Billboard advertising (Aug 1910)

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AUOIMT Zr, 1MQL 4S SKAT ING W ORLD of Interesting Events On Ice Being Arranged to Take Place in Cliicago in the Near Future—News of Skaters MJUNNINa lOrSkATB RACES. OUeacOL DL. Ans. 10.—^AmafMaaata at* bow MIbc aade for puUlac oS wtmm vt tta snatcat IM laNa tmx ma la tto htototy of akatlag. OpiMpoadcBee I* aow batog eairM OB Iv Mr. nba. W. Prior, maaaccr ot tba lea Palaca. Uerria Wood, cbamploa of tbe world, Iteral BapUc, Morris Wood's (reatett rlral. Jlta Nniaoa, one of th« greateat ikttera In tbe faaa^ John O. Karlfton. wbo claims the fastest aaa^kalt mile erer sksted on Ice; Barter Darld- ■OB, wko bSB won more races than any skater «B record, and also cbampton roller skater at tbe present time; Slooerud. and otbers for soioa great match races. Norral Baptle, one at tbe fastest skatara ia tbe cooBtrr, baa slTcn hli promiw to Secretair ntacerald tbat be will meet any of tbe welf- known ikateta neattaMd and woold prater to start tbe cama agalac wUh Barier BasMw. sritt wbaoa nalck ii mam ba|]« tbroQgb Fllaaerald, Tbe Ice Palace wlO ka tha aeene of mav haiA- (oocbt skatinc races and bnckey games tbls winter and real chaaploaAIp erants for tba flnt time wlU be aaen at tba naw Ica Palace. ELIMINATION RACES ON. Maw Torfc. Angoat 32.—A lerlea of Ma raeea is bow la pregiaaa at tbe BrigbtaB ■ea^ EaBac.M^ IB jaBpataUM te tt* refwUtaa pcafleaalaBBi etaaHkBsMy •« ' are (rbe^M ta eaae aC atilt Ite tt Beptentier. Ajdod« tboee who fuTe slicalfled their Inten- tion of widloa In ;h»lf entries ate Hsrry Mae- DcBsld, fonaeriy the tlaalatd bearer of tbe •^<tlnj< fratcr*UlT -xt all dlatances from one to Hiv ^->t><n*\ WlUlum Dossey, who woo the ao« aiii.> .-yerTplnniblp U 1M»; 'WllUam BUck- BWB. tvcv^mT tba IBBBar.» la tbe All-Amer- 'V«»hIm*Im ttedM St Cladanatl. aad iSrVi^S y jL '« J«LL« »g.*^«tog ijiyaom- R IHK OPENED. Mabansgb. Oat.. Abk. ao.^rack Street BaOer BInk opened tbe sesaoB Aogast 16. Hlgb- dan a*trartioas, military band coaeerta and akatlng enntrsts were ran oa tba opening pro- for tbe week. FITZQERALOV LETTER. «B- San m., Aognst 20. 1810. Tiaitsd oa my eacatioo, > boasted of a summer skating amnaeiBent parka. Tbe BaU-A-Way at Beed'a . aueb.. wblcb rtnk I waa a nad .aaecaaa aad tbls mocb I waa able ta~ aee te auMlf. I next Tialted Detroit, the boaie U tha haa»- tlfnl Wayne Boiler Rink, wblcb la balac naad dorlae tbe snmmer mootba as a anmmer gardas. and found two other tlnki doing good baalBcas. I next atopped at Mt. cnemens. Windsor. Ont.. and olbrr morts that hare toller rinka and none of ttapm had any complaint to make. On my retcm to Detroit, I waa anrprlsed to see so many young boys and girls akatlng on tbe bon- lerarda. It resembled tbe old bicycle daya tbs mmr tba atreeU were crowde d wttb skaters go- lat^ sBid ■say at thesi doing tbeir cr- IB n as il aad. w h sia HBelM Bcaeb boasts of ,*??»'"