Billboard advertising (Aug 1910)

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42 TlieBillboaircl AUQUST 27,-1910.' STOCK COKPAJmS (CoatlniMd riom pace 38.) ComIu_ Sept. a. CBlbmoe's COmedlani. WIU B. Calbane, mer.: Cambridge. III.. 22-27: El Pa«o 2»-Sept. 3. Oilbane'a Comedlaiu, Macklyn Allyo, mgr.: Waahlagtoa C. H.. O., 22-27; LaPorte. Ind.. 3a.Sept. 3. CDlkaae'a'ComedUni, Tom Wll«on, mgr.: Lenrla- ^tawn. IlL. 22-27: AtUata 2»-Seiit. 3. ■mm. nu n^tWnatlaz 29.Scpt. 3. CMtcr Stock Co.. An« O. White, mgr.: Dr- baoa. O.. 22-27: Wapakoneta 2I>-Sept. 3. Cash. Borlelgb, Co.: EmporU. Ku., ZZ-Sept. 3. Collier. Wm.: DenTer, CoL. Aog. 8-Sept. 3. Colonial Piajers, F. 0. Miller, mgr.: ClcTelaod. O.. ilay IC. Indet. Colombia Players. Fred O. IngtoQ, D. C, IIV IL k Comstock Comedy"itodt Ott.t Mbmv, M. Aog. l-3ept. 3. Cocnell's Players: Botte, Xoat., Ang., 14, In- def. De Lacr, Leigh, Stock Co.: (Uoontalo Park Ca- sino) BoUroke, Mass., Ang. I-Sept. 3. Dorner Stock Co.: (Electric Park) Newark, r. I., jDl7 4. Indet. DeRooAe. Tnunan, Associate Players, F. W. Hays, mgr.: Muskogee, Okla.. 2237: Paw- baska 2a-3ept. 3. DoTte. Edward. Co.: FrmnktoTt. Joa^,lS-2l. ' DMothr Stock Co.: FtMaent. HMl. IMtant. S. Bekbaidt Col. oitivr I. MAartt^ wimWgliia .Sask.. Can.. 22-27. "^ —^ ■ ' EigeStock Cb., L. A, Barie. iiigr.t BatUr. Pm., BUteb-ioDi; Stock Co., Mrs. Marr Klltch I«ng, mgr.: DenTer, Col., Jone 12. Indef. Empress Stock Co.: Victoria, B. C, Can.. July 4. lodef. Farm Stock Co.: Toledo. O.. Jnne 12. Indef. Flynn, J. J., stock Co.: (Lakevlew Park) Low- ell. Mass., June 27, Indef. Franklin Players. Frederick Clayton, ngr.: Stam. ford. Conn,* lirtpf French Stock- Ok,: ItalMd. 0m„ tag. IS, Glrtoa Stock Co.: -Xm Mammmi: OiL.' JtaB Ml «>«««. ▼«n«'»">- «»«» O*;: RoetaMier. H. T., Jnly 25-Sept. S. Glass. Joseph D-. Stock CO.: PaeUo. CoL, May 15,. Indef. Grew, Wm.. Stock Co.. Jack Wilson, tag. Bsr.: _St. Joaeph. Mo.. Indef. Oordon'* Asaorlate Players, Jack Qmlm. wmt.: Ft. Scott Kan., 21-Sept. S. ■ Graham Stock Co.. Oacar Onkao. mmt.i Ateb- Ison. Kao.. 324tapt. t. Great Weatem Stow (Sn,. Frabk B. Dan. mgr. Paris. T^x.. 22-27. Orabame Stock Co.: OH City. Pa., Henderaan Stock Co.. W. J. & R. B. mgn.: Mason Cltr. Is., lS-27. Bomm Stock Co., Cb's. E. Whitney, mgr.: ' WasblBCton. Pa„ 22-27. BMrnan-Brney Co. Gny Blekman. mn.: Ft. ^th. Aik.. W«r: UuafeosM, Okla.71s«tpt.: mgr.: 111.. Potnt, 0lt7. Co.: (Alidome) Anatln, Tex., HaU, Sdo 0., BepotalM Oobi Wis., 22-Sept. 1. ^ ^ Hateblaon, Ionise, OtbS Mo,. 