Billboard advertising (Oct 1910)

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OCTOBER 22,1910. Xtie eillboard 19 THEATRES AND ATTRACTIONS The Booklniis of Theatres in Towns of Over 5.000 Population ALABAMA. XOHTeoXERT^—ORAND. Otis-Skinner 20. MAJESTIC (W. K. Coucb. tnsr.) Enwit Yerka. Iiclle Mejreni, Grace Commlnsq, . and Harz7 Tliorntoo, Billy Windom, and Ilarn W. Fields and HIa School KIda week at 10. ; ' ARKANSAS. ' UmX BOCK.—MAJBSTIC. Connt DeBotz and Toeitel, Li>ona Steptavna, Georfie Paul and Comiiany, Ctaarlea nitcncoek, Tbo Three Ijrres, Murt Sharp aBd'VlTlan Montffomera and Benee Family week ol 10. CALIFORNIA. LOB AKOELZS—IGBAND OPKBA BOI^SE <Clias. V. Kabanaugh, msr.) Ferris Hartman aud Company In Mary's liamb week of 17. SAN FRAirOISOO.—ORrtlKDM (John Uor- rliwy, misr.) Ilal Stephen, Myers, Warren and Lyon, Six Abdallea, Joaepb Adelman. nmlly, .Manriee SVeeman and Gompany, Work and Ower. Boekvand Fnrton week.of d^^ sMAXlONAIj (Zick Abrams, mgr.) Hetty Unna, >WDlI 'Iiacey. Tom GUk-r. Walter Law and Company, Bolud Carter and Company. Ilaydpn, liordeb and Bay- den week at 0. CniJTES (Ed. -Levy, mgr.) McMahon's Southern Bevlfw, Ulna and Palmer, The Ilaby Dolls: Plqao, Geo. UeQuarrle and Company week of O. AMEBICAN (Jas. PU- llnj^s, msr.) Ja«. INMt Company, Vlrlan and Alloa, McComack and'Irrlng week of 0. WIO- WAM (Sam Barrls. mgr.) Mme. Jenny'a Cats. Veoellan Singers, Crosby and In, The Graaeia, llaUes and Hayes, Saad Dabdoh Trwxpe, Agoea Sfahr week of 9. COLORADO. jaama BROASWAV ([<eter MeOoart. mgr.) Seven Days week of 18. TABOB OBAKD (Peter McCiourt, mgr.) Wildfire week of 10. OBfllEGM (A. C. Caran. mgr.) Minnie Dnpree -and Company, Slanagan and fidwarda, Kaofman Tronpe, RosMW's Midgets, Fred Snpres, Barrey De .V «ra Trio, and Lnee and X<ace week of IT. TSUUXkAn,—WEST ; (BaIl; Cooley, mgr.) The Time, the Place and the Olii Oct. •; Ttaa Ctrl from Beetor's Oct. 13; Ite OoUar Uatk 16; The Goddesa of Uberly 90; Oeonta' lUastRU 22; The Climax St. CONNECTICUT. BBISOXPOBT,—JACKSON'S (J. J. Fttxptt- rlck, mgr.) Ti»mBa JelTeraoa la Xbe Other Fi-llow IB. POLIS (Lewis Garrar. ngr.) Bd. McCarsla and (Tompany: Tjrson and Brows: Matthers and Ashley: Fairaan. Forman and Falrman; Mlnnle-vSt. Clair; Bittoria and Oeor- fettl week of 9. -cBMPIISB (B. K. Dobbs. mgr.) wengaUrfdlironl '^and Carson: Boadley ~ and Nichols: Bbodie Bensoa; :ne WocthIey*:.week ^»£W LOHI>OV.<.-lt.TGEIJU (Walter T. Uor- phy, mgr.) Joe Maxwell and Company: The Foor Casting Dnnbats: Gertie CazUsIe: NIblo and Rellly: Tbe Ollpprr Qoartette: The Foar Moal- cal Misses and j>irtiire* week oT 13. DELAWARE. ' WHJOHOTOH.