Billboard advertising (Aug 1910)

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AUGUST 27, 19ia Time Billt>oard 47 PATHS nUBZS. •••••••••^•••ft VIV 1—B«b*IUaaa Battr (ceoudy)........^. 1— ImU* th* laru (eolond MMMiH) BU a—Max IWlB tk« F»lle* <eoaMV>.>.>.— !T1 ■—KMlv VMti bT OoaMcks (•OaeatlaHl) t—T^t Rmiawajr oeg (OooMdj) «—^» Bkte* ana Oalaga* wni«Hi (Otf- |r) •• »—Tk* Ohu»lan of tb* Bae* (OooMdr) MO U—Awt ooed Lock (coaudtr) 11—Tb* raiuiM* Lorar (c ola wl »nmmt.. IS—Tlw OTtrlud OMCk MtaV <MBM- tSosal) ..•■••••••••«•••••••••••••••• U—Vmsa (•ecnle) IS—A PoUtleal DlacDBloa (eotaaOj} n* lU* Om (eamedy) U—A Oood LoMT (druutle-OMMdy) lV-Alscil*a Study (eolond odneattaul).. SIS IB—HUtaku MenUty (dnuna) ~~ Mni ^g^ony (eatoNd bdek) at I O w i buf ait (dnna) .. B—Uon of Betty'* Pranks (eonwdy) 42a a—PeU Baa a Oood Tim* (fare*) 4T8 as—Oottlu Km WItli a Lawyer (Dnma) 078 IB—^Bicaklac Up tb* lea la noland (Edaca- ttaal) SOS Dataethra'a Dream (Coocdy) «St ar—Oa tha COdoplaa VtOBtler (Ookved Scale) zn ' ~ ' — — ■ . if..T i«a (Ooa- ... SCO ...1000 I—Hanau BMa IB Bdmatn OMMTM- } .*****••.■..>••..•••••*•••••• ^Si a—Vmiv Botk rUsa (DraBSl ........ M 8—The Band Jamper (Aefobab*) .w.... IM S—No Man'* Land (Drama) US 5—No Beat tor tte Weat7 ((Mored 0»- •dy) 8«1 0— Tlie t.atcat raaUoo Is Sklrta ((^edy) TIB •—rutietb AaalTCtsazy of Tokohama Beak) .. ua *C a Iltrt (Oalae^ Drama)., m ^—_ ti pm «■ BaaaU (SdocatlaBal) SOT l^Sn notosnpk (OaoMdr) • OI lO-Tba IbU (UacsUosd) m l»-gg»j^dj« ^g^^^^ ^fl^ |e Ms>.. sas •ay) ....^^ sa IT—A Ciie7*iia» Brara (drama) .......... SS8 !»-A Shoct-Und Mapk (eosHdr) TM ig iji L siiii . ....r:;n7....... m ao—A ■eealc) »—A UlKalcnlatkv.lOiisi^ BS4 SS—Batt«r M.vii.f - — - edDcatlonal) .. ai —TronblM of a Pallecmao (Oimcdy) .... 810 84—Sctnea Jo Norway (Scenic) JS4 as-«ba .^T«f s W«n_ (Drama) SSS (Staaa) .... M - «hM«r).. M« SKLIO. S—The Loos Trail (Drama) '. 1000 SO—TiM Fire Ctll«r> Danxhter (Drama)..1000 rest Qa. Waat, Xoaac Womea. Oo Waat T—na Sad Jlaa's War (Drama) 1000 U-^a. I^KMMBaya (eoMSrj IMS mix iarama#*...............imm Canma (Srama) ISOO 5—A lOdDoc aeara (eoaady) 680 av—vae wwvog'm fltratascai fBaasl.... its Aamt— I>-I<aat la the Boodea (dnaa) IB—Willie (comedy.drama) IS—Bomaa Hearta (dnma ....IStS B—Dora Tbonw (dnma) MS S—The ladlan Baldara (drama) 1800 JjS—Tb e ■miaraat (drama) 88B 1— SSe Baad to Blcluaood (dEtma) asiSOM. Ancoit— w-ais New ra^ (DnM) a«iba waa Cap t m ed fOaam) M—Bomptloaa TSkM Up AaMtHlfiK (Comedy) •••••• 1«T* and tb* Law (Dianii) SS—TlM Talefa Vladleatloii (Oomady).... — Dnaaar to liberty (Draaa).... .., ....... I ■a radbr tb* aiaa (Beaaa) 2-j^MfB WUa'S OMStMSMa (OMdr) dtt J»—Kani*'* Vara n)taBU)sso U—Her nael*-* WUl (0>mcdy Drama) .. S8B IB—A Broken Sympkooy (Drama) SSS W-Twe.BlcUaad Lada ((»>m*dy) 888 » O y y tmm sad CapUla Bran (Ooaa. '^) ..