Billboard advertising (Aug 1910)

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AUOMT 27. 1«ia Ttie Billboard 27 jk( tb« •tnuucr, bceoou sUoiieh Mcsd*. ZSet tmUteu with Joe aad eracIlT cmU BUI Tmc tor bim. JM. ot eoun*. katmtaf notUag Ztmw loTB for Mur. r«rtpioa«wr6» iloB uui be lecma th* tmtb. Iladlac kbna^f tiK racccwral rltal o( tbs mu to whom b* .m-M hl« Ufa be nakcs m ntKnaoas effort to re- Icct Uaty'i adTaneee. FluUy muaslas to 2ade ber. be aead* b*r a note urlac that ha la amin nine oot to aea. Sbe la amaaed at tbla •bd n»bn madlr to tba ahore. Is the mean- tnoe. Bin orertakea Joe at tbe abore aod. Imo- of bl« porpoee. with a blow, aeiula lilm iDto toe ua, nerer to ntani. At tbla moment Marr rtubea up. atie. ot eontae. not aware of Jli^ fate. anS ab »w» Ml . tte aot^ Be to Urlten mad npoa lei MK Ot Ma *aea wwM «b- tirelT mmrcaaaary. ao Mj—» lUg^to w«lt. be radcia oat. aat Mm tte aea with . Uta at lecoiMlBK U* viette. WnLTDt. PWKJT (OOMOr; yelamed Amtjat S: mttta. MT IMt).—Tbar* to in tbe Iriab tbe MM eoBunendable ot tralta. eandcr. Tber ne mtbfal ia tbe extreme, and bence posot- tiM far be wbo baa coorace of bla coOTlctlona ■Mt kM* pit to back It n|k Tbto to eres ao wllb tba fair laaaea of tba Emerald Iile. for tb« acwn the art of dlaaembllBS. and pretty mile rrsg7. tbe ceatral flfiire In tbla pKlare. U IB e«mple. PegKT'a candor ao lap lord of tbe manor tbat tbat woctar r ▼ITAOBAFH. THE TIIBEB CHBBBI PITS V leawd Aognit 2S: length. MS ftatV 1 la Inanlted by tb^ . from tba ebeiilea aad flip at tbe veNna. Tbe cberry-pit tbnwa by tb« first Tomg man atrlkea tbe eetema on tbe arm: another of the joonx men flips a ebenr rit which strike* the oldl aotdler tn tbe car. The pit thrown by tba tblrd jomg man atrlkea tbe old man orer tbe beart. Some wseka fol- lovlnc tbto Incident tbe yonns feUoam an nt- leadlBC a iccepiloa at wbleb tbey ara^totw- awLtt tn tba Tetaran as tbe moet expert dueUat 'b an lUBff. - Sbe vetenn mafcca lilmaelf tsawB and Una cbaltentea cacb ot tbem to •sbt bIm a doeL whlcb tbcr feel tuaor-boimd la accept- Tbe Brst yootta la wvasded tn tlie ■m by tbe old aoldler, who preaents tbe yoanc mxD with the eberty pit with wbldi be bad utmck him In the arm. Tte aecood yoatb meets the veteran on tbe field of honor and to wounded la tbe ear wbem bla cbarty pit itmek tbe It ia anar tbe tmrn of tbe yooc Ban " itrack tba eatana amtbe He to alnraat ■ wicek wfcen be recelTea a note to meet bIm where tbe bearer will lead him. which la directly to tbe Teteran'a iKHne, where the old man Is iTtnc serloaatT MI. LtIdi; npon bis t>ed. he calla tbe yoonc man to hlxD. and tells bUn that Ills honor does not de- mand that he needlessly take life, and forslTea tbe yestb. Tbe^do^ns aeena Is a reir tm- imaife oaa •■ Ihn ttM.aM atud abMt_tha TBS HAS Aojrast M: Clob la a « that tbey a* aa drla- KOSE LEAVES (Drama: relesaed Ansnst ST: IcBcth. B»5 feet).—Boee LeaTes U tbe Utle ot • delicate sodety drama with a tbeme aa dell- ate In tlntla* and aa atronc In porpoee aa tbe -«alor and per f um e of tbe mee Itself. JEAN AND THE CAUCO DOti (Drama; re- haaed Aotrnst 30: lenirth 970 feet).—BeaUcs betas a dramatlcslly scted story. Jean and tbe CaUee DeU Introdoeee a moet lirlUlant cblM aet- !«■ ibA a mmt. iatellUent doc. LVBIM COWBOY CUIVALST (Drama; leleaaed AnK. n: leoKtta 980 feet).