Billboard advertising (Aug 1910)

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AuauOT zr. ma ■..J. V. •.- Xtie Olliboarcl Sent.l2 APPALACHIAN EXPOSITION flct.12 KNOXVILLE, TENN. EXPLOITING THE DEVELOPMENT AND RESOURCES OF APPALACHIAN TERRITORY ENGAGED FOR ENTIRE EXPOSITION— Weber's Prize Band, Brooks' Marine Band, Pain's Pyrotdchnics—Battle in the Clouds, Fall of o Pompeii, Wrighlfs Aeroplanes, Cdeman's Dirigible Balloons, Strobel's Airships, Midwpjf Jungle BUILDINGS— Administration M a n ufaetu r«rs' Horticultural IMeehanieal AgrlcuKuMi Forestry Woman's Uws Stoek Exhibit Space AU SQld Have Yet for Sale A Limited Number (ilf C Negro 6,000,000 pooplewKhin a radius o^r200 mltos. Lowsst railreiad ; NOTiUiU VISilOIS-PRESIOENT TAR, CmZ» Wantttd Ell Ferris Wlieel. Merry- g0i>round, and a few miorafeaturo Mid- ' / 'my .'Shows r givSn far'raand trip. APPALACHIAN EXPOSITION, siuipFOKD H. oohbn; . wrnre oa wine or UNITED FAIRS BOOKING ASSN. l)r:K.iiAVK,G«n.R^ ' : NEW FORBES' COMEDY. (O^tlnaed from pace 6.) et mnauor ooc« a ««ck, are _ vcqr weD; •*«n acnr, in cold type, becaoie it Is M maar to akip them It joa daat wnt la tmA than acala. **B«t when yoa m atttlac In the iiaatac'tt*- •tec In Aomt, with the tbennoowter eoqnatHar with tb« aoBdnd mark, and ttioaa Ome^tlraa nlllerlea an ahooted at ym from the ilue with acareely ao moch ta a akel«too at a plot to hold th«m tocether. It la quite a dltterent aaatter. That wu the rue at the Crltetloa Tbeatre. which opened Ita teason laat nlfht. Whcs Mr. Forhea' The Cbmmatera was acted te the flrat tine." Aaa la tha Tolasraph wo Hat tbto: "Am an — oC teagti^ rtm Owntan eflncd XkMtlW not alint. BUT -M taC 4o>wb as n clBaatle trl- nopb. Tkcnbo ttaoao wko cootaB^aiat > tkr- desl eooMdr purports ta^ aatklac else. On ta* other lisad. there remain yet a tew ot oa who would prefer at leaat a mere ahadow ot a atorr. a BDtplcloa ot a plot, jost an eiens fOr an latercat that extends beyond the point of each partlmlar Joke and earrlea as Into Its tnccetaor. "This la ast to aay that last nliht'a andleoce yd not tasTo a sood time, aa rood tlmea ape ■{■■Bed by the number ot lansba to any glren MSsaa.- bat It la to aay that The Commatera nto Or A«t ot Jaawa Itebca' Tba Ctaoraa nf^i'alMSf'jSiytB^^TS&a^STMi?^ m»."* ^"* .ai««Ml» ^ Ita ho . "For two acta at fha latcat pnimet pen of the amOInc Sfr. Vocbaa a da«a ar nbnrbanltaa alt aroand and diacnaa tto an- BDrba In their own aohnrban way. Tbey baTe a (t*>t ueal to say aboot the aerrant mblem; they otter aarcaatlc remarka aboot their nalsb- hora" lawns: they ran at the train serrlee, and t^*7JInd fault with early monlDC eatla. Ilacb atWa la amasln« In Mr. rotlies'tsmlUar sain: ■Ml M. » la la a coarser strain than ke has ■aaaoiMB^Ia emplov before, and aome ot It Is ■MarartUdal and foteed." MARRiAGB OP A STAR. (Ooattnoed from page 6.) It I, a gieat part for any actreaa. The bta at the end of the aecond act. ana lOsa Ltpnaa did a atlrrinc bit of work there, no earialD fell oo the bisseat applanae ot the aint, and the audience was really roased." The World asys: "Perfaapa If It bad been gged ritht off the frlddle. Ilka a rattUac "FMtew K It M beam ,lam« W m '*m oto M one mind la dacMlainAaaK Oa at- taopt waa In farce. "Perlupa If there had gon from the French, Hew York and Boston— • .**Bot what'a the nie ot apeenlatlna as to wkst mUlht hsTs sared The Uarrlaca ol a Star jaat alfbt at the Saekctt Theatraf The point . a* aHkaMUy tut wKUag can aa*e It *4( a* fla a wt «aal the acker way. tka- ■Meal lndlcatl«M hare «aatber predlettso, aod it after that nobody esn telL .tt the BROADWAY FLICKERS. (Cuattaa;' fMaa page *.) James D. Barton la m Banpa. Sa la Geo. BalUnaer. - tTd. Prawley will 1, tfea IM WlMUnn banner this season. Jim SliesKrs.:e wUl mansca-«aa «C Ika Baap- aon shows. Fred Fleck la la Cbleaca, PhU Bakaaa ai^^ . ia - BUT ffMi MAkia^MIT--«ST» OiBNTIIAOT. (Cootinaed from page C)' iii. Ibtthewa also pcrssaded Jb: riakmaa to aBmr klai a asonth's toor In the Canadian prar- tecaa, at tke close of his New York seaaon, ■est