—GARRTCK (W. -U Docksta- der. mgr.) Uanclng Johmtons, Klein, Ott and KIchOlMHi. muKlcal act; Neary. Bliss and Boss, comedy;-J.' R. Roberts and Company, Miss l4f dia Barry. Valerie Bergere, Barry and Balren, and pictures week of 10. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. WASHIHOTOir—ODL.nMBIA (Metsrott & Ber- gciu mgrs.) New York 3.S; good. NEW NA- TIONAL (W. H. Rayely. mgr.) Charles Dil- lingham's Company 3-S: satiaHed. BBUSCO (L. Stoddard Taylor, mgr.) Mlas Patsy 3-8; very good show to fine bnsinem. CHASE'S (II. Winifred DeWitt. mgr.) TandeTlDe, Tllmos Wentooy featiired, 3-8. CASINO (Mayer & Company, mgrs.) Samuel Howard. Joyce and Kennedy, singing and dancing; Anette De I«s- tiie character songs; Oavia and Darla. and Mnrray and Bant, SS, to good bnsloesa. ACA1>- EMV. A MiDlater'a Sweetfaetrt 3-8. OATKTT (Eastern Circuit of Columbia Amnaement Co.) Kntckerboekeo Bnrleaquera 3-4). COaMOe (Messrs. Byrlawskl, mgr.) Taaderllle. N£W LTCSmt. Wnilams* Imperial* week ot 3. QEORQIA. XAOOH,—GRAND (D., O, FhmiM, mgr.; Shubert bnoklog*) Al. 0. nielda' Mliwttcis 8; fair bnalness. The Said Kiss 0; JeSctaoa Oe Angelis In The Beaaty tipot 7; good ahow to fair botlnen. : Oentlemaniv from MtsiteslppI 8. LTRIC and PAI^CB. XOTlng ptPtnreg. UN- DBB CAIITAa—Hagenbeek-WaUae* Cteens 0; good bnalaeaa.' ^■■ „ B&TAinrAR.—BlJOtT (C. B. Bex, mgr.) Tfte Cowboy and the lady week of 10. OBPHEUBI (iIoM'pb A. Wllcuskl, mgr.) The Eagle and Uw Olrl week of IC UNDBil CSAMVi^T^ John Rob- tuson'n Tkn Big Stow* Oct. 38,- 101 Baneli WUd West8h«w.-No».-7i-s-: ■ ILLINOIS. "vii?i_?J"*. "oeon* week. ^ ^^OUBX ;(U. J. Ucimann. mgr.) Aero Oltl. first ;_CIUCA0b OPBBA BODB8 (Geo. BUngaburr. "Sr-.LIf'eo Million Dollars, second wmk. ' „(iA'RIlICK (4Ierbert O. Duce, mgr.) Th« cniani)ate Soldier, fourth week. - lor Ilcllps, first week. M^^i?? <>«•."«"■ HOiraS (Harry AsUn. mgr.) Mm. Piske, third week. ■IjYRIo : (Hetbert C. Dace, mgr.) The Gam- blera, foorih week; ; I^SAUJO OPBRA noOBB (Barry Aakin, '"•J'V..%.t.'.t'? -I''' 'n eighth week. _ JlcVIOK.8118 (floo. 0. Wanen, mgr,) A Fool There Was. second week. ' ^ : ' , OLYMPIO (Ssm Lederer. vmgr,) Tho Arlator, nrnt' week,' jj^OWWra (Barir . J. rowen. Oaate, .'PIlINOmS (Mort H. Singer, mgr.) The Deep AMBBICUUN MUSIC HAI<I< (Col. WlUlam Thompson, mgrj VaodeTiUe. BUfia TBMBtB CW. P. Sharer, mgr.) Taade- ACADBMT rwm. Boebe, mgr.) VandeTine. MAJESTIC (Tiyman P. Glover, mgr.) Vande- Tllle. TBBVEirr (Vr. S. Qulnn, mgr.) VaodevlUe. BUOn (Wm. Boebe, mgr.)Only a Shop GirL COJOJOam (Rev. F. V. MGCabe, mgr.) Cum- berland—'01. OBrCBBION (J. Pilgrim mgr.) The Boy De- tective. CB0WN (Paul BIcksoo, mgr.) Tbe WUlon- alre Kid. OT^OBB (J. B. Brown, mgr.) The Boeaiy. IIAYMARKET (J. H. iBrown, mgr.) The Bight of Way. MA'RIiOWE (Capt. Montagne. mgr.) . The Trnttu ■ - NATIONAL (J. F. Baxret, mgr.) The UgU Eternal. PEOPLES (John Prince, mgr.) The (Htmliers. WBRERS* (Weber Bros., mgr.) At the Old Ciross Roada. . ALBAUBBA (Weber Bros., mgra.) Vanity Fair. tEQiPIRE (B. J. ^rk, mgr.) The Oherry Bloasoma. FOfLLT (J. 1; Fenaeasy, mgr.) Edwin Hayes, The Wlae Ouy. ___ STAR and CABTBBr CWni. Beetle, mgr.> (aark'a Runaway Girls. ALTOK—LTBIC (Wm. Sanvage, mgr.) Pic- tures. BIOGRAPB (W. T. Sampaon, mgr.) Pictnres to good baslness. UNDER CANT.AS— 101 Ranch Wild West Oct. 7; capacity bnsl' Purple^Jhtrd week. „8TunBnAXnB (Sd, SulUnn, mgr.) The SUm Princess, sixth weeki • JWTllTNBir OPimA^BOOm (Traiik O. Peers, mgr.) I.ower Berth 18, ant week. BLOOmHOTOH. — NEW OHATTERTOK (Frank Rallegb, mirr.) Barlelgh-Cash Stock Company 17-i!2. MAJBSTIC (Guy Martin, mgr.) Q>aual, The Man Olonkey. featnr* of bUl; The Aerial Budds: Donna' Balstedri MaUiews and Mathews: Carl MeCnlloagb ;weefc-^^ Ml ■';;'„ IUUnniX&—RIBAND OPBBA BODSB (Corn- stock Amnsement Co., lessees; Harvey B. Day, mgr.) The Upstart S; fair company to a poor home. The Pinkerton Girl 7; a very poor house and'company. The Fighting P arson T: played to only fair bnalness. LYRIC THBATBB (H. J. Allbardt, mgr.) Week of Oct. S. nrst halt. Curtlg Sister*, tinging and dancing; passable; Wilson and WUson, comedy sketch; made good: Frank Bogers, Tentrlloqntet, fair; Foster and Foster, mimical and singing aketch; an average act. Second half, McGrath and Yeoman, sketch passable; Art Adair, musical oomlctne, fair; Ehrendall Bros, and Dotton, an acrobatic act, good; Te Olde Borne Choir, a mixed quartette that was very good; (Simeragraph. Baslness good. OLYMPIC THEATRE (Jay Fltts. mgr.) Vanderllle and pictures: bnslnesa excellent. OEOATUB ^BHOW (A. SIgfrled. nwr.)_Bcs- ■le Vtldalr Troupe. Eddie Gray,. Trevelo, Swift and Bbodrs, (^rmll Gillette TTOope. Kate Wat- son. WUIIams and Ootdoa; aad .Tackley l and Bnnnell week of 10. _ _ _ ,_. mXOH.—XIIZON OPBRA HOTKTO (P. P. Star- In, owner- K. A E. Bookings.) Third Desree_25; Tim Olrl In the Taxi 28: The Olrl from Bee- tor'a Nov. 1. „ ^., , VDIXnS.