—Percy (London rlalta bla old rbnm. Ernest Lanicdoa. at tba latter'a lancb. Percy was the welstat-Ilfttnc cbampioo In bto colleje snd createa aa Im pis s al on at tbe taaA fraaa the atart. Par^ pots ea tba gtofca with tba beya. las Balnea, tbe tnraiaaa. anksi bat. a pear sksnbaa aa a boxer, and Bita. Tsalaa*a •later, to alUa tla a by Percy's .aun aad talker Inclined (hat thsrs was a pnitbr Rosd aadcr- standlns betwcea bcraelt and Jos. Oaa day while loe and SKa are rtdlac tba ranae. tbe In- dian* porsoe tbem. Percy abews tba white feather and rtdea off. learlnc Btta on a lame mare. Joe dlaeorerlot this, hnrrlee to Blta'a nvcne, which be finally accompllabca- Bnt Percy redeema hlmielf whan be rldca off and brlnita rellet to Joe and RIU. AN AMAKCaiBTIO OBIP (Oomedy: releaaed AoKoat S; lenctb BOO feet).-A tramp atceto tbe Tattoe of a dock aaleaman, contalnlnc bto ■<aCfc oc (ooda. He to tickled at tbe tboosbt at wtnnlac e prtoe, bnt the ticfclna of tbe docka aniqresta tbe worklnca of an Infernal machine and tbe tramp to ao aeared that be to almoet ts ta work. Tbe poUee. wbo hare ~ aHs dare not tooeb tbe a up poa ad ■al tHAtaa. aad thm ta pltattr of «z- xat mW fha abtasMB csMa at bsadonar- ^ t^i^m^^^S^fUnt ff-jSaSSsd THS DBaAM nU I »: lenm 488 «Nt)v- eenled a dteaa pm and aaaa a meats with his hrrcntloB. n» tn pill aod In a flaab hia dreaa voa a time be to in milk and hoaay natll tka pBTS power tadea, wbaa Mr. Tlaa^ aabas afb 0.17^ BpAD TO miCmtOMD (Onmm: releaae ffU.'J '««th —-).—Tba accaen tn Tbe Bond to Richmond at* laM taTtrid TbtWa'diittac a 1880 to latB. lbs ttstn sC tbs the period from civil War. PTMvr riJ*". •» wt'tiTW brathtea comrade when her btolher brtnta bin heme on ?i. 1 ?oun« men are oOcers ta i2i5.5f° • f™* to the war. Wh«i tbat nraafltbl ereat happena. aeparatloa eaaoaa end tbe y*«?b» t the conradea In batUe. Tbe flntl 125*8 between tbe northern eoldler and bla a waetbeart form tbe atoiy tateteet at- Mli Mm MIg war plctma. ' -i icbool pollUcUn. erer ready with the promise or the bribe. It's with the letter tliat be Is eao(bt. A abarp reporter doea the cstchlnf. Said reporter la sweetheart to tbe daochter of tba boocat collece professor, who oppoaea Casey for tbe party nomination for Concreas. TH8 I^ATCHKBT (Comedy; released Angnst 28; lenctb 1.000 feet) John baa the latchkey to BlU'a apartmenta ta the city, and sine- Bill to sway be decides to make nae of the home. Hot the enterprtolns Janitreaa In the boaae In which BUI llTea to seixed with tbe brl(bt Idea that she can snhlet Bill's apartments durlot hIa absence and tboa make aome extra money. ThU Idea she promptly pots Into execntlon by renting the place to Uay and Belle, two pretty yonns alxia who are In t>asloess in town. Not knowlss tbe flat to occnpled, John leU blm<>,ur ta with tbe latchkey and la amased to Snd the two (Irla Boand aaleep. Awakenlnc. the (Irla bellere bIm to be a bnrslar and Ibreatea htm wttb MiMlatlso. JMtoK_ a _sia.wbM tbar pre- FI LMS FOR SALE PLAIN TALK—READ THIS You can't gpt aomething for nothiog un- leaa y— tJ» it BHWiili ■ taJdng. Ton mnft Inbt toMMTBaas for K.00 toS&IIOperndaMMB. Fihii mitBirB liiu g o niiB e il by Hseon- dition. We know the value of film and are do- ing business strictly on the square. We don't offer to sell first-class film for $3.00 totS.OOperreel, because nobody cao do that. Tbey mi^t tdl you tbqr wQI, and even get some of your good