Billboard advertising (Aug 1910)

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38 Xlme Billboard AUGUST 27, 1910. FAIR INTELLIGENCE Famous Aeronaut Meets Horrible Death at Indiana Fair—Interesting Article on Aerial Navigation- Items Regarding America's Fairs Tersely Told AERONAUT MEETS A TERRIBLE DEATH. Mt. Vernon. Ind.. Aiuc. 20 (Special to Tbe Billboard).—Prof. CasxiJ, a famona aeronaut, net bis deatb in Mount Verooo oa Tburadaj. Aoinut 19. at tlie Monnt Vernon Fair. Jack, as he was famlllarlj known, was talking ot bis many ascenalocu just before be left tbe ground on Thursday, and said that be bad alwajs been lucky, but be feared everr- thlns waa not rl^it tbls tlma. bl> yoiug asslat- aat bad wanted to maka tbit Jump but jack bad nCOwd hlni on tiist seeoont. Tbe bag fliled nictir and aolcklr and . Mt tbe groaod Wfea a fwbat, bat.when oatc tta. lower aide •■d isalnt tM wind, Jack fdt tto cbuge of ■peed and cot awar almoM Imnwdlately. tbe paradiata O f t n a d duectlr nodar tbe bag, and tben tbe taar ia tbe ball cod opened from to bottom, and tka atnd bas ar ««iskt down with tlia -taK In. ana-aMId BML t tbe paraebata and iHac to Oa n « M d like a rock. Chief of Police Frank F. Smith, an old friend of Juck'n, waa one of the first to reach blm; be gained coosclonsness In a few minutes and calmly Instructed friends wbat to do wltb tala paraphernalia. He waa tben taken to Dr. Vbltlns's omce In Mount Vcmon. wbeie It was tMud be. woaU.kMa:n ba.aaat to a kaapltal. a tip sbS 'Internally Injond. ' Hmt ware anzloiia to catch tbe Orst street car w BrsniTflle,-and as tliere was no cot asar^ Jack Insisted on bavlng Cblct Smitb carry blm down staira from tbe doctor's o9ce, and lifted binwelf to tbe cblers shouldos, talking calmly and pleaaantly. Bis wife, wbo was Tislting at La Porte, Ind., and blB home at 1033 Hancock street, LoolsTlUe, Ey., were both notUed by telegrapb, ot tbe ac- cident. Ue was taken to tbe Gilbert Sanitarium In EraDSTlUe, where be died at three A. M. Friday. Tbls is the second balloon fatality tbat bas c ccnrr ed In Mount Temon. PnC. JBlea was drowned bete ssTeral years : aaeeaaian wltb the Wallace dlaia denbaltaa irilh the doorman! Vr. TTOaitB, that " AERONAUTieS UP-TO-DATE. _ j-«ne la btigbt ted Ink far we al e n i enter- I and aggresalTeneaa Ih tbe great new anmie- nent name of avlatJonl Tbe Wast baa (iTen Biito tne Eaat Ita drst "aeto-anto-cyde" speed tonrney. as tbe program of tbe tbree-day aria- tton and motor meet recently beld at Bocbester betltlea the affair. Fifteen tbonaand people saw tbe Brat airship leaTe tbe gronnd in tbe pretty city of Sowers, witnessed the breaking of tbree -world's records for a half-mile nnbanked dirt track and cheered the establishment of a new Bastcm motorcycle mark. Which Is certainly dlTidcnda. ot deUght on tbe _ nersaader la newspaper and magaiitte cdnmns for enter- Elses of class and magnltade, and Joseph B. tymer, kmnm to fame as AL Woods* ^ef Uentensnt on tbe western steppes, were tbe hastl«a to whom the great commonwealth of New Tork owes Its flrst sky and land camiTal. NeTer bas an affair been better adrertlaed, wblcb, however, taking in rlew the cbaracterls* tic Geotz gilt, nnflaglngly in erldcnce during tbe campaign of pablicity. is really a platltudin* DOS statement to make. Gentz la not merely sat- tailed to secure representation. In all papers, which representation, doe to his newsy and ■itolMnc war of telllag thIacaL. la. alwam ample iSa^w aa wn a d bgr