Billboard advertising (Aug 1910)

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Tti« Billboard (Cootlsixed Crom pa^ 27.) pleads for mercy, and after promising that he Win nCTcr "bmsle" ■salD. tbe glrU permit Vm t» Bf aa t. 0Bkao«rB to John. May has tMB mgmgea bjv his pajfei as atnosrapber. ^nd wtacn ibe eaten tbe ottee tba UOnrimK ■scnlnc and flnds John openlac tbe Mikv aba Aaddea that anee asala her tmwglmr has haaa CBacbt redhahded. She cans fee and Is her sopinsaa hntslar her sreatly ehactlBed when her is Introduced to her MP. (Csd Laemmle) ' THB ■WIDOW (Comedy; releaie Aorost 29: length _ ).—Two yooDB fellows bsTe their tl i w i atits turned towards a yooiis and attract- Its -widow. Bat as.per caatom jiMiiilnsl. tiM woman Is a i MIowB Had . S"" <0»"^! trUan Sept. jPS v'sSSSbss! Ill w?mIi ■Ta.'^miiwia {FILM RELEASkI ■omur SM 1. s» ■A XUnlcbt Coplu (Drama) I! 55? -What the Dater Bald f"~n~tT draMa! S COmMt 084 c- — j-^«t» (Drama) sM wBtawa Witt Cbasd OsttsB {Dn- 11—A Sat;^'tai^"(taii^>S g—3glSj; ™*» t the TOtfauWmiiiar SM WIUU FCBr (DMa} SBI eurr. 'if—1«» Boaas <■ the am (Dina);.....%l lA-^Unlted SUtes Lib aaiti«B3S| Ch^ «tlj«a KO fti«Sa S^' loii^ -d;;; "° •^rfiitu •tf^--:::::::^-' fcS! SS"JP!Li«»iP" ">nuna) .lOOn C«ru (Omeay) .... 4ZI 5_f ™J? the Boletaency (Omedy) .. BT5 " tt» Htot (Drama) aso . Tacraoa ta Rsrana (Se«aJe.«oinedy> aso (^«W^^" P«Pmd thsFaSr »—OM Ii>Tea alia'ttas'irinr'ftaaBa) g—A Frontier Hero (drama) B-^«ry F^naer Bnnra (eomedr) BO g J«< Wofflacton (drama)TTTT.... gS> g—An Paaxpe ctfd Beward (drama)...;..' TBO """" " I aa an ATlator (oomedy) sso , ,^ Teet. Bnmed (Drama) looo tjhs riama (Oomady).. OTB tartprama) .. 9S0 tT'Sf^"^ -H s Im SB ' ' (Insttacttra) SS~s5? "■S™ CDrama) giu l»-jWhan We W«i« in Our n>ens (Oo^ t»—Aa ^M^ozTiiidi^iiimi^iii^dim■ f^^^ ESSANAT. 5J-g*-l-«-k-^n SpeHs Chlckca fOiMillil.'*** jj^^t md tlx 400 (Oxnedy) :::~.7. JJr" (Drama) •—Johnsoa ((^edy) 538 »-A DarllOB Confoslon (C&medy) 484 i?Z?".^°*""^'" Claim iWss tsia Oiaaa) WT 1«—Trailed to tlie Hnis (W " 20—The Ttlet (Drama) .... 2J—The Desperado (Westeni 5I~* Exchange (Comedy) ..i-....„. aas »-^Jfenonal MattCT ((a«Mm"j~...... SM Hidden Serpent (DramA) SS7 tiM Bealm of tbe Ci»t (Toor) 438 rasitsr Satfttcm (lacandsry Cares; «ol- Md Ctiick eansAy)...... <5 «C SaeeMB (draw) fflS a-^Oa FriacMi aad tHa VUbbona (eon- •dy; eoiarad) BW le fozx lawyer (comedy) <B0 2S—Tbs Beantlfol UarKust aaricaqns).. 410 n in Anglsr'a Dream (mystery drama) 815 ~ — Wooden Shoes (IndostzUl)... 22S 'a Usal (daaale ~ y JM Aadsa* MSilMr COsatdyt dSI Aea of Baaita ( C wasd r Dnau) .. H< tjarr» Flayer (AllantleiU <T0 rise, ths SsB at J»» OMariss (TraTclocne) ........•^••i.. BOS ft—Plctnreanne Wateta at Italr 'ffMW) 4ir 9—Tba Water Cora (Oomcdy) 488 Bitombad AUt* (Dcama) ............ ttt i»-a)nfts ot Sbov la flisiMrtT Tda (Secale) MB una fxswi I1 S—iaaei*B Sdalflce (Drama) loly— 1— *ThM Colooel's Errand (Drama) IS—Orandnother (drama) V—Oonoral Tmman'a War Starr (drama) gt—A Sa nthter ^ Dfad a (dia«) .•S^"^ara (sold C ^ O W M) ................. Angost— viMt. 8—A (Meolal Bdia (dtaaa) 8—Ths litsend of Scar (dtama>.......... 10— The Borrowed Baby (ooBiedJt.M*«»... iZ—na Call of the Bkxid (dtaaa).-....... IT—Ps r te ral ty of Fate (drama)... IB— Tna to hla Tmat (drama).... 