Billboard advertising (Aug 1910)

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AUGUST zr, iMa Ttee Blllboarcl Tbe csncat li «■• •( tertilDmcilt at 0*MJ codUUm T«He«y cmoiIi M dolp^ mad VtM, In pletni diiSacd M Trraleta yodlen, and tbalr wcll- blcodlu TolcM gain for tb«n mach well-deaerrcd aODlaiiM: SpadlilloK. Dopoec aod Ted. Uielr cIct- tti't. a "carnlTal of Tarlet;" which la tnlT PDlertalolnc. Tbe team alnfi, dancea. talka and tumbles Ita way Into the bearta o( Ita aodleBC*. and tbe pretty Uttle canine doea about «Terytblnc Ita mastera do. Violet Olaaaon, clad In military garb, brasa butloDa. (Old lace, aod all, proTM bar ability tbe real "Girl Pram Happyland." UoBtroae UeOoT ainca tba old aoosa witb a Tiaa and aest Oat eateSea aad kaafa tha attMtta «C kia mm Anna this w««k Van Mc aurartlaas whleb an ' at each tba qSrtMrfctoian amaiB to teel as aafa as tba bish. ticbt. booadlBc wire aa tbonab ba waa aa terra Orma. and doea nany balanelns tricks tbat make tbe beart beat faster. The bis featnre ot the week at Coney la tbe dAfloi;, deatb-defylos act of Seaaatlooal-Smltb- «oii, who do«s not aeem to care a wbit whether his bicycle la la tbe air or atrlklog the long drlre downward on tbe frame toboggan. Smith- Kon upeeilB downward at a terrlOc rate, and for in iDsttnt hli macblaa bingi la the air and gets you wondering wbathsr lM*U ma tbroagh tbe gap «r touch the otbar sMsw In just a breath, tboogb, be laada aaMr smilingly rccelrea 4ba bant aC Hialaasi WkKh mela him. Utaai filllHL Ika ItlBca at aoiilllbrlsts. mada a bte hit last vaak AOaaey wltb bla mammotb MMI Wmu. Then ara other spiral towers, '^■t adr aaa Lcsarc Tbe aaeent and descent on tba hagc ban alose la a daagaroos fest. but Ogmre, not coo teat with that, performs aev. aral perlloui tricks at the height of 10 feet shore his atartlng point. At nigbt all lights are torned off and Legare makes bla deacent amid a toIcuiIc eruption and t>rliilant shower «t flreworki. For many weeki paat the maaagement ot old Coney has been bosy wltb preparatloaa Cor tba Harreat Home Daya, an ercat which baa baca a Oztare for tba paat twcaty-thraa yaaia. nis la lha tarsalr-f«th aanal Barraat Bbaa aad MfeitWMehayhraeaa tha dataa at Aotoat ». M. aat sr. jtssilaia te st i lpss sU famer aeesslons la tha Tsrtety of cntcrtalaawat offared aad tbs alae of displays. Fotiltry exhibits, prodace, frnlts and woman's handicraft are ■***^g tbe feararea to be enjoyed. The Baby Show which comes Saturday aftenooa. pcomliea moeh rlral- ry. bat tbe prise always goes to tbe handsomest ooe. as the committee of gentlemen, competent, of coarse, shall decide. Angttst SO win be tbe kiddlea' day, aad tbe haat for the 2,000 eaady ^ga hluuan wUl ba tsab- aadtlac n maasaiaat Maaagar Obrard haa tSdag tbe allpa eaUtUag tbera to tba jRi! ■as girls will lie awarded a winter cast, drcaa, The fortanata hifu will latlOQ of ». at which darsd tor tbe "open door." President Jake Wells of Norfolk. Vs., pre- sided. Other oScIals of tbe saMclatloo preaent were R- L. Cardoaa. aecretary. of Atlanta, and a majority ot tha Board ot Ooreniocs. A icaoIotlOQ was adopted coiamendliig the ac- tion of Piaatdeat WeUn in bla eSort In bebalf of tha "open door movement." BUFFALO BILL AND WIFE RECON- CI UATM X North riatte. Neb.. Aog. 20.