—BARBYHOBB (H. A. Sodlsl, mgr.) The Girl of My Dreams 21: Seven Days ST; The Girl in the Taxi 28. FAMILY (B. A. SodlnJ, mgr.) George B. Beno and (Company, very good; Mtsa Hilda Orth. Frank Palmer, Areola and (Jompany, The Belmonts. The Great (TOlTina. The - Bennett Sisters, Alvin Brothers. CottrcU and BamlltOB week of 10. MOLINE (FVed Leavens, mgr.) The Lottery Man 20: Rosalind at Bed Gate 23: Tbe Woman's Club 25: Dad<Iy and the Girls 31. BOCK ISLAHD.—ILLINOIS (R. Taylor, mgr.) Antlonette Lebun Grand Opera Ounpany 10: The tottery Man 23: The Plokerton («rl 20; Tte Bosary 28: What a <3trl Can Do SO: Herbert nint 31-5. UAJESTIO (J. P. Qalnn, mgr.) Manikin, good; Mis. Mae BIcbard Casey, Bobby Stewart and Oertrode Earl. Jennie Brooks and nsniy Noble, Paul Klelst, Frank Palmer, cartoonist; Aiceia ud'Corapany, The Belmonts, singing and dancing, week of 10. _ KOOXIOBIK^BAND . OPERA HOUSE (O. O. Sa<*ety..iii«r.) -;What ^« Gtrt_Can Do 17-19; The Nlgcer Oe& 30: :A..Bocne'«:B«oor 20. 1IBBJdU.^-4E^nroiS i (Bui Moon, mgr., Joiwai h She enan'a Grand Opera Oompany 21. wXinCEQAV.—8CB<Wiaas (Centnl States Theatre Co^, owners; John Wingfleld. mgr.) iij CtnderaUa Girl 10; Daddy , and the Oiila 23: The Red MUl SO. BARRISON (A. A. Fradenfdd, mgr.; Weetem TandevlIIe AKsn. Bookings.) The Five QatCney Girls In A Scene In a Dressing Boom; Three Pierce Sisters; Joe Bonner 10-12. WAOREnAN rw. A. Baaa. mgr.) I«rktn and Hams; Mart Fbller; Terlta, Bllnoreotia and Company In The Actress; Laura Bldamaa 10-13. INDIANA. OOVBERSVnXS. — AUDITORIUM (F. B. Kehl, mgr.) Cast Aside 31: Bdw. Doyle Beper- tolre (Company 34; The Texas Ranger 28; Sixth Ctommandment 81. NEW GRAND (Barry Bol- lenback. mgr.) The Marshalls. Barl Glrdella, Brennan and Wright, and Nettle Gllna 10-12. ETAHSVniX.—-NEW GRAND (Dave Beeh- ler, mgr.) Onalp. Hindoo mystery: Blown. Bar- rls and Brown, Alexander and Scott, Slegel and Matthews and Pope and Dno week of 10. WBLLS BIJOU (Chaa. Swectoa, mgr.) Young and Brark, Welta. and Sells, Reese, Sloaeea and Reed, Atalone Mack and Malone, and Grace Sheridan MS. XUBUUL—STAR (Ray Andrews, mgr.) Peter The Gnat, ehlmpanxee; Miss Aubrey Rich, Hoyt a nd St ein, and Bum* Brothers week ot 10. llX."*XBjn>ir.—MASONIC (B. a. Alhrltht. mgr.) Martin's UUde 'Vom's Catkin Oet. Sl^- lOWA. ATUUmO.—ATXANTIO (D. S. Bldrige, oigr.) Tb» Boose of A Thonaand Candles Oct i»: A nttr TiMKnana Dollar Beauty Nov. 8: Olass- t'BeseUndiat Red Gate. _ . .-praTO«.