Billboard advertising (Aug 1910)

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tikje Bl i mil r d (CootlBiiea Crom ptge 14.) A. H. Plem, Bamctr ot the Pekla Tkcatn, K€W Odaua^ Is fiMtimc amir —— 8>t tt ~ Ctkd Swaasoo, tk* Briafetcr ■ the BrlnUey mdodlca, li one oC tbow •stle tone plocsen. wte itaotta to th* to effect the dcsind renlt. Sbe Is mm hsTlns nme so tar ts to icbeane in fnirate (or aeTersT erenliiss tliat new son^ of Cbrla Smltb's, called ItabbemecUDs Moon. Erery evenlnff when the moon wu out,—eome time when It wasn't,—Ethel coold be tooDd with (?) 'Death the abelterliig abade of some friendly branch slnKliiE; featorc of the Lombardo combines with tbe band an panj of soloists and Toleca In lt» chorus, _ tapcrtoito of tbo bast adactlaas Craaa fraud — — ——who is sn man vclth o( all at ant iWM. mt > dtraetor tt nalMakable abUlty. Mtt Crir » add rtlrm aat'tte farther west to Us crest SDeaaascs la ttA'aast and' soatb. Their next sppearance win be In Des Moines, Iowa, from whence they wlU so to tbe state talis of Lincoln. Neb., and Huron S. D., fol- lowad Iv iniiMiili la Omaha sad Ocatcr. la CUeusw' iiwalVi' led Bs ataC at taMers In the *%osfias" sane. Brary Inad la tts Ms psiads w fnaUied with Bosdter mosle sad played tt aloac the line ot msreh. Be slso had kls Biecspnooe qoartctte with one band, which satharad all kinds ot applaoae ftom the thonsaads ot spectators. In the erenlDc s namd ct the liijt botds and cafes was made, wbicb faralsbed a crand finale of ooe hlg dST of bofitle. He also sang at tbe Orpheom every day and eveniog and led the apptauBe by far. with the result that tbe week was the largest sales week the bouse ever had. ii » C M wi u aooo« g aa« g ioo o oooooaoooooaog»o o tMooooo^ THE NEXT ISSUE TBS NBXT ISSnx OF TBE BILLBOABD, TO BEAB DATE OF SEFTEMBEB 3, WILL BE BNTITLED TBB THBATRIOAI. NIJICBXR. IT WIU. CONXAIM A COMSIDKB ABLK QDAMTITr ni 00COB8. TBK LISTS or TBKATBXS. PRODTlCtNG KAMA6ERS AND* <B MOTION PICTDBB TBBATBBS WILL COKSTITUTE A COMFENDIDIC yruA, BB or valob iob bekbbbiicb roB hanz uomtbb. ■MrilBWP QUIOKUC SBADEB8 ABB ilfVlBED TO OBTAIN AND PRESERVE TH»E Bobbemecldiis Moon. -> • Always 'ronnd whererer I may be, , '' I'd like to know the reason why, Ton're always watching me;' Bnhbemecking Moon, FU set even with yon soon. Came Bmmallae will aooo be mine. Bahheiseckinc lIoo-< Bahbemeeklns Mpoa. Thetetee, the only conclnsloa to be draws Is that this Is why she la such an sdept at cosdt- lac and ichearsiaa acts oa this asw ladody ot tto BinU Baomw " ' ~ ' Altha<^:feiJa;a^ th. SSmmm at to the attained mns- _ tilB Six Wl stand la Grant _ 'crowds of fifty tbonssnd. The oowds ertdeaeed tbeir snnreclatlon ot the mode i s a d ned tr j.eUMiMs eBdaraaea aC ataattclBaaB* iBto The Victor Kremer (Personal) Mnsle Co. WlU ioaa be ebansed to the nsme ot The Victor Kremer Uoslc Boose (Go-operatire). Incorpora- tion papers bsvlbg already been taken oot to the flnaneial tnne of one bondred thousand dol- Ists. y. Kremer and E. Kremer wlU be at least two ot the Incornntots. Mr. Victor Kremer ic^ Cor sa e ssl eia trip, wfcicb wlB " la Hew Tflck wllh — Later, CHICAGO VARIETY. (Omtlnned from page 9.) tnm. and .commits ooe of the most hasardonb tricks erer known to contortioolsts. It is tbU fest, which will some day mean a mighty bad fall for Shnbert, that stamped him much better than the average c ontorti on i st. - althoash that tact had been hiated at tm ^lm aaar aOla a< do- li wslght. He uactcd Wl most auccessfvlJ^. st the lome bcantti der little tzM tiy-out. hot— BERBBBT WATEBBDRY. MBNOLOGIST. Boata Temple, No. 12. In 'tsie. Seventeen minntes. Seen evening. Aognit 18. Herbert ta there, and despite the fact thsi be was on so late that tbe andlence was seek- ing the sheets In prefereoce to waiting for an oecaalonal good