—Col. Wm. Cody and his wife bare become reconciled to each other, sfter being estranged for a nomber of At Seaats' Beat laaefa, tbe Cody booe, sear Karlh Platted It la aald wban tbs aeason Is over, th^ ^^jy^^lgn ga wg^ .ml HARRY PARRI8H—NOTICEI Bob Csraaagh arlrsd Tb# Billboard aa follows: Hairy Parrteh. aaaa «KF taMataat aawa awaits £08. Wtaa m iwaillilig ■iTCiamih. Tba Two BOto* Bhaw. Smith aad Bastoo bare closed on D'Tarsme's time oat of Paleatlae. Tex., and opened on Billy Ellwood's time. Angust 14, at tbe Royal Theatre In Booston. watch aad rlBg._ itp 1 ot dalht^ I "OPEN DOOR" FOR CHATTANOOGA HALLBERG MOVES TO 36 East 23r<lSt. My new offlcee and ahowrooma are the flneat and most mcMlem. I gnarantsa to save two-tblrds on your current bill, aad to give tbe N»st lisht you ever saw with the HAIXBESO EC0M01tT?XS. Aak atMot my Fllckerlcss M. P. machine, 4.000 c p. are 1 a m p a, BUCTBA Pink Label earboaa. spat lights. ca- haoat fana, a st aa toa eaUea, Issssa. colored saaoaace- ment Slldea, sad sU kinds of sop piles. Write for FREE Cstslogae No. 1TB. ILMUKU. Brush Electric Lighting Set SitvetiieiliffereiioalNlMiBen Scents a K. W.—what it costs with a Brush Outfit— and tlw 8 to 15 cents which you are now paying tbe Electric Light Company. Also save one-half of the Use Direct Current, which v«r Gsa, QssoitlJ or'K;^:^^rrio H. P.: weight fsT Mipocior to Altwiia t in g UBO lha. Ust *80a sobjert to dlscoaat. fWaM^ - - - WBIXB TO-OAT WtOi OUUtlMUM. -pTs-irssn - THE CHA8. A. 8TREUNQER CO^ Box B.3. DETROIT, MICH., U. S. A. Best Film in the Worid-HEBE! Secure InJep—Jept service at onoe 1 Procrastination is the thief of time, and in the case of the exhibitor, it will rob him of his business. Our weekly re- leases afford a varied program of QutJity and Quantity unsurpassed. Don't wait for the other fellow to do It, but jump in yourself. Stop providing fuel for the Steam Roller^ SB tile ve- hicle may be headed your wagr aiqr SECOND-HAND FILMS EXPORTED In Iarge,quantitiP8 at prices from one cent per foot. All leading Continental and American Manufacturers. Write for lists to NSW CCNTUIIY FILM SCRVICK, Dopt. A, BRADFORD, ENGLAND. NBW IXOEPENDENT FILMS—Nlrtj. Nobbj. snd Beal Money Getters: aaa ta I aeaa; alma fcr rent; mactaloes and supplies. "Terlbest Serrlce"—Imps, na - nanaw Hn^ lowers. Urest Norlbem, Nestor, Atlss, Defender. Cbamplon. Film O'Att. "^"^^fiS^TTOON FILM SERVICE CO. N. meiMIIOSs MaiMQW. 110» B i i i a d ^ay. MATTOOf, tU-t ANNOUNCEMENT SLIDES, ONE CENT "PRESTO" LANTERN SLIDE INK Write* smootbljr on glus wltb a pea and drlea in a ailnntej e spec ially prepared (or writing BtatMT a battiaa. *'rBnTO"^|UjKn»»jn^ eRQWN FILM SERVICE . a. A. STOUT. Manaiar. 