22-Sept. 3. HiUman's Ideal Stoelr'Oab. JRk L;taF M. Hayes, mgr.: CambtMii^ Im„'BOTiZagan Kan.. 29-Sept. 3. Home Stock Co.: Lima. P.. »l iy t . S: Hall, Helen. Stock Co.. O. S. FUadem, mgr.: EI Beno, Okla.. 22-27. nimmeleln Stock Co.: Jackson. Ulcb., 28-Sept. 3. Harris, Quu.. Ce Jnly U...|BiHC. Harrey SiMkiSEt tWlM^i^i 11Mb, tea IS, indef. •' , H^StD"8lo«%«.« KhEmK It*., Mms. 8, indef. Hayward, Grace. Associate Players. George M. Gatts, mgr.: Rockford, lU.. Indef. Hlllman'a Ideal Stock Co.. F. P. HUImu,mgr.: Omaka. Nab.. May 9. HoldcD Stock Co., H. M. HOUaa>' agb:. OcTe- laad. O.. Ang. 1, Indef. Holland, Mildred, Co.. Edw. 0. WUta^ mgr.: Bnffalo. N. X.. loaa nkAnc. n. Hodaon Stock Co.: UUaa Hill. V. J.. Kay 23- Aog. 27. Indiana Stock Co.: ;:1Um^^ JU., Indef. Keith Stack Co., Jamea B. Itoore, mgr.: Port- land, Me., April 19, Indef. KlnR. Chas., Stock Co.: San Diego, CaL, Jane 18. Indef. Keith Stock Co.. Cato S. Keith, mgr.: Bloom- Ington. ni.. 22-27: Urbsna 2a-Sept. 3. Kelly ± Sherman Stock Co., S. L. Kelly, mgr,: Colombia. Mo.. 22-27: Maxieo 29-Scpt. 8. Keeae. Lorralna, Aaiaelata Playan: Baatrlce, Mcb.. S2-Sapt. S. - ' Kemble & Slnclall't lotana Omndr CVw: Kaoa, Pa., 22-27. - ■ ■ v - ■-- ~. ■ ■ LeRoy & HaxIalM .OHMftT <^,jn^ XeBoF. mgr.: Ge oig a tami. '»jt-i'' Tt^STi M t w r e uc e- borg 29-31. Lawrence-Lycenm Stock Co.. O. L. Lawrence, mgr.: Kearney, Neb., 22-Sept. 3. Lewis-OIlTcr Stock Co-: Pittsburg, Kan., 22- Sept. 8. Leonard, Wm. B.. Playen. W. B. Leooara. mgr.: Slonx City. la., Ang. IS. Indef. Lawla Stock Co.. W. F. Lewis. mgr.t.. BaA. aaaw. Neb.. 22-27; Anrora 29-Sept. Lattimne-Lelgti Stock Co. (Western) BCTt Ldik, mgr.: Little Bock. Ark., 22-27. Lee Stock Co., Lee Moses, mgr.: Pattonsbnrg. Mo.. 22-27. Lawrence Player*, D. S. Lawrence, mgr.: Seat- tle. Wash.. Jnly 25, IndeL Lincoln Park StoA Co.: Jnne 20, Isdet, Undaay-Morriaoa Ha* Ot^l Jnne 20. lafiL" ' . . Loreta. Tbcodota, BlaCk Oot': CM., indef. Lyric Theatre Stock Co.. A. J. Balnbrldge. Jr., mgr.: Minneapolis. Minn., Feb. 20, Indef. Maiestic Theatre Stock Co.'. M. J. Boyle, mgr.; Johnstown. Pa.. Anril 18. Indef. Mcren. Irene, Stock Co., Wm. H. Meyers, mgr.; (Manilla Patkt.Xtamaqaa. Fa.. May SB, indef. Bapt. S. Motey Stock Co. (LeCbmte It Vleaher's), J. A. Morphy, mgr.: McPherson, Kan., 22-27; June- tloa City ^Sept. 8. Morgan Stock Co.. J. O. Uonaa, ngb: Cadar Baplds, la- lljl^t. j. ■ ^2i-J Malestle 8ttA^Oa.t' CMMft'-aMfc^Sb^ 32- Sept. 8. ■ - .' MetropoHtan Stock Co.: York. Ktk, g.llit 8. Murray.Maekey Co. (Eastern). Ed. B.