*i.S*'«iJ» tba way la tbe ■MMMt laM oat akath* tkk om would wisb >• itete^oa. bait aa boar baCon tba opening or tba rink a large ooard waa la line, waiting (or tbe akate wl^ow to open. Uanager Barry Hh a a BOB. latonned aw that It was tbe legalar aaadar eraoM that tbcy catered to all daring tbe anmmer. I Tlalted amaller towns wbere roller skating waa well attended and in each place I waa informed that tlia roller skating for aommer rloks waa jast aa good ss erer, snd If tbe msssgement took tbe proper care of Its patrons, they woold con- tinoe to do good boslness for some time to come. In sereral of tbe larger cities I waa told that great preparstlons were belag made for the tall opening. Among other dtlea that bare en- joyed good aammer boalnesa are Dayton. O.; vlncennea. Ind.; Fetoekey, Mich., Green Bay, Wis.; Hot Springs, Ark.; St. Joe. Mich.; Okla- boma City, Okla.: Michigan City. Ind.: Sloox City. Iowa: Sooth Haren. JUcb.; llUsrankee, WlB. Batlar aad BaMstt dayed at Altaa. m.. last watt ts Ml hawa. Me* cbaagea ia tbctar act, wblcb la pacCasaad as sitiaelal lee oo tbe atase. laakas'thB aOdlac a nest eneccaa. Tbey may leare tot tbe other dda ot tbe Atlaatic in a taw areeka. if preaent arrangemeats go thioagb. SULLITAN VISITS CHICAOO. . Ur. Jamea B. SoIllTan. ex-preeldent ot the Anateor Athletic Unioo ot America, present sec- retary ot tbe A. A. 17. and one of the b«st- poated men' In athletics of tbe day. was In Cbl- eago OTer Satniday, acting as referee In the all-Amcrlcan amatenr athletic champloasblps ot tbe A. A. D., held Satnrday, Aagnst 13 at Uanban Held. Mr, SolllTaa baa held thla honor with one ex- caption tor eighteen years. Be waa the gnest ot Mr. Allen 1. Blancbard, president of the In- tematlanal Skating Union, and Dr. Geo. K. Herman, president at tba Central Body ot tbe A. A. n. and memtier ot tbe Boatd ot Cantral Of the W. 8. A., is a toar of Chicago in Ur. Blanebacd** iMiklB car. fnaiDcat ijaeaa of hla Tlews oe the aUtlag that It was one of tbe gieslMt kb tiaiv or boUdlngi for athletic spocts be'BMJaBBr baea la. and stated - — • ta cre- •P the WINSLOW'S BIO SaiPMENT. Manager Tbos. W. Prior, of the Artlflclal Ice Palace, ot Chicago, has recelred from the Samnel Wlnalow Skate Mfg. Co., of Worceater. Mass., a shipment of 2,000 pairs ot assorted skatea tor tba new Ica riafc. wblcb wHI he oMBcd (B the pablle tm llwtsibii 17. The sfcataa asa aC aaBHCaA.Btaa aad atylaa ta atensa all. A cM chin laa ««« tbe bachs oTaer. oral oakokata aa tba akatea were aaloaded In tMot of tha rink, aa aerenU who wltaeaaed tbe nnloadlBg remarked that It was a loos time alBee tbey bad a pair ot those skates on their ftet. MADISON QABOENS OPEN SEPT. 20. UadlaOB Oardena will the rlnka that closed for the to ~ «( the flrat ot laaths Lbaee ICB PALACB OPBM8 SEPT. IT. Tbe floal decoratlOBa for tba new artlflclal lee Palace, located at Van Bares. Panllaa and Congress atreets. Chicago, are neaxlng comple- tion and Manager Thoa. W. Prior, la arranging one ot tbe most gorgeona progrsras eeer ar- ranged tor a almllar erent. Beantlful souTenlr SrotErama will lie presented to all present. IdtI- itlona to all the otd-tlme lorers of akatlng, press repreaentatlTes, and skating entboslasts who have long waited tor this grand opening, are being mailed, aad seeeral pcomlacnt city oiBcUls wh« «BM - akstaia- la tbtir jaaiiiiii days, baea fiMiM toks la atlntaBW at tha opening. Many oot'«(.taerB iBthnalaatg baee atgalfled thair arnilnineaa ta be lapnswtad aeeardlag to lettara recalled. Already saraial aiatch raeca baea bsea' talbisd of bef se a eoow of tbe old- Henley Roller Skateis Latest Model, Ball-Beartnc BInk Skatea. Uaed Is majority of aU Blafca. Nkkel-plated Steel. BalTlearliig CInb Skatea. wlthnhre. Sted CaBbt- nation Aluminum or Boxwood BoUara. Henley Racing Skates uaed and eadoned by apccd skateia era tjalMi e. and ate also dastrabla KXLO GOODS and OUTFITS for iikate Catalogna, FBKB. (Mklal Polo Onlde..