111-113 Foortk Avenie, - - PinSBURG, PA. lange. hdqicodent Goods for the I 6 rede weddy, 1 «hipmiHit,.- r '^HelSHHMr Monlfas 112 reds weekly, 2 shipmenlib ■ " Machines and all Supplies at 15% off $7^ UjOO ir the Fate of the Film Exchanges that waited too The Wise Man Profiu by Others' Mistakes. iHdai EcIaii^Eclair Film Co. Imp—Independent M. P. Co. Yankee—Yankee Film Co. Bison—N.T. Motfen- Fietme Co. Powers—The Powers Co. Thanhouser—ThanhouBcrCo. Ambroato — N. T.' IfBlini Picture Co. Atlaa—Atlaa Film Co. —Tlw Ctam|iinn Thnisi .TwnJL. Swanson Film IVAil ' Haiimimn Imp—Indeftendent M. P.-Otak- Lux—R.Prieiir. Bison—N. T. Molida Firtwe Co. Thanhouser—Thanhouser Co. Gt. Northern—Gt. Nortfaem _ n. YiUuaaa Pfetan Aem» worn K,. TB Mat,. AaU trmt rOm 0»- W 85- AlbaaT- ma Be, 4M ai aa t ii ay. aibaagr. M. m.. U J. Applegatb * Mm. MS Yaac St.. Tbivalo. Allen AauisenieBt 0*^ Ollgair. Alberta, Canada. B. A W. Film Ex., 413 B. Balta Bt. Balto. Ud. Buckeye Film & Pt«. Co.. 800 Arcade Btdg.. Dajnoo, O. Boston Ftlfn Bental Co., 132 Boylaton, Boston. BUoa mm a Amnse. Co.. 1222 Grand Are.. Kansas City, Mo. Oblcago Film Ex Salt Lake City, Utati Cincinnati FUm Ex.. 315 W. 4tb. Clnclsnatl. O. CoBSoUdated Amnse. Co., 28 W. Laztngtoa St.. .Baltlmesc. Ud. Bagene Cllne nO Dearborn St., Cbicago. 111. ExElbltors' FUm Ex., 138 3d Are.. JJ. Y. City. Dixie Film Co., TM Malaon Blanche BIiIk. X«w Orleans. La. Eagle Film Ex., 143 N. 9tb St.. Pblladelpbla. Empire Film Ex., ISO B. 14tb St., N. T. City. W. H. Oreen FUm Ex.. 228 Trvmont, Boston. Glolie Film Service. 1073 E. Madlron. CblcaEo. Oaomoot Co., IM St. Catbertne St., Montreal. Great Eastern Film Ex.. 21 E. 14th, N. Y. City. Great Western FUm Co.. Winnipeg, Usn., Csn. Hodaoa Film Co.. 138 B. 14tb St.. N. T. City. iBdepcadcat Film Ex., 413 Ferry St., Plttsbarg. ~ ' West. F. Ex., Svatland BMg.. m. ^ , Ota. Mlcblgsn FlUa * i^it^-Qbc^tiw^aiaB^^' Trast Bide .................DaliaU. 3tUk. J. W. Uorgan. 1230 Grand Ara.. ITsMsas CllT. MIlea Bros., TOO Turk St.. San rrsndsea, <aL rbllsdelpbis Film A Pro. Co.. 44 N. 91b. Pblla. PbUadelphla Film Ex. 834 Arcb. PbUsdelphia. raclflc Film Excbaage Seattle. Waab. Paclflc Ststcs FUm Ex., 1085 Mlssloo, St., Kaa FrandMa. CaL t. .» L J aia r r BWie.._ ........ Aacaiaa. Oal. . a W. Mtk M. T. CUT. ■ Pearlesa FOa Ex., M WtUk. Are., N. T. CItr. Wm. Steiner Fnm Kk. llS^lk Arc.. X. T. Cltj. W. H. Swaaaos StTEMda VlhB Co.. SOO IT. Serentb st St. Louis, Ma. Sootbem Film Ex. IT Opera Place, t^tnclnnatl, O. W. H. Swanson it Co., 100 Take St., Cbicago. Texas Film Ex.. 3tt EUm Dallaa. Trxaa. Toleda- ma Exchange Toledo. O. United Kotlia Picture Co. II2 Msin St.. Oklahoma City. Okla. Victor Film Serrlce, Seneca St Pearl, Buffalo. Victor Film ScTTlca, Prospect A nnroo. Clevelsnd Wagaei FUm It Amute. On., 208 N. Bib at " " ■ Motion Picture Distribotins and Sales Go., n^^y"ork''^-.ty J. FRANK HATCH FILM COMPANY MATCH BUIUMNOa 10» FOurlls Jk%