^ iDOce, mgr.: Warren, O.. 29-Sept. 3. Nlckeraoo Bros.' Stock Co.: Channte, Kan., 22-Sept. 3. Murray-Maekey Co. (Westerii), Jobs J. Mur- ray, mgr.: PatnsTllle, O.. MS. a» '■f*'- Nelll Stock Co., Jamea Kelli; apit .JR, jPUL Minn,. May l-Angost 27. New - '.Av-yr- Onknutt Stock 0«w Sept. 18. Indat, Park Stock Ca: (tainnii) 29, Indef. Paycen Stock Co., E. S. Lawrence, mgr.: Tole- do, O.. Aug. 28, Indef. Fayton Stock Co., Coraa Fayton, msr.: M. T. C'., June 7. Indef. Pemctal'Gypzene Co., tS, 91'niMMb HSr.: Xam- pa, Fla., Indct. . . Phillips Draowtla .Oai.:-attlM;-' W. Ta., .tadef. Poll stock OObi." atMjma*^ Ooaoni Hbv' 18< lodef. ■ ^^^^ Poll Stock Co.: BartCofd, Cood.. Jnae ' -M. .' Poll Sta«k -O0k: Sctantoa. Pa.. May M. tadaM. Poll Stock Caw: StitmliaM, llaaa.. liar S. 1d- def. Poll Stock Ot.t def. Poll Stock Co.: WIltes-Barre. Pa., May 9, In- def. Poll Stock Co.: Worcester, Masa., May 2, In- def. Princesa Stack Oa.: Dta Molnca,. la.. Aug. 2b. Indel. PeopIe'B Stock Co.: Sedalla. Mo., 22-Sept. 8. Price's Popnlar Players: Fairfield, Me.. Aug. l-Scpt. 3. Reeves, Dorothy. Stock Co.. ClIflTord Beeres, mgr.: Grand Island, Neb., 22-Sept. 3. Roberts. Florence: Cleveland. O., 8-27. Bnsb. Edmoad. Stock CO.: Haatlnga, Nal>M 22- scpt. 3. ■■ ... •■ V.".-: . ill'-.-.•. ■ Redmond, M./HMk 0*.: 'Wm-Hm; v0L,-3aa. 3. indef. Bod Stock Cb.: (Falrylew Park) Dayton, O., Ma " - - - Scbni May SO, indef. ■btller Players, . View OaSno) Norfolk, Ta., ApriT II E. A. Schiller, mgr.: (Ocesj ~ irif 11, Indef. Thcatra Stock Cb.: Seattle, Wash.. Aprn St. Indef. Spoooer, Edna May, Stock Co.: Brooklyn, N. Y.. Aog. 20-Sept. 3. Stnbbs-WUson Players. Chas. D. Wilson, mgr., (Olentangy Park) Qdombna. 0.. May tO, In- def. . .- . - . .• " Snbnrban Garden W8(k Oli:. St'XiMil.'-lIo.. May 16, indef. Stodc Co.. Oca. A. Sommcta, losr.: Oat.. Can.. Jane 6, lodef. Spedden-Palge Stock Co., Bam Spedden, mgr.: Ureenrllle, Tex., 22-27: Dallas 2U-Scpt. 3, StabI Stock Co.: Bzcdalor Sprlogs, Mo.. » Sept. 3. ■ . _ ^ ■ ■ ■ -..-i-.% Spence Theatre. Co., Batj lahaa,Vlfct•.'!;■ Wiw ' '■, ton, Kan,, 22-8ent, 8. .■■ ■ ^ •-. ,v.'i Strong. Elwln. Co.. Walter ■B a nl B ^', .IM- Pierce. Neb.. 22-27. .>ri->.. ■ • Tempest Dramatic Co., J. Ii. SMBPtgt,' ■gr.f BoonrUle, N. Y., 22-27. Tbome, Mabel. Stock Co., F. T. Parker, mgr.: Manhattan, Kan., 22-Sept. 3. Taylor Stock Co., H, W.