•*.««•.•.•••••••«... SSS - — (Qraata, ' Onma) SSS ..1000 I«Mt. Datalr Qam* (Drama) BOO . _ J Woolac Ct ((SoBiedy) BSO 8-«cr Uatb^e Waddlaf Oowa (Otaau) lOIB n* D*aU aC mebad^Srady (Oamedy) SIS U—Iba. Barrtactoa'a Booaa Pai9 (Drama) 8TT I>—Tb* Tan ot tb* Balance (Daaom) .. sm IS—Dalalea (drama) SSS »—Back to Natar* (dnma) 870 ao—Dad«r tb* OU Apple Tra* (dnaa).... 886 f..... • :|IBBAN KCLIPSU. (Qaecse Klalae) Jt rani aad tba Ualaas Dfama) I^ty— S—A BniattB Spy ■ tte p leal J«»a of ika (Bdui' attfl nal) 812 18—Tbe Wicked Baroa and tbe Pas* (Dra- Ba) 070 IS—Vha Ifoaallsbt ruttlnc ((Comedy) ... 418 18—Vhreocb tbe BDemy'e Uae (draaa)... 8B0 SO—Paste tb* Waited (Jlty (tonr) 440 sr—Tb* Art lOTai'e Btratecy (drama).... 880 >T—Ifealean Pemetn (traTdoca*) SSO Aasoat Mat. S—Wltcb of Caraboeaa CLecend) ........ 830 8—Camel aad Hone Baeins In Ecypi (Typical) aSB 10—Tba SUeat Wltneaa (DraOi ) 840 10— Ob tbe Baake at tba Zoyder Ze*. Bol- laad (TtaTek)tM) 878 IT—Tb* Bttal Sereaaden (ComodT) BTB IT—Pala, Viewed from tb* KlSel ~ (aeala) (Oomedy) 81—Tb* Mistake (Drama) ........w. 806 Aasast— - Ibat. 1—Irony of Fate (Dranu) SSS 4— TaskecaaBa (Drama) 882 8—Oae* Upoa a TbD* ^oaedy).......... SW II—Tba Hoodoo Alarm Clock (Ooaeady).... 880 29—^Tbe Widow (0>medy) Sept.— Feet. 1—Tbe RIcht Girl ((V>medy) POWEE3. Feet aad Daasbtcr (Drama) '. . Met. tbe <MdB .w...;. fsdT Decter (Diaaa) . JheBofdw (Drama IS-^ 7aaloDa WU* (drama) IS 'Ilia littler (eoaiady) 19-^ Ota* Ot Heaits (eoaMdy-dnas).... tt—OobcB and Mnrply (dranu) Hooaemald (tarce)............... Mlaataw BUdesnHa (dnan) UtOs OwManto tOtmmi Aa^nM ~ V RitasaBBaaiai. _ s BMbasd ^)raas) *•••••••• — COomdn .. .... ,CS8sas) (Drama) Aaataar ByBaotlst (Oeaady) .. MS . Crack abet (Draaia) • iaiy— Vaet 1—Tb* nas of HIa Conatry (Drama) ..1008 t Ooo* to Coney Ulaad (Oomedy) »-«oomlBs Boslscee (Comedy) 5— <lbs Girl Strtk* Leader (Onuna) 1000 U—na Loeky Sboc (draaa) 1000 IB—Tbe Ooarerted Deaeoa (draaa) 1086 l»—Tb* Olrls ot tb* Obetto (Drama) ....1000 tS—Tbe: playwrlcbt'a Loia (Draaa) .. SSO M—Dade Tea's Cabla (Dnaa) 1000 »-4ba MSmsld (OosMdr) .1000 Aasast— laat y ■iTMik'a Day OS (eanady).........'. 1000 B—Tbe Beatoratlaa (draad....... 