tttsMifitetC^bak he^'aaabS' the editions as well, wttb Mm naalt that tn- qnently the P. M.'s hare as manr aa halt a dosen different boom Stories from bim in an afternoon's mn. Mr. Gentr arrived early this week from New York City and will Ukely return there after a ▼Islt to Minneapolis, where he will spend sev- eral daya wltb his sister. Miss Claire Cbartrean, Ingenne of the Lyric Theatre Stock CbmiMDy, an actress of considerable achievement In tbe com- paratively few years abe bas been on tbe boards. ■Has Cbartrean gradoated into tbe legit from musical comedy. She Is an accompllahed mnai- dan. having studied vocal, vlolhi and piano Car several years In Bcdtn. wberc. br tbe way. ■he first appeared in opoctta in a peitonnanee fbr ebarltj' gtvea under tbe anvma of Oa American edooy. Mr. Oentx'a views on aviation, due to his act- ive connection with the new Bport. adenee and amusement factor rolled In one, are Interesting and authoritative. Tbia Is what he told a Bill- board man of the flying game In Immediate rela- tion to tbe bnalaess end of Its amnsement aip te ti . the fliBt statement easting teal light SB tta t feature of the subject: *nCliefe Is so moie nrearloos enterprise nor one at the aama time franght with neater pos- ilbllltles ot aiwrtil gain than the flylag game. It la alt a aaattcr ot propltlatliw tbe gnat god. Weather, to make It proa table beyond even tbe OTenge ■Ug' *bow hit letnms. As the enter* iriaa la cenerally condaeted now. It Is too ex- pensive, even ontslde of consideration of the fickleness of tbe weather, to admit of bljr win- nings. Tbe average promoter will [ilck bis town and bla dates and pat in anywhere up to a month of energy centered on tbe chosen dates, with tbe springing np of a gale on that day or tbose days blowing all bbi good work boruon- ward. Altablpc. yon know, are snaeeptlhle to Hm tflgbttat' a^ cnnvnts aa nmr - cmistltnted and cannot make the thrdllng flights promised mlesa weather conditions are perfect. Bearing this In view, allowance must be made for bad days, and conse4|oently aero allows must be booked like cbeuics. jrltb at leait two flying eamlvala a week, in order to reap rich re- wards. Economy and ayatem most ptevafl. Aviators are few .and command big ptloas^ hence It woold take a maaa ot capital to eandiiet the game on the winnliig nrmdnlcg ..oatUaaa bat tbat is tk» enly-air Ur. Genla's plana for the comtaic aeaaoo are atin ondcflned. An Index to the demand hia services are in Is given by tbe many offers of prise poeltloas In publicity promotion and edi- torial lines be Is receiving. Several pertain to opera reclame, a department In which his repots- tloa la supreme; another Is tbe editorship of s travel magaxine, and still another tbe manage- ment of a famoos speedway motorist. Whipple Hall, one of the arlatofs who ap- peared at Boobester aero carnival, passed through Chlcsgo from New Tork early this week on his way to San Francisco, where be is to have an operation performed on bis skull, which be fractured when be lost control of bis aeroplane at Vteno, CaL, tour months ago and was pieelpitatad ' to the gronnd. Pressore of the fraetnted part of the iktill has slightly af- fected tbe mnscles of Ida left aide. Hall considers the prospective operation triv- ial. *1 bare broken eleven ribs in aeronautic ex- periments, have been pierced by two fence pick- ed and tiave bad a bullet insinuate itself Into my system," be told a Billboard representa- tive while in the city, "so I'm more or less in- ured to wbat are called tbe terrors and pen- altlea of tbe sport. 