed oppcrtmt on tbe man's Jaw, and Una Dilaar wao had no conslderattoo.for dOfa ■caaatedMafiW on the fioor. Tba.aiaaaaK aC ttiMsl in time t_ — it. bot ba la UMy to AMERICAN BA ND P LAYS DENVER. Manager Howard Pew took the AmericaD Band, of Providence, on to Denver, after the local partlea lilid.ta eaaeal tbe engagement on account of pravlaBB'paor bnlaena this aommer, and promptly d tit ae a ad bia easaolsatloa at tba gate of tbe park at tbe appolBtcd time, aad after a few minatea ceeaaltatlaa' waa permitted to enter and play. The bead la booked ia Denver until September 10. after which tbey will start East, playing tbelr way back to ProrMenee. The band baa met wltb greet soeeeas, and many of tbelr engagements bare been renewed for next season. Bowen B. Cbnreb baa made a hit everywhere witb bis peerless comet lolaa, and Oa other aalolaU of JIMMY MiMNnrs Chicago. Aug. 20. —When Jimmy Soaa _ cago'i Melody Luie recently, &ls departore ^ tadeed mysteriooa. Bven bis closest friends pro- fessed Ignorance of bia wbereabonts and started to ask questions. Nobody could answer them. He had dropped completely ont of eight. Now we hare word from Jimmy himself wblcb ex- plains everything. Be la sojooralog at Bot Bpringa. Ark., where be seclnded himself for tbe Varpoae o( eajoying a mocb-needed rest. Jim- aybmin a^ned^ag^art the^ff^laihliiii SftuUy pnaiallcd^ 'Nr^TSb mtilJSttSSm ' Saaaner waa UcatlM triih tta inB BmSS Pnbltsbing Co. He waa the iiisfi sal anal tmm for thst boose and did his work well. He laM- ed plenty of good atutC to tbe advantage eC Ua employer and made a boat of friends among peo- ple of tbe profession. Not long sgo be >0Ma< forces wltb Harold Bosalter, who la a liiiilbaa of Will Boaaltcr. Xbla onion la now a nat- ter of record aad eaaaMa bn aw l edge. NataraUy Will Boas!ter has aoMna oa tbe eabject whiS are anything bad laadly. Mobody blamcn Ma. eliber. bot aa ta tbe detalla aad geaeral of tbe ai a ami M l nobody bnt tbe petaooa f buy. srlui any degree ot conslst ener. i atatement. Sumner, however, has lony bcaa I bltlous to get in tbe game on a mai dent scale. He thought this waa hla i,, and graaped It. If be ahowa tbe same callhea of abmty he exhibited when rxplolttng the catalog of wm Bosalter be will get resnltn. te^tt^meaawblle at Hot I^tafa be Ja la.'" CLn^EUUND VBURUaOUE HOUM aevetaal. Ohio. the En O, B. _ aeaMng in two acta, tbe Otmb i boaae waa nearly eold oot, Tbe away ont of the ordinary In liiiileeiiae. It " a mixttire ot real old-time Irish comedy and burlesque. Boger Imhoff aa an Itlab comedian. Is too wdl-known to need any introdectlon to Tbe Binbeard'a nadtri. Tbe show, ladadtaB tba eilo, ran three honra and fiftaea mlnntae, and 'Win of coatae; ba cat a Uttle to get laaUa the cttatomaiy tima Tbe comedy lladf la ddlcateiy bandied br Mr. Imbotr and tbe altoatlans ate of a natu* calcniated to give bim an opportunity to display tila talent aa an Iriah character actor to the beat advantage poaalble. Tba vaodevllle acta la tba alio are oa a par «( Ika balance «( tha ibMK LOUIS JACOBS. Mr. JMCobs 1b tbe aole maoacer of tb* Labis Tbeatre, tbe flnt of CiDcloaatrg elaborate moT- tog picture palaces. Tborc la no more ancctaa fol place ot amuaemcDt In tbe Cfueen Olty tban the boiiB« opera tod unrtrr his guhlaacc. HI* enersettc effortn. ami unumal atarnlna atteit to tte wteOoa Bhova b7 bia enploiTen la Test-