act, there*waa no doabt aboot the manner In which he made himself popaUr. Flrsv he waiUad a aoas with which In, win never startle the —la, hat eaee hs had thronch hli aail^aaa neaolocae,- It was every line, sad aa orislaal oae >t that, relatlnc his story in the garb of a . sweater. Herbert keeps benrlax their pudsn while he pemaes a letter from father, s love- sick missive or bill from tbe tailor. The mate- rial and manner in which It la pat over fit tbe performer to appear la the heat hoaacs la the coontiT, bat at tta.aHft^aMrt at tt their heads aal.HMr mt- tamm tk destination. PERSONAL PATTER. (Ontteitt tma' niia-'l) O. BomsDO. Chicago's popular cl er. and Rag Time Lonle. the reml player, have Joined forces, and wW shortly into Tanderille, via some material fur- nished by J, Brandon 'Walsh. After a snccesafnl season of twenty weeks, tbe Manhattan Trio has disbanded. Ean BtaalCT to join Tbe Fonrth EaUte: R. FltsMcald the Lew Solly Co., and Earl Evans Tbe QnMrtt ot Liberty. Alma Ynulon. together with Mabel Barrlsoa. left last Thursday for New York, having been laeallcd there by the Shnberts. M!^' Bsrrl'on one week of stoct while at M:"--"& :>--• taSMBOn-nmaa XBOOEOIIX and rlBiaUe photo Poat OHda. mwttg ityM a a at *M FOR SALE 20th (^ntniy Merry-Go-Boimd; III good eoBditioo: csa be — complete, in rrr " B. FOR SALE Together or singly. Having had a fire and bnmlng np most of my canvas, have decided to sell and quit business, aa I bare made mine. Have lelt tbe following, all new and perfect: Armltage A Golnn Ocean Wave, Cooderman Fer- ris Wheel, Special Mandolin Piano. 14 Wind- horst Pressure Lights, 10 Paa Lishta, 2 hvr- legged Sheep, alive; 1 laCfO 9mt, S a a ia ll Teats, 100 SUkes, BopeiL'Cl&: MmB Mf l M l il l aad Exhibition Cages. WSMiis. ete^; also have over $200 worth of new crates Cor everytUac; every piece and part Is crated. Everything can be seea xaaalag next week at aUddletosra. Coan. Mirblaii, J. H. WANTED—CIRCLING WAVE For seven of Beat Fairs In Ohio. OTTO F, EHBIMO, 826 City Park'Ave., (}olnmbas, Ohio. WAHTED—Ed. or Power U. P. Machine: also Band Organ. For Sale—Model B Gas OoMt, never nsn], «2S: Power An iMfb Sf.4*lp Are Lamp. *4: Lane Baw&C A^Hk-lE Hk^I. MTJHPHY, Klyrta, Ohk). ' "' ' AXZTB-^Uaf s bear cabs. HB each: FUara .M-..^«j aralrle dogs, poreoplnea aad other trst- dssB —11 ■iillm tor the tall fairs. ISM- WOOai^UK^Vorth Watastard. KaiM DAVEY'S MOIEY-MAKERS. The Masie bpok eoapleta oatflt. «10; Uaile Waada. ll: BMaMpe Cahlaet, for stare work. t2S: UvlidMe Pl nl aas Papers, aew. $2 snd Q per 1.000: IsvMhia Photos. ~ Horoscopes. »aj» wat M tt-t Cap, (5. T. A. WfSr. SM rule, ,MssB. WASTED—For Medicine Show: Black-faes Oomedlac. one to pot on acts and do comedy, those donbUng band preferred; good show, asl- aiy snre, and long season to good comedlaa. Tbls is s medicine show, not a liecr asrdea ar high-cless vsodevIUe house osinc top-Uaaik TlckeUT yes: wire or writs: most Join st ssjOB. Address J. C. srANLET, Comfrey, Brown Oa., HIaneaota. Waitrt—Tffi Billposters paay: mast Jsia oa vttn Addrcao eaOi Il» Gaoley, Sept. B. GOOD CHMASTBI^iM And Black-facs Comedian: also Trap Dnunm«r for B. and O.; king, pleasant engasement; stats all first, snd lowest. Address UAPT. B. A. PKICE, Orester New Totfc. ——**— "-' Venice, HI. WANTED to hear from do«>d cl< For a Down-to-the-Mlnnte CAByrVAL. _W< also consider a fine, dean, Indivldnsl. Company with eleaa —— ° OLD HOME —— Ps. Address tvcrg. Pa. Wactsd-Tlgbt Wire Walker Prefer ooe thst esn do lioo Jsw set. WIU tes^ might snd weight. SteadF GBT WIRE ACT. care Blll- a -IN XHE- -OF- iBlaid August 30, Dated September 3 A jplendid issue to wadi Managers, Ageata, Actora, Actxesses, Perfonners and Mnridana. (Srcolation ercceding regidir [ATI OIVICB THE BILLBOARD PUB. CO., 416 Elm St., Ciocinnatl