24—A Gipsy Romance (Drama) . ... " — - - - - - ) .. >Airr. Jtae— reet XT—Apade (Md (Drama) B60 80—Faith Won and Uat (Drama) 860 my— Veet 4—Hla CMld'a CaptlTe (Drama) IM T—»*Tdle'a Vacation (Ckmedy) 800 11— ^nia HIchbtndera (drama) e» 11—The Ahnlshty Dollar (eomedy) 8S0 i* —^Tbe Adopted Dan<t>tte (drama) 880 18—Bosemaiy for Bememhranes (drama).. 900 21—John Graham's Oo2d (drama) 825 Aoanst— Pect. 1—Three Hearts dhaaa) 970 4—Ah 8tnc aad tta Onssiu (Diana) .. 840 ,S-«ieHeart «f a •SBK^OfcmU 980 (dxsiua) m WAST TO BUT ZHJC—Will boy sereral mla of Sfrimil hind Olma. Scad ma yoor lists. Wbo has^ a^jMssjJ^^arjgrt ^aiay«BSBBBOWN. Arc I.amps. $2; 'Eheoetsts. S3; Gas Oeneratoca. $2. 2 5; mms for rent or for sale. CataloraSb 1. HET2. 801 B. ««id St. XjmTtmjk. 10—FeedlBK Seala at GStdSiaSiM'ndM, tlonal) .. ifij 1»—The Gtn M ~^ - 17—The Omat' SO—The r (Drama) 1000 S*—Thke He Oat to tbe Ban Gams (Comedy) 900 Oonty'a Lore (Drama) 1000 i>aMe Jtr Pone (Oosdy) flS •» (Comedy) — BS SAinfiHn: iBly— . S—On Qie Tlireshold <Diaaa> ■ * MotOtfaUC Amnng this GUCi Sad O uMSS at rranza (Scanlc) 818 — - at Gold cares) ■sanl Afidea nbardofaa) .. 4SS xonov FicTrnsB oumxs exchanged. We want 1 mscMnes. Hsre BcTeral gaa oatfita on >:mnA mi KENT CO.. Dnlnth, rOB 8AI.E—MoTlns pletan mm; SO reels fliat- daas condition. 810 a reel; sent snbject to ex- emtnation; two Power'a No. 5 XDOTlng plctnra machlnea; on e Edla on exhibition, cheap. I*. SCHAETEB, I8I0 S^. 2nd St., FhHa, Fa. FOB BALE—^Three Edlaon two-pin nucblnea. all complete, 880 each; two Edlaoo OSe-pln ma- eUaes. all comideteLnoO each; FUms for sale: tat-dus ceadltfanrVf to 818 per TeaL MAYKB aHYmMAM. M6 41* Ansaf. rUUbmg. Pa. —$75.00 JOHNSON-JEFFRIES reprodoctlon. Two fall reels; entire 13 Gnarantee perfect condition. Only times. Will ship C. O. D. Also tan* Head, new, for sale. $40. HOTAIj MENT CO.. IndlanapoUs, Ind. fonr B. S. T. FILM BROKERAGE CO. 136 Wast 37th StrMt. Nsw YerK City bportais and Exporters of Foraisa and T>ff Ul*i l lTr SObu of Emy Hake aad fiiiseiliHlaa. Afceasories , H^j^^HT III! II impT"HTltr SEND FOR LISTS Keep Your 9 On Us rated. 147 4th Ato., J ^ —^ ^ SaTi]«s Bank BnOdiaak ymU ia sscsod-haad " S 1. I DES ANNOUNCEMENT SLIDES S1S.0e Psr Hundrsd. SEND FOR LISTS. 600 St» Slid—. S2.00 P t Sat MANHATTAN SLIDE CO. PUT IN OUR EASELS niumi POSTER FRAMES Alio WAiai YWB ATTENBANCEaWW. We make mechanic- al attractions, elec- tric signs, or any- thing special in the theatrical line. Ideas devdoped — Low Prices—Best Work. DON'T DE- LAY but write to- day. IkilenMlii|.6t. We make bnttons for erery pnrpjMh to' OBV Quantity from one *u a nuDtaik BADCES THAT'S OTTR KIOSI^E SAKE PENNANTS. FOBS and CANES THA T'S OPH LISZ, TOO. WB SfaiTT' Til h'Hy, GOODS . WX POK'T HA2roiiE 'I' H ^ *^ To gire you foil Infonnatlon at first writing, state explldty wbnt yon want and qnantlty. AlCEBK^ BADGE CO.. faetair: 141-148 W. Wlchisan Btraat, CBKUSa XOTnrO FIOTDSE TITF.dTBB TOK SALE In lire ahow town of 14.000 popolatlon. For fnr- ttaer particnlara, address P. T., care BlUboard. Cincinnati, 0. FOB BAIX—Complete ML P. Ontflt. Ontflt con- aUU of Ed. Ex. Model. Model B. g— oatflt. screen, slides, extra rewind, take-up device. In fact, many extras, bat aTCfythlnc