1000 •—na Had Homlt (draas) 1000 IS—Lena Btrera (drama) IWO 18—Tbe Girl Beporter (dnma) ..1888 IS—Sbe Btoops to Ouqaer (comedy) ......MOB a—X Dalaty Politician (Drama) laae— ' " ' staat ~ ~ " (Ooaedr-dtsaa) T-*4ba UtO* Fxcacber (OsaMdr) 14-Tb* OoM M—A Postal t aa Aarii Cilisa8|.*.«»J880 DsmonB. Ansnat— II—ladiaa Sonaw's SaerlSea (Uaaa). IS—Bbaaibaled (drama) Vest. Iicaidescent lamps »l8Ni|iiil88«MMMh« 18 MICHIOAN^AVB. •iMr, Bo.: eolaMd,To. WANTED for FLEA CIRCUS MAN TO GIVE THE SHOW I batoesa Iba fleas ovself. Salary sar*. Bbow boeksd aaa. Ala* AUrPAT ~~ ready te levoct B ba«. Okio. V9 tb PBOF. PADI., 606 W. A Few of the Necessary Featara^ Of a SueeMSfful Moving Pieturo Maohino aro! Fllckerleas Pli Heavy Omm. WldoBoMlaio. AbMaoo of Noloo> Eoae of Open Steady Plctore^ Thick Spindles. Ka^ed Intermittent Ho' Accombllltjr of Parts. AQ of these and many featuceB an eomtahied Power's Camemnph Ik 8 Write for Catalog "O " just out. NICHOLAS POWER COMPANY Its Nassau St., - • NEW YORK FOR RENT M iHl I]||IM.rilK Uotfl Fnrtlier Notice iWt Lmt Keet frenSL TWO NIGHTS FOR $15. ONE WEEK, $3%. B. K. HANAFOURDE, 602-269 Dearborn St., Cbicayo. FILM EIXHIBITORS. YOU CAN MAKE YOUR OWN If yov tm pletm fw mmtWum cMata ^tL^ Tom cu 00 to tW MMMt sns aiasi mm bvf a fei UTKvr qnaatltles s«t It fat fie. Band 91.0^ to'tfay. This I. fUm. Satlsfactloa or monej refunded. KEITH'S THEATHE. It Is Dar betb ALTO ON A, PA. STATE RIGHTS FOft. S^VLE FOWt. THE ORIGINAL WOLGASr-NELSON FIGHT PICTURES Prieo, 12 eta. por ft. Exclusive Territorial Rights ^ven with each set of films OCWtmU riOMT PlgniWt CO.. Issalsr BuUOIng. CHICAOQ. WE ARE NOT REIVXERS Bat the largest dealers in the world of Independent and Association Films. W« have IMP, BISON. THAHHOUSER and other makso oa hand. UNITBO STATES FILM BROKERS AND 41 Union a^nnra, ■roMNrayanO ITtn St.. N. V.Ctqr. Wrtanflnr I S12.00 918.00 SIX MBBLS OF VIUI. one shlfaBnt, wItt aUtmm and alldea. TWELVE KEELS, two ahlpments, vrlth altfna and sUdea. Tod pay ezpraa botb ways. WABNIMO—You rtn't get told dollars for SOc, and yon can't set Bood fluua for less money. FOE SA1,E—Second-band macMnre, 879.00 and op. AU osiBS alternating cornnt, write oa. LIBERTY FILM RENTING CO. lOS FOLRTH AVENUE, PITTSBURG. PA. WANTED S FARMVIUf liyR 'JiSSJS& sr.: rOVR DAYS- desiring concessions will communicate early 'wlUl j|. L, HAIIT. S»cmtoiy. FARMyiLLE, VA. Booked solid until Sept. lot. Only a few mora dates open. Wire your ordeaa atOBaefoir 01V ^tsiHodusCisn o( ** W I « f£» m V^a 1 . Foor-Color UthoaslO eta. Johnson-Jermes right *• 401 Baaclay 321 Atlas SAU&AB