^ lOe. If t* UrilT rV RICHMOHD, HL Vi lUniXIy nrDIARA tloMrs who hare not bad tbe ateel blades oo for sereral yesrs. Allen I. Blanehard. prenl- dent ot tbe International Skating Dolon ot Aacriea. has been presented with a brand-new pair of Wlnslow skates (and all nickel at that) and Doe Page. Joe Oobnm and a few ot the other eS'«baBBloBa is tha alden days, want to look oat Car Dad. Blaatbard la going so the war path, aad ana he ia atui able to give a lot of the "EJM'' of to-day a run for their araaay whan It eoaica to flgora eights, rroaa cnta, grape Tinea, toe-apina. eraia rolia and pivot —ta- BUY—MNIEI SKAm-^4Bl AimiOAM BINK 8DFPKT 06..~ WA N T E D 100 pairs RIebardsoa Bailer Skates. S., care Billhoard. CiBclnnatl. O. OIGANS Pl:ofes#ifiil Rdler Skaters' — Al ^SOClATIO N — Organlwd to glre greater prominence to bona-flde rrnfiissliinal rrtataia Ibiisa who baraa ftalahadaet- to altar Maaagara aeefcing a-wKiKiwn a n alaia eiitlirjT i iinT i ~ ii All the Stars of the Skating Wo^ld German Comedian. Tmj and Speed ex- pert roller skater. ri«s«iitliii tbe moat entertalalas aoidir i pobOc MHVftUlLENaBdlUT PBESBNT Their Oorgeonaly Artiatle Scenic Noielty. A SCENE FROM TOVLAND UtIbc lumMm Of tbs ut of Mlaac»— ' Ifl Trlok ml FtETUV Bkatlnj Attn* I ATDfS BUB- mS FtETUv BkatlnE—A»- , -MMFrmlouM Skattnc oa toy mfom. Tba oaJy nml FAJfCT SKAT" •arty for bTM-k-^f Ai^rt-amTl Bro*d 6t, IT. Y. City. VAN FMNK AND BEMmf TWO 9AXE DEVILS. NEW ACT. Mow Booking Rinks and VindetlUe. AddreM BBOOKYIIXE. ^ INDIANA . THE HABRABS Milt ADELAK E. mrOIAK THK OIBXt VOnUER la b«r marrehiu Fa&cT aod Trick Skat- InK Cxblbltloo. coDcladisi^ each nJffht wltft a rare against anj man In the RTok. Ad- dr- .^-i 3347 E. 65th Slr«t. CleveJaad. 0. Skating Rink Band Oi«gans funiah better innaie than a band to skate b]r>aiKl cut out the heavy fnriw^^ of in"*"'"*''" Tbey are designed and boQt fai^ oa (the world's largest manufaeturerB} especially for tbe )ink 'bwfcHis^ and represent a militaiy braae Uuk} of 10 to 30 pieces. The music, on cbeap^ mteieliaqgeable paper music rtdls, is full and mdodioua, in the comet eiiipK ttne and indudee eveqrthing new and ap^tchdate. SA8T TSBin: Weekly or BeBthlr payaMsta, the pay oot to moaiclana. Atter a taw weaka year nnale nothing and yoa bare moa|c_ whaaaeer yea waat It. othing and yoa bare ntSBi Oar .bic : sr. aB-aHMMMae Wi wear yoa wai I eaialae eC I JOB practleally THE lonxHimii^^ (dlHCIHlTAXI Sirtettta-MMhik CiOCAGO SKAmaieREUABLE Our new Modd "I" Sate equipped with zyi-xa. red fiber wheeb ie tbe bert rink akate that has tmrnhtm. mamitartawd. Itaatren ' wiU withstand Urn mirtlB'Bil at twa ilMiMm ia center <rf it. Write for I plies. We ami CHICAGO ROLIiER SKATE CO- - 1123 WfwIUj^toii Blvdes CHICAGO. ^ SJ< AftimmiUM KOUES atakw. TdkhowtoopcfaterinkB. WeoanyafoUlineof fink•up- l the urgestmamfiMtoxera of liak andaidawalkdntaa in the West