-^BAND OPBBA HOUSE OS, fi. Scovlll, mgr.; Don Stnart, booking agt.) The airl In the^lmono 18; Iioeal Talent^l; Les RcmaneioneB 33; JPowell and Cohan Unsleal Co. 23; Or. Flint vreek of Oi. GAURIGK (John M. Root, mgr.) Brown and Hodges, cattooaiata; Bntnlsson and Taylor, comedy sketch; Arthur Rlgby; Stuart, Haymond and Baker; \nss Helen Tnrley, sipging; first half ot week 10. Knetxer, juggler; Force and WUIIams, singing and imi- tations; Maaone and Maxoae, musicians: Ramzo and Amo: last half. DATEBTOBT. — NEW AMEBICAM (Chas. Berkell,' mgr.) Frank Ilntledge and (Aimpany. J. W. Barr, Mrs. Feter Mahar, Tbe Great Kcl- ter and The Scotch Lassie, Keifer and Kline, well received; The Six Kirksmlth Sisters, very good, week of 10. GBAND (D. L. Bugbes, mgr.; K. tc E. bookings) The Antlonette Lebun Grand Opera Company 21-22; The Girl From Rector's 20; The Olrl In the Taxi 30. PltlN- CESS (Victor Shaffer, mgr.) East Lynne week of 16. BURTI8 (WlUlam KIlDck, mgr.) Tbe Lottery Man 20-21. DBS XOmES.—MAJESTIC (Elbert and Gret- ehel. mgrs.) Benry Lee, Fitzgerald and Odell, The Four Lnciers, Cabeta Dogs, Moody aud Goodman, and Ylola Cirane and Company week of 9. ' OBPHEUM (Henry Sonneberg, mgr.) Kappler and Maple, Apdale. Zoo Circus, Forbes and Bowman, Barnes and Banow, -Bart, and Hart, Tony and Emma Ballot, and Swat Mil- ligtn week of 9. . 70BT JCASIBOK.—EBINOEK GBAM3> CW. B. Ilili>geK-.msr;) The Girl In The Kimono IB. IOWA cnrf'.—(x>ij>REN opeba bouse (James L.Oakes, mgr.) Rosalind at Bed Gate 25; The Lottery Man 26; Mason The Hypnotist week of 27, KEOKUK.—GB1A!«D OFEIRA HOUSB (L. C. WorelT, mgr.) Seven Days Nov. 7. WAXEBLOO.—SYNDICATE (A. J. Busby, msr.) Guy Hickman Stock C!ompany 1.7-22; The Wolf 26; Rosalind at Red Gate 29. WATER- LOO (A. J. BuBby, mgr.) Martin's Uncle Tom's Cabin 20: Grace Baird In A SmaU TovraGal 22; Passing Parade Bnrlesqna 8<L OBPHEUM (J. W. Marceiles, mgr.) The Binir Iimnothes, Holland and Webb, Fontinelle and The Gron- eUos week of 10. KANSAS. FOKT SCOTT.—DAVIDSON (Harry 0. Er- nlch. mgr.). The Time, The Place and The Girt Oct. 2IS; Hie Man on the Bmc Oct. 27; The 3faa of the Honr 31. XEAVXVWOBTB.—OBPH'EUU Ot. B. Shan heis. mgr.) Ed. C. Jordon and Company In Tom Katx Night <>nt; Musical Ooolmans, re- fined noveltT act; Sam Hood: Elliott, Belaire and EUlott and Orpheuseope week of Oct. 9. PABSOira.—EI£S' (H. C. Birch, mgr.) I^- m an How*. 19; The Man of the Hour Nov. 3. WICHITA.-PASTIME (H. G. Mnnn. mgr.) Madam Gertrude; Bmls and DaUey; nie Three Ameers and Pastlcop*. week of 10. KENTUCKY. H KH r>KB801>.—fABK (Peiley, Bnrch and Wnll. owners; J. D. KOgenr. mgr.). Am I Chinaman 20; The Girl from BectorVi 22; Folly of tbe Clrens 31; The SixthOwmandment 2S; Paid In FnU 27. lOUISVXUf.