1 shall be up and out in time to participate in tbe big International aero toomament In New York next October.** HaU Is famons in tbe sport annals of tbe Unl. T«nltr Ot California aa a star fullback and. ammaHcally, flrst attnetaA totamathmal no- tthe when he participated In tbe Tames Gordon Bennett cnp balloon race at St. liouls In tbe world*s fair dsys. He was the flrst man to soar In an aeroplane across tbe International bomidary, San Diego to Tla Jnana. His father Is appellate court Judge in California and be Is Independently wealthy. with blm, aa wltb Hamilton and Harmon, flying la not a matter of earning a llvdlhood, but Is stfcir • «■•• en- compassed by tbat one Inelitaiit MR..«a«WBt little " " MUCH MUSIC FOR MINNESOTA FAIR. Minneapolis, Minn., Aog. 20.—Three well- known bands bava ban engaged by the lUiflie- aota State Fair awatiwaii to ra n dar pngratns npon the grooade ^Bd batbce the fianilr*—* For thlB latter department the Ko tUi wagt e ni Military Band, direction of George KodOar. has been chosen while tbe Mlaneaota state Band, direction ot Tony Synder. will famish music at the Hippodrome. The Nsvee sar Ladles' Band, ditectlon of Aogusta Dial, will occupy the open-air bondstand in tbe prom- enade. Several additional actn win be included In tbe program before the grandstand, among which may be mentioned Tbe Three N'ewsomes. Tbe Arisato Family, and a Mlnoeapolis man. Harold Dahl, known as Tbe Booster on the Tight-wire. In connection with the fair mem- beta of tbe MlnneapoUa Betall lUrctaaata* As- aodatlon voted Monday. Aaanat S, aaalast the prapoacd night street eantfil to ba Md In Uln- neapolla State Mr wMfc In < evenlag sMia^ tlani «t lha tktr N. C. STATE FAIR. The FIttietb Great North Carolina State Fair and Home-Coming Jubilee will be held at Sal- elgb, October 17-22. About tIS.OOO are being expended this year in tbe erection of a new, fireproof, concrete building, and In making other needed Improrements upon the grounds. Tbe Board of Aldermen. Chamber ot Com- merce, Merchants* Association, and other orfran- Ixatlons of Balelgb are co-operating actively with t|ie North Caroltna AgrtcoIlDral Society together with a patrlaMeJBnto. iwas fa awatot- ing tbe aneeesa aT Oa Jl l fci .B lm lng JW l i aa, In conneetloa with tha fbfek ' CALIFORNIA'S TWO EXPOSITiONS. San DICRO. Cal.. AuEust 20.—California Is now assured of two expositions to celebrate the op- enln;r of the Panama Canal In 1915. Citlxena of San Diego have voted to issue bonds In tbe amonnt of $1,000,000 for impTOvenieot of tbe city park already selected as an exposition site, and for tbe construction of permanent bnlldlugs tbat sball constitute the unclens .of tbe fair. An expoaitlon to he held at San Francisco Is siready partly gaanssdi . The bonds were car- ried by a ySlm~WTJi,i. The verdict Is re- earder as a llllfcallan ot the agieement reached hv reprcseatattics: ot San Frandaeo and San Diego at iraMastoa.Jaat. May.. PROFESSORS SPEAK AT FAIR.. Taneytown, Md„ Angost 13.—To an blage of more than 10,000 petsonn who attended the Tanertown Pair. Angnat 11. Hon J. Fred C. Talbott. of Baltimore County, delivered a short address, urging tbe farmers of this sec- tion tn hand together more stronely. Conrren- man Talbntt and Hon. J. H. Baiston. of tbe Wastalngtoa bar, were tiw meats of honor for the big day of the week. Other sneakers of tbe day were Prof. H. A. Sorfaoe, master of the p.