is complete. Jost tbe ootUt yoQ want to start a rt sw of yoor ova. Plica SUO If takcaatsaea. Wafc* wand fet a bairtla. O. H. MIHUB. Walaat, nl. wsw«*sTW Of slUfS AXD SOBS SLIDES—lOO nds filn, desaat fcpdltlnn, 87 per reel and np; 80 seta Sane SHdsa. pssCset copditicn, 81.75 par la MANY SPECIAL BAR6AillS -IN- Motion Picture Machines, Etc. New and o^ed, $35 op; 5 seta of Paaaioii Play film, low; senrl for Supplement 33. HABBAJOH It CO.. S09 FUbCTt St., Philadelphia. Pa. M0V1II6 PICTURE MACHINES STEBi^OriNML ajPES ACCESSORIES. FOB BAI,E—1,000 ft. reels film, 85 to (23; Ed- laoo. Power, Lnbln ma- chines. 833 to 8ao; new, 8100: professional ster- eopucon. 820; sprocket wheels. tl.SO: odd slides. 5c: seta. 81. Fbr Bent— 6,000 feet film, »6; 12.000 ffet, 812, one ahlp- mept. WUI buy macblcea, film, tents. JL DA- VIS, Watertown, Wis. —. «- JEFFRIES-JOHNSON FIGHT nCTUKES Showing erery Importai^ per^ fkMB WslnABa to the knock-ont. 18 hand^^ered dUea. STJO: 13 plain aUdea, 83.00; both with leetsn aad St* one-ataeet Uthocrapbs. Cash with order. OBIQAOO noximii co., ai soath — - - aad «b WAN TE D . X, V. KEamh set seats for dreaa. pnrtiMs, wttk hacka. 4 acts Jscka aad atrlneers; ««m assd far 3 jo6 persoaa. ItA— ^ AT LIBERTY RMMEr. WAVTED—Two Vnrtne TUJcis: work store rooms; loos good lo<Aln8 and _ will rettm It. I am the business; I waat TUITE TrT.T,Elt, oaaS tal, St. Leaia, Ka. SIZ-PnCB BAND wanted at once; whlls eolorsd; most be noise makera; ralr Oraoad Show; alao oos or two sood Amatear Acrobati; write all la flrat letter; no time to waste. HABBT C. PATNB liOyal-Payne Skowa. Osa. ^slsmam Mich. WANTED Oriental Dapdng Gqrl Write or wira Colnmboi, O. 'Ids*.: DODGING MONKBZ—Beat money setter In the world; male Bkcaaa; t«* ycacs eld: wair abont 14 pooaiB; aay mum mm^mm sale reaaonaMa, tKxrs. 884.00 Optisrapb M. P. Machine, complete. 8Z3.00; Ed. Ex. Head and Lena. 830.00: asw M. P. IJsht. eqnal lo cal., coaU Sc per feaae 88 run. complete. 820.00; dra. free; want M^'dB Labln Machine and Galatea illiulon quick. '- rBED L. SXITH, AmaterdaM. 1. FOR SALE CIRCU. Sow ranalns; Mrl AddraasCIBtm Loots, Mo. HIOH-CLASS ATTKACnOXa Hljh a* ' 840,000: opera chain; test i WANTED Concesnon Men and Skowt FOR m SKEAT HSTncr FAn RADFORD. VA.. SEPT. 6-7-8>9 Oroonda brilliantly lighted by electricity at nigbt. Foor m oney-m aking daya and nlgbts. Write FI,OZI> XXWIB, <Aief of CSo THK ia sloii a, K, Badford, Ta. 50 PARODIES Iff rU send my No. I Parod; Book (BO parodlas) free if yoa send dousr to-dsy for my No. 1 Book. Contains W aU new ones, Inclodtoa Dreamland. Beno, I'llrt With Me, Btrer Shaa- Boa, Dinah, Nora Ualone, Rainy Afternoon, etc. Bzunalre acts, songs, parodies written. MABTIN LEE, 130 "B" Stb Ave.. ChlcafO. NOTICE I bare a new 20tb Century MERRT-GO BOnND aad ban sooie open tliu^ Sccratariea of Calls AT UBERTY Open for engagements with parka, fairs aad cfrcnaea; a swell baoch of well-broken 8HET- UkVO PONIES.- a fine trick mule, also a flna Hlgb School Horse and pony; tbe best In tba cunotry; one pony uodresaea and goei to bed; another mas tbe rerolrlng wbeel; another very amall pooy_aad_ Uttle ctrl do the swl^lnc act: WANTED -flRST VIOUN DOUBLE ALTO A. r. H.. aad aawst ba md. SalaiTjlO, W4tk ad. puk. !aC tbaatre. >nn SUZ-