money on the fltrength of it, BUT—you'll be sorry just too late. We seU fihns as CHEAP as any- body. Our films are far better than films I atfliBaBnie offered by any other price, BECAXiSEr— Eranrraelmidli totbebert films—^that's our Our procc improves a film 200%. Send for our "Cfeaning Catalogue, showimt photo- erapha of our plant covering 6^000 square Ket of floor space. It's free. WE HAVE THE GOODS If -we had in our office, we could open our massive vault door and SHOW YOU almost 1,000 reds of film. If your eyes deceive you, we will let you TOUCH tbem, and then if ytwwant to buy film we will BUN THEM OFF on a machine for you, so you can see what you are buying. Fair enou^ isn't it? If you can't come to Chicago, we will send films 0. O. D., SUBJECT to SCREEN EXAMINATION upon receipt of $5.00 deposit. SEND FOR BIG LIST $5 li^Mb PER REEL WRITE TODAY. ASK US. CHICAGO FILMERS 173 N.Green St. Maar Late St.. CHICHiGO, ILLINOIS UUCVJLMlmz. THANHOUSMl. A^LS'SfT pounoiAM T-i - fniiiii _TTe-~ MR. EXHIBITOR! Wbaa yea makeapy«ar atet tsosa la SIM. be 8aa« sna «M M^lh m that Tbafa CMXL T.iWnrr.H InaUaal Z«aaa*ffia^ Oaak^ "IMP" BULLETIN! «iiin>> 'W''NLLETIN! We now announce two more "Imps" which will not only set you fairly wild ivith delig^^ but will esuMr eodubitoiB to jump over to tbe Tijdtfwndmt ride by the dozen. If yonr exchange cannot give you these two glorious examples of Axoman ingenuity, sUD and art, then, . Mr.i ESzhibitor, you are quite the easiest mark in the business if you don't switch your trade to some wide-awake exchange AT ONCE. Now read Hbe rast :— FIRST—A ROARING COMEDY THE WIDOW" TUa ia a sequel to our record-breaking film entitled "VrtSk aad lowers" released last May. £ Heniy of the lonie theatre. La Salle, lU., wiate:—"f!niit^aiil FIoiir8B*?*'got my audieoee gi^iigaoine. I tlioq|^ aama of them would have to be carried out. They nearfr rolled off their seats. It was the best comedy I Ina ever seen." From all parts of the country we wen showered with similar praises. Now, then, "THE WIDOW" is a arauel to that mat filmand IT IS EVEIT BETTKB IW.BVBEY IWSTAIL. Ittellaasloivof a peach of a widosr, twomen failmifith her and then— the iceman. For heaven's aahik .watch for the iceman. "The Widow" will be releasedVonhgr, August 29th. She will be about 1,000 feet lone. YoMl love her. You^ scream with her. Get hert Get half Qs^lHri WlMasvair exchange NOW—in advance! NEXT— A CORKING DRAMA "THE WGHT GIRL" Here vou'U see some stagecraft that will cause you to marvel at "Imp" films and th«r never-failinK neifeetion. You'll see why it pays us to spend twice anf three tintes as much as any other manufacturer for ttie best per- fonners in the business. You'll see why we have hit the bu]rs.eye, bangi banc 1 bangi with eveiv film we have not at the market, uafloiildnmthbaliiiniieatodir and your folks wimia not tin or It. Bewam oTthe e£. diaiige which gives you an exeuse instead of this "Imp." Begin to ask for it tins very day. It will be released Hmm^gUnfint of Septaabes. It ia about 990 feet ladepeadent UotIbs Ptctnrea Co. of America. E. 14lh Street. New York. Carl - THE CHRONOPHONE TALKING PICTURES Demonstrations In Independent Theatres In New York State and Pennsylvania Write at once lor payticalars GAUHONT CO., Coni^ress Ave.. Fl.tSniNG. L. I., NEW YOU REEL TICKETS TRIMOUNT PRESS .'7 ;l I! \N\ >T. Hi'>lH^. MA<>.