«SrS^ &^S^SM'&£&£SeSJL- A jBio/ Mitip ^Hew.. PIttabnnt. Aagaat 911,—AtiaaiiomaBts are he- Ins completed tar tlie mammoth land show wblcb hi to lie beld here October IT-29. The object of tbe exposition Is to provide informa- tion for the farmer, tbe home-seeker and In- vestor regarding land openings and develon- ments in all sections of tbe coontry. and tn ■how samples of tbe mineral.-agrlcnltiiral. bor- ttenltnral and botsnleal prodncts of tbe aoil. and to leaeb the student .and layman edoeitlonsl facts eo a ce rn tng laDd rMUmatiOB and Irrlsattool Tbe exhibits will' Include tbose of tbe TTnlfed States Government, atate exhibits, boards of trade, chamhera of eommaree, eommetcUl bod la|^^jg d^aiid ^ligaMan rompenlea. sal ataU KNOXVILLIAN8 BUSY. Knorville, Tenn.. Anjruat 20.— The popnlace of Kooxville Is now working hard and will be for tbe next thlrty-flve days, for tbe openlne of the Appalachian Exposition. Everything will be In readiness for tbe hlc. show that wU open 8cp- tember 12, and conunue antn October 13. The last day will be Oolnmons Day, and Knlgbta of Columbus from all over the SOBth will be taera on tbat day. The committee of the local lodge Of tbe order la now making preparathuia and se- enrlng fnnda for the eatertainmant «( the vis- itors. Two local mraibtn .sC: tla..«wr nb- acrtbed |S00 each, and'; oWM- aoMnMng liberally. .... ■ ' ; " FARMER PINM EALLObN. Lebanon, Tenn.. Angnat 20.—C P. Barrow, residing In the Third District of WIIsoo Connty, has found In his lot a lost ballooa. The bal- loon bas tieen. from apiiearances. on tbe groond for several days, and waa aomewbat mnsty. There was nothing on tbe balloon to indicate where it came from, except a caid' attoakld, which reads as follows: "notify O. .0. Ifhna.** There was no address given. OHIO STATE FAIR MAY BE POST- . PON ED. Columbus. O.. August 19.—Gov. Harmon la t>endlng every energy to bring about a settle- ment of tbe street car strike here before the State Fair opeoa on August 29. Entries for tbe Fair open Satoiday. and there Is fesr tbat If tbe stnke la ocntlnned the Fair may be post- poned, .na aoratnor aaya he will keep the tniapg Jim at least mta afltsc. the Stole Fair in ««H' tka .shdfea Is aet. satlM. baftre that HOOP-LA IS QA MBLINa Albany, N. T., Aug. 18.—"Blnglng" knives and canes at county fairs has been declared a game of skill, but "loop-la" is gambltnc within the meaning of tbe agricultural law, ac- cording to an opinion rendered by Attorney Gen- eral O'Malley. Agricultural associations which nenalt gamWIag gaaMB at tabs ata to dangar «t intoltlng tbair-.flpt to aaj ~ ' mir —- MURRAY SELLS OUT. Pittsburg. Pa.. Aog. 20.—Harry Cancte has bought Eddie Murray's interest In Cancle and Murray's Sbow, Mr. Murray returning to Pitts- burg to re-eater vaudeville. The Show will now be known as the Harry Cande Famons Show, csrrying ten vaudeville acts and playing all- week atands. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. Wllmlogton. 0., Aug. 20.—T!ie Wilmington Fair win. Ilils year, be in charge of local peo- ple, a stock company having been formed. Tlie fair nlll be held September 27, 28, 29 and .tO. The free attractions will consist of several good nets and an airship. NASHVILLE'S DAY AT EXPO. Nssbvllle, Tenn.. Angost 20.—October 6 will inabably be aaoptcd aa NaahvUle Day at the «?!^S?«..__ 5=!