- Taylor, mgr.! O.. 22-27. Traralse & Hayden Ooaiady Ok Alrdome) Lima. O.. ladaC ._ Tnroer, Clara, Stock Co.. In - W. . mgr.: WUltamsport. Pa^ Mn'mi-': Tan Dyke & Eaton Co.. P. UBbk,' m hart. Ind-. June 20. Indef. . ; Woodward Stock Co.: Omaba, Neb,, Aiisnat 27.. indef. Wbyte Dramatic Co.: Spdafflald. MO. ZtSapu Yankee Doodle Stock Oa,, Iti Bp W w il a Btl, mtr.s CaatOB, PlttaOdd. lU.. 25-27. X*. CMMlat- Stack O*.:,, MUSICAL Abom Comic Opera Co., Mlltoo & Sargent Abora, mgra.: (Olympic Pari-.) Newark, N. J., May St-Sept. 10. Aeolian Opera Co.: (Brau.'Vyarine Sprlnga Pack) WUmlngton, DeL. May SO-IadeC . American Musical Comedy Co.: Saa Joae, OiL, June 12-Indef. ...aigr.:'K. .X CL, ''eiioiir tit;: ParUaad, Oia^ .'■I a Chinaman: Sterling.Jll., 24; Morrlsoii a<; Freeport 26: DeKalb 27; Wankegan 2b. Baclne. Wis., 29; Woodstock, III., 30; Belott, Wis.. Sept. I; BelTldere. ni., 2. Bacbelot's Honeymoon (Sonthcro), Gllson ft BradSeld, mgis.: Maakato. Minn.. 24: St. Peter 2B: Bedwnod Pilla 28: Uaiahall 87: Monterldea 28: Slaaeton. 8. D.. »: Mllbank 31; Webstar Sept. 1: Aberdeen 2: Kuendale 8. Cans ft Ware Ifoalcal Comedy Co.: (Nabast) t^nn. Haaa., Jnaa 20-Indef. Carle, Rldiazd. in Jumping Jupiter, Fraace ft Ledercr, mgr*.: Chicago, DI., Ang. 4.|ndef. Casino Musical Comedy Co.: (White City Casino) Woreester, Mass., June 8-indef. Cnrtls, Allen, Musical Comedy Co.: Salt Lake, v.. Indef, Cat and the Fiddle, Chas. A. Sellon, mgr.: Wan- kegan, ni., 28: Baclne, Wla.. 27; Kenosha 28; Waakeaha S»: Naaiuk SO:,MM 4b Lm . 31: StactioyKaB Sept. l:>OU«aah S^WkMafK Dan Cnpid (Oayier ft JeBenioB*at.'K. TiMar, mgr.: Albert Lea. Minn.. 28: Maaan City. la.. 29; Algooa SO; Emmettsbatg 31: EatherrUle Sept. 1; Storm I,ake 2: (Aerokee 8.' Dreasler, Marie. In TtUle'a Nlgbtm<r«, Lav Fields, mgr.: N. Y. C. Aug. 11-lndet. :■ - Echo, Hie, with Bcsale McCoy. Obaa. oguai^ hsm, mgr.: N. Y. C, Ang. 17-tndef. Follies of 1910, F, Zlegfeld, mgr.: N. Y. a. June 20-Sept. 8. Friedlander, Billy, Co.: Tneson, Arts., tndef. Flirting Princess, with Harry Bolger. McM B. Singer, mgr,: Kansas 0117, Mo., 20-2T. I«mATRICAL NUMBER WILL BE ISSUED AUGUST aOtib. DATED SEPTEMBER 3rd. This SPECIAL FALL NUMBER .winbe devoted principally to Tfae atricals, viz.—DRAMATIC, YAU- BisyniiEyBimLESQ^^ wm and A>{>]eadid issue to readi Managers, Agents, Actors, Actresses, Performers and Muainabs. Circulation exceeding the regular issues. AdvertieemeiitB for thia Spedal Number will be received in Cincinnati Office up to MONDAY, 11 A. M., AUGUST !29th — ^WHEN THE LAST FORMS CLOSE THE BILLBOARD PUB. CO. 416 Elm Street, Gincliinati, Ohio