—MACAULEYS (J. T. Macan- ley. mgr.) Way Down East week of 17. B. F. KEITH'S MARY ANDERSON (James I/. Weed, mgr.) Miss (Hiarlotte Parry In The Comstock Mystery: Maude and Gladys Finney. The Vic- toria Four, Mr. and Mrs. AUIson, Clement De- Llon, Miss Artip Hall and Bay Montgomery, and the Healy Sisters week of 10. WAUniT (McOu'thy and Ward, mgrs.) Nalada the Nymph of the Sea: Adalene (%tton and Nick Ijuik, The Lenards. The Paris Brothers and The Rustl- cana Trio week of lO. BOPKINS (Irvtn Simons, mgr.) Reeae ProBsnr and Oompany, Tlie War- tenburg Brothers, MalaneMuid Hack, Grace Sheridan and Beaches* School KUs week of 0. LOUISIANA. AT.KXATOBIA.—RAPIDES (F. A. Sallabaiy, mgr.) Lulu's Bnsbands 21: C^t and the Fid- dle 23: Tbe Casino Girl 24: Al. G. Field's Mln- Btrels 30; The Soul Kiss 31. HOHBOE.—SUOABS (Ed. Oreenblatt mgr.) Dal«r Cameron In Nancy Sept. 29; tair com- pany to fair baslness. Doncatt's Hypnotic Com- pany 3-S; The Girl from U. S. A. 14; AI. Q. Field's Minstrels 21. LYtXOU (M. Sterling, mgr.) Pictures. MONBOB FAIK (B. W- An- derson, secy.) Oct, 25-20- . / . ITEW OBLEAHS.—TUIiANE (T. d. Camp- bell, mgr.) Margaret Anglln la The Awakening of Helena Richie week of 18; Otta Skinner in Your Bumble Servant week of 23. DAUPHINB (H. Greenwald, mgr.) Jefferscn DeAngells In The Beanty Spot week of IS. CBESCBNT (T. C (Campbell, mgr.) Tbe Newlyweds and Their Baby week ot 18. OBPRBDH (J. Blatea, mgr.) Mrs. Bnnners Bun. Nellie Nichols, Orlgolatis Aerial Ballet, Taylor, Kraniman and-white. Wdeh. Mealy and UOntmae. nmteUe and Val- lorle week of 10. AUKBICAN HDSIO HAIX (T. ~ Oowan, avr.) Tha Barnyard Bimeo week Of 10. SLAaUSiaHS.-K. of O. HAU. (a A. Bar- ker, mgr.) Walter Eccles and The College Sing- ing Olrls, Oet. 6; attendance large, peinrmanee good. . • .. MAINE. UIWUTOV.—lEMPIBB (JuIIns Cahn, mgr.) Wm. Bodge In The Man from Home Oct. S; flue performance to S. R. O.. business. The Onmty Sheriff S; Donglas Fairbanks In The Cub 13. MUSIC HALL (DeU Bibber, mgr.) Grimm and Satchen. Tennessee Bail, Keegan and Hack, Herbert Cyril and Pletnrea week of POKTUUn), — JBFFBBSON (JnUos Cahn, mgr.) Douglas FalrtMnks la The Cub 10-13. The Gentleman from Mississippi 20-23. B. T. KKITH'S (James B.. Moore, mgr.) Keith Stock Oompany In The Three Guardsmen vreek of 10. POWCLAND^fJames W. Greeiy, mgr.) NUie JoUr Jnventlea, The Herald Stoat* - CSonedy Foor; The r Eara Carmen Trio; Nat Wharton. Herbert CyrlU and pictures week ot lft CON- GRESS (Bmll H. Gerstlle, mgr.) Alrt. Tom Thumb and Company,' Benn and Leon, Long Brothers, Four Sullivan Brothers, and pletnrea week of 10. AUDITORIUM. Maine MOaleal Featlval 1(».12. ROLL-AWAY RINK (U D. Mathni. mgr.) Skating. CONTENTION- BAU. (W. W. Griffln, mgr.) Skattng.KOLLBBKma RINK .