* to. Is la fedd CARNIVAL NOTES. The loater of the Wortliam-AIIen Showa la as f^lowa; C. A. Wortham and nom W, AUco. owners and general msnagers; Fred Klefer awl J, V. Beed, promoters; J. C. Wodetaky, pres* agent and superintendent ~ of prlvUegea; Earl Eaos, secretary and treasurer; Oeurgo Striep, train maater; Frank Moss, general announcer^ Amoa Wallace, chief electrician. The followlnc Is tha liat of atlractloos: The Zouaves Circus. Mrs. C, M, Fontlfax, manager, teaturlns Mas and June, tbe blgb-dlvlng pooiea, and a troapw of trained dogs, Kwlug's twenty-four ZoaaveOe In drills, pyramid building and wall scaling; Spanish Bull Dance, Beaorlta La Xoyoba, aolv owner and manager; this attraction Joined thv company at IMwardsville, 111., August 6; Col- leaao, a new picador, also Joined tbe ahow aa EdwardavUle; Stella, singing, dancing and elec- trical sbow; Craiy House, H. H. Kline, mai. ager; Howard's School Boys and Girls Vauua- nlla, Cntiy Howard, manager, featuring tb« Howard CblHicn, slack wire artlala and eool- llhtlau; Bnmaa Boulette Wheel, Fred Haklaa, manager; Jumping Hone Uerry-go-nwad, J. J.. Barnes, manager; Ooe nmiii's Tlia IJiasllM. Doc Beam, manager; Leo, tbe Sgyptiaa wan- der, and Nemo, the aimless wonder. Irene Zallee, the danghter of Mr, and Mrs. Zallee, wbo baa been with tbe Cosmopolltai* Shows for two sesaons, Is seriously lit st her home In Pekin, 111. George E. Sangster's Sbowa loat a Ferris wheel and a car-load ot paraphernalia In • washout near Snnklrk, N. Y,, recently.... CARNI VAL NOTES. Ed, Brown, formerly of the CosmopolttaD Sbows No. 3, haa Joined tha rank of benedicts gage. ADDITIONAL ROUTFS. (Becelved too late for clasalflcatlon.)' Adams & StabI Sbows, J. W. Stabl, mgr.: Bock- port, Ind., 22-2T. Barnes*. Al. G.. Trained Wild Clrcua: Wetas- kiwla, AJU., Can., 29; Segewick 30; Cambroie 81; lACombe Sept. 1; Sator 2: Stettler S. Dixie United Showa: Kew Pbiladelpbla. O.r 2a4T. Eastern, Great, Amusement Co., L. B. Utt, mUkS Alton, m., 22-2T; Barty ao-ft^^ " Gollmar Bros.' Shows: Old.. 1 Cits- 2S; Lexington 28; M. Ml City 29; Mlnden SO; Alan SI: 1 1: Bebfon S; Faltaaiir S. " o, Bobinaon's, lotm. Ten Big Shows: W. Vs., 24; Hinton 25; Bonceverte 20; Cov- ington, Va.. 27; Staunton 29: Harrisonburg SO; Woodstock 31; Front Boyal Sept. 1; Alex- lanMflsvt, ChsrlcstoQ. andrla 2^ Frederlckaborg 3. . W. wleaver, mgr.. S. a. aa-ST; BlnaOald, •.:—Correc- St. Louis Sbows, B. W. tlon—YorkvUle, " Vs.. 29-Sept. S, Wtieeler'a, Al. P., New Ilodel Showsi vllle. Pa.. 2S; Money 28; UOntgeaicry STf Wataontown 20; Lewlabnrg 30; MlflUnbaig 81. Whlteley. Great, Sbows: Shelblna. Uo., Sept, 1; Sbelbyvllle 2; Bethel 3. Bobbins', Frank A., Showa: Cameron, W. Va.. 24; Monndsville 2S; St. CIslniville. O., 26; BameavUle 27; Mt. Temon 29; Butler 30; Shawnee 31. Sun Bros.' Sbows: Eaton Rapids, Mich., 20; Leslie 26; St. Charles 27; Ullllngton Sept. 1; Lapeer 2; Bocbeater 3. CANADIAN THEA TRES OPEN. Winnipeg, Man., Ang, 20 (Special diapatcb - BlOboard).—Thc..Walk«r TheatTe.r Deinr's CuceVatin Did Not Hold Good. so WE ARE our lEIE PLAYIM EVERYSOOY SAYS: "It is a Fine Band." AMERICAN BAND AND ORCHESTRA OF PROVIDENCE, R. I. Oldest and best band in America. Oiganized 183/. Went through the dval inr vtth tbe 1st R. I. Regt Fuqw at all Washington Inmiiinb. DrMA/CM O /^UIID^U Conduoter-Tha OraatMt OwttWCPI n. U n^n, CornotSoloiatln thawrorltf'. Anna Ellis Dexter, Boston, Soprano; Claude Spary, Celebrated Trombone Soloist; Fred Padley, Famous Flute Soloist; Jos. Le Maire, Clarinet Sokjht;. SIg TagI ialavore, Baritone Soloist, and many others. 40 Artists in all. I HOWARD FEW..... iiMi^iM.«taM York.