aialill He has already toorcd with his owa coanulee In Scotland, Ireland. Sooth Af- rica, India, Aoatralla. Tasmania and New Zeal- and, and ae desires to complete his record ot hSTinc pisyed la crery British possession ot any Importsnce. May Blayaey. Hr. Matthews' wife, who U also appeadac la Lote Amoax tba Uooa.' has Ukewiaa iliailil ta iiaiala aaaer Mr. Rnfe- man'a ■MMaat aa« la be tka aaaaa can- paay ^Mk ker baabaad tat a aaiiod at Are icata. Sken ia a tare tooek of aeaHaeat la IHa, te torn Blayaey em np an opportunity atai la The Oaaoael at a salary of fiOO a week, la order to play with her hnsband. Mr. rtokauui Is now looklna for a saltsble play u which they msy both sppear as co-itars. THE WIFE TAMERS. (Continued ftaaa pagi T.> T. Sweetbearta .. .. .. ."• .. ..Irene 8. Cocktail Prappe aaudlno p. The Msnlenre Girl Kthel 10. Finale. . _ _ „ „ Interpolated nombera by Jerome D. Kern. R. Q. Pelllaler, Barry Cartton and Claire Knm- mer. EXECUTIVE STATf FOE HENRY W. 8AV- Oeom Chenet Joe Smith .. .. Laital Robinson . Julias Oasrerdl .Adeertlslnc Ascnt . 8ts(e Director .Msstcr of Properties ElecWcUi yOUNOEST STAGE DIRECTRESS. (Continued from psse 6.) ^^s&STk^'SJsri:^,^ awtA" FOR For O. r. BOLAND, THEATRE "vailoa. nis. Bia FieHT-^EFFEIES-JOmraON—The tlmmt>-fllp moTpmeat. CarrT In yoor pocket and take a i'Wk wb^-n you please. .^Kent's sample, 10c, prtpaM. FLtlWEB MKQ, CO., CLa'tl, O. VOK BBTX—VatMleTlUe TlieatTe. Seats 400: well located. ...Good o ycnlng for a lire maoacer. pictana. — - - Flaya Taoderllle or . ricbt man. It jamJiptA wHte. Addieaa XuUKtt JacfcaoaTille. lU. to tho W A. NT GOOD OPEN TME RUED UP Fir Rent-llfiiter Barien IMn In Baxonoe Street. tOnr bloeka from Oaaal Stnet, NBW OBI.EANS.. LiA. CageU^l^SOO. Csol la Man to handle Bolts A Weyer Uchts: T^p Ommmer snd Slide Trombone; slso a Cook—O. SL Doble, answer: lone aeaaon aonth. COLB BOGBRS SHOWS. Venice. HI.. Aa| Granite City, 27. hestlsx pisat. on tranafcia. COMPANY, ~ electric and by all car Uaaa MXKSOM BBSWXMQ la. SCENERY DESIONCD. BUILT AaopAINTED. GOOD WORK. LOWEST PRICES. SIDE SHOW PAINTINGS - r.M.GMAMBCa8 ian si«b*wm; new vork Meny-Go-Round Man To Join on wire: moat imderstand your boa- Inees: itate saUrr eipwtert. O. B. aiBBS. can? Joha R. Smith's ^^bo^T.^. we^k of Aug. 23, SmlttOeW, Va. Mr. Fialiniaa was Immediately lat ei a at e d . ■•wen. I auass tho child knows aaofc aboot It tbaa we do." be said, craaaiac orer to tba box to alt bcelde her. Coasts ne e explained sa wtfl aa she conld how aba thoocht the Geall oosbt to look and act. When she had nnlshtd. ha called to Mr. Bennett, wbo waa watehlaf the odd pair aozlonaly: "I am coins to auke yonr little drl atace dlisctieaa ot the Gaail " "How old are yon?" he aaH. tanlat ta the chUd. "Seren." she leplled. "Then yoa will draw tT a week every Sat- ardsy atgat. Be aaie that year father sItss It ta yea. - aad be rate that yoa come aroand ••« tdl Ma wkMhar tha Oaatt HELP HUNT Wanted to know the whereabouts ot XTXtTV EDD0WZ8, slso called EVA BW . T .A BKOTA; Just orer 18 yesis. dsrk eyes, dsrk, wsTy hair, fair complexion. Any tnformatloa eanccralnc ber la to be eeot her mother, MBS. F. IXOB- ZKCB EDD0WE8, »0« Karkat St., Mamphla. Tana. Nsrtb Aea. Roller Skates Wanted In rood repair, to sell ayalo. Write. rlTi»« make, lowest price aad alu-s. P. O. BOX 312, MianeapolU, Mian. Wanted Male Quartet FeiTia Wkadt daaa Pay i aU kiBdaw Car Bm " 1* -IT. laa Fawi Hi i •ta.. wa aia. tnbodnce the merits of oar Para-Leap Ballooa noreltles A* tka attraetlsa aad adrertlsloc ot rAOb SBSATBB, psrka. t0Mag as a ssmpla _„„ and Double Uummy Pua-Laap Ootflt. eomplete for ueensloa, with foil dlreetloBa for iSmOai. tor only tl.OO. 0^ OoUt cooalsts of'a ballooa II ft blab and 22 ft. dr.. furnlahed In readiness for the asceoslon. with TWO dummlei ami (lara. each u ft. lo Irocth. whicti are relea allernstrly when high In the by a time fuse. siroua ot an attrsctloo that WIU meet with eTerybody'a appro";. SEXU TO DAY FOB THIS SPE- CIAt. $1.00 OKFBB. Asrisl ~*- ODf spectaltj silh b 0^ slrB ds^