(B. L. Bnrham, mgr^) - Skatlnc. = (Continued on page Stk) G & S A "G & S Neverbreak W has entj good feature a good tmnk ihoidS possess. OAS llJiV KHWWKATT TBUKKB are etmstmeted of ftve-ply veneer, and have a eorerlng>,ot hard vdcaalzed fibre. 5-ny Vanaor B Jt S MEVERIREAK TRBHS 83in. 34in. SSin. 40iii. SIS SIS SIT SI S S1» THE o * 8 iiJBVBHintTtinr xKmnc la gnaranteed by the TTavetera' Casnalty Oom- Eanj of Newark, and hear* a eettlfleate which I registered at the home office ot the companF. t. aOLOSMITH A. SON» 9« (auMit BTEEgft : Mswaax, v. t, BSXABUSHBO ISeS. $125.00 HADE I« the moont la c 'InrisUi Firtin Writeis" "Kade WKiid^*> **New Macle OlMS Tate** or **Gtv«j Qdmo.** Invlritto rpadipgg to mort l»nn»g—» reoten and eample readlJics Moo. S. BOWER, m lanns StiMt, Brooklyn, N.Y. GLUfi AGENTS, NOTiGEi EDnHEGIGBONS Good Voles. Oood Looks. Good Act. Vn. addieia. SUW.tfthSt-New York Cltr. TeL Un Bryaal^ Axenta pKus •endpgatal tor lOoaUaaMl Booklst containing photosu. . „ . . -TUBERCULOSIS";.: ____ It anfferlnrwith eonsnmptlon. wrlta to "THS ACTOB'S FBIEND." SB. OBOBGS BBOWV. Pvttaident Pino BIda»' Rairiiarlnm, A**«^t^i, Oa. Referencet-OtIs Harland, Mary Marble. Uttto Chip—Jno. Dunne, Jake wells, Hugh (^rdoia. Jack Xonng, Hortense Margarett, Etc.. Bte^ HYDE&BEHMAN AMUSCHEHT COMPANY Temple Bar Building Braoklyn, K.Y. star Theatre ................ BmoUya ■ Gaiety Theatre BrooklyB Oaialy Theatre Ptttabms Star ana Qartar Ohleac* Alwajra Open Time for Featnm Acta. Re'moh Gems 4lmM*—triIg*nnr Mil lilt—d tmwfm mmnam SUbk and &«lik* a diasMA —^ M Mil*. foQ or wttttfU feMb- las. MBtSTto cai* S «r«Biii4(lt wBly In aolM loM waaatimwi. % wmf TalonslT JMJU iiilm' i »A turn. B» iBltetioD. OututMa to ■iaat. 8«Bt on appxonl. Vitts fa 2.65 BOSTON TO NEW ■"A Hlflli OrMl* Sm«Im * COL^ONIAJl! UP4B TORK WmIc Omy ana Swnday* ■laUMid Bom TRICKS AU. THE tATBST AND BEST. JX)ST ft CMtPANY, SCO Filbert Stree*. (Estabiiabed ItTOK Phlladetphia! ; 4V:>H«w. Balaiaed. mutiatad CatalegBO. THEATRICAL LAWYER MAXnSICE HAROIA ROSE, UO Hassan Street, • HEW TOBK. Bedneed rates to the Profession. A. LOWTHER FORR EST TBBAXBIOUt * AMnXIHOr BAUimtBE, • Pbys! Catalogne of FrstHMlmisI * Aautav Flays, Sketehaa. M MS o l ig u sa . mmttat JAcs. Becttatloaa. Mtake:n aea~- ete.. sent FBBB. JUDS ft